The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- DOZOIS, GARDNER R. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Flash Point, (nv) Orbit 13, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnams 1974
- * The Gods of Mars (with Jack M. Dann & Michael Swanwick), (nv) Omni Mar 1985
- * Golden Apples of the Sun (with Jack M. Dann & Michael Swanwick) [expanded from Virgin Territory], (nv) Penthouse Mar 1984
- * A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, (nv) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1999
- * The Last Day of July, (nv) New Dimensions 3, ed. Robert Silverberg, Nelson Doubleday 1973
- * The Mayan Variation, (vi) Amazing Sep 1984
- * Passage, (vi) Xanadu, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1993
- * Playing the Game (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) Twilight Zone Feb 1982
- * Preface, (pr)
- * Preface (with Jack M. Dann), (pr)
- * Send No Money (with Susan Casper), (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1985
- * Snow Job (with Michael Swanwick), (ss) High Times Apr 1982
- * Solace, (ss) Omni Feb 1989
- * The Storm, (nv) Future Corruption, ed. Roger Elwood, Warner 1975
- * Strangers, (na) New Dimensions IV, ed. Robert Silverberg, Signet 1974
- * Summation: 2000, (ar)
- * Touring (with Jack M. Dann & Michael Swanwick), (nv) Penthouse Apr 1981
- * Travel Diary, (ar) Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois, NESFA Press 2001
- * The Visible Man, (nv) Analog Dec 1975
- DRAKE, ADRIAN (chron.)
- DRAKE, BRIAN E. (chron.)
- DRAKE, DAVID (Allen) (1945- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Extraordinary Diplomats, (pr)
- * Hangman [*Hammers Slammers], (na) Hammers Slammers, Ace 1979
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction: Well It Happened This Way..., (in) Foreign Legions, ed. David Drake, Baen 2001
- * Lambs to the Slaughter [Ranks of Bronze], (na) Foreign Legions, ed. David Drake, Baen 2001
- * Liberty Port [*Hammers Slammers], (na) Free Lancers, ed. Elizabeth Mitchell, Baen 1987
- * Ranks of Bronze [Gaius Vibulenius; Ranks of Bronze], (ss) Galaxy Aug 1975
- DRIPPÉ, COLLEEN (chron.)
- DUANE, DIANE (Elizabeth) (1952- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Deep Wizardry [Nita & Kit], (n.) New York: Delacorte 1985
- * High Wizardry [Nita & Kit], (n.) New York: Delacorte 1990
- * In the Company of Heroes, (nv) Past Imperfect, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW 2001
- * The Longest Sunday, (ar) Meditations on Middle-Earth, ed. Karen Haber, St. Martins 2001
- * So You Want to Be a Wizard [Nita & Kit], (n.) New York: Delacorte 1983
- * ...When They Bear Gifts [Xena], (nv) The Further Adventures of Xena: Warrior Princess, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Ace 2001
- * A Wizard Abroad [Nita & Kit], (n.) London: Corgi 1993
- * The Wizards Dilemma [Nita & Kit], (n.) New York: Harcourt 2001
- DuBOIS, BRENDAN (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- DUCHAMP, L. TIMMEL (chron.)
- DUDLEY, WADE G. (chron.)
- DUE, TANANARIVE (1966- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Patient Zero, (ss) F&SF Aug 2000
- DUFFY, CAROL ANN (chron.)
- * Circe and Little Red-Cap, (pm) Harpers Mar 2000
- DUFFY, STEVE (chron.)
- DULLEMOND, TOM (chron.)
- DUMARS, DENISE D. (1956- ) (chron.)
- * Basil, (pm) 2AM Spr 1990
- * Bleed Me, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14 2001
- * The Deaths Heas at the Feast, (pm) Star*Line v24 #3 2001
- * The Golem, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Oct 1 2001
- * Huevos, Cinnamon, y Ice Cream, (pm) Icarus Ascending #2 2001
- * In Bubastis, (pm) Star*Line v24 #2 2001
- * Keeper, (pm) Talebones Fll 2001
- * Mending Fences, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Aut 2001
- * Michaelus, (pm) The Urbanite #12 2001
- * Nehebka, (pm) Isis Rising 2000
- * Obsi/Diana, (pm) Bare Bone #1 2001
- * Potion, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14 2001
- * The Scent of Halloween, (pm) Penny Dreadful #14 2001
- * Stone Reflection, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Aut 2001
- * What Passes for Love, (pm) Dark Voices, ed. Jack Fisher & Nancy Bennett, Flesh & Blood Press 2002
- DUNCAN, ANDY (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Beluthahatchie, (ss) Asimovs Mar 1997
- * The Chief Designer, (na) Asimovs Jun 2001
- * Introduction to Clowns, (is) Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois, NESFA Press 2001
- * Introduction to Playing the Game, (is) Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois, NESFA Press 2001
- * Lincoln in Frogmore, (nv) Beluthahatchie and Other Stories, Golden Gryphon Press 2000
- * The Pottawatomie Giant, (ss) Sci Fiction website Nov 1 2000
- * The Premature Burials, (ss) Gothic.Net website Sep 1998
- * Senator Bilbo, (ss) Starlight 3, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 2001
- DUNCAN, SYDNEY (Sowers) (chron.)
- DUNCAN, THOM (chron.)
- DUNGATE, PAULINE E. (1948- ) (chron.)
- DUNLOP, AGNES MARY ROBERTSON (1910-1982); see pseudonym Elisabeth Kyle (chron.)
- DUNN, CAROLA (1946- ) (chron.)
- DUNN, CHRISTIAN (books) (chron.)
- DUNN, J(effrey) R. (chron.)
- DUNN, KATHERINE (Karen) (1945- ) (chron.)
- DUNN, LINDA J. (chron.)
- DUNN, ROBERT (chron.)
- DUNNING, DAVID P. (chron.)
- DUNPHY, JOHN J. (chron.)
- * Three Haiku, (pm) RAW NerVZ Haiku v4 #4 2001
- DUNSANY, LORD; [Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett] (1878-1957) (books) (chron.)
- * The Hoard of the Gibbelins, (ss) The Sketch Jan 25 1911
- * The Strange Drug of Dr. Caber [Joseph Jorkens], (ss) The Fourth Book of Jorkens, London: Jarrolds 1947
- * The Sword of Welleran, (ss) The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories, London: G. Allen 1908
- DUPREE, TOM (chron.)
- DURANT, ALAN (1958- ) (chron.)
- DURBIN, FREDERIC S. (books) (chron.)
- DURGIN, DORANNA (books) (chron.)
- DUTCHER, ROGER L. (chron.)
- DUVAL, PAUL (1856-1906); see pseudonym Jean Lorrain (chron.)
- DYALHIS, NICTZIN (Wilstone) (c1873-1942) (chron.)
- * When the Green Star Waned [Venhez], (nv) Weird Tales Apr 1925
- DYBING, G. N. (chron.)
- DYER, LAWRENCE (chron.)
- DYER, S. N.; pseudonym of Sharon N. Farber (chron.)
- DYSON, J. PAUL (chron.)
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