Aether Vibrations
December 1998
Top Scientific Advances of 1998
Best Books 1998
November 1998
More 100 Best Books Lists
October 1998
Bruce Sterling's manifesto
Booker prize
Writing for Hollywood
Weird science
Taliban Online
Modern Library's Readers' Poll
September 1998
Electronic eligibility
Online Publication and Promotion
August 1998
Short stories for commuters
Ayn Rand land
Big switches (Marvin Minsky)
Fateful dates (Y2K)
100 best novels -- update
FTL Landis
July 1998
100 Best Novels, Reactions
100 Best Novels
Science and Society
Tina Goes to Hollywood
Crown bankrupt
Frontiers in Punctuation
Weird Astronomy
Space news
Y2K: Tombstones, politics, novels
16 Jun 1998
Influential writers of the 20th century
a loose canon
ironic beliefs: pseudoscience, the future, conspiracies
millennial angst
NBA rules
reading news
audio awards
most beautiful people
celestial navigation
14 Apr 1998 Pulitzers; Mary's Face; free information; how science works; remembering things that didn't happen; digital fragility
5 - 8 Apr 1998 Mars Face; Y2K; Haiku error messages; NBCC winners; LA Times Book Prizes; Pi Day; How to formulate a bestseller; Ebert on Crichton
25 Jan 1998, page 1 More best books of '97 lists: National Book Critics Circle; Library Journal; Salon; SF lists from Science Fiction Weekly and SF Site. And John Updike's best-of-millennium list
25 Jan 1998, page 2 Kubrick's ''Eyes Wide Shut''; David Brin defends ''The Postman''; Edit Ink sued; Painting by Numbers and art by consensus