The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Contents Lists
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The Return of the Indian Lynne Reid Banks (Avon Camelot 0-380-70284-3, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $2.95, 189pp, pb) [Indian in the Cupboard] Reprint (Doubleday 1986) juvenile fantasy novel, sequel to The Indian in the Cupboard.
Books of Blood Clive Barker (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 0-297-79251-2, Oct 87 [Nov 87], £12.95, 500pp, hc) Reprint (Scream/Press 1985) omnibus of the first three Books of Blood collections.
The Damnation Game Clive Barker (Ace/Putnam 0-399-13278-3, May 87 [Apr 87], $18.95, 379pp, hc) Horror novel, a first novel. First U.S. edition (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1985).
The Damnation Game Clive Barker (SFBC #10878, Oct 87 [Nov 87], $4.98, 368pp, hc) Reprint (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1985) horror novel.
In the Flesh Clive Barker (SFBC #10653, Jun 87, $4.98, 187pp, hc) Reprint (Sphere 1985 as Clive Barkers Books of Blood, Vol. 5) collection of original horror stories.
In the Flesh Clive Barker (Pocket 0-671-61269-7, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $3.95, 255pp, pb) Reprint (Sphere 1985 as Clive Barkers Books of Blood, Vol. 5) original collection of 4 horror tales.
The Inhuman Condition Clive Barker (SFBC #10329, Feb 87, $4.98, 179pp, hc) Reprint (Sphere 1985 as Clive Barkers Books of Blood, Vol. IV) horror collection.
The Inhuman Condition Clive Barker (Pocket 0-671-61269-7, Aug 87 [Jul 87], $3.95, 254pp, pb) Reprint (Sphere 1985 as Clive Barkers Books of Blood, Vol. IV) original collection.
Weaveworld Clive Barker (Simon & Schuster Poseidon 0-671-61268-9, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $19.95, 584pp, hc) Fantasy/horror novel. Theres also supposed to be a limited edition, -64839-X, $85.00.
Weaveworld Clive Barker (Collins 0-00-223254-5, Oct 87, £10.95, 722pp, hc) Fantasy/horror novel. Simultaneous with the US (Simon & Schuster) edition.
Weaveworld Clive Barker (Collins 0-00-223372-X, Dec 87, £80.00, 722pp, hc) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1987) fantasy/horror novel. Limited (to 500 copies), signed and slip-cased edition with illustrations by the author.
Winston Three Three Three Dennis Barker (Grafton 0-586-07089-3, Aug 87, £2.95, 267pp, pb) Thriller set in Great Britain in 2089.
Barlowes Guide to Extraterrestrials Wayne Douglas Barlowe, Beth Meacham & Ian Summers (Workman 0-89480-324-7, Sep 87 [Oct 87], $10.95, 146pp, tp) Reissue (Workman 1979) sf art book, 2nd Edition, 4th printing, with a new foreword by Robert Silverberg.
Barlowes Guide to Extraterrestrials Wayne Douglas Barlowe, Beth Meacham & Ian Summers (Workman 0-89480-500-2, Oct 87 [Dec 87], $16.95, 112pp, hc) Reissue (Workman 1979) book of art and text on aliens from sf novels. New introduction by Robert Silverberg. The hardcover is the same as the new trade paperback.
The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky John Barnes (Congdon & Weed/Contemporary 0-86553-185-4, Apr 87, $15.95, 256pp, hc) Sf novel. Solar system intrigue, politics, and war a la The Moon is A Harsh Mistress. A first novel.
Staring at the Sun Julian Barnes (Picador 0-330-29930-1, Sep 87, £3.50, 195pp, tp) Reprint (Cape 1986) literary sf novel.
Robotech: The Graphic Novel Mike Baron (Comico 0-938965-00-X, Dec 86 [Jun 87], $5.95, 48pp, tp) Reissue (Comico 1986) graphic novel version of a plot by Carl Macek, from the tv sf cartoon show. Second printing dated December 86, not seen until 1987.
Alien to Femininity Marleen S. Barr (Greenwood 0-313-23634-8, Jul 87 [Oct 87], $32.95, 189pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study of feminism in sf. Available in UK for £30.75.
Suzy McKee Charnas, Joan Vinge, Octavia Butler Marleen S. Barr, Richard Law & Ruth Salvaggio (Starmont House 0-916732-91-6, Dec 86 [Jan 87], $9.95, 72pp, tp) Non-fiction, 3 critical studies with chronologies and bibliographies. [Octavia E. Butler; Suzy McKee Charnas; Joan D. Vinge]
C.S. Lewis and His World David Barratt (Eerdmans 0-8028-3639-9, Aug 87 [Oct 87], $9.95, 46pp, hc) Non-fiction, short, heavily illustrated critical/biographical study. It looks like a school textbook. [C. S. Lewis]
Through Darkest America Neal Barrett, Jr. (Congdon & Weed/Contemporary 0-86553-184-6, Apr 87, $15.95, 275pp, hc) [Through Darkest America] Sf novel set in a bleak and bitter post-holocaust America.
Peter Pan J. M. Barrie (NAL/Signet Classic 0-451-52088-2, May 87 [Apr 87], $2.50, 200pp, pb) [Peter Pan] Classic juvenile fantasy novel with new illustrations by Sergio Martinez. New afterword by Alison Lurie.
Peter Pan J. M. Barrie (Unicorn 0-88101-069-3, Oct 87, $16.95, 179pp, hc) [Peter Pan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1911) juvenile fantasy novel, with new illustrations by Greg Hildebrandt.
Anatomy of Wonder, Third Edition Neil Barron (R.R. Bowker 0-8352-2313-2, Aug 87 [Oct 87], $39.95, 874pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical/bibiographical/reference work on sf. A major one-volume reference, especially on modern sf, and the standard work for libraries. Highly recommended. (CNB)
Catmagic Jonathan Barry & Whitley Strieber (SFBC #10534, May 87, $4.98, 376pp, hc) Reprint (Tor 1986) dark fantasy novel.
Giles Goat Boy John Barth (Doubleday Anchor 0-385-24086-4, Sep 87, $9.95, 710pp, tp) Reprint (Doubleday 1966) quasi-sf literary novel.
Steven Spielbergs Amazing Stories Steven Bauer (Futura 0-7088-8230-7, Jul 87, £2.50, 234pp, pb) Reprint (Charter 1986) collection of stories adapted from Spielbergs television series. [First U.K. edition]
Volume II of Steven Spielbergs Amazing Stories Steven Bauer (Futura 0-7088-3671-2, Nov 87, £2.50, 225pp, pb) Reprint (Charter 1986) collection of 11 stories adapted from the teleplays. [First U.K. edition]
The Classical Wizard/Magus Mirabilis in Oz L. Frank Baum (Scolar Press 0-85967-723-0, Aug 87, $19.95, 295pp, hc) [Oz] First Latin edition of The Wizard of Oz, translated by C.J. Hinke and George Van Buren. An excellent way to study Latin. A special English-Latin word list is available from the publisher. The original W.W. Denslow illustrations are included, and the layout is the same as the first edition. (CNB)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz L. Frank Baum (Dover 0-486-24714-7, Jul 87, £4.20, 256pp, tp) [Oz] Reissue (Reilly & Britton 1904) juvenile fantasy novel. Volume 4 in the Oz series. [Not seen]
The Marvellous Land Of Oz L. Frank Baum (Treasure Press 1-85051-206-X, Jan 87 [1987], £3.99, 240pp, pb) [Oz] Reprint (Reilly & Britton 1904) juvenile fantasy novel. Volume 2 in the Oz series. [Not seen]
The Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum (Chancellor Press 1-85152-068-6, Oct 87 [Nov 87], £7.99, 208pp, hc) [Oz] Reprint (George Hill 1900, as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) juvenile fantasy novel. Volume 1 in the Oz series. [Not seen]
The Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum (Isis Large Print 1-55736-013-8, Oct 87 [Dec 87], £8.70, 200pp, hc) [Oz] Reissue (George Hill 1900, as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) juvenile fantasy novel. [Not seen]
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum (Pavilion 1-85145-135-8, Jul 87, £9.95, 308pp, hc) [Oz] Reprint (George Hill 1900) juvenile fantasy novel. This is a facsimile of of the original edition, with a new afterword by Peter Glassman. Volume 1 in the Oz series.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum (Morrow/Books of Wonder 0-688-06944-4, Aug 87 [Oct 87], $17.00, 267pp, hc) [Oz] Reprint (Hill 1900) classic juvenile fantasy novel, facsimile of the original edition, with illustrations by W.W. Denslow.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum (Cornerstone 1-55736-013-8, Sep 87 [Oct 87], $12.95, 188pp, hc) [Oz] Reprint (Hill 1900) juvenile fantasy novel, large print edition with the original W.W. Denslow illustrations.
The Rod of Light Barrington J. Bayley (Arbor House 0-87795-935-8, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $15.95, 193pp, hc) [Soul of the Robot] Sf novel, sequel to The Soul of the Robot. First American edition (Methuen 1985).
A Fine and Private Place Peter S. Beagle (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35156-8, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $3.95, 273pp, pb) Reissue (Viking Press 1960) fantasy novel; 11th printing. A warm, funny ghost story. Recommended. (CNB)
The Folk of the Air Peter S. Beagle (Headline 0-7472-3068-4, Sep 87, £4.95, 330pp, tp) Reprint (Del Rey 1987) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
The Folk of the Air Peter S. Beagle (SFBC #11279, Sep 87, $5.50, 279pp, hc) Reprint (Del Rey 1987) fantasy novel.
The Folk of the Air Peter S. Beagle (Headline 0-7472-0052-1, Oct 87, £10.95, 336pp, hc) Reprint (Del Rey 1987) fantasy novel. [Not seen]
The Folk of the Air Peter S. Beagle (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-34699-8, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $4.50, 375pp, pb) Reprint (Del Rey 1987) fantasy novel set in a thinly-disguised Berkeley, about a thinly-disguised Society of Creative Anachronism. Recommended. (FCM)
The Last Unicorn Peter S. Beagle (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35367-6, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $3.95, 248pp, pb) [Last Unicorn] Reissue (Viking Press 1968) fantasy novel; 27th printing.
Eon Greg Bear (Legend 0-09-952350-7, Nov 87 [Oct 87], £4.95, 503pp, tp) [Eon] Reprint (Bluejay 1985) sf novel. Distinctly hard sf, reminiscent of Clarke at his best. Recommended.
The Forge of God Greg Bear (Gollancz 0-575-04101-3, Aug 87, £11.95, 473pp, hc) [Forge of God] Sf novel. Simultaneous with US (Tor) edition.
The Forge of God Greg Bear (Tor 0-312-93021-6, Sep 87 [Aug 87], $17.95, 474pp, hc) [Forge of God] Hard sf novel of the destruction of the Earth. Fast-paced and well-written; highly recommended. (TM)
Hegira Greg Bear (Gollancz 0-575-04008-4, May 87, £2.95, 222pp, pb) Sf novel, revised from earlier version (Dell 1979).
Elis Ghost Betsy Bearne (Macmillan McElderry 0-689-50420-9, Mar 87, $10.95, 104pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel about a boy who leaves his unpleasant father to find his mother, a reputed witch. He almost dies in a swamp, and as a result a poltergeist is created, which does all the things the boy wants to do but doesnt because hes too timid.
Utopian Studies 1 ed. Gorman Beauchamp, Kenneth Roemer & Nicholas D. Smith (University Press of America 0-8191-6165-9, May 87 [Apr 87], $12.75, 197pp, tp) Non-fiction, anthology of scholarly essays, co-published with the Society for Utopian Studies. (Hardcover and library binding editions have been announced; not seen.)
A Darker Magic Michael Bédard (Atheneum 0-689-31342-X, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $13.95, 183pp, hc) Young-adult novel of magic and horror. A first novel.
The Hub Chris Beebee (Macdonald 0-356-14800-9, Aug 87, £10.95, 249pp, hc) Sf novel.
Mind-Hold Wilanne Schneider Belden (HBJ/Gulliver 0-15-254280-9, Mar 87, $14.95, 242pp, hc) [Mind-Call] Post-disaster young-adult sf novel of psi powers and survival, a sequel to Mind-Call (1981).
Clan Ground Clare Bell (Dell/Laurel-Leaf 0-440-91287-3, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $2.95, 258pp, pb) [The Named] Reprint (Atheneum 1984) young-adult sf novel, second in the Ratha duology.
Rathas Creature Clare Bell (Dell/Laurel Leaf 0-440-97298-1, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $2.95, 259pp, pb) [The Named] Reprint (Atheneum 1983) sf novel, first in a duology set in an alternate world where evolution diverged and cats gained intelligence.
The Eyes of the Killer Robot John Bellairs (Bantam Skylark 0-553-15552-0, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $2.95, 167pp, pb) [Johnny Dixon] Reprint (Dial 1986) young-adult fantasy novel in the Johnny Dixon series; illustrations by Edward Gorey.
Spell of the Sorcerers Skull John Bellairs (Corgi 0-552-52366-6, Jan 87, £1.75, 143pp, pb) [Johnny Dixon] Reprint (Dial 1984) juvenile fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
The Stone and the Flute Hans Bemmann (Viking 0-670-80186-0, May 87, $19.95, 855pp, hc) Fantasy novel, translated from the German Stein und Floete (1983) by Anthea Bell. This edition has both American and British prices and copyrights. The UK edition appeared 9/86.
The Stone and the Flute Hans Bemmann (Penguin 0-14-007445-7, Aug 87 [Jul 87], £4.95, 855pp, tp) Reprint (Viking UK 1986) fantasy novel. Translated from the German (Verlag 1983) by Anthea Bell.
Haunted Women: The Best Supernatural Tales by American Women Writers ed. Alfred Bendixen (Ungar 0-8044-6101-5, 1987 [Oct 87], $10.95, 276pp, tp) Reprint (Ungar 1985) anthology. First paperback edition.
Across the Sea of Suns Gregory Benford (Bantam Spectra 0-553-26664-0, Aug 87 [Jul 87], $3.95, 353pp, pb) [In the Ocean of Night; Galactic Center] Sf novel; the sequel to In the Ocean of Night. Mostly a reprint (Simon & Schuster 1983), but the last chapter of the original has been rewritten and another chapter added to tie it in with the next thematic book in the series, Great Sky River. The changes are not mentioned on the copyright page, but are important enough for us to consider it a revised (and therefore new) book. Its one of Benfords best in his continuous exploration of man/machine civilizations. Highly recommended. (CNB)
Against Infinity Gregory Benford (NEL 0-450-05719-4, Aug 87, £1.95, 251pp, pb) Reissue (Timescape 1983) sf novel.
Great Sky River Gregory Benford (Bantam Spectra 0-553-05238-1, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $17.95, 326pp, hc) [Galactic Center] Sf novel, a thematic sequel to Across the Sea of Suns and the start of a new series taking place at the center of the galaxy. The science doesnt get any harder than this exploration of new man/machine interfaces. Highly recommended. (CNB)
In Alien Flesh Gregory Benford (Tor 0-812-53176-0, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $3.95, 280pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1986) collection of 14 sf stories plus comments on each.
In the Ocean of Night Gregory Benford (Bantam Spectra 0-553-26578-4, Jul 87 [Jun 87], $3.95, 321pp, pb) [In the Ocean of Night] Reprint (Dial 1977) sf novel, first in a series; a Nebula nominee. Highly recommended. (CNB)
Timescape Gregory Benford (Pocket 0-671-50632-3, Mar 87 [Apr 87], $3.95, 384pp, pb) Reissue (Simon & Schuster 1980) sf novel; 5th Pocket printing.
Timescape Gregory Benford (Sphere 0-7221-1630-6, Dec 87, £3.50, 412pp, pb) Reissue (Simon & Schuster 1980) sf novel.
Heart of the Comet Gregory Benford & David Brin (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25839-7, Mar 87 [Feb 87], $4.50, 477pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1986) sf novel.
Heart of the Comet Gregory Benford & David Brin (Bantam UK 0-553-17291-3, Apr 87 [Mar 87], £2.95, 478pp, pb) Reprint (Bantam 1986) sf novel.
Hitler Victorious ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg (Berkley 0-425-10137-1, Aug 87 [Jul 87], $3.95, 323pp, pb) Reprint (Garland 1986) anthology of 12 stories set in alternate realities where Hitler prevailed. Some of the stories, including Locus poll winner Thor Meets Captain America by David Brin, are originals. Recommended. (TM)
The Gemini Factor Thea Bennett (Magnet 0-423-02300-4, Nov 87, £1.75, 169pp, pb) Novelization of childrens TV series about telepathic children. Based on script by Paula Milne.
The Luck of the Vails E. F. Benson (Salem House/Hogarth Press 0-7012-0722-1, Apr 87 [Mar 87], $6.95, 320pp, pb) Reprint (Heinemann 1901) fantasy suspense novel. This is the 1986 Hogarth Press British edition, imported by Salem House.
Lords of the Levels Michael Bentine (Grafton 0-586-06643-8, Aug 87, £2.95, 302pp, pb) Reprint (Grafton 1986) occult novel.
Being Invisible Thomas Berger (Little, Brown 0-316-09158-8, Apr 87, $16.95, 262pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel about a man who can disappear at will.
Nowhere Thomas Berger (Methuen 0-413-14200-0, Feb 87 [Mar 87], £2.50, 186pp, pb) Reprint (Methuen 1986) literary fantasy novel.
Time Capsule Mitch Berman (Putnam 0-399-13197-3, Jan 87, $18.95, 295pp, hc) Sf novel, a postnuclear Huckleberry Finn with two characters traveling across a devastated America; a first novel.
The AI War Stephen Ames Berry (Tor 0-812-53193-0, May 87 [Apr 87], $2.95, 249pp, pb) Military sf novel.
The Deceivers Alfred Bester (Pan 0-330-26969-0, May 87, £2.95, 255pp, pb) Reissue (Wallaby 1981) sf novel.
The Deceivers Alfred Bester (Tor 0-812-53186-8, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $3.50, 304pp, pb) Reissue (Pocket/Wallaby 1981) sf novel, with (uncredited) artwork by DeMarco. 2nd printing.
The Demolished Man Alfred Bester (SFBC #02237, Apr 87 [May 87], $3.98, 183pp, hc) Reprint (Shasta 1953) classic sf novel.
The Stars My Destination Alfred Bester (Franklin Watts 0-531-15050-X, Apr 87 [Mar 87], $15.95, 197pp, hc) Reprint (NAL 1957) sf novel. This classic of sf is now available again in hardcover. The text is offset from the 1975 Gregg Press edition, which was itself offset from the 1957 NAL edition. Its getting fuzzy around the edges. (CNB)
Tiger! Tiger! Alfred Bester (Penguin 0-14-010122-5, Nov 87, £3.95, 249pp, tp) Reissue (Sidgwick & Jackson 1956) sf novel. One of Besters best books, back in print again. More famous under its American title The Stars My Destination. In the Penguin Science Fiction Classics series.
Rogue Pirate John Gregory Betancourt (TSR/Windwalker 0-88038-456-5, Jun 87 [May 87], $2.95, 219pp, pb) Fantasy adventure novel.
The Devils Advocate: An Ambrose Bierce Reader Ambrose Bierce (Chronicle Books 0-87701-401-9, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $22.50, 327pp, hc) A selection of stories, newspaper columns, letters, poetry, and excerpts from books. Edited by Brian St. Pierre. A Trade paperback edition (0-87701-476-0, $12.95) was announced but not seen. Stories indexed are from the section Stories of the Supernatural.
- 155 · A Watcher by the Dead · ss San Francisco Examiner Dec 29, 1889
- 164 · The Man and the Snake · ss San Francisco Examiner Jun 29, 1890
- 170 · The Death of Halpin Frayser · ss The Wave Dec 19, 1891
- 182 · One Summer Night · vi Cosmopolitan Mar 06
- 183 · The Moonlit Road · ss Cosmopolitan Jan 07
- 191 · Moxons Master · ss San Francisco Examiner Apr 16, 1899
- 199 · The Damned Thing · ss Tales from New York Town Topics Dec 7, 1893; Weird Tales Sep 23
- 206 · Haïta the Shepherd · ss The Wave Jan 24, 1891
- 210 · My Favorite Murder · ss San Francisco Examiner Sep 16, 1888
- 216 · Oil of Dog · ss Oakland Daily Evening Tribune Oct 11, 1890
Interface for Murder Lloyd Biggle, Jr. (Doubleday Crime Club 0-385-24310-3, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $12.95, 185pp, hc) [J(awhol) Pletcher] Associational. Mystery novel by an sf writer.
The Quallsford Inheritance Lloyd Biggle, Jr. (Penguin 0-14-010007-5, May 87, $3.95, 278pp, pb) [Sherlock Holmes] Reprint (St. Martins 1986) Sherlock Holmes novel. Associational.
The American Book of the Dead Stephen Billias (Popular Library Questar 0-445-20335-8, May 87 [Apr 87], $3.50, 214pp, pb) Picaresque sf novel of Zen and the threat of nuclear war. A first novel.
Devils Child Margaret Bingley (Popular Library 0-445-20472-9, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.50, 253pp, pb) Horror novel. First American edition (Piatkus 1983).
The Unquiet Dead Margaret Bingley (Piatkus 0-86188-601-1, Jan 87 [Oct 87], £9.95, 215pp, hc) A chilling story of psychic children.
The Daughters of Megwyn Antoinette Kelsall Bird (Headline 0-7472-0039-4, Aug 87 [Nov 87], £10.95, 250pp, hc) Novel set in 15th century England, with fantasy touches.
Ancient of Days Michael Bishop (Paladin 0-586-08618-8, Nov 87, £4.95, 368pp, tp) Reprint (Arbor House 1985) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
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