The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Stories, Listed by Author
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- AAMES, LANI (chron.)
- ABBEY, LYNN; [i.e., Marilyn Lorraine Abbey] (1948- ) (books) (chron.)
- ABBEY, MARIAN (chron.)
- * Out of the Everywhere, (vi) The Young Oxford Book of Aliens, ed. Dennis Pepper, Oxford University Press 1998
- ABBEY, MARILYN LORRAINE; see under Abbey, Lynn (books) (chron.)
- ABNETT, DAN (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Backcloth for a Crown Additional [Warhammer 40,000: Eisenhorn], (ss) Inferno! Jul/Aug 2002
- * Blue Blood [Iron Snakes], (ss) Inferno! Nov/Dec 2002
- * Crimson Storm [Iron Snakes], (ss) Inferno! #29 2002
- * The Emperor Protects [*Warhammer 40,000: Gaunts Ghosts], (cs) Inferno! #30 2002
- * In Remembrance [*Warhammer 40,000: Gaunts Ghosts], (ss) Inferno! #30 2002
- * Inferno!, (ed) Inferno! #30 2002
- * Missing in Action [Warhammer 40,000: Eisenhorn], (ss) Inferno! #27 2001
- * Ork Hunter [Warhammer 40,000], (ss) Words of Blood, ed. Marc Gascoigne & Christian Dunn, Black Library 2002
- * Vermilion Level [*Warhammer 40,000: Gaunts Ghosts], (ss) Inferno! #30 2002; reworked into First & Only.
- ABRAHAM, DANIEL (James) (1969- ) (chron.)
- * Coyotes, Cats, and Other Creatures, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Sep 30 2002
- ABRIANI, VIVIAN (chron.)
- ACHILLI, JUSTIN (chron.)
- ACKER, KATHY (1944-1997) (books) (chron.)
- ACKERMAN, AMARYLLIS; pseudonym of Forrest J Ackerman, (1916-2008) (chron.)
- ACKERMAN, FORREST J(ames) (1916-2008); see pseudonyms Amaryllis Ackerman, S. F. Balboa & Weaver Wright (books) (chron.)
- * And Then the Cover Was Bare, (ss) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- * The Atomic Monument (with Theodore Sturgeon) [revised from Memorial Astounding Apr 46], (vi) Fantasticonglomeration
- * Behind the Ate Ball, (ss) Marvel Science Stories Nov 1950; also as A Martian Oddity.
- * The Big Sleep, (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1950
- * Burn Witch, Burn!, (ss) Sex and Censorship 1958
- * Confessions of a Science Fiction Addict, (ar) After Hours v1 #4 1957
- * Count Down to Doom (with Charles Nuetzel), (vi) Famous Monsters of Filmland 1966
- * Dhactwhu!Remember? (with Robert A. W. Lowndes) [as by Wilfred Owen Morley & Jacques DeForest Erman], (ss) Super Science Stories Apr 1949
- * Dwellers in the Dust, (ss) Fantasy Book #4 1948
- * Earths Lucky Day (with Francis Flagg), (ss) Wonder Stories Mar/Apr 1936
- * The Far-Out Philosopher of Science Fiction, (ar) 1949
- * The Girl Who Wasnt There (with Charles E. Fritch, William F. Nolan & Tigrina), (ss) Gamma #1 1963
- * Great Gogs Grave (with Donald A. Wollheim), (ss) Fantasy Book Dec 1981
- * The House in the Twilight Zone, (ar) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- * Introduction, (in)
- * The Lady Takes a Powder (with Tigrina), (ss) Inside 1953
- * Laugh, Clone, Laugh (with A. E. van Vogt), (ss) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- * Letter to an Angel, (ss) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- * The Lure and Lore of The Blind Spot, (ar) 1951
- * The Man Who Was Thirsty, (vi) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- * A Martian Oddity [Behind the Ate Ball], (ss) Marvel Science Stories Nov 1950
- * Metropolis Über Alles, (ar) 1963
- * Micro Man [as by Alden Lorraine], (ss) New Worlds #2 1946
- * Mirror Image (with Marcial Souto), (vi) 1968; also as Time to Change.
- * Nymph of Darkness (with C. L. Moore) [Northwest Smith], (ss) Fantasy Magazine Apr 1935; also as Nyusa, Nymph of Darkness.
- * Nyusa, Nymph of Darkness (with C. L. Moore) [Nymph of Darkness; Northwest Smith], (ss) Fantasy Magazine Apr 1935
- * The Radclyffe Effect [revised from Mundo de Soledad Los Cuentos Fantasticos July 8 48], (ss) 1969
- * The Record (with Ray Bradbury), (ss) Futuria Fantasia Sum 1939
- * Tarzan and the Golden Loin, (ss) V 1948
- * Time to Change (with Marcial Souto) [Mirror Image], (vi) 1968
- * When Frighthood Was in Flower..., (ar) Science Fiction Worlds of Forrest J Ackerman & Friends, Powell 1969
- ACKERSON, DUANE (Wright) (1942- ) (chron.)
- ADAM, ALISON (chron.)
- ADAMS, B. H. (chron.)
- ADAMS, CAROLYN (chron.)
- ADAMS, DANNY (chron.)
- ADAMS, DEREK (1957- ) (chron.)
- ADAMS, DOUGLAS (Noel) (1952-2001) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Book That Changed Me, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Brandenburg 5, (ar) 1999; sleeve notes on Decca CD of Bachs Brandenburg Concertos 5 & 6 (Penguin Classics Vol 27, 1999).
- * Brentwood School, (bi) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Build It and We Will Come, (ar) Independent on Sunday Nov 1999
- * Cookies, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002; from speech to Embedded Systems, 2001.
- * The Dream Team, (ar) The Observer Mar 10 1995
- * Fax to Sue Freestone, re The Salmon of Doubt description, (ms)
- * For Children Only, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Frank the Vandal, (ar) MacUser 1989
- * A Guide to the Guide, (in) 1985
- * Hangover Cures, (ar) Independent on Sunday Dec 1999
- * The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy [Hitchhiker], (n.) London: Pan 1979
- * Intro for Comic books #1 [Introduction], (in) The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (collected edition), Douglas Adams, DC Comics 1997
- * Introduction, (in) The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (collected edition), Douglas Adams, DC Comics 1997; also as Intro for Comic books #1.
- * Introductory Remarks, Procol Harum at the Barbican, (ms); From the Procol Harum and London Symphony Orchestra concert, February 9, 1996.
- * Is There an Artificial God?, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002; speech given at Digital Biota 2, Cambridge, September 1998.
- * Letter to David Vogel, Walt Disney Pictures, 14 April 1999, (lt) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Life, the Universe, and Everything [Hitchhiker], (n.) London: Pan 1982
- * The Little Computer that Could, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Little Dongly Things, (ar) MacUser Sep 1996
- * Maggie and Trudie, (ar) Animal Passions, ed. Alan Coren, Robson Books 1994
- * The Meaning of Liff, (ar) Pan Promotion News Oct 1983
- * My Favourite Tipples, (ar) Independent on Sunday Dec 1990
- * My Nose, (ar) Esquire Sum 1991
- * Predicting the Future, (ar) Independent on Sunday Nov 1999
- * The Private Life of Genghis Khan, (ss); From The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book, 1986. Based in part on a sketch devised by Graham Chapman, and written by Chapman and Adams for the TV show Out of the Trees, 1975.
- * Radio Scripts Intro, (in) The Original Hitchhiker Scripts, 10th Anniversary Edition, Douglas Adams, Harmony Books 1995
- * The Restaurant at the End of the Universe [Hitchhiker], (n.) London: Pan 1980
- * The Rhino Climb, (ar) Esquire Mar 1995
- * Riding the Rays, (bi) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * The Rules, (ar) Independent on Sunday Jan 2000
- * The Salmon of Doubt [Dirk Gently], (na) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish [Hitchhiker], (n.) London: Pan 1984
- * Sunset at Blandings, (in); introduction to Sunset at Blandings (P.G. Wodehouse) Penguin Books, date unknown.
- * Tea, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Time Travel, (ms) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Turncoat, (ar) The Salmon of Doubt, Harmony 2002
- * Unfinished Business of the Century, (ar) Independent on Sunday Nov 1999
- * Untitled Letter, (lt) Eagle and Boys World Magazine Jan 23 1965
- * The Voices of All Our Yesterdays, (bi) The Sunday Times (London) Jun 17 1992
- * What Have We Got to Lose?, (ar) Wired (UK) #1 1995
- * Y, (ar) Hockneys Alphabet, ed. Stephen Spender, Faber and Faber 1991
- * Young Zaphod Plays It Safe [Hitchhiker], (ss) The Hitchikers Quartet, Douglas Adams, Harmony 1986; Noted as being from The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book, 1986.
- ADAMS, JÆ LESLIE (chron.)
- ADAMS, W. H. (chron.)
- * Wanted! Quarmin Tay!, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine Feb 1920
- ADDISON, LINDA D. (chron.)
- * After the Fire, (pm) Dark Voices, ed. Jack Fisher & Nancy Bennett, Flesh & Blood Press 2002
- * Consumed, (pm) Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Grey Ashes, Space & Time 2001
- * Dr. Booty Is Making House Calls, (ss) Dead Cats Bouncing, ed. Gerard Houarner & GAK, Bedlam Press 2002
- * Dreams of the Night Bird, (pm) Dark Voices, ed. Jack Fisher & Nancy Bennett, Flesh & Blood Press 2002
- * Words from the 2001 Rhysling Chair, (pr)
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