Entertainment Weekly, 17 Apr 1998 Mary Doria Russell's Children of God is achieving a kind of break-out status; it's sitting respectably on the Amazon bestseller list (see bestsellers), and it's getting featured notice in such popular media as Entertainment Weekly magazine. The theme of the review by Tom De Haven (who's more of an SF insider than Russell, actually) is not that it's a good book even though it's science fiction, but it's a good book even though it's a sequel. Russell blends high adventure with serious theology and sophisticated political science, turning the collapse of Rakhat society -- the emancipation of one species and the near genocide of another -- into a powerful epic narrative. Unfortunately, though, the writing plods, and too many central events are summarized or reported second-hand. But if Children of God lacks The Sparrow's trippy splendor, as well as its neat, jointed structure, this is still an ambitious novel, and a tragic, haunting parable about moral justice that miraculously avoids all of the usual clichés and even subverts some of them. Here, for a change, is a sequel that counts. B+
Los Angeles Times, 8 Apr 1998 Whatever Ford's intentions, "The Searchers" has taken on a complex postmodern aura. It allows its viewers a fashionable double vision, a moral switchback that provides them a rush of dramatic journeying but drops them safely off where they started out. They are able to throb at Wayne's he-man grandeur and gruff sentiment, while condescending to his good cowboy-bad Indian bias. For some of us, nowadays, it is more comfortable to enjoy our heroes when not disturbed by the need to admire them.
New York Times Book Review, 12 Apr 98 If you have been wondering what a distinguished Canadian poet writes about when she writes science fiction, the answer is: sex and violence. The characters who inhabit Phyllis Gotlieb's FLESH AND GOLD have little time for anything else. ... As the sprawling story grinds toward an agreeably neat conclusion, much of the pleasure comes from Gotlieb's ability to suggest an exotic if all too recognizable future in which vast technological resources are mobilized to satisfy age-old urges. |
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