The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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Star Commandos: Return to War P. M. Griffin (Ace 0-441-78047-4, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $3.50, 247pp, pb, cover by Kang Yi) [Star Commandos] Military sf adventure novel, sixth book of the “Star Commandos” series.
Otto from Otherwhere Peni Griffin (Macmillan/McElderry 0-689-50500-0, Mar ’90 [Apr ’90], $13.95, 182pp, hc, cover by Michael Hays) Young-adult sf novel of human kids relationship with an alien boy who comes through an interdimensional gate.
Four Thaumastic Tales Clem Griffith (Excalibur Press 1-872080-40-5, Dec ’89 [Jan ’90], £6.95, 156pp, tp, cover by Clem Griffith) Original collection of four stories about the seedy magician Tillman. Order from 13 Knightsbridge Green, LONDON, SW1X 7QL.
- 4 · Mermoth · nv *
- 39 · Mortefact · nv *
- 77 · Grimwick · nv *
- 114 · Weirdagast · nv *
Myself and Marco Polo Paul Griffiths (Random House 0-394-58296-9, Mar ’90 [Apr ’90], $17.95, 274pp, hc, cover by Richard Mantel) Literary novel of magic realism about the elements of truth and myth in Polo’s journeys.
Replay Ken Grimwood (Grafton 0-586-07462-7, Oct ’90 [Nov ’90], £3.99, 366pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) Reissue (Arbor House 1987) sf novel.
The Dark Shadows Tribute Book Edward Gross & James Van Hise (Pioneer Books 1-55698-234-8, Feb ’90 [Mar ’90], $14.95, 144pp, tp) [Dark Shadows] Non-fiction; reference. A guide to the the gothic horror soap opera of the late 60s.
Tales of Science Fiction and the Supernatural Ann Groves (The Book Guild 0-86332-456-8, May ’90, £8.50, 115pp, hc, cover by Charlotte Matthews) Original sf/occult collection.
- 9 · The Stone Statue · ss *
- 14 · The Plague · ss *
- 20 · The Westerner · ss *
- 37 · The Animals · ss *
- 44 · An Arranged “Marriage” · ss *
- 52 · The Silent Partner · ss *
- 57 · The Last Chance · ss *
- 65 · The Perfect Companion · ss *
- 68 · The Friendly Ghost · ss *
- 79 · The Perfumed Rose Garden · nv *
- 108 · The Revenge of Armageddon · ss *
Steel Gods Scott Grønmark (Corgi 0-552-13455-4, Mar ’90, £2.99, 287pp, pb) Horror novel.
Lullaby Diane Guest (Putnam 0-399-13525-1, Apr ’90 [May ’90], $19.95, 220pp, hc, cover by Mark Tauss) Horror novel of ghosts and possession in an isolated Maine mansion.
On the Road to Baghdad Güneli Gün (Hunter House 0-89793-033-9, Jan ’91 [Dec ’90], $19.95, 377pp, hc) Arabian Nights fantasy; a first novel.
Kampus James E. Gunn (Easton Press, Feb ’90, no price, 281pp, hc) Reprint (Bantam 1977) sf novel, with an introduction by Frederik Pohl and artwork by Richard Powers. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the “Masterpieces of Science Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 1 ed. James Gunn (Easton Press, 1990, hc) Three-volume anthology commemorating the 60th anniversary of Astounding Stories, now Analog, magazine. Available only in a leather-bound limited-edition.
Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 2 ed. James Gunn (Easton Press, 1990, hc)
Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection, Vol. 3 ed. James Gunn (Easton Press, 1990, hc)
Human, Beware! Thorarinn Gunnarsson (Ace 0-441-51541-X, Dec ’90 [Nov ’90], $4.50, 263pp, pb, cover by Jim Thiesen) [Make Way for Dragons] Fantasy novel of a California girl in a magical kingdom, sequel to Make Way for Dragons!
Make Way for Dragons! Thorarinn Gunnarsson (Ace 0-441-51537-1, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $3.95, 215pp, pb, cover by Rowena Morrill) [Make Way for Dragons] Humorous fantasy novel of a dragon and her dragonet stranded in the strange land called “California”.
The Last Frontier: Imagining Other Worlds, from the Copernican Revolution to Modern Science Fiction Karl S. Guthke (Cornell University Press 0-8014-1680-9, Jul ’90 [Oct ’90], $35.00, 402pp, hc, cover by Kat Dalton) Non-fiction; a literary history of the idea that man is not alone in the universe, from Copernicus to The War of the Worlds. Originally published in Switzerland (Francke 1983) and translated from the German by Helen Atkins.
Sunder, Eclipse & Seed Elyse Guttenberg (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45046-9, Dec ’90 [Nov ’90], $4.95, 351pp, pb) [Sunder, Eclipse & Seed] Fantasy novel of a young woman forbidden dream-training, who stands between her people and the fearsome Edishu. First book of a new series and a first novel.
The Chanting Beverly T. Haaf (Popular Library Questar 0-445-21058-3, Jan ’91 [Dec ’90], $4.95, 263pp, pb, cover by Eric Anderson) Horror novel about a house haunted by ghostly children.
Mutant Prime Karen Haber (Doubleday Foundation 0-385-26648-0, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $8.95, 250pp, hc, cover by Jim Burns) [Mutant Season] Near-future sf novel about an oppressed mutant minority, sequel to The Mutant Season. A hardcover edition (-24722-2, $19.95) is also available.
The Mutant Season Karen Haber & Robert Silverberg (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28629-3, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $4.95, 289pp, pb, cover by Jim Burns) [Mutant Season] Reprint (Doubleday Foundation 1989) near-future sf novel about the political problems of an oppressed mutant underground.
The Doll in the Garden Mary Downing Hahn (Avon Camelot 0-380-70865-5, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $2.95, 128pp, tp) Reprint (Clarion 1989) young-adult time-travel ghost novel.
The Mutants Are Coming Isidore Haiblum (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35500-8, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $3.95, 251pp, pb, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Mutants Are Coming] Reissue (Del Rey 1988) sf/mystery novel of murder kidnapping, and the 21st-century mutant underground; sixth printing.
Out of Sync Isidore Haiblum (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35501-6, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $3.95, 184pp, pb, cover by Alan Daniels) [Mutants Are Coming] Sf/mystery novel of the search for invisible thieves who work the casinos of the 21st century, sequel to The Mutants Are Coming.
Doctor Who: 25 Glorious Years Peter Haining (Virgin 0-86369-324-5, Aug ’90 [Sep ’90], £8.99, 224pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1988) non-fiction reference book about the Doctor Who tv series.
Weird Tales ed. Peter Haining (Xanadu 1-85480-050-7, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], £14.99, 236pp, hc, cover by Harold S. DeLay & Lee Brown Coye) Reprint (Spearman 1976) facsimile anthology of stories, poems and incidental pieces from Weird Tales. This claims to be a ‘revised’ edition, but the changes are not immediately apparent.
Weird Tales ed. Peter Haining (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-631-7, Nov ’90, $21.95, 264pp, hc) Reprint (Spearman 1976) facsimile anthology of stories and incidental pieces from Weird Tales, with an introduction by Haining.
The Skybreaker Ann Halam (Orchard 1-85213-201-9, Jun ’90, £4.95, 208pp, tp, cover by Paul Finn) [Inland] Young-adult fantasy novel. Volume 3 in the “Inland” trilogy. Also available in hardcover (-183-7, £8.95).
Buying Time Joe W. Haldeman (Avon 0-380-70439-0, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $3.95, 295pp, pb, cover by Jim Warren) Reprint (Morrow 1989) sf novel of relative immortality. Highly recommended (CNB).
The Hemingway Hoax Joe W. Haldeman (Morrow 0-688-09024-9, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $16.95, 155pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) Sf novel about the temporal dangers of forging a lost Hemingway manuscript. Highly recommended (CNB).
The Hemingway Hoax Joe W. Haldeman (NEL 0-450-52978-9, Nov ’90, £12.95, 155pp, hc, cover by Gary Ruddell) Reprint (Morrow 1990) sf novel about an attempt to fake a Hemingway manuscript that has rather unexpected results.
The Long Habit of Living Joe W. Haldeman (NEL 0-450-53536-3, Nov ’90, £3.50, 300pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1989 as Buying Time) sf thriller about a process that can rejuvenate an aging body—at a price. Recommended. (PSP)
Worlds Joe W. Haldeman (Avon 0-380-70823-X, Dec ’90 [Nov ’90], $3.95, 239pp, pb, cover by Vincent Di Fate) [Worlds] Reprint (Viking 1981) sf novel, first in the “Worlds” trilogy. Recommended (CNB).
The Forever War #1 Joe W. Haldeman & Marvano (NBM 0-918348-95-1, Jan ’91 [Oct ’90], $8.95, 46pp, tp, cover by Marvano) [Forever War] First book of a four-part graphic novel adaptation, with text by Haldeman and artwork by Marvano. This was originally published in France in 1988. A signed, numbered, limited leatherbound edition is available for $35.00.
The Work of Chad Oliver Hal W. Hall (Borgo Press 0-89370-491-1, Oct ’89 [Mar ’90], $9.95, 88pp, tp) Non-fiction; reference. Annotated primary and secondary bibliography of works by and about Oliver. This is an update version of Chad Oliver: A Preliminary Bibliography (1985). It includes a long interview plus an afterword by Oliver. A hardcover edition (-391-5, $19.95) was announced but not seen.
Kisses of the Enemy Rodney Hall (Faber 0-571-15092-6, Jan ’90, £5.99, 622pp, tp, cover by Andrzej Klimowski) Reprint (Faber 1989) near-future literary novel.
Overload # 5: Atlanta Burn Bob Ham (Bantam 0-553-28340-5, Feb ’90, $2.95, 165pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) [Overload] Post-holocaust military adventure sf novel.
Overload # 6: Nebraska Nightmare Bob Ham (Bantam 0-553-28475-4, Apr ’90, $2.95, 168pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) [Overload] Post-holocaust military sf adventure novel.
Overload # 7: Rolling Vengeance Bob Ham (Bantam 0-553-28806-7, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $3.50, 238pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) [Overload] Post-holocaust military sf adventure novel.
Beauty and the Beast Barbara Hambly (Unwin 0-04-440741-6, May ’90, £3.99, 242pp, pb, cover by Alan Reingold) [Beauty and the Beast] Reprint (Avon 1989) fantasy tv novelization, based on the series created by Ron Koslow.
Beauty and the Beast: Song of Orpheus Barbara Hambly (Avon 0-380-75798-2, Nov ’90, $3.95, 279pp, pb) [Beauty and the Beast] Fantasy novelization based on the cancelled tv show, third book of a series.
The Dark Hand of Magic Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35807-4, Mar ’90 [Feb ’90], $4.95, 309pp, pb, cover by Romas) [Sun Wolf] Fantasy novel of mercenaries and wizards, third “Sun Wolf” book.
The Dark Hand of Magic Barbara Hambly (SFBC #17089, May ’90 [Apr ’90], $5.98, hc, cover by Tom Kidd) [Sun Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1990) fantasy novel. First hardcover edition.
The Dark Hand of Magic Barbara Hambly (Unwin 0-04-440614-2, May ’90 [Apr ’90], £3.50, 309pp, pb, cover by Mark Salwowski) [Sun Wolf] Reprint (Del Rey 1990) sf novel. Volume Three in the “Sun Wolf” series.
The Ladies of Mandrigyn Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30919-7, Mar ’90, $3.95, 311pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Sun Wolf] Reissue (Del Rey 1984) fantasy novel of mercenaries; ninth printing.
The Witches of Wenshar Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32934-1, Mar ’90 [Feb ’90], $3.95, 339pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Sun Wolf] Reissue (Del Rey 1987) fantasy novel, sequel to The Ladies of Mandrigyn; sixth printing.
Starwolf Edmond Hamilton (Ace 0-441-78425-9, May ’90 [Apr ’90], $4.95, 456pp, pb, cover by David Schleinkofer) [Starwolf] Reissue (Ace 1982) sf omnibus of The Weapons from Beyond (Ace 1967), The Closed Worlds (Ace 1968), & World of the Starwolves (Ace 1968); eighth printing.
- · The Weapons from Beyond · n. New York: Ace, 1967
- · The Closed Worlds · n. New York: Ace, 1968
- · World of the Starwolves · n. New York: Ace, 1968
Arthur Rackham James Hamilton (Little, Brown/Arcade 1-55970-096-3, Sep ’90, $40.00, 199pp, hc, cover by Arthur Rackham) Non-fiction; a biography of the great illustrator with many reproductions of his work. [Arthur Rackham]
The Dark Way: Stories from the Spirit World Virginia Hamilton (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 0-15-222340-1, Sep ’90, $19.95, 154pp, hc, cover by Lambert Davis) Young-adult collection of 25 weird and dark fantasy stories, with full-color illustrations by Lambert Davis.
The Bridge of Dawn Niel Hancock (Popular Library Questar 0-445-20824-4, Jan ’91 [Dec ’90], $4.95, 300pp, pb, cover by Tim Hildebrandt) [Windameir] Fantasy novel, fourth book of the “Windameir Circle” series.
Winterlong Elizabeth Hand (Bantam Spectra 0-553-28772-9, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $4.95, 442pp, pb, cover by Will Cormier) Sf novel of a quest through a dark and ruinous world. A first novel.
Visions of Space David A. Hardy (Paper Tiger 1-85028-136-X, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], £10.95, 176pp, tp) Reprint (Paper Tiger 1989) collection of space art by Hardy, with an introduction by Arthur C. Clarke.
Lurid Dreams Charles L. Harness (Avon 0-380-75761-3, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $3.50, 187pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) Alternate history sf novel of a contemporary graduate student’s out-of-body experience taking him into the past, where the Confederacy plans to use him and Edgar Allan Poe to change the course of history. Recommended (SW).
Wolfwalker Tara K. Harper (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-36539-9, May ’90 [Apr ’90], $3.95, 310pp, pb, cover by Edwin Herder) [Wolfwalker] Sf novel of a psychic healer fighting to survive in a wilderness, a first novel.
Mercurius Patrick Harpur (Macmillan 0-333-43781-0, Mar ’90, £14.95, 479pp, hc, cover by Richard Adams) Literary fantasy novel about a country clergyman’s search for The Philosopher’s Stone.
The Schizogenic Man Raymond Harris (Ace 0-441-75398-1, Nov ’90 [Oct ’90], $3.95, 229pp, pb, cover by Michael Race) Sf novel of an experiment in memory and dream that changes the waking world.
Adventureland Steve Harris (Headline 0-7472-0263-X, Jul ’90, £12.95, 376pp, hc, cover by Mark Harrison) Horror novel.
Red Dragon Thomas Harris (Dell 0-440-20615-4, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $5.95, 354pp, pb) [Dr. Hannibal Lector] Reprint (Putnam 1981) psychokiller thriller, the first featuring Hannibal Lector.
Bill, the Galactic Hero Harry Harrison (Gollancz 0-575-04701-1, Mar ’90, £3.50, 160pp, pb) [Bill the Galactic Hero] Reprint (Doubleday 1965) sf novel. Volume One in the “Bill, the Galactic Hero” series.
Skyfall Harry Harrison (Tor 0-812-53965-6, Sep ’90 [Aug ’90], $3.95, 281pp, pb, cover by Tony Roberts) Reprint (Faber & Faber 1976) sf disaster novel.
Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure Harry Harrison & David F. Bischoff (Avon 0-380-75664-1, Jan ’91 [Dec ’90], $3.95, 213pp, pb, cover by Michael W. Kaluta & Steven Fastner) [Bill the Galactic Hero] Humorous sf novel, third book of the “Bill, the Galactic Hero” series, with ilustrations by Michael Wm. Kaluta. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
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