The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- HAGGARD, [Sir] H(enry) RIDER (stories) (continued)
- * _She (Pulp Fictions UK 1-902058-03-8, Sep 98 [Oct 98], £4.99, xvi+246pp, tp, cover by Wiley Dunsmore) [She] Reprint (Harper 1886) classic fantasy novel. (Contents)
- * _She and Allan (Pulp Fictions 1-902058-05-4, Sep 98 [Oct 98], $9.95, 290pp, tp, cover by Wiley Dunsmore) [She; Allan Quatermain] Reprint (Longmans, Green 1921) dark fantasy adventure novel, third in the She trilogy. Introductory essay by David Pringle. This edition published in the UK (£4.99); available in the US from Firebird Distributing, 2030 First St., Unit 5, Eureka CA 95501; 707-444-1434.
- * _She and Allan (Pulp Fictions UK 1-902058-05-4, Sep 98 [Oct 98], £4.99, xvi+290pp, tp, cover by Wiley Dunsmore) [She; Allan Quatermain] Reprint (Longmans Green 1921) classic fantasy novel. Part of the She series, also in the Allan Quatermain series. Includes an introduction by David Pringle, reprinted from Interzone. (Contents)
- * _When the World Shook (Pulp Fictions UK 1-902058-07-0, Nov 98, £4.99, xx+272pp, tp, cover by Wiley Dunsmore) Reprint (Cassell 1919) SF/fantasy novel of a fight against the worlds death. Includes an introduction by David Pringle, reprinted from Interzone. (Contents)
- HAGUE, G(raeme) M(alcolm) (1959- )
- * *Ghost Beyond Earth (Pan Australia 0-330-27390-6, 1993 [Oct 93], A$11.95, 591pp, pb, cover by Mike Worrall) Horror novel of a former priest whos a catalyst for evil forces. This is an Australian first edition.
- HAGUE, MICHAEL (chron.)
- * *Michael Hagues World of Unicorns (Holt 0-8050-0070-4, Sep 86 [Jan 87], $16.95, unpaginated, hc) Pop-up fantasy art book. Published in 1986; missed.
- _____, ed.
- * *The Book of Dragons (Morrow 0-688-10879-2, Sep 95, $18.00, 146pp, hc, cover by Michael Hague) Anthology of 17 stories, poems, and excerpts from books about dragons, illustrated by Hague. (Contents)
- * *The Rainbow Fairy Book (with Andrew Lang) (Morrow/Books of Wonder 0-688-10878-4, Sep 93 [Aug 93], $20.00, 288pp, hc, cover by Michael Hague) 31 classic fairy tales selected by artist Michael Hague from Andrew Langs 12 collections with numerous full-color and black & white illustrations by Michael Hague.
- HAHN, MARY DOWNING (1937- ) (stories)
- * *The Doll in the Garden (Houghton Mifflin/Clarion 0-89919-848-1, Apr 89 [Oct 89], $13.95, 128pp, hc) Young-adult time-travel ghost novel. Two children enter a ghostly 19th-century world through a door in a hedge.
- * _The Doll in the Garden (Avon Camelot 0-380-70865-5, Apr 90 [Mar 90], $2.95, 128pp, tp) Reprint (Clarion 1989) young-adult time-travel ghost novel.
- * *Look For Me By Moonlight (Houghton Mifflin/Clarion 0-395-69843-X, Apr 95 [May 95], $13.95, 198pp, hc, cover by Paul Hunt) Young adult vampire romance novel.
- * _Look For Me By Moonlight (Hodder Childrens Books 0-340-68656-1, Dec 96, £3.99, 198pp, pb, cover by Paul Hunt) Reprint (Clarion 1995) young-adult vampire romance novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Look For Me By Moonlight (Avon Flare 0-380-72703-X, Mar 97 [Feb 97], $4.50, 181pp, pb) Reprint (Clarion 1995) young adult vampire romance novel.
- * _Time for Andrew (Avon Camelot 0-380-72469-3, Apr 95 [Mar 95], $3.99, 167pp, tp) Reprint (Clarion 1994) young-adult, time-travel ghost novel.
- * *Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story (Clarion Books 0-395-66556-6, Apr 94 [Mar 94], $13.95, 165pp, hc, cover by Robina MacIntyre) Young-adult time-travel fantasy about a boy drawn into the past to take the place of a great-great uncle who died of diptheria 80 years before.
- * _The Time of the Witch (Avon Camelot 0-380-71116-8, Sep 91 [Aug 91], $2.99, 171pp, pb, cover by Lars Justiner) Reprint (Clarion 1982) young-adult fantasy about a young girls experiences with a witch.
- * _Wait Till Helen Comes (Avon Camelot 0-380-70442-0, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $2.75, 184pp, pb) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1986) juvenile ghostly novel.
- * _Wait Till Helen Comes (Mammoth 0-7497-0487-X, Nov 97 [Dec 97], £3.99, 190pp, pb) Reprint (Houghton Mifflin 1986) young-adult ghost novel.
- HAIBLUM, ISIDORE (1935- ) (stories)
- * *Crystalworld (AvoNova 0-380-75859-8, Feb 92 [Jan 92], $4.50, 212pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Happy City] Sf novel of a hidden dimension infiltrated by subversives. Third book in the Happy City series.
- * *The Hand of Ganz (NAL/Signet 0-451-13341-2, Jan 85 [Dec 84], $2.75, 238pp, pb) [Siscoe; Block] Sf novel.
- * *The Identity Plunderers (Signet 0-451-12826-5, Mar 84 [Feb 84], $2.50, 207pp, pb) [Siscoe; Block] Sf novel.
- * *The Mutants Are Coming (Doubleday 0-385-17513-2, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $11.95, 183pp, hc) [Mutants Are Coming] Sf novel.
- * _The Mutants Are Coming (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35500-8, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $3.50, 251pp, pb) [Mutants Are Coming] Reprint (Doubleday 1984) sf/mystery whodunit set in a lunar colony.
- * _The Mutants Are Coming (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35500-8, Aug 90 [Jul 90], $3.95, 251pp, pb, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Mutants Are Coming] Reissue (Del Rey 1988) sf/mystery novel of murder kidnapping, and the 21st-century mutant underground; sixth printing.
- * *Out of Sync (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35501-6, Aug 90 [Jul 90], $3.95, 184pp, pb, cover by Alan Daniels) [Mutants Are Coming] Sf/mystery novel of the search for invisible thieves who work the casinos of the 21st century, sequel to The Mutants Are Coming.
- * *Specterworld (Avon 0-380-75858-X, Aug 91 [Jul 91], $3.95, 215pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Gunjer] Sf novel, sequel to Interworld (Dell 1977). An army of mutant clones attacks Happy City.
- HAIGH, ANDREW, ed. (stories)
- * *Scaremongers (Tanjen 1-901530-07-8, Sep 97 [Dec 97], £6.99, 280pp, tp) Original horror anthology of 25 stories. Authors include Ray Bradbury, Peter Crowther, Poppy Z. Brite, and Joan Aiken. (Contents)
- HAIGH, RICHARD; pseudonym of Laurence James, (1942-2000)
- * *The City (Grafton 0-586-06762-0, Jul 86 [Aug 86], £1.95, 191pp, pb) [Farm] Horror novel, second in a trilogy. The horror-pigs from The Farm are back!
- * _Watch for the Ghost (Magnet 0-416-95420-0, Jul 86, £1.50, 128pp, pb) Juvenile ghost story.
- HAILEY, JOHANNA; pseudonym of Sharon Jarvis & Marcia Yvonne Howl
- * *Crystal Paradise (Zebra 0-8217-1894-0, Sep 86 [Dec 86], $3.95, 477pp, pb) Fantasy/romance novel of a sorceress, a knight, and a quest for a crystal rose.
- * *Enchanted Paradise (Zebra 0-8217-1672-3, Oct 85 [Sep 85], $3.95, 525pp, pb) Elvish romance novel. (Not about Adam and Eve, as the cover art and blurb they risked everything for a night of passion! might suggest.) The authors are Marcia Yvonne Howl and Sharon Jarvis.
- HAINING, PETER (Alexander) (1940-2007); see pseudonyms Ric Alexander, William Pattrick & Richard Peyton (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Art of Horror Stories (Chartwell Books 1-5521-091-0, 1986 [Feb 87], $8.95, 176pp, hc) Reprint (Souvenir Press 1976) of a non-fiction study of horror illustrating, originally published in Britain as Terror!. An instant remainder. Appeared in 1986; not seen until now.
- * *The Doctor Who File (W.H. Allen 0-491-03813-5, Sep 86, £14.95, 256pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Associational interest yet another glossy book about Dr. Who.
- * *The Doctor Who File (W.H. Allen 0-491-03993-X, Sep 86, £75.00, 256pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Luxury, leather-bound limited edition of the above.
- * _The Doctor Who File (Lyle Stuart/Comet 0-86379-169-7, 1989 [Aug 89], $12.95, 239pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1986) collection of articles and anecdotes by and about the various actors who have played Doctor Who. This is a worldwide edition carrying the names of the publisher and its US, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand distributors and the UK and US prices.
- * _The Doctor Who File (Comet 0-86379-169-7, Jan 89, £5.99, 239pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1986) collection of articles and anecdotes by and about the various actors who have played Doctor Who. Compulsive reading. Recommended. (PSP)
- * *Doctor Who: 25 Glorious Years (W.H. Allen/Planet 1-85227-021-7, Oct 88, £14.95, 224pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Another collection of facts and anecdotes about Doctor Who to celebrate the shows 25th anniversary. Distributed in the U.S. by Lyle Stuart Inc., 120 Enterprise Ave., Secaucus NJ 07094, for $24.95.
- * _Doctor Who: 25 Glorious Years (Virgin 0-86369-324-5, Aug 90 [Sep 90], £8.99, 224pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1988) non-fiction reference book about the Doctor Who tv series.
- * _Doctor Who: The Key to Time (Comet 0-86379-153-0, Oct 87 [Sep 87], £5.95, 264pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1984) of associational interest. A year-by-year guide to the Doctor Who TV series.
- * _Doctor Who: The Time Travellers Guide (W.H. Allen 0-86379-188-3, Apr 89, £5.99, 272pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Reprint (W.H. Allen 1987) book about Doctor Who. This one is more encyclopaedic than anecdotal, but is fascinating as always. Recommended. (PSP)
- * *Doctor Who: The Time-Travellers Guide (W.H. Allen 0-491-03497-0, Sep 87, £14.95, 272pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Associational book.
- * *The Dracula Centenary Book (Souvenir Press 0-285-62822-4, Oct 87, £10.95, 160pp, hc) Associational book about Dracula.
- _____, ed.
- * _The Armchair Horror Collection (Orion 1-85797-411-5, Sep 94 [Aug 94], £4.99, 673pp, pb) Reprint (Orion 1993 as Television Late Night Horror Omnibus) anthology of 32 stories used as a basis for late-night horror shows on television.
- * _The Best Supernatural Stories of John Buchan See entry under John Buchan.
- * _The Best Supernatural Stories of Wilkie Collins See entry under Wilkie Collins.
- * _Charles Dickens Christmas Ghost Stories See entry under Charles Dickens.
- * _Classics of the Supernatural (Pan 0-330-37417-6, 1998, £5.99, 224pp, pb) Reprint ((Severn House 1995 as Ghost Movies) anthology of 12 stories and an excerpt.
- * _Dead of Night: Horror Stories from Radio, Television and Films (Stein & Day 0-8128-2848-8, Jan 84 [Dec 83], $14.95, 203pp, hc) Reprint (William Kimber 1981) horror anthology.
- * _The Fantasy and Mystery Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald See entry under F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- * *The Flying Sorcerers (Souvenir Press 0-285-63388-0, Aug 97, £16.99, 267pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) Humorous fantasy anthology. (Contents)
- * +The Flying Sorcerers (Ace 0-441-00577-2, Nov 98 [Oct 98], $5.99, 304pp, pb, cover by Walter Velez) Humorous fantasy anthology of 24 stories, many involving flight. Authors include Terry Pratchett, Arthur C. Clarke, and P.G. Wodehouse. First US edition (Souvenir Press 1997).
- * +The Frankenstein Omnibus (Chartwell Books 0-7858-0041-7, 1994 [Feb 95], $10.98, 647pp, hc) [Frankenstein] Horror anthology of 32 stories that contributed to or derived from Shelleys novel, with an introduction and notes by Haining. This is an instant remainder edition. First American edition (Orion 1994).
- * *The Frankenstein Omnibus (Orion 1-85797-551-0, Mar 94 [Apr 94], £9.99, 645pp, tp) Horror anthology, with an introduction and notes by Haining. A hardcover edition (-550-2, £15.99) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * _The Frankenstein Omnibus (Orion 1-85797-804-8, Feb 95 [Jan 95], £5.99, 735pp, pb) [Frankenstein] Reprint (Orion 1994) horror anthology.
- * *Ghost Movies II: Famous Supernatural Television Programmes (Severn House 0-7278-4966-2, May 96, £16.99, 242pp, hc, cover by Derek Colligan) Anthology of stories which were the basis or inspiration of many well-known fantasy and horror TV series and films. The cover is Ghost Movies II: More Classics of the Supernatural. (Contents)
- * *Ghost Movies: Famous Supernatural Films (Severn House 0-7278-4853-4, Nov 95, £15.99, 264pp, hc, cover by Derek Colligan) Anthology of 12 stories and an excerpt. Several are the basis of films. (Contents)
- * *Great Irish Stories of the Supernatural (Souvenir Press 0-285-63107-1, Oct 92, £15.99, 378pp, hc) Anthology of 28 Irish supernatural stories. (Contents)
- * _Great Irish Stories of the Supernatural (Pan 0-330-32983-9, Oct 93 [Sep 93], £5.99, 378pp, tp, cover by Carlos Schwabe) Reprint (Souvenir Press 1992) anthology of 28 Irish supernatural stories.
- * +Great Irish Stories of the Supernatural (Barnes & Noble 0-76070-746-4, 1998 [May 98], $7.98, 379pp, hc, cover by Andre Castaigne) Anthology of 28 stories of ghosts, faerie, and devilry, by Irish authors including Lord Dunsany, James Joyce, and W.B. Yeats. This instant remainder edition appears to be the first US edition (Souvenir Press 1992).
- * +Great Irish Tales of Fantasy and Myth (Barnes & Noble 0-7607-0380-9, 1996, $6.98, 309pp, hc) Anthology of 24 fantasy stories based on Irish myths and legends. First American edition (Souvenir Press 1994 as Great Irish Tales of the Unimaginable).
- * *Great Irish Tales of Horror (Souvenir Press 0-285-63280-9, 1995 [May 98], $24.95, 303pp, hc, cover by Douglas Cameron) Anthology of 24 stories by Irish writers including Bram Stoker, George Bernard Shaw, and Jack Higgins. This appears to be the 1995 UK edition (not previously listed) with a U.S. price sticker. (Contents)
- * *Great Irish Tales of the Unimaginable (Souvenir Press 0-285-63206-X, Sep 94 [Aug 94], £14.99, 309pp, hc, cover by Charles Bentley) Anthology of 24 fantasy stories based on Irish myths and legends. (Contents)
- * +Great Irish Tales of the Unimaginable (Souvenir Press 0-285-63206-X, Jan 95 [Feb 95], $21.95, 311pp, hc, cover by Charles Bentley) Anthology of 24 stories based on Irish myth and legend. This appears to be the UK edition with a sticker, but has a 1994 copyright. First American edition (Souvenir Press UK 1992).
- * _Irish Tales of Terror (Crown/Bonanza 0-517-65499-7, 1988 [Feb 88], $6.98, 317pp, hc) Reprint (Gollancz 1970 as The Wild Night Company: Irish Tales of Terror) anthology of 22 horror stories. Introduction by Ray Bradbury.
- * *Knights of Madness: Further Comic Tales of Fantasy (Souvenir Press 0-285-63450-X, Sep 98, £16.99, 252pp, hc, cover by Josh Kirby) Anthology of 24 comic fantasy, historical and crime stories, one an original story by Stan McMurtry. Other authors include Terry Pratchett, Mervyn Peake, Philip K. Dick, Jerome K. Jerome, Evan Hunter, and Ray Bradbury. (Contents)
- * +The Mammoth Book of 20th Century Ghost Stories (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0583-3, Dec 98 [Nov 98], $10.95, 482pp, tp, cover by Gordon Crabb) Anthology of 30 ghost stories, one original by Haining. Authors include Henry James, H.G. Wells, P.G. Wodehouse, A. Merritt, and John Steinbeck. First US edition (Robinson 1998).
- * *The Mammoth Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories (Robinson 1-85487-536-1, Oct 98, £6.99, 482pp, tp) Anthology of 30 stories, including an original by Haining. Authors include Doyle, James, Kuttner, Steinbeck, Wells, and Wodehouse. (Contents)
- * _Masters of the Macabre: The Best of the 20th Century (Robert Hale 0-7090-5068-2, Apr 93, £7.99, 256pp, tp) Reprint (W.H. Allen 1972 as The Lucifer Society) anthology of supernatural stories by leading literary figures.
- * _Midnight Tales See entry under Bram Stoker.
- * *Movie Monsters (Severn House 0-7278-1546-6, May 88 [Jun 88], £10.95, 282pp, hc) Horror anthology. (Contents)
- * *The Mummy: Stories of the Living Corpse (Severn House 0-7278-1556-3, Nov 88 [Jan 89], £10.95, 263pp, hc) Horror anthology. (Contents)
- * *Poltergeist: Tales of Deadly Ghosts (Severn House 0-7278-1474-5, Dec 87, £9.95, 249pp, hc) Anthology of stories about poltergeists. As usual, Haining has located some rare and interesting stories. (Contents)
- * _The Real Opera Ghost and Other Tales See entry under Gaston Leroux.
- * *Scary! Stories That Will Make You Scream! (Souvenir 0-285-63461-5, 1998, 223pp, hc) Anthology of 14 stories. (Contents)
- * _Scottish Stories of Fantasy and Horror (Crown/Bonanza 0-517-65500-4, 1988 [May 88], price unknown, 288pp, hc) Reprint (Gollancz 1971 as Clans of Darkness) anthology of 21 stories. Foreword by Angus Wilson. Instant remainder book. (Contents)
- * *Space Movies II: Famous Science Fiction Television Series (Severn House 0-7278-4897-6, Mar 96 [Feb 96], £15.99, 245pp, hc, cover by Derek Collinson) Anthology of ten stories which were used in famous TV SF series, or were written by the authors who inspired the series. (Contents)
- * *Space Movies: Classic Science Fiction Films (Severn House 0-7278-4790-2, Jun 95 [Jul 95], £15.99, 266pp, hc, cover by Derek Colligan) Anthology of ten stories and novel excerpts which lie behind many well-known movies: Heinlein, Bradbury, Von Braun, Moore, Clarke, Dick, King, Barker (not SF), Nolan (a piece taken from the sequel to the filmed book) and a Blish adaptation which has no connection to any of the films. Each piece has a background introduction by Haining. (Contents)
- * _Stories of the Walking Dead (Severn House 0-7278-1307-2, Aug 86, £8.95, 224pp, hc) Reprint (Target 1985 as Zombie) anthology of stories about zombies.
- * *Supernatural Sleuths (London: William Kimber 0-7183-0597-3, Mar 86, £8.50, 226pp, hc) Anthology of 12 stories of occult investigators. (Contents)
- * _The Supernatural Tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle See entry under Arthur Conan Doyle.
- * _The Supernatural Tales of Thomas Hardy See entry under Thomas Hardy.
- * *Tales from the Rogues Gallery (Little, Brown UK 0-316-90923-8, Aug 94 [Sep 94], £15.99, 338pp, hc) Fictions, fantasies, and documentary studies of some murderers from history. (Contents)
- * +Tales of Dungeons and Dragons (Century 0-7126-9542-7, 1986 [Jun 87], $24.95, 406pp, hc) Anthology of 30 stories of horror and fantasy having nothing to do with Dungeons and Dragons. There is a 4-page introduction by Ray Bradbury. This is an American edition of a 1986 British book, with an American price sticker and a title page listing David & Charles, North Pomfret VT 05053, as the distributor.
- * *Tales of Dungeons and Dragons (Century 0-7126-9542-7, Nov 86, £11.95, 416pp, hc) Fantasy anthology. (Contents)
- * *The Television Late Night Horror Omnibus (Orion 1-85797-092-6, Sep 93, £8.99, 578pp, tp) Anthology of 32 stories used as a basis for late-night horror shows on television. A hardcover edition (-091-8, £14.99) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * _The Television Late Night Horror Omnibus (Artus 1-898799-03-2, Jul 94, £4.99, 578pp, tp) Reprint (Orion 1993) anthology of 32 stories used as a basis for late-night horror shows on television. This is an instant remainder edition.
- * _Time Travelers: Fiction in the Fourth Dimension (Barnes & Noble 0-7607-0914-9, 1998, no price, 288pp, hc, cover by Steve Pidan) Reprint (Souvenir Press 1997 as Timescapes: Stories of Time Travel) SF anthology.
- * *Timescapes (Souvenir Press 0-285-63387-2, Aug 97, £16.99, 288pp, hc) SF anthology of 24 stories. (Contents)
- * *The Vampire Hunters Casebook (Warner UK 0-7515-1284-2, May 96 [Jun 96], £6.99, xx+363pp, tp) Dark fantasy anthology of 15 stories (two original) and excerpts from novels, about those who hunt the vampire. Illustrated with stills from vampire films. (Contents)
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