The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- * The Divine Comedy (Inferno), (ex)
- ALLAN, TAG (chron.)
- ALLEN, ANNA D. (1968- ) (chron.)
- ALLEN, BILL D. (chron.)
- ALLEN, BRADY (chron.)
- ALLEN, MIKE (chron.)
- ALLISON, JAMES (chron.)
- * A Private Unbinding of Time, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Jun 25 2001
- ALLISON, SUSAN (chron.)
- ALLOS, O. (chron.)
- ALLRED, LEE (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- * The Bloat-Toad, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * The Firestorm, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * The Horses of Abdera, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * An Inexplicable Phenomenon, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * Metamusic, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * The Miracle of Saint Wilfred, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * The Omega Force, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * Origins of the Flood, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * The Pillar of Salt, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * Psychon, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * Viola Acherontia, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- * Yzur, by Leopoldo Lugones, (ss)
- ALTMANN, AKIKO (chron.)
- ALTMANN, JENS H. (chron.)
- ALWARD, EMILY (chron.)
- AMANO, YOSHITAKA (books) (chron.)
- AMBUEHL, JAMES (chron.)
- AMERY, FRANCIS; pseudonym of Brian M. Stableford, (1948- ) (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- AMES, BRIAN (chron.)
- AMIN, IBRAHIM S. (chron.)
- AMIS, MARTIN (Louis) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * The Demon-Possessed Princess [c. 300 B.C.], (ss); from Ancient Records of Egypt vol. 5, James Henry Breasted, Chicago 1906-1907.
- ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-1875) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, BARTH (chron.)
- ANDERSON, CHUCK (chron.)
- * Lover’s Triangle, (ss) On Spec Spr 1996
- ANDERSON, DOUGLAS A(llen) (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, DUANA R. (chron.)
- ANDERSON, K. J.; see under Anderson, Kevin J. (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, KAREN; [i.e., June Millichamp “Karen” Kruse Anderson] (1932- ) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, KEVIN J(ames) (1962- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Canals in the Sand, (ss) War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Spectra 1996
- * Club Masquerade [Eduard], (na) Analog Nov 2001
- * Dogged Persistence, (ss) F&SF Sep 1992
- * Drumbeats (with Neil Peart), (ss) Shock Rock II, ed. Jeff Gelb, Pocket Books 1994
- * Dune: Fremen Justice (with Brian Herbert) [Dune], (ss) Wormhole Books 2001
- * Entropy Ranch, (ss) Starshore Win 1990
- * Final Performance, (ss) F&SF Jan 1985
- * Fondest of Memories, (ss) Full Spectrum 3, ed. Lou Aronica, Amy Stout & Betsy Mitchell, Doubleday Foundation 1991
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * The Ghost of Christmas Always, (ss) Pulphouse Dec 31 1991
- * Human, Martian—One, Two, Three, (nv) Full Spectrum 4, ed. Lou Aronica, Amy Stout & Betsy Mitchell, Bantam Spectra 1993
- * Much at Stake, (ss) The Ultimate Dracula, ed. Byron Preiss, David Kellor & Megan Miller, Dell 1991
- * Music Played on the Strings of Time [Alternitech], (ss) Analog Jan 1993
- * New Recruits, (nv) Weirdbook #25 1990
- * The Old Man and the Cherry Tree, (ss) Grue #3 1986
- * Poul Anderson, (ob) Locus v47:3 No.488 Sep 2001
- * Prisoner of War, (nv) Outer Limits: Armageddon Dreams, ed. Kevin J. Anderson, BSV Publishing 2000
- * Redmond’s Private Screening, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 2001
- * Reflections in a Magnetic Mirror (with Doug Beason), (ss) Full Spectrum, ed. Lou Aronica & Shawna McCarthy, Bantam 1988
- * Scientific Romance, (ss) The UFO Files, ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1998
- * Sea Dreams (with Rebecca Moesta), (ss) Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn, ed. Peter S. Beagle, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1995
- * Tide Pools [Alternitech], (ss) Analog Dec 1993
- * A Whisper of Caladan Seas (with Brian Herbert) [Dune], (ss) Amazing Sum 1999
- * The Writer’s Words About the Artist’s Art, (pr)
- ANDERSON, POUL (William) (1926-2001) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Among Thieves, (nv) Astounding Jun 1957
- * Awakening the Elves, (ar) Meditations on Middle-Earth, ed. Karen Haber, St. Martin’s 2001
- * The Big Rain, (na) Astounding Oct 1954
- * Call Me Joe, (nv) Astounding Apr 1957
- * The Chapter Ends, (nv) Dynamic Science Fiction Jan 1954
- * Eutopia, (nv) Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1967
- * Final Chapter, (ss)
- * In Memoriam: Gordon R. Dickson, (ob) Locus v46:3 No.482 Mar 2001
- * The Lady of the Winds [Cappen Varra], (nv) F&SF Oct/Nov 2001
- * Lanets and Selements [Selements], (hu) Analog Nov 2001
- * My Object All Sublime, (ss) Galaxy Jun 1961
- * Pele [Man-Kzin Wars], (na) Analog Oct 2001
- ANDERSSON, C. DEAN (chron.)
- ANDERTON, HELEN (chron.)
- ANDRE-DRIUSSI, MICHAEL (books) (chron.)
- * Languages of the Dying Sun, (ar)
- ANDREWS, CHRIS (chron.)
- ANDREWS, DAWN (chron.)
- ANDREWS®, THE NEW VIRGINIA; see under Andrews®, V. C. (books) (chron.)
- ANDREWS®, V. C. [The New Virginia Andrews®] (books) (chron.)
- ANFINSON, C. OSCAR (chron.)
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