The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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Ware Hawk Andre Norton (Gollancz 0-575-04499-3, Oct 89, £3.50, 258pp, pb, cover by Brian Waugh) [Witch World] Reprint (Atheneum 1983) fantasy novel. In the Witch World series. [First U.K. edition]
Wizards Worlds Andre Norton (Tor 0-312-93191-3, Sep 89, $17.95, 500pp, hc) Collection of 13 stories.
- 1 · Falcon Blood [Witch World] · ss Amazons!, ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, DAW, 1979
- 20 · Toads of Grimmerdale [Witch World] · na Flashing Swords! #2, ed. Lin Carter, Dell, 1974
- 77 · Changeling [Witch World] · nv Lore of the Witch World, DAW, 1980
- 111 · Spider Silk [Witch World] · na Flashing Swords! #3, ed. Lin Carter, Dell, 1976
- 159 · Sword of Unbelief [Witch World] · nv Swords Against Darkness #2, ed. Andrew J. Offutt, Zebra, 1977
- 195 · Sand Sister [Witch World] · na Heroic Fantasy, ed. Gerald W. Page & Hank Reinhardt, DAW, 1979
- 253 · Toys of Tamisan · na If Apr 69 (+1)
- 348 · Wizards Worlds [Wizards World] · na If Jun 67
- 407 · Mousetrap · ss F&SF Jun 54
- 416 · Were-Wrath · nv Cheap Street; New Castle, VA, 1984
- 454 · By a Hair · ss Phantom Jul 58
- 464 · All Cats Are Gray [as by Andrew North] · ss Fantastic Universe Aug/Sep 53
- 473 · Swamp Dweller [Ithkar] · nv Magic in Ithkar #1, ed. Andre Norton & Robert Adams, Tor, 1985
Wizards Worlds Andre Norton (Easton Press, Dec 89, no price, 500pp, hc) Collection of 13 stories, with a new introduction by James Gunn and artwork by Patricia Davis. This is a signed, leatherbound gilt-edge edition being published simultaneously with the Tor hardcover edition listed three months ago. It is part of the Signed First Editions of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
Zarsthors Bane Andre Norton (Ace 0-441-95493-6, Jun 89 [May 89], $3.50, 204pp, pb) [Witch World] Reissue (Ace 1978) fantasy novel in the Witch World series, illustrated by Evan Ten-Broeck Steadman; sixth printing.
Gryphons Eyrie Andre Norton & A. C. Crispin (Tor 0-812-50360-0, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 248pp, pb) [Witch World: Gryphon] Reissue (Tor 1984) fantasy novel, third book of the Gryphon trilogy. Second printing.
Imperial Lady Andre Norton & Susan M. Shwartz (Tor 0-312-93128-X, Aug 89, $17.95, 293pp, hc) Oriental fantasy novel set in the China of the Han Dynasty.
Four from the Witch World ed. Andre Norton (Tor 0-312-93153-0, Mar 89, $16.95, 275pp, hc) [Witch World] Original shared-world anthology of four stories set in the Witch World.
Moon Mirror ed. Andre Norton (Tor 0-812-50303-1, Nov 89 [Oct 89], $3.95, 250pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1988) anthology of nine stories.
Tales of the Witch World ed. Andre Norton (Pan 0-330-30674-X, Apr 89 [Mar 89], £3.99, 343pp, tp, cover by Brian Smallwood) [Witch World] Reprint (Tor 1987) original shared-world anthology set in Nortons Witch World. [First U.K. edition]
Tales of the Witch World 1 ed. Andre Norton (Tor 0-812-54757-8, Feb 89, $3.95, 343pp, pb) [Witch World] Reprint (Tor 1987) original shared world anthology set in Nortons popular Witchworld.
Tales of the Witch World 2 ed. Andre Norton (Tor 0-812-50080-6, Aug 89 [Jul 89], $3.95, 376pp, pb) [Witch World] Reprint (Tor 1988) original anthology of 17 stories set in Nortons Witch World universe.
Tales of the Witch World 2 ed. Andre Norton (Pan 0-330-30809-2, Dec 89 [Nov 89], £3.99, 370pp, tp, cover by Geoff Andrews) [Witch World] Reprint (Tor 1988) original anthology of 17 stories set in Nortons Witch World universe. [First U.K. edition]
Magic in Ithkar 3 ed. Andre Norton & Robert Adams (Tor 0-812-54709-8, Oct 89, $3.95, 313pp, pb) [Ithkar] Reprint (Tor 1986) original shared-world anthology.
Catfantastic ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg (DAW 0-88677-355-5, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 320pp, pb) Original anthology of 15 stories about cats with an introduction by Andre Norton.
Grand Masters Choice ed. Andre Norton & Ingrid Zierhut (NESFA Press 0-915368-42-0, Aug 89, $10.00, 221pp, hc) Anthology of eight stories by the Grand Masters of the field. This is the Noreascon III convention book, a limited edition of 1025 copies, including 275 slipcased copies signed by Norton (-94-3, $35.00) which went out of print at the convention.
Time Police #3: Stranded! Warren Norwood & Mel Odom (Lynx Omeiga 1-55802-008-X, Mar 89 [Feb 89], $3.50, 320pp, pb) [Time Police] Time travel sf novel, third volume in the Time Police action series. Packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Productions.
Forgotten Realms: Azure Bonds Katie Novak & Jeff Grubb (Penguin 0-14-012130-7, Mar 89, £3.99, 380pp, hc, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Forgotten Realms] Reprint (TSR 1988) fantasy novelization. [First U.K. edition]
The Dragonlovers Guide to Pern Jody Lynn Nye & Anne McCaffrey (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35424-9, Nov 89, $19.95, 178pp, hc) [Pern] Non-fiction; a guide to background information in McCaffreys bestselling Pern books. Packaged and copyright by Bill Fawcett & Associates.
Evil Richard OBrien (Dell 0-440-20226-4, Jan 89 [Feb 89], $3.50, 214pp, pb) Horror novel about a high school reunion including the nerd who died 15 years before.
Rescue Stephen OConnor (Crown/Harmony 0-517-57203-6, May 89, $17.95, 180pp, hc) Literary collection of 12 stories, many with sf or fantasy elements.
- 3 · Help · ss
- 7 · The Afterlife of Lytton Swain · ss
- 24 · Nobody · nv
- 47 · Dad; or the Builder of Bridges · ss
- 54 · The Invitation · ss
- 63 · What Makes You Think You Deserve This? · ss
- 71 · Loyal Channa · nv
- 96 · The Only Life · ss
- 109 · Lost Goodness · ss
- 122 · Saint Corentin and the Fish · ss
- 127 · A Current in the Earth · pm
- 175 · Rescue · ss
Too, Too Solid Flesh Nick ODonohoe (TSR 0-88038-767-X, Nov 89, $3.95, 339pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) Sf/mystery novel set in an android repertory troupe performing Shakespeare.
And Again? Sean OFaolain (Birch Lane 1-55972-003-4, Aug 89, $16.95, 287pp, hc) Literary fantasya man avoids death by living his life backwards. First American edition (British 1979).
Psychic Fair George M. OHar (Pocket 0-671-67601-6, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 324pp, pb) Horror novel about a boy medium haunted by a Civil War-era ghost.
Cannibal Kiss Daniel Odier (Random House 0-394-57595-4, Nov 89, $16.95, 179pp, hc, cover by Loretta Leiva) Surrealistic literary fantasy novel of an authors character coming to life. Odier is better known as Delacorta, author of Diva. Translated from the French by Lanie Goodman. A first English translation, this originally appeared from Fayard-Mazarine in 1987 as Le Baiser Cannibale.
The Earth Remembers Susan Torian Olan (TSR 0-88038-778-5, Jan 90 [Dec 89], $3.95, 317pp, tp, cover by John & Laura Lakey) Post-apocalypse sf western novel set on the Texas-Mexico border with subterranean mutants and Comanches.
Poe Must Die Marc Olden (Futura 0-7088-8299-4, Jul 89 [Jun 89], £3.50, 316pp, pb) Reprint (US 1978) horror novel.
Broken Eagle Chad Oliver (Bantam 0-553-27997-1, Aug 89 [Jul 89], $3.95, 296pp, pb) Associational; western novel by the well-known sf writer.
Night Prophets Paul F. Olson (NAL Onyx 0-451-40175-1, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $4.50, 350pp, pb) Horror novel of televangelists and vampirism. A first novel.
Post Mortem: New Tales of Ghostly Horror ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva (St. Martins 0-312-02631-5, Mar 89, $16.95, 287pp, hc) Original horror anthology of 17 ghost stories, with an afterword by Dean R. Koontz.
Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson Judy Oppenheimer (Fawcett Columbine 0-449-90405-9, Jul 89 [May 89], $10.95, 294pp, tp) Reprint (Putnam 1988) biography of Shirley Jackson.
Becoming Alien Rebecca Ore (Tor 0-812-50313-9, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $3.95, 313pp, pb) [Becoming Alien] Reissue (Tor 1988) sf novel of alien first contact; second printing.
Being Alien Rebecca Ore (Tor 0-812-54792-6, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $3.95, 277pp, pb) [Becoming Alien] Sf novel of alien contact, sequel to Becoming Alien.
Being Alien Rebecca Ore (SFBC #15580, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $6.98, 277pp, hc, cover by Doug Beekman) [Becoming Alien] eprint (Tor 1989) sf novel, sequel to Becoming Alien. First hardcover edition.
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell (Penguin 0-14-018234-9, Sep 89, £4.50, 326pp, tp, cover by C. R. W. Nevinson) [1984] Reissue (Secker & Warburg 1949) classic sf novel. This is the authoritative text first published in 1987 (by Secker & Warburg) and contains the note on the text by Peter Davison from that edition and a new introduction by Ben Pimlott.
Moondream Victor Osborne (Piper 0-330-30637-5, Mar 89, £2.25, 123pp, pb, cover by Paul Warren) Reprint (Heinemann 1988) childrens fantasy tale about an evil wizard who collects bad dreams.
Moondream Victor Osborne (Morrow/Lothrop Lee & Shepard 0-688-08778-7, Apr 89 [Mar 89], $11.95, 134pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel. A boy and his talking animal friends must do battle with an evil wizard to save his kidnapped cousin. A first novel. First U.S. edition (Heinemann 1988).
The 30th Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Clarence Paget (Pan 0-330-31099-2, Sep 89, £2.99, 208pp, pb, cover by Melvyn Grant) Original horror anthology.
Owl Light Michael Paine (Charter 1-55773-277-9, Nov 89 [Oct 89], $3.95, 232pp, pb) Horror novel of a mysterious woman with supernatural powers.
The Lilith Factor Jean Paiva (NAL Onyx 0-451-40117-4, Feb 89 [Jan 89], $3.95, 303pp, pb) Horror novel about the first woman, the wife of Adam before Eve: Lilith. A first novel.
The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence Alexei & Cory Panshin (Elephant Books 0-87477-554-X, Aug 89, $50.00, 685pp, hc) History of sf through the Campbell era with emphasis on its mythic elements. There is an awesome amount of original research and reevaluation here. Recommended (CNB). This is a signed, numbered, limited edition of 500 copies.
The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence Alexei & Cory Panshin (Jeremy P. Tarcher 0-87477-436-5, Nov 89 [Sep 89], $29.95, 650pp, hc) Non-fiction; criticism. History of sf through the Campbell era with an emphasis on the philosophical and mythic elements. This contains a tremendous amount of research and reevaluation, though interpreted from a single viewpoint so exclusively as to be a tract rather than a work of scholarship. Nonethless, an important and impressive book. Recommended (SW). First trade edition after a 500 copy limited edition.
Soldiers of Paradise Paul Park (Grafton 0-586-20419-9, Apr 89, £3.99, 365pp, pb, cover by Peter Elson) [Starbridge Chronicles] Reprint (Arbor House 1987) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
Soldiers of Paradise Paul Park (Avon 0-380-70581-8, Jan 90, $3.95, 281pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Starbridge Chronicles] Reprint (Arbor House 1987) sf novel, first book of The Starbridge Chronicles.
The Sugar Festival Paul Park (SFBC #14899, Jun 89, $9.98, 568pp, hc) [Starbridge Chronicles] Omnibus of Soldiers of Paradise (Arbor House 1987) and Sugar Rain (Morrow 1989).
- 1 · Soldiers of Paradise · n. New York: Arbor House, 1987
- 275 · Sugar Rain · n. New York: Morrow, 1989
Sugar Rain Paul Park (William Morrow 1-55710-029-2, May 89 [Apr 89], $19.95, 384pp, hc) [Starbridge Chronicles] Quirky literary sf novel with overtones of horror, sequel to Soldiers of Paradise; set on a world with generation-long seasons.
Starsong Dan Parkinson (Penguin 0-14-012634-1, Jul 89, £3.50, 314pp, pb, cover by Neal McPheeters) Reprint (TSR 1988) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
Speak to the Rain Helen K. Passey (Macmillan Atheneum 0-689-31489-2, Oct 89, $12.95, 167pp, hc) Young-adult horror novel. A young girl bargains with the spirits of a murdered Indian tribe to return her mother from the dead. A first novel.
The Last Children Gudrun Pausewang (Julia MacRae 0-86203-402-7, Oct 89, £7.95, 123pp, hc) Reprint (Western Producer Prairie Books 1988 as The Last Children of Schevenborn) post-holocaust young-adult sf novel. Translated by Norman Wyatt from the German (Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg 1983 as Die Letzen Kinder von Schewenborn). [First U.K. edition]
Dictionary of the Khazars Milorad Pavic (QPBC, Oct 89, $11.95, 338pp, tp) Reprint (Knopf 1988) literary dictionary/fantasy/mystery novel, translated from the Serbo-Croatian by Christina Pribicevic-Zoric. The male and female editions differ by 17 lines. The female edition is also available. This is identical to the Knopf edition except there is no ISBN and the jacket is printed as the paperback cover.
Dictionary of the Khazars Milorad Pavic (Vintage 0-679-72461-3, Oct 89, $9.95, 335pp, tp) Reprint (Knopf 1988) literary dictionary/fantasy/mystery novel, translated from the Serbo-Croatian by Christina Pribicevic-Zoric. The male and female editions differ by 17 lines. The female edition is also available (-72754-X).
The White Raven Diana L. Paxson (Avon 0-380-75229-8, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $4.50, 461pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1988) Celtic fantasy novel.
The White Raven Diana L. Paxson (NEL 0-450-50251-1, Oct 89, £4.50, 464pp, tp) Reprint (Morrow 1988) fantasy novel.
Cat House Michael Peak (NAL Signet 0-451-16303-6, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $3.95, 255pp, pb) [Cat House] Talking cat fantasycats versus demonic coyotes. A first novel.
Gormenghast Mervyn Peake (Mandarin 0-7493-0052-3, Aug 89, £3.99, 511pp, pb, cover by Mark Robertson) [Gormenghast] Reprint (Eyre & Spottiswoode 1950) literary fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the Gormenghast trilogy.
Titus Alone Mervyn Peake (Mandarin 0-7493-0053-1, Aug 89, £3.50, 263pp, pb, cover by Mark Robertson) [Gormenghast] Reprint (Eyre & Spottiswoode 1959) literary fantasy novel. This contains the reconstructed version of the text done by Langdon Jones (Eyre & Spottiswoode 1970). Volume three in the Gormenghast trilogy.
Titus Groan Mervyn Peake (Mandarin 0-7493-0051-5, Aug 89, £3.99, 506pp, pb, cover by Mark Robertson) [Gormenghast] Reprint (Eyre & Spottiswoode 1946) literary fantasy novel. Volume one in the Gormenghast trilogy.
Cult Movies 2 Danny Peary (Delta 0-385-29753-X, Jul 89, $12.95, 181pp, tp) Reprint (Delacorte 1983) associational guide to 50 cult films, with many stills and intelligent criticism. Nearly half of the films included have fantasy or science fiction content.
Cult Movies: The Classics, the Sleepers, the Weird, and the Wonderful Danny Peary (Delta 0-385-28186-2, Jul 89, $14.95, 401pp, tp) Reprint (Delacorte 1981) associational guide to 100 cult movies, with many stills and intelligent criticsm. Nearly one third of the films included have fantasy or science fiction content.
Voices After Midnight Richard Peck (Delacorte 0-385-29779-3, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $14.95, 181pp, hc) Young-adult time-travel fantasy. Two brothers travel back to New York City during the blizzard of 1888.
Seal Child Sylvia Peck (William Morrow 0-688-08682-9, Oct 89 [Sep 89], $12.95, 200pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy, illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker. A little girl makes a new friend who is actually a selkie. A first novel.
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