The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Books, Listed by Author
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- ALLENDE, ISABEL (chron.) (continued)
- * _Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (Harper Perennial UK 0-00-717748-8, Mar 2005, £7.99, 437pp, tp) [Alexander Cold] Reprint (Flamingo 2004) fantasy novel. Second in a trilogy after City of the Beasts. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden from the Spanish original, El Reino El Dragon de Oro (Rayo 2003).
- * _Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (HarperCollins/Rayo 0-06-058944-2, May 2005, $7.99, 437pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Alexander Cold] Reprint (HarperCollins 2004) young-adult fantasy adventure/magic realism novel, sequel to City of the Beasts. Translated from the Spanish Reino del Dragon de Oro by Margaret Sayers Peden.
- ALLSTON, AARON (Dale) (1960- ) (chron.)
- * _Terminator 3: Terminator Hunt (Tor 0-765-35093-9, Dec 2005, $6.99, 317pp, pb) [Terminator] Reprint (Tor 2004) novelization based on the world of the movie. Copyrighted by IMF Internationale Medien und Film & Co. 3 Produktions.
- ALMOND, DAVID (chron.)
- ALONGI, ANTHONY (chron.)
- ALTON, STEVE (chron.)
- * *The Firehills (Lerner/Carolrhoda 1-57505-798-0, Sep 2005, $15.95, 188pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to The Malifex.
- AMIDI, AMID (chron.)
- * *The Art of Robots (Chronicle Books 0-8118-4549-4, Mar 2005, $40.00, 144pp, hc) Art book about the animated film. Preface by William Joyce. Foreword by Chris Wedge.
- ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-1875) (chron.)
- * *The Wild Swans (with Anne Yvonne Gilbert) (Barefoot Books 1-84148-164-5, Feb 2005, $17.99, unpaginated, hc, cover by Anne Yvonne Gilbert) Childrens picture book of the Andersen fairy tale, in a new translation by Naomi Lewis, illustrated by Anne Yvonne Gilbert. This edition celebrates the 200th anniversary of Andersens birth.
- ANDERSON, BRIAN; see pseudonym Mad Marv (stories) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, DOUGLAS A(llen), ed. (1959- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Adrift on the Haunted Seas: The Best Short Stories of William Hope Hodgson See entry under William Hope Hodgson.
- * *H.P. Lovecrafts Favorite Weird Tales (Cold Spring Press 1-59360-056-9, Oct 2005, $14.00, 391pp, tp, cover by Daniel Govar) Anthology of 18 stories listed by HPL as his favorite literary and popular weird tales. Edited and with an introduction by Douglas A. Anderson. Authors include Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, and A. Merritt. (Contents)
- * *Seekers of Dreams: Masterpieces of Fantasy (Cold Spring Press 1-59360-048-8, Jul 2005, $14.00, 314pp, tp, cover by Daniel Govar) Anthology of 22 stories, mixing light and dark fantasy ranging from L. Frank Baum, Lord Dunsany, and H.P. Lovecraft to Robert Holdstock and Thomas Ligotti. Edited and with introduction and notes by Douglas A. Anderson. (Contents)
- * _The Shadow at the Bottom of the World See entry under Thomas Ligotti.
- * _Tales Before Tolkien: The Roots of Modern Fantasy (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45856-7, Dec 2005, $7.50, 517pp, pb, cover by John Howe) Reprint (Del Rey 2003) anthology of 20 stories, a play, and a novel excerpt, by authors who might have influenced Tolkien.
- ANDERSON, JODI LYNN (stories) (chron.)
- * *May Bird and the Ever After: Book One (Simon & Schuster/Atheneum 0-689-86923-1, Oct 2005, $15.95, 317pp, hc, cover by Leonid Gore) [Ever After] Young-adult fantasy novel, the first in a trilogy. May Bird falls through a lake into another world. Illustrated by Leonid Gore.
- ANDERSON, K. J.; see under Anderson, Kevin J. (stories) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, KEVIN J(ames) (1962- ); see pseudonym Gabriel Mesta (stories) (chron.)
- * _Artifact (with Janet Berliner, Matthew J. Costello & F. Paul Wilson) (Tor 0-765-34025-9, Dec 2005, $6.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Tony Greco) Reprint (Forge 2003) collaborative SF thriller.
- * _Dean Koontzs Frankenstein, Book One: Prodigal Son (with Dean R. Koontz) See entry under Dean R. Koontz
- * _Dean Koontzs Frankenstein: Book One: Prodigal Son (with Dean R. Koontz) See entry under Dean R. Koontz
- * _Dune: The Battle of Corrin (with Brian Herbert) See entry under Brian Herbert.
- * _Legends of Dune: The Battle of Corrin (with Brian Herbert) See entry under Brian Herbert.
- * _The Road to Dune (with Frank Herbert & Brian Herbert) See entry under Frank Herbert.
- * _The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 3: Horizon Storms (Warner Aspect 0-446-61059-3, Jun 2005, $6.99, 640pp, pb, cover by Steve Youll) [Saga of Seven Suns] Reprint (Warner Aspect 2004) SF novel, third in the series.
- * *The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 4: Scattered Suns (Warner Aspect 0-446-57717-0, Jul 2005, $24.95, 476pp, hc, cover by Steve Youll) [Saga of Seven Suns] SF novel, fourth in the series.
- * *The Saga of Seven Suns, Book Four: Scattered Suns (Simon & Schuster UK 0-7432-7544-6, Jul 2005, £10.99, 728pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) [Saga of Seven Suns] SF novel. Simultaneous with the US (Warner Aspect) edition.
- * _The Saga of Seven Suns, Book Three: Horizon Storms (Simon & Schuster/Pocket UK 0-7434-3067-0, Jul 2005, £6.99, 659pp, pb, cover by Chris Moore) [Saga of Seven Suns] Reprint (Warner Aspect 2004) SF novel. It follows Hidden Empire and A Forest of Stars.
- ANDERSON, M. T. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Thirsty (Candlewick Press 0-7636-2750-X, Sep 2005, $5.99, 237pp, pb) Reissue (Candlewick 1997) young-adult vampire novel.
- * *Whales on Stilts (Harcourt 0-15-205340-9, Apr 2005, $15.00, 200pp, hc, cover by Eric Bowman) Humorous young-adult SF, first in M. T. Andersons Thrilling Tales. Angry whales on stilts attack with laser beams. Illustrated by Kurt Cyrus.
- ANDERSON, M. W., ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Last Pentacle of the Sun: Writings in Support of the West Memphis Three (with Brett Alexander Savory) (Arsenal Pulp Press 1-55152-162-8, Oct 2004, $16.95, 202pp, tp) Original anthology of 15 stories (three reprints), nine non-fiction pieces, and song lyrices. Proceeds aid defense of three young misfits (and horror readers) found guilty of murder. Introduction by Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky. Authors include Bentley Little, Peter Straub, Adam Roberts, Brian Hodge, and James Morrow. Illustrated by Clive Barker. Arsenal Pulp Press, 103-1014 Homer Street, Vancouver BC Canada V6B 2W9; 604-687-4233; 888-600-PULP; []; []. (Contents)
- ANDREWS, DONNA (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Access Denied (Berkley Prime Crime 0-425-20065-5, Nov 2005, $6.99, 251pp, pb) [Turing Hopper] Reprint (Berkley Prime Crime 2004) mystery with SF elements, the third featuring detective AI program Turing Hopper.
- * *Delete All Suspects (Berkley Prime Crime 0-425-20569-X, Nov 2005, $23.95, 247pp, hc, cover by Dan Craig) [Turing Hopper] Mystery with SF elements, the fourth featuring detective AI program Turing Hopper.
- ANDREWS, V(irginia) C(leo) (1911-1986) (stories) (chron.)
- ANDREWS, VIRGINIA; see under Andrews, V. C. (stories) (chron.)
- ANDREWS®, THE NEW VIRGINIA; see under Andrews®, V. C. (chron.)
- ANDREWS®, V. C. [The New Virginia Andrews®] (chron.)
- * *April Shadows (Pocket Star 0-7434-9386-9, Sep 2005, $7.99, 406pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) [April Taylor] Associational gothic novel, first in a series about April Taylor. A simultaneous Pocket hardcover edition (1-4165-0051-0, $24.95) was announced but not seen. The author is probably still Andrew Niederman. Copyrighted by the Vanda General Partnership.
- * *Child of Darkness (Pocket Star 0-7434-9385-0, Mar 2005, $7.99, 392pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) [Gemini] Associational gothic novel, third in the Gemini series. A simultaneous Pocket hardcover edition (1-4165-0050-2, $24.95) was announced but not seen. The author is probably still Andrew Niederman. Copyrighted by the Vanda General Partnership.
- * _Falling Stars (Simon & Schuster UK 0-7432-2131-1, Aug 2005, £17.99, 385pp, hc, cover by Larry Rostant) Reprint (Pocket 2001 as by V.C. Andrews®) associational novel. Sequel to the Shooting Stars quartet. A trade paperback edition (£10.99) was announced but not seen. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Shooting Stars (Simon & Schuster/Pocket UK 0-7434-7841-X, Aug 2005, £6.99, 646pp, pb, cover by Larry Rostant) Reprint (Pocket 2002 as by V.C. Andrews®) associational omnibus of the first four Shooting Stars novels: Cinnamon, Ice, Rose, and Harvey The author is probably still Andrew Neiderman.
- ANONYMOUS, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Bite (Jove 0-515-13970-X, Jan 2005, $7.99, 297pp, pb) Original anthology of five vampire romance stories by authors including Laurell K. Hamilton (an Anita Blake story), Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse), and MaryJanice Davidson (Betsy Taylor). (Contents)
- * *CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. IV (Crossquarter Publishing Group/CrossTIME 978-1-890109-07-3, 2005, $12.95, 249pp, tp) Original anthology of 16 winning and honorable mention stories from the fourth CrossTIME Short Science Fiction Contest. Crossquarter Publishing Group, PO Box 8756, Santa Fe NM 87504-8756; []. (Contents)
- * *Full-Blooded Fantasy (Simon & Schuster 0-689-04867-X, May 2005, free, pb) Eight extracts from forthcoming novels, a free sampler with no page numbers. The back of the title page says this is the First Aladdin Paperbacks edition May 2005." (Contents)
- * *Highland Vampire (Kensington/Brava, Sep 2005, $12.00, tp) (Contents)
- * _Hot Blooded (Berkley Sensation 0-425-20658-0, Sep 2005, $14.00, 357pp, tp) Reprint (Jove 2004) original anthology of four erotic vampire and werewolf stories by Christine Feehan, Maggie Shayne, Emma Holly, and Angela Knight.
- * *Hot Spell (Berkley Sensation 0-425-20615-7, Nov 2005, $14.00, 394pp, tp) Anthology of four paranormal romance stories involving demons, vampires, shapeshifters, and more. Authors are Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Shiloh Walker, and Meljean Brook. (Contents)
- * *Kick @$$ (Berkley Sensation 0-425-20564-9, Sep 2005, $12.95, 336pp, tp) (Contents)
- * *Listen to the Future (A Different Drum 0-9753631-0-7, Aug 2004, $19.95, 195pp, tp, cover by Will Foster) Original anthology of ten futuristic stories with an accompanying CD with original synthpop soundtrack. Introduction by Todd Durant. This is dated 2004 but not seen until now. A Different Drum, PO Box 331, Smithfield UT 84335; []. (Contents)
- * *Phantoms at the Phil [by John Smith] (Newcastle upon Tyne: Side Real Press/Northern Gothic, 2005, 92pp, hc) Original anthology of ghost stories told for Christmas. Includes a CD-ROM of their telling. Limited edition of 300 copies. (Contents)
- * *Sex and the Single Witch (Kensington/Strapless 0-7582-0931-2, Sep 2005, $12.95, 341pp, tp, cover by Chuck Gonzales) Original anthology of three supernatural romances about witches by Theresa Alan, Carly Alexander, and Holly Chamberlin. (Contents)
- * *Sinister Stories, February 1940 (Wildside Press 0-8095-1093-6, Mar 2005, $19.95, 112pp, tp) Anthology/magazine, internally a facsimile reprint of the February 1940 issue, Volume 1, No. 1 of the horror magazine. Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928-0301; []. (Contents)
- * *Star Trek: S.C.E.: Breakdowns (Pocket 1-4165-0326-9, May 2005, $7.99, 308pp, pb) [Star Trek: S.C.E.] Anthology of four stories in the series, all originally published online. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. (Contents)
- * *Star Trek: Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Three (Pocket 0-7434-8353-7, Feb 2005, $6.99, 346pp, pb) Omnibus of two original Star Trek novelizations: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Ferenginar: Satisfaction Is Not Guaranteed by Keith R.A. DeCandido and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Dominion: Olympus Descending by David R. George III. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. (Contents)
- * *Star Trek: Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two (Pocket 0-7434-8352-9, Feb 2005, $6.99, 380pp, pb) Omnibus of two original Star Trek novelizations: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Trill: Unjoined by Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Bajor: Fragments and Omens by J. Noah Kym. Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. (Contents)
- * *Things That Go Bump in the Night V (Elloras Cave 1419954415, 2005, $14.99, 312pp, e-book) (Contents)
- * *The Thrill Book, Sept. 1, 1919 (Wildside Press 0-8095-1126-6, 2004, $19.95, 160pp, tp) Anthology/magazine, internally a facsimile reprint of the Sept. 1, 1919 issue, Volume II, No. 5 of the adventure/horror magazine. Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928-0301; []. (Contents)
- * *What Dreams May Come (Berkley Sensation 0-425-20268-2, Jul 2005, $14.00, tp) Original anthology of three supernatural romance stories by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Robin Owens, and Rebecca York. (Contents)
- * *Winter Moon (Harlequin/Luna 0-373-80239-0, Nov 2005, $13.95, 393pp, tp) Original anthology of three novellas by Mercedes Lackey (set in the world of the Five Hundred Kingdoms), Tanith Lee, and C.E. Murphy (part of the Walker Papers series). (Contents)
- * *Witchblade Combo (Pocket/ibooks 1-4165-0405-2, Feb 2005, $7.99, 250 + 238pp, pb, cover by Greg Land, Jay Leisten & Justin Ponsor) [Witchblade] Omnibus of two novelizations based on the TV show: Talons by John DeChancie (2002) and A Terrible Beauty by John J. Miller (2002). The novels are paginated separately. Copyrighted by Top Cow Productions. (Contents)
- ANTHONY, PIERS; pseudonym of Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob, (1934- ) (chron.)
- * _Currant Events (Tor 0-765-34310-X, Oct 2005, $6.99, 362pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Xanth] Reprint (Tor 2004) fantasy novel, 28th in the Xanth series. Clio the Muse undertakes a quest to rescue Xanths dragons from extinction.
- * _Fractal Mode (Ace 0-441-25126-9, Nov 2005, $6.99, 344pp, pb, cover by Daniel Horne) Reissue (Ace/Putnam 1992) fantasy novel. Eighth printing.
- * *Pet Peeve (Tor 0-765-30408-2, Oct 2005, $24.95, 332pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Xanth] Fantasy novel, the 29th in the Xanth series.
- * _Phaze Doubt (Ace 0-441-66263-3, Feb 2005, $6.99, 324pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Apprentice Adept] Reissue (Putnam 1990) fantasy novel, book seven in the Apprentice Adept series. Eighth printing.
- * _Unicorn Point (Ace 0-441-84563-0, Jan 2005, $6.99, 338pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Apprentice Adept] Reissue (Ace/Putnam 1989) fantasy novel, sixth in the Apprentice Adept series. 12th printing.
- * _Virtual Mode (Ace 0-441-86503-8, Oct 2005, $6.99, 323pp, pb, cover by Phil Howe) [Mode] Reissue (Putnam 1991) fantasy novel, the first in the Mode series. 11th printing.
- ANTIEAU, KIM (1955- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Counting on Wildflowers (Aqueduct Press 0-9746559-7-X, Apr 2005, $9.00, 104pp, ph) Perfect-bound chapbook original collection of one story, a fictional essay (reprint), two reprint poems, and eight essays (some previously published online). Part of the Conversation Pieces chapbook series. Aqueduct Press, PO Box 95787, Seattle WA 98145-2787; []. (Contents)
- ANVIL, CHRISTOPHER; pseudonym of Harry C. Crosby, (1925-2009) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Interstellar Patrol II: The Federation of Humanity (Baen 0-7434-9892-5, Mar 2005, $26.00, 648pp, hc, cover by Jeff Easley) Omnibus/collection of five stories and one novel, Warlords World (DAW 1975), of the Interstellar Patrol, plus another 17 stories set in the world of the Colonization series. Afterword by editor Eric Flint. (Contents)
- ARENDS, MARTHE (1962- ); see pseudonyms Katie MacAlister & Katie Maxwell (chron.)
- ARMITT, LUCIE (1962- ) (chron.)
- * *Fantasy Fiction: An Introduction (Continuum 0-8264-1685-3, May 2005, $14.95, 229pp, tp) Non-fiction, a critical introduction to fantasy with a broad definition that includes Utopian literature and much SF, with essays on works such as H.G. Wellss The Time Machine, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, and William Gibsons Neuromancer as well as The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter novels. Includes glossary and index. Part of the Continuum Studies in Literary Genre. A hardcover edition (-1686-1, $65.00) was announced but not seen.
- * +A Short History of Myth (Grove/Canongate Books 1-84195-716-X, Nov 2005, $18.00, 159pp, hc, cover by Roderick Mills) Associational non-fiction look at why humans make myths, an introduction to The Myths series of fictional retellings by authors including Margaret Atwood, Victor Pelevin, Jeanette Winterson, and A.S. Byatt. First US edition (Canongate 10/05).
- ARMSTRONG, KELLEY (stories) (chron.)
- * *Haunted (Time Warner UK/Orbit 1-84149-341-4, May 2005, £6.99, 495pp, pb, cover by Dominic Harman) [Women of the Otherworld] Fantasy novel. Fifth in the Women of the Otherworld series. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam Spectra) edition.
- * +Haunted (Bantam Spectra 0-553-58708-0, Jun 2005, $6.99, 495pp, pb, cover by Franco Accornero) [Women of the Otherworld] Fantasy novel, fifth in the series begun in Bitten, after Industrial Magic. First US edition (Orbit 5/05).
- * *Witch Magic (SFBC 0-7394-5001-8, Jan 2005, $13.99, 694pp, hc, cover by Julie Bell) [Women of the Otherworld] Omnibus of two fantasy novels in a series: Dime Store Magic (2004) and Industrial Magic (2004). This has ISBN 0-7394-5001-8; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- ARNASON, ELEANOR (Atwood) (1942- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Ordinary People (Aqueduct Press 0-9746559-0-2, May 2005, $9.00, 114pp, ph) Collection of six stories, one poem, and a speech, in perfect-bound chapbook form. Part of the Conversation Pieces chapbook series. Aqueduct Press, PO Box 95787, Seattle WA 98145-2787; []. (Contents)
- ARNOLD, LOUISE (chron.)
- * *The Golden & Grey (An Unremarkable Boy and a Rather Remarkable Ghost) (Simon & Schuster/McElderry 0-689-87473-1, Jul 2005, $15.95, 267pp, hc, cover by Brett Helquist) Humorous young-adult ghost story. A ghost decides to become a boys invisible friend. A first novel. Simultaneous with the UK edition (Hodder Childrens Books as The Invisible Friend).
- ARNOPP, JASON (chron.)
- * +Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat (BL Publishing/Black Flame US 1-84416-271-0, Nov 2005, $7.99, 415pp, pb) [Friday the 13th] Movie tie-in. Copyrighted by New Line Cinema. This has the same ISBN as the simultaneous Black Flame UK edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices.
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