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The November issue features complete coverage of Lonestarcon 2, the World Science Fiction Convention held over Labor Day, including interviews with the guests of honor, Michael Moorcock and Algis Budrys.
Lonestarcon 2
Reports on the convention, the masquerade, and the art show, with lots of pictures.
Perspectives by Russell Letson, Mike Glyer, Karen Haber, Edward Bryant, and Mark R. Kelly.
Interviews with Michael Moorcock and Algis Budrys.
Ballantine gets big Star Wars contract; SFWA wins Pocket settlement; Stephen King looking for a new publisher.
Winners of the Hubbard Prizes and Ditmar Awards.
People & Publishing items about Tina Lee, Stephen Baxter, Kim Stanley Robinson, Walter Mosley, Ellen Kushner, and many others.
Of William Rotsler (with an appreciation by Robert Silverberg), Paul Edwin Zimmer, and Kathy Keeton.
Appreciation of Judith Merril by Candas Jane Dorsey, Phil Klass, Edward Bryant, Grania Davis, Pamela Sargent, Phyllis Gotlieb, Dave Duncan, Spider Robinson, Edo van Belkom, and John Clute.
New & Recommended
--Locus Looks at Books--
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
F&SF 10-11/97; Analog 12/97; Interzone 9/97; Asimov's 12/97.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
Infinite Worlds: The Fantastic Visions of Science Fiction Art, Vincent Di Fate; Spectrum 4: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, Cathy Fenner, Arnie Fenner & Jim Loehr, eds,; The Pure Product, John Kessel; Virtual Unrealities: The Short Fiction of Alfred Bester, Alfred Bester; Driving Blind, Ray Bradbury.
Reviews by Faren Miller
Rose Daughter, Robin McKinley; Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn, Robert Holdstock; To Say Nothing of the Dog, Connie Willis; In the Land of Winter, Richard Grant; Demon Rider, Ken Hood; Tales from the Texas Woods, Michael Moorcock.
Reviews by Russell Letson
The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell; Finity's End C.J. Cherryh; Eternity Road, Jack McDevitt.
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Big Thunder, Peter Atkins; Horror Show, Greg Kihn; The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent, Joe R. Lansdale; SHORT TAKES: Cimarron Rose, James Lee Burke; Live Girls, Ray Garton.
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
The Web: GulliverZone, Stephen Baxter; The Web: Dreamcastle, Stephen Bowkett; The Wizard's Tale, Kurt Busiek & David Wenzel; The King's Demon, Louise Cooper; A Thousand Words for Stranger, Julie E. Czerneda; Steel Rose, Kara Dalkey; The Book of Night with Moon, Diane Duane; Receive the Gift, Louise Marley; Razor's Edge, Lisanne Norman; The Kid Who Got Zapped Through Time, Deborah Scott; Mother Grimm, Catherine Wells; The Magician's Ward, Patricia C. Wrede.
Short Reviews by Jonathan Strahan
Back in the USSA, Eugene Byrne & Kim Newman; Kar Kalim, Deborah Christian; Forever Peace, Joe Haldeman; Secret Passages, Paul Preuss; A King of Infinite Space, Allen Steele; The Night Watch, Sean Stewart. |