The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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Nerilka’s Story & The Coelura Anne McCaffrey (Corgi 0-552-12817-1, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], £1.95, 192pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam UK 1987) fantasy omnibus.
The Year of the Lucy Anne McCaffrey (Corgi 0-552-12818-X, Feb ’87, £2.95, 333pp, pb) Reprint (Underwood-Miller 1986) romantic novel, of associational interest.
The Year of the Lucy Anne McCaffrey (Tor 0-812-58565-8, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $3.95, 311pp, pb) Reprint (Underwood-Miller 1986) contemporary mainstream novel; associational.
Swan Song Robert R. McCammon (Pocket 0-671-31117-4, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $4.95, 956pp, pb) Pre- and post-holocaust sf/horror novel of America destroyed, with a possibility of redemption. An epic tale in the mode of Stephen King’s The Stand.
Promise of the Rose Stone Claudia McCay (New Victoria Publishers 0-934678-10-3, Nov ’86 [May ’87], $7.95, 238pp, tp) Feminist sf novel of a warrior woman and a mystic stone. This appeared late last year, but we had not seen it until now.
Antares Dawn Michael McCollum (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32313-0, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $2.95, 310pp, pb) [Antares Dawn] Reissue (Del Rey 1986) sf novel; 4th printing.
Antares Passage Michael McCollum (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-32314-9, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.50, 311pp, pb) [Antares Dawn] Sf novel, sequel to Antares Dawn.
Bimbos of the Death Sun Sharyn McCrumb (TSR/Windwalker 0-88038-455-7, Mar ’87, $2.95, 219pp, pb) [Jay Omega] Associational, a mystery novel centered around the death of a fantasy novelist at Rubicon, a science fiction convention. Incredibly fannish. (CFC)
The Ladies of Missalonghi Colleen McCullough (Harper & Row 0-06-015739-9, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $12.95, 189pp, hc) Historical fantasy novel. In a small town in Australia just before WWI, a repressed 33-year-old woman seeks romance. A charming story of genteelly poor, male-dominated women who finally turn the tables on their rich relations, this ultimately turns out to be a ghost story. Recommended to readers of historical romance for its detailed depiction of the time. (CFC)
The Ladies of Missalonghi Colleen McCullough (Hutchinson 0-09-170600-9, Jun ’87, £7.95, 132pp, hc) Ghost novel. Simultaneous with US (Harper & Row) edition.
A Time For Survival Philip McCutchan (Firecrest 0-85997-918-0, May ’87 [1987], £8.95, 208pp, hc) Post-nuclear sf novel. [Not seen]
The Architects of Hyperspace Thomas R. McDonough (Avon 0-380-75144-5, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $2.95, 265pp, pb) Hard science space opera sf novel by a noted scientist; a first novel.
Plus Joseph McElroy (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-289-3, Jan ’87, $8.95, 215pp, tp) Reprint (Knopf 1976) literary sf novel of a disembodied consciousness orbiting Earth as part of Project Light Travel. New introduction by Tom LeClair.
Killer Robot Seth McEvoy (Dragon 0-583-31123-7, Jul ’87 [Aug ’87], £1.95, 146pp, pb) [Not Quite Human] Reprint (Archway 1986) juvenile sf novel. Volume 6 in the “Not Quite Human” series. [First U.K. edition]
Terror at Play Seth McEvoy (Dragon 0-583-31122-9, Jul ’87, £1.95, 149pp, pb) [Not Quite Human] Reprint (Archway 1986) juvenile sf novel. Volume 5 in the “Not Quite Human” series. [First U.K. edition]
The Child in Time Ian McEwan (Jonathan Cape 0-224-02499-X, Sep ’87, £10.95, 220pp, hc) Novel with sf touches.
The Magician’s Apprentice Tom McGowen (Dutton/Lodestar 0-525-67189-7, Jan ’87, $12.95, 119pp, hc) [Magician] Young-adult sf/fantasy novel, a quest for lost “magic” from the 20th century, 3000 years later.
Enterprise: The First Adventure Vonda N. McIntyre (Grafton 0-586-07321-3, Apr ’87, £2.95, 371pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1986) Star Trek novel. [First U.K. edition]
The Entropy Effect Vonda N. McIntyre (Pocket 0-671-63930-7, Sep ’87, $3.95, 224pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reissue (Timescape 1981) Star Trek novel.
The Exile Waiting Vonda N. McIntyre (Pan 0-330-25295-X, May ’87, £2.95, 236pp, pb) Reissue (SFBC 1975) sf novel.
Fireflood and Other Stories Vonda N. McIntyre (Pan 0-330-26537-7, Jan ’87, £2.50, 256pp, pb) Reissue (Pocket 1981) collection of 11 sf stories.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Vonda N. McIntyre (SFBC #106302, Mar ’87, $4.98, 188pp, hc) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1986) novelization of the 4th “Star Trek” film.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Vonda N. McIntyre (Grafton 0-586-07318-3, Apr ’87, £2.50, 274pp, pb) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1986) novelization of a Star Trek film. [First U.K. edition]
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Vonda N. McIntyre (Severn House 0-7278-1519-9, Jul ’87, £9.95, 288pp, hc) [Star Trek] Reprint (Pocket 1986) sf novel. [Not seen]
Kashka Ellen Kindt McKenzie (Holt 0-8050-0327-4, Sep ’87 [Oct ’87], $14.95, 258pp, hc) [Taash and the Jesters] Young-adult magical kingdom fantasy novel, sequel to Taash and the Jesters.
The Brega Path Dennis L. McKiernan (NAL/Signet 0-451-14893-2, Jul ’87 [Jun ’87], $2.95, 255pp, pb) [Silver Call] Reprint (Doubleday 1986) fantasy novel, second and last of a duology.
Trek to Kraggen-Cor Dennis L. McKiernan (NAL/Signet 0-451-14787-1, Apr ’87 [Mar ’87], $2.95, 251pp, pb) [Silver Call] Reprint (Doubleday 1986) fantasy novel, first in the “Silver Call” duology.
Fool’s Run Patricia A. McKillip (Warner 0-446-51278-8, Apr ’87 [Feb ’87], $15.95, 221pp, hc) Sf novel. Musicians affected by a past mass-murder seek to understand the alien “vision” that drove the murderer. Interesting characters highlight this inconclusive adventure. (CFC)
Fool’s Run Patricia A. McKillip (Orbit 0-7088-8219-6, Jun ’87, £2.50, 252pp, pb) Reprint (Warner 1987) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
Fool’s Run Patricia A. McKillip (Macdonald 0-356-14394-5, Aug ’87, £10.95, 256pp, hc) Reprint (Warner 1987) sf novel. [Not seen]
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Patricia A. McKillip (Orbit 0-7088-8242-0, Jul ’87, £2.50, 217pp, pb) Reprint (Atheneum 1974) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
The Throme of the Erril of Sherril Patricia A. McKillip (Ace 0-441-80840-9, Aug ’87, $2.95, 165pp, pb) Reprint (Ace/Tempo 1984) collection of the very juvenile title novella (Atheneum 1973) plus a juvenile novelette plus numerous illustrations by Judith Mitchell.
Black Beauty Robin McKinley & Anna Sewell (Hamish Hamilton 0-241-12102-7, Mar ’87, £7.95, 72pp, hc) Associational interest. Famous children’s story illustrated by Susan Jeffers and ‘adapted’ by Robin McKinley. [Not seen]
Imaginary Lands ed. Robin McKinley (Julia MacRae 0-86203-280-6, Mar ’87, £8.95, 256pp, hc) Reprint (Ace 1985) juvenile fantasy anthology. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
Imaginary Lands ed. Robin McKinley (Orbit 0-7088-8223-4, Jun ’87, £3.95, 246pp, tp) Reprint (Ace 1985) original fantasy anthology.
Robotech # 1: Genesis Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34133-3, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.95, 214pp, pb) [Robotech] Novelization based on the animated tv sf show.
Robotech # 2: Battle Cry Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34134-1, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.95, 216pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novelization based on the tv show.
Robotech # 3: Homecoming Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34136-8, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.95, 214pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novelization based on the tv show.
Robotech # 4: Battlehymn Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34137-6, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.95, 212pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novelization based on the tv show.
Robotech # 5: Force of Arms Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34138-4, May ’87 [Apr ’87], $2.95, 214pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on the tv show.
Robotech # 6: Doomsday Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34139-2, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $2.95, 216pp, pb) [Robotech] Novelization, based on the tv sf animated series.
Robotech # 7: Southern Cross Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34140-6, Jul ’87 [Jun ’87], $2.95, 215pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on the tv sf series.
Robotech # 8: Metal Fire Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34141-4, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $2.95, 216pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on the animated tv show.
Robotech # 9: The Final Nightmare Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34142-2, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $2.95, 248pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on a tv show, latest in the series.
Robotech #10: Invid Invasion Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34143-0, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $2.95, 212pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on a tv show.
Robotech #11: Metamorphosos Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34144-9, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $2.95, 212pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novel based on a tv show.
Robotech #12: Symphony of Light Jack McKinney (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34145-7, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $2.95, 212pp, pb) [Robotech] Sf novelization based on the tv series.
Tookmaker Koan John McLoughlin (Baen 0-671-65354-7, Oct ’87 [Sep ’87], $16.95, 344pp, hc) Sf novel.
Ghost House Revenge Clare McNally (Severn House 0-7278-1383-8, Feb ’87, £8.95, 240pp, hc) [Ghost House] Reprint (Bantam 1981) horror novel. Sequel to Ghost House. [Not seen]
Somebody Come and Play Clare McNally (Corgi 0-552-13033-8, Aug ’87, £2.50, 256pp, pb) Horror novel. Simultaneous with U.S. edition from Tor.
Somebody Come and Play Clare McNally (Tor 0-812-52164-1, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $3.95, 311pp, pb) Horror novel.
Isaac Asimov’s Robot City, Book 2: Suspicion Mike McQuay (Ace 0-441-73126-0, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $2.95, 177pp, pb) Sf novelization, second in a round-robin serial based on Asimov’s “Laws of Humanics”; each book has a different author. The plot doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Art by Paul Rivoche.
Memories Mike McQuay (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25888-5, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $3.95, 401pp, pb) Sf novel of time travel and voyages deep into the mysteries of memory and mind. McQuay’s best novel, this deserves to be on all the award short-lists. Highly recommended. (FCM)
Nightmares in Dixie: Thirteen Horror Tales from the American South ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (August House 0-87483-034-6, Apr ’87, $19.95, 260pp, hc) Anthology of 13 stories, one from each Southern state.
- 9 · Introduction · Frank D. McSherry, Jr. · in
- 12 · Ooze · Anthony M. Rud · nv Weird Tales Mar ’23
- 33 · Coven [Sgt. Jaeger] · Manly Wade Wellman · nv Weird Tales Jul ’42
- 62 · The Legend of Joe Lee · John D. MacDonald · ss Cosmopolitan Oct ’64
- 74 · The Wait · Kit Reed · ss F&SF Apr ’58
- 89 · Fast-Train Ike · Jesse Stuart · ss
- 105 · Dark Melody of Madness · Cornell Woolrich · nv Dime Mystery Magazine Jul ’35
- 141 · The Fireplace · Henry S. Whitehead · ss Weird Tales Jan ’25
- 154 · Beyond the Cleft · Tom Reamy · nv Nova 4, ed. Harry Harrison, Walker, 1974
- 177 · The Arm-Chair of Tustenuggee · William Gilmore Simms · ss Godey’s Lady’s Book Feb, 1840
- 195 · Where the Summer Ends · Karl Edward Wagner · nv Dark Forces, ed. Kirby McCauley, Viking, 1980
- 221 · The Night of the Piasa · J. C. Green & George W. Proctor · nv Nightmares, ed. Charles L. Grant, Playboy, 1979
- 241 · Only Yesterday · Ted White · ss Amazing Jul ’69
- 251 · Cry Havoc · Davis Grubb · ss EQMM Aug ’76
Nightmares in Dixie: Thirteen Horror Tales from the American South ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (August House 0-87483-035-4, Apr ’87, $8.95, 260pp, tp) Trade paperback of the above.
The Tenth Planet Leo Melamed (Bonus Books 0-933893-37-X, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $8.95, 318pp, tp) Sf novel about a 3-million-year-old android and the missing link in human evolution. This is a first novel by a “financial wizard”, described as “a sci-fi mystery even humanoids can’t solve.”
Sindbad and the Evil Genie Jack A. Melanos (Stacey 0-87602-251-4, Jan ’87, £3.50, 90pp, pb) Fantasy play. [Not seen]
The Singing Stone O. R. Melling (Viking Kestrel 0-670-80817-2, May ’87 [Dec ’87], $13.95, 206pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel of mythic Ireland. First American edition (Penguin Canada 1986).
Timeliner Trilogy Richard C. Meredith (Arrow 0-09-951690-X, Aug ’87, £3.95, 712pp, pb) [Timeliner] Sf omnibus. Volume 14 in the Venture SF series. [First U.K. edition]
- 1 · At the Narrow Passage · n. New York: Putnam, 1973
- 241 · No Brother, No Friend · n. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976
- 477 · Vestiges of Time · n. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978
We All Died at Breakaway Station Richard C. Meredith (Arrow 0-09-938880-4, Apr ’87, £2.25, 244pp, pb) Reissue (Ballantine 1969) sf novel. Volume 1 in the Venture SF series.
Writing to Sell Scott Meredith (Harper & Row 0-06-015637-6, Apr ’87, $15.95, 227pp, hc) Non-fiction, associational; “how-to” book. Third revised edition. The revisions since the 1950 original are minor. The funny new introduction by Arthur C. Clarke is entertaining, but the book is more of historical interest than of practical use today.
Ammie, Come Home Barbara Michaels (Berkley 0-425-09949-0, May ’87 [Apr ’87], $3.50, 248pp, pb) Reprint (Meredith 1968) novel, a ghost story. By now the Sixties setting of this well-told tale seem almost as historical as the glimpses of Georgetown in the days of the American Revolution. (FCM)
Be Buried in the Rain Barbara Michaels (Berkley 0-425-09634-3, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $3.95, 326pp, pb) Reprint (Atheneum 1985) suspense novel with elements of horror. It’s an absorbing, entertaining mystery, though the real horror comes very late. (FCM)
Pirate Prince Melisa C. Michaels (Tor 0-812-54572-9, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $2.95, 254pp, pb) [Skyrider] Sf adventure novel, the fourth volume in the “Skyrider” series featuring a female hotshot space pilot.
Skirmish Melisa C. Michaels (The Women’s Press 0-7043-4906-X, Oct ’87 [Dec ’87], £3.50, 230pp, tp) [Skyrider] Reprint (Tor 1985) juvenile sf novel. Volume 1 in the “Skyrider” series. [First U.K. edition]
Skirmish Melisa C. Michaels (Tor 0-812-54574-5, Dec ’87, $3.50, 252pp, pb) [Skyrider] Reissue (Tor 1985) sf novel/space opera, first in the “Skyrider” series; 2nd printing.
The People in the Picture Haydn Middleton (Bantam UK 0-593-01288-7, Aug ’87, £10.95, 208pp, hc) [People in the Picture] Thriller with fantasy elements. A first novel.
After the Bomb: Week One Gloria D. Miklowitz (Scholastic Point 0-590-40155-6, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $2.50, 137pp, pb) [After the Bomb] Young-adult sf novel, sequel to After the Bomb.
The Cybernetic Samurai Victor Milán (NEL 0-450-41374-8, Sep ’87, £2.95, 300pp, pb) [Cybernetic Samurai] Reprint (Arbor House 1985) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
Runespear Victor Milán & Melinda M. Snodgrass (Popular Library Questar 0-445-20247-5, Apr ’87, $3.50, 278pp, pb) Fantasy novel of Nordic gods vs. Nazis in 1936 — a la Indiana Jones.
Ronin Frank Miller (Warner 0-446-38674-X, Sep ’87, $12.95, unpaginated, tp) Graphic novel collecting 6 sf comics.
Smiles and the Millenium Miranda Miller (Virago 0-86068-915-8, Jul ’87, £10.95, 243pp, hc) Novel about London in the year 2000.
Smiles and the Millenium Miranda Miller (Virago 0-86068-916-6, Jul ’87, £3.95, 243pp, tp) Paperback edition of the above.
The Doom of Soulis Moira Miller (Pied Piper 0-416-02422-X, Nov ’87, £7.95, 126pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel.
Slob Rex Miller (NAL/Signet 0-451-15005-8, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $3.95, 301pp, pb) [Jack Eichord] Associational. Horror/slasher novel, a first novel. Not supernatural despite the quotes from King, Ellison, and many other sf/fantasy people.
Bare-Faced Messiah Russell Miller (Michael Joseph 0-7181-2764-1, Oct ’87 [Nov ’87], £12.95, 390pp, hc) Biography of L. Ron Hubbard.
Beyond Armageddon ed. Walter M. Miller, Jr. & Martin H. Greenberg (Robinson 0-948164-43-3, May ’87, £3.95, 386pp, tp) Reprint (Fine 1985) anthology of post-holocaust stories. [First U.K. edition]
Starship Dunroamin Janis Milne (Dent 0-460-06263-8, Jun ’87, £8.50, 126pp, hc) Juvenile sf novel.
Garcia Marquez: Writer of Colombia Stephen Minta (Harper & Row 0-06-435755-4, Apr ’87, $17.95, 197pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study, with biographical and political background on the “magic realist” author. There is a prior or simultaneous British edition, under the title Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Writer of Colombia. [Gabriel García Márquez]
Free Lancers ed. Elizabeth Mitchell (Baen 0-671-65352-0, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $2.95, 248pp, pb) Original anthology with works by Orson Scott Card, David Drake, and Lois McMaster Bujold; all involve mercenaries of sorts (the Card very loosely). An excellent gathering — highly recommended (FCM & TM).
Never the Twain Kirk Mitchell (Ace 0-441-56973-0, Nov ’87 [Oct ’87], $3.50, 294pp, pb) Sf time travel novel involving literary skullduggery and Mark Twain.
The Big House Naomi Mitchison (Kelpies 0-86241-159-9, Nov ’87, £1.95, 169pp, pb) Reprint (Faber 1950) juvenile fantasy novel.
Early in Orcadia Naomi Mitchison (Richard Drew 0-86267-176-0, Feb ’87, £9.95, 176pp, hc) Fantasy novel set in prehistoric Orkney. [Not seen]
Early in Orcadia Naomi Mitchison (Richard Drew 0-86267-175-2, Feb ’87 [Dec ’87], £3.95, 176pp, tp) Paperback edition of the above.
Travel Light Naomi Mitchison (Penguin 0-14-016174-0, Oct ’87 [Dec ’87], $6.95, 147pp, tp) Reissue (Faber and Faber 1952) fantasy novel. This has the 1985 introduction by Elizabeth Longford.
Astro Pilots Laura J. Mixon (Dragon 0-583-31095-8, Jun ’87 [Aug ’87], £2.25, 220pp, pb) [Omni Odysseys] Reprint (Scholastic 1987 as Omni: Astropilots) juvenile sf novel. Volume 1 in the “Omni Odysseys” series. [First U.K. edition]
Omni: Astropilots Laura J. Mixon (Scholastic/Omni 0-590-40277-3, Jul ’87, $2.50, 236pp, pb) [Omni Odysseys] Young-adult sf novel, first in a series from Scholastic and Omni magazine.
The Silent Warrior L. E. Modesitt, Jr. (Tor 0-812-54588-5, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.50, 280pp, pb) [Forever Hero] Sf novel, 2nd in a series that started with Dawn for a Distant Earth.
Pennterra Judith Moffett (Congdon & Weed 0-86553-189-7, Sep ’87 [Aug ’87], $17.95, 382pp, hc) Sf novel, a first novel, in the “Isaac Asimov Presents” series. Quakers have settled an alien planet, and fit in with the strange natives. New high-tech settlers upset the balance, and things begin to happen.
Planet in Peril Kim Mohan & Pamela O’Neill (Ace/New Infinities 0-441-66883-6, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.50, 318pp, pb) [Cyborg Commando] Sf novel, first in the “Cyborg Commando” trilogy, featuring human brains in android bodies. The Cyborgs are called by serial numbers so they won’t forget they’re not human. This book has two editions, one with the Ace logo on the spine, the other without. The second is a non-returnable direct distribution to game stores by New Infinities. The first is distributed by Ace to bookstores. All other New Infinites titles probably have two editions.
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