The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- ADAMS, DOUGLAS (Noel) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (SFBC #4082, Aug 85 [Jul 85], $4.98, 152pp, hc) [Hitchhiker] Reprint (Pan 1984) sf novel, fourth in the Hitchhiker trilogy.
- * _So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Pocket 0-671-52580-8, Nov 85 [Oct 85], $3.95, 204pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reprint (Pan 1984) humorous sf novel, #4 in the Hitchhiker trilogy.
- * _So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Pan 0-330-28700-1, Nov 88, £2.99, 191pp, pb) [Hitchhiker] Reissue (Pan 1985) sf novel. Volume 4 in the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy quartet.
- * +Two Complete Novels (Wings 0-517-11912-9, 1994 [Feb 95], $9.99, 436pp, hc, cover by Ian Greathead) [Dirk Gently] Omnibus of the two Dirk Gently fantasy novels, Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul. This is an instant remainder edition. First American omnibus edition (Pan 1993, under the two titles.)
- * +The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Random House/Wings 0-517-14925-7, Mar 96 [Feb 96], $14.99, 815pp, hc, cover by Peter Cross) [Hitchhiker] Omnibus of the five novels in the Hitchhiker series, plus the story Young Zaphod Plays it Safe (which also appeared in the Wings omnibus of the first four novels, The More Than Complete Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, not previously listed). This is an instant remainder edition. First US edition (Heinemann 1995).
- ADAMS, GLENDA (Emilie) (1939- ) (stories)
- * *Games of the Strong (Cane Hill Press 0-943433-02-9, May 89, $8.95, 180pp, tp) Australian literary novel set in a near-future utopia. First American edition (Angus & Robertson 1982).
- ADAMS, NICHOLAS; house pseudonym
- * *Pep Rally [by Debra Doyle & James D. Macdonald] (Harper Paperbacks 0-06-106084-4, May 91, $3.50, pb) [Horror High] Young-adult horror novel, Horror High #7.
- * *Santa Claws (Harper Paperbacks 0-06-106108-5, Dec 91 [Nov 91], $3.50, 187pp, pb) Young-adult werewolf horror novel of a boy who realizes that hes changing when the moon is full and fears that hes responsible for the savage death of a local girl.
- * *Vampires Kiss (HarperPaperbacks 0-06-106177-8, Mar 94 [Feb 94], $3.50, 211pp, pb) Young-adult horror novel about a teenage girl in love with a vampire. Packaged by Daniel Weiss Associates. Copyrighted by Susan Albert.
- ADAMS, PAMELA CRIPPEN, ed. (1961- ) (stories)
- ADAMS, RICHARD (George) (1920- ) (stories)
- * +The Day Gone By: An Autobiography (Knopf 0-679-40117-2, Apr 91 [Mar 91], $25.00, 398pp, hc) Associational autobiography by a fantasy writer. It only covers the period 1920-1945! First American edition (Century Hutchinson 1990).
- * _The Legend of Te Tuna (Sidgwick & Jackson 0-283-99393-6, Oct 86, £8.95, 71pp, hc) Reprint (Sylvester & Orphanos 1982) fantasy. Retelling of a South Sea legend, illustrated by Ul de Rico.
- * *Maia (Viking UK 0-670-80033-3, 1984 [Dec 84], £12.95, 1056pp, hc) [Shardik] Fantasy novel. This is fast-paced adventure, despite the length, and set in the same Beklan Empire as Shardik. Recommended. (FCM)
- * +Maia (Knopf 0-394-52857-3, Feb 85 [Jan 85], $19.95, 1062pp, hc) [Shardik] Reprint (Viking UK 1984) fantasy novel, first U.S. edition.
- * _Maia (SFBC #6246, Sep 85 [Oct 85], $7.98, 891pp, hc) [Shardik] Reprint (Viking UK 1984) fantasy novel.
- * _Maia (NAL/Signet 0-451-14035-4, Feb 86 [Jan 86], $4.95, 1223pp, pb) [Shardik] Reprint (Viking UK 1984) fantasy novel.
- * _Maia (NAL/Signet 0-451-14035-4, May 86, $4.95, 1223pp, pb) [Shardik] Reissue (Viking UK 1984) fantasy novel; 3rd Signet printing after a February publication of the paperback.
- * _The Plague Dogs (Ballantine/Fawcett Columbine 0-449-00071-0, Jul 97 [Feb 98], $12.00, 391pp, tp, cover by John Butler) Reprint (Rex Collings 1977) fantasy novel. This has the 1978 introduction to American readers.
- * *Tales from Watership Down (Hutchinson 0-09-180166-4, Sep 96 [Dec 96], £14.99, x+198pp, hc, cover by John Lawrence) [Watership Down] Collection of original animal fantasy stories in the Watership Down series. Simultaneous with the US (Knopf) edition. (Contents)
- * +Tales from Watership Down (Knopf 0-679-45125-0, Oct 96, $23.00, 267pp, hc, cover by John Lawrence) [Watership Down] Collection of 19 stories continuing the rabbit tales of Watership Down. Illustrated by John Lawrence. First US edition (Hutchinson 1996).
- * _Tales from Watership Down (Puffin UK 0-14-038245-3, Feb 98 [Mar 98], £4.99, 248pp, pb, cover by John Butler) [Watership Down] Reprint (Hutchinson 1996) young-adult fantasy collection.
- * _Tales from Watership Down (Avon 0-380-72934-2, Mar 98 [Feb 98], $6.99, 335pp, pb, cover by Mike Russell & Anton Stetzko) [Watership Down] Reprint (Hutchinson 1996) collection of 19 stories continuing the anthropomorphic rabbit tales of Watership Down. Bunny collectors should note there are four different covers to this edition.
- * *Traveller (Knopf 0-394-57055-3, Jul 88 [Jun 88], $18.95, 270pp, hc) Sort of talking animal fantasy/historical novel: as the copyright page summary puts it, it examines the events of the Civil War through the eyes of General Robert E. Lees closest companion and devoted horse, Traveller.
- * _Traveller (Hutchinson 0-09-173891-1, Feb 89, £12.95, 277pp, hc, cover by Charles Hoffbauer) Reprint (Knopf 1988) fantasy novel about the US Civil War as seen through the eyes of Robert E. Lees horse. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Traveller (Dell 0-440-20493-3, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $4.95, 355pp, pb) Reprint (Knopf 1988) Civil War historical novel told from the point-of-view of Robert E. Lees horse.
- * _Traveller (Penguin 0-14-011934-5, Jul 90, £3.99, 366pp, pb) Reprint (Knopf 1988) fantasy novel about the US Civil War as seen through the eyes of Robert E. Lees horse.
- * _Watership Down (Avon 0-380-00293-0, Jan 86 [Dec 85], $4.50, 478pp, pb) [Watership Down] Reissue (Macmillan 1974) fantasy novel of talking rabbits.
- * _Watership Down (Avon 0-380-00428-3, Sep 93 [Aug 93], $12.00, 478pp, tp) [Watership Down] Reprint (Macmillan 1974) epic talking animal fantasy novel about rabbits.
- * _Watership Down (Avon 0-380-00293-0, Mar 98 [Feb 98], $6.99, 485pp, pb, cover by John Lawrence) [Watership Down] Reissue (Rex Collings 1972) novel about talking rabbits. 48th printing.
- ADAMS, (Franklin) ROBERT (1932-1990) (stories)
- * _Castaways in Time (NAL/Signet 0-451-12664-5, Jan 85 [Dec 84], $2.75, 234pp, pb) Reissue (Starblaze 1980) sf novel.
- * *The Clan of the Cats (NAL Signet 0-451-15229-8, Jun 88 [May 88], $3.50, 221pp, pb) [Horseclans] Sf novel, Horseclans #18.
- * _The Horseclans # 1: The Coming of the Horseclans (Macdonald 0-356-10666-7, Apr 85 [Mar 85], £8.95, 199pp, hc) [Horseclans] Reprint (Pinnacle 1975) sf novel, first of the series. This is the first hardcover edition.
- * *Horseclans #16: Trumpets of War (NAL/Signet 0-451-14715-4, Feb 87 [Jan 87], $3.50, 223pp, pb) [Horseclans] Sf novel, latest in the post-holocaust series.
- * *Horseclans #17: Madmans Army (NAL/Signet 0-451-14968-8, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $3.50, 222pp, pb) [Horseclans] Latest in the series, a flashback novel.
- * *Horses of the North (NAL/Signet 0-451-13626-8, Jun 85 [May 85], $3.50, 253pp, pb) [Horseclans] Sf novel, Horseclans #13.
- * *A Man Called Milo Morai (NAL/Signet 0-451-14128-8, Feb 86 [Jan 86], $2.95, 221pp, pb) [Horseclans] Sf novel, #14 in the Horseclans series.
- * *The Memories of Milo Morai (NAL/Signet 0-451-14548-8, Aug 86 [Jul 86], $2.95, 221pp, pb) [Horseclans] Sf novel, Horseclans #15.
- * *Monsters and Magicians (Baen 0-671-69797-8, Jan 89 [Dec 88], $3.95, 311pp, pb) [Stairway to Forever] Fantasy novel set in the contemporary South and a fantastic world accessible through a door on the heros property. Stairway to Forever #2.
- * *Of Beginnings and Endings (NAL Signet 0-451-15972-1, May 89 [Apr 89], $3.95, 238pp, pb) [Castaways in Time] Alternate-history time-travel sf novel, sixth book in the Castaways in Time series.
- * *Of Chiefs and Champions (NAL/Signet 0-451-15110-0, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.50, 238pp, pb) [Castaways in Time] Sf novel, #4 in the Castaways in Time series.
- * *Of Kings and Quests (NAL/Signet 0-451-14574-7, Nov 86 [Oct 86], $2.95, 237pp, pb) [Castaways in Time] Sf novel, Castaways in Time #3.
- * *Of Myths and Monsters (NAL Signet 0-451-15722-2, Dec 88 [Nov 88], $3.95, 237pp, pb) [Castaways in Time] Alternate world sf novel, Castaways in Time #5.
- * *The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland (NAL/Signet 0-451-13340-4, Jan 85 [Dec 84], $2.95, 254pp, pb) [Castaways in Time] Sf novel, sequel to Castaways in Time.
- * *The Stairway to Forever (Baen 0-671-65434-9, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $3.50, 265pp, pb) [Stairway to Forever] Parallel world fantasy adventure novel, first in a new series. There is a chapter also included from Book Two, Monsters and Magicians.
- * *Tales of the Horseclans (NAL/Plume 0-452-25726-3, Nov 85 [Oct 85], $8.95, 578pp, pb) [Horseclans] Omnibus edition of the first three novels in the Horseclans sf series. (Contents)
- _____, ed.
- * *Alternatives (with Pamela Crippen Adams) (Baen 0-671-69818-4, May 89 [Apr 89], $3.50, 312pp, pb) Original anthology of six alternate history stories. (Contents)
- * *Barbarians (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh) (NAL/Signet 0-451-14054-0, Jan 86 [Dec 85], $3.95, 368pp, pb) Anthology of 13 stories. (Contents)
- * *Barbarians II (with Martin H. Greenberg & Pamela Crippen Adams) (NAL Signet 0-451-15198-4, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $3.95, 364pp, pb) Anthology of 14 heroic fantasy stories. (Contents)
- * *Friends of the Horseclans (with Pamela Crippen Adams) (NAL/Signet 0-451-14789-8, Apr 87 [Mar 87], $3.50, 284pp, pb) [Horseclans] Shared-world original sf anthology set in Robert Adams world of the Horseclans. 12 stories. (Contents)
- * *Friends of the Horseclans II (with Pamela Crippen Adams) (NAL Signet 0-451-15846-6, Mar 89 [Feb 89], $3.95, 287pp, pb) [Horseclans] Original anthology of nine stories set in Adams Horseclans universe. (Contents)
- * *Hunger for Horror (with Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW 0-88677-266-4, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $3.50, 256pp, pb) Anthology of 15 horror stories about food. (Contents)
- * _Magic in Ithkar (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * _Magic in Ithkar 1 (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * _Magic in Ithkar 2 (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * _Magic in Ithkar 3 (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * _Magic in Ithkar 4 (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * *Phantom Regiments (with Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg) (Baen 0-671-69862-1, Feb 90 [Jan 90], $3.50, 271pp, pb, cover by Ken Kelly) Anthology of 15 stories featuring ghostly warriors, with an introduction by David Drake. (Contents)
- * *Robert Adams Book of Alternate Worlds (with Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg) (NAL/Signet 0-451-14894-0, Jul 87 [Jun 87], $3.95, 366pp, pb) Anthology of 9 alternate-world stories, both sf and fantasy. (Contents)
- * *Robert Adams Book of Soldiers (with Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg) (NAL Signet 0-451-15559-9, Sep 88 [Aug 88], $3.95, 348pp, pb) Anthology of 11 military sf tales. (Contents)
- * *The Master of Chaos (DAW 0-88677-347-4, Apr 89 [Mar 89], $4.50, 496pp, pb) Sf novel featuring a telepathic expert in human/alien encounters, sequel to Sentience.
- * *Sentience (DAW 0-88677-108-0, Feb 86 [Jan 86], $3.50, 381pp, pb) Sf novel about First Contact, a first novel.
- * _Sentience (DAW 0-88677-108-0, Apr 89 [Mar 89], $3.50, 381pp, pb) Reissue (DAW 1986) sf novel about first contact; third printing.
- ADDAMS, CHARLES (Samuel) (1912-1988)
- * *The Addams Family Album (Hamish Hamilton 0-241-13188-X, Oct 91, £10.99, 96pp, hc) Collection of ghoulish cartoons.
- * *The World of Charles Addams (Knopf 0-394-58822-3, Oct 91, $30.00, 305pp, hc, cover by Charles Addams) Collection of classic Charles Addams cartoons, both black and white and full-color, with an introduction by Wilfrid Sheed.
- * _The World of Charles Addams (Hamish Hamilton 0-241-13084-0, Sep 92, £25.00, 305pp, hc) Reprint (Knopf 1991) wonderful collection of art from the master of the ghoulish cartoon, with an introduction by Wilfrid Sheedy. Last years Hugo Award winner. Recommended (PSP). [First U.K. edition]
- * _The World of Charles Addams (Knopf 0-679-74813-X, Dec 93 [Nov 93], $20.00, 305pp, tp, cover by Charles Addams) Reprint (Knopf 1991) retrospective collection of classic Charles Addams cartoons, both black & white and full-color, with an introduction by Wilfrid Sheed. This book won the Hugo Award in 1992.
- ADDER, DR.; pseudonym of Timothy MacNamara (stories)
- * *Tesseract (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34744-7, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $3.50, 246pp, pb) Sf novel involving interdimensions, intertime, and interspace. A first novel.
- ADDISON, LINDA D. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Animated Objects (Space & Time 0-917053-09-5, Oct 97 [Nov 97], $7.95, 110pp, tp) Collection of six stories and 38 poems, plus journal entries. Introduction by Barry N. Malzberg. A hardcover edition (-10-9, $14.95) was announced but not seen. Order from Space & Time, 138 West 70th St 4B, New York NY 10023-4468; add $1.50 postage. (Contents)
- * *C.S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer, and Mentor (Eerdmans 0-8028-4203-8, Apr 98 [Jun 98], $22.00, 307pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study of Lewiss life and work. [Lewis]
- ADKINS, PATRICK H. (1948- )
- * *Lord of the Crooked Paths (Ace 0-441-49036-0, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $2.95, 216pp, pb) [Titans] Fantasy novel set in the era of the Greek Titans and elder gods. A first novel.
- * _Lord of the Crooked Paths (Orbit 0-7088-8322-2, Mar 90, £3.50, 216pp, pb, cover by Ian Miller) [Titans] Reprint (Ace 1987) fantasy novel, set in the era of the Greek Titans.
- * *Master of the Fearful Depths (Ace 0-441-52106-1, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.50, 218pp, pb) [Titans] Fantasy novel about the Titans. Sequel to Lord of the Crooked Paths.
- * *Sons of the Titans (Ace 0-441-77524-1, Aug 90 [Jul 90], $4.50, 264pp, pb, cover by Michael Racz) [Titans] Fantasy novel about the Titans of Greek myth, third book of a series.
- ADLER, BILL, Jr., ed. (stories)
- * *Time Machines: The Best Time Travel Stories Ever Written (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0493-4, Dec 97 [Nov 97], $24.00, 382pp, hc) Anthology of 22 stories about time travel. Authors include Jack Finney, Ray Bradbury, Connie Willis, Isaac Asimov. (Contents)
- ADLER, C(arole) S(chwerdtfeger) (1932- )
- * _Eddies Blue-Winged Dragon (Avon Camelot 0-380-70768-3, Sep 90 [Aug 90], $2.95, 144pp, tp) Reprint (Putnam 1988) young-adult fantasy novel of a magical brass dragon.
- * _Ghost Brother (Avon Camelot 0-380-71386-1, Sep 92 [Aug 92], $3.50, 135pp, tp) Reprint (Clarion 1990) young-adult fantasy novel about a boy haunted by the ghost of his brother.
- * _The Silver Coach (Avon Camelot 0-380-75498-3, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $2.50, 103pp, tp) Reprint (Putnam 1979) childrens fantasy novel about summer vacation and magic with Grandma.
- ADRIAN, JACK; pseudonym of Christopher Lowder, (1945- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Death Lands: Pilgrimage to Hell (Gold Eagle 0-373-62501-4, Jun 86 [May 86], $3.95, 380pp, pb) [Deathlands] Sf novel, part of a post-Holocaust adventure series.
- _____, ed.
- * *The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 1997 (Ash-Tree Press 1-899562-37-0, Oct 97, C$35.00, 68pp, hc, cover by Rob Suggs) Anthology of four weird stories by women writers whose supernatural output is small. This is a limited edition of 500. A world-wide edition available in the US for $25.50 and in the UK for £16.00. (Contents)
- * *The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 1998 (Ash-Tree Press 1-899562-62-1, Nov 98 [Dec 98], C$40.00, xv+82pp, hc, cover by Rob Suggs) Anthology of 6 spooky stories by authors not usually associated with the genre, including W. Somerset Maugham, Arthur Ransom, Ford Madox Ford, and Hilaire Belloc. This is a limited edition of 500. A world-wide edition available in the US for $31.00 and in the UK for £19.00. (Contents)
- * _Aylmer Vance: Ghost-Seer See entry under Alice Askew.
- * _Fine Feathers and Other Stories See entry under E. F. Benson.
- * _The Flint Knife See entry under E. F. Benson.
- * _Intruders: New Weird Tales See entry under A. M. Burrage.
- * _The Occult Files of Francis Chard: Some Ghost Stories See entry under A. M. Burrage.
- * _Someone in the Room: Strange Tales Old and New See entry under A. M. Burrage.
- * *Strange Tales from the Strand (Oxford University Press 0-19-212305-X, Nov 91, £15.95, 373pp, hc, cover by Mick Brownfield) Anthology of 29 ghost/supernatural stories from the past 100 years of Strand magazine. (Contents)
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