The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- STRIEBER, (Louis) WHITLEY (1945- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Billy (Macdonald 0-356-19591-0, Feb 91, £13.95, 317pp, hc, cover by Don Brautigam) Reprint (Putnam 1990) horror novel.
- * _Black Magic (Severn House 0-7278-1460-5, Aug 87, £9.95, 304pp, hc) Reprint (Morrow 1982) horror novel. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
- * _Black Magic (Grafton 0-586-05887-7, Dec 88, £2.99, 300pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1982) horror novel.
- * _Cat Magic (Tor 0-812-51550-1, Jul 87, $4.95, 441pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1986) horror novel. This was originally published as by Jonathan Barry and Whitley Strieber.
- * _Cat Magic (Grafton 0-246-13211-6, Sep 87, £10.95, 414pp, hc) Reprint (Tor 1986) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Cat Magic (Grafton 0-586-07448-1, Dec 88, £3.50, 458pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1986) horror novel.
- * _Catmagic (with Jonathan Barry) See entry under Jonathan Barry.
- * *The Forbidden Zone (Dutton 0-525-93683-1, Jul 93 [Jun 93], $21.00, 309pp, hc) Horror novel of a creature that lies dormant under a hill at the outskirts of a small town until someone wakes it up.
- * _The Forbidden Zone (SFBC #01069, Sep 93 [Aug 93], $9.98, 309pp, hc) Reprint (Dutton 1993) horror novel of a creature that lies dormant under a hill at the outskirts of a small town until someone wakes it up. Similar to the Dutton edition except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Forbidden Zone (NEL 0-450-60399-7, Jan 94, £15.99, 309pp, hc) Reprint (Dutton 1993) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Forbidden Zone (Penguin/Onyx 0-451-40487-4, May 94 [Apr 94], $5.99, 415pp, pb) Reprint (Dutton 1993) horror novel of a creature that lies dormant under a hill at the outskirts of a small town until someone wakes it up.
- * _The Forbidden Zone (NEL 0-450-60400-4, Jun 94, £5.99, 390pp, pb, cover by Melvyn Grant) Reprint (Dutton 1993) horror novel.
- * *Majestic (Putnam 0-399-13469-7, Aug 89, $18.95, 317pp, hc) Sf novel. The story of a real UFO crash in 1947 and the fictional events surrounding it.
- * _Majestic (Futura Overseas 0-7088-4550-9, 1990 [Dec 90], £3.99, 360pp, pb) Reprint (Putnam 1989) sf novel. This is an Open Market edition and is not available in the UK.
- * _Majestic (Macdonald 0-356-18681-4, Feb 90, £12.95, 317pp, hc) Reprint (Putnam 1989) sf/UFO novel.
- * _Majestic (Berkley 0-425-12295-6, Oct 90 [Sep 90], $4.95, 306pp, pb) Reprint (Putnam 1989) UFO sf novel based on fact. This edition acknowledges the fictional material by Dave Langford used in Chapter 3.
- * _Majestic (Futura 0-7088-4550-9, Feb 91, £4.50, 360pp, pb) Reprint (Putnam 1989) sf novel.
- * *Natures End (with James W. Kunetka) (Warner 0-446-51344-X, Apr 86, $17.95, 418pp, hc) Near-future disaster novel of ecological breakdown.
- * _Natures End (with James W. Kunetka) (Grafton 0-246-13026-1, Sep 86, £10.95, 418pp, hc) Reprint (Warner 1986) near-future thriller.
- * _Natures End (with James W. Kunetka) (SFBC #06472, Oct 86 [Jan 87], $4.98, 404pp, hc) Reprint (Warner 1986) near-future sf novel. This appeared in 1986 but wasnt seen until 1987.
- * _Natures End (with James W. Kunetka) (Warner 0-446-34355-2, May 87 [Apr 87], $4.95, 418pp, pb) Reprint (Warner 1986) near-future disaster novel.
- * _Natures End (with James W. Kunetka) (Grafton 0-586-07069-9, Sep 87, £3.50, 479pp, pb) Reprint (Warner 1986) near-future thriller.
- * _The Night Church (SFBC #1779, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $4.98, 279pp, hc) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1983) horror novel.
- * _The Night Church (Severn House 0-7278-1302-1, Sep 86, £8.95, 352pp, hc) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1983) horror novel.
- * _The Night Church (Grafton 0-586-05923-7, Dec 88, £2.99, 348pp, pb) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1983) horror novel.
- * _The Night Church (Avon 0-380-70899-X, Apr 90 [Mar 90], $3.95, 293pp, pb, cover by Gary Smith) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1983) horror novel.
- * *Unholy Fire (Macdonald 0-356-20333-6, Feb 92, £14.99, 375pp, hc) Horror novel about demonic possession.
- * *Unholy Fire (Dutton 0-525-93415-4, Mar 92 [Feb 92], $21.00, 327pp, hc) Horror novel of a priest suspected of the murder of a young woman in his church who is forced to confront the demon responsible.
- * _Unholy Fire (Penguin/Signet 0-451-17496-8, Feb 93 [Jan 93], $5.99, 414pp, pb) Reprint (Dutton 1992) horror novel of a priest suspected of the murder of a young woman in his church who is forced to confront the demon responsible.
- * _Unholy Fire (Warner UK 0-7515-0185-9, Aug 93, £4.99, 375pp, pb) Reprint (Dutton 1992) horror novel.
- * *War Day (with James W. Kunetka) (Holt Rinehart & Winston 0-03-070731-5, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $15.95, 374pp, hc) Post-holocaust documentary novel. The first printing was 150,000 copies, making it an instant bestseller.
- * _War Day (with James W. Kunetka) (Warner 0-446-32630-5, Apr 85 [Mar 85], $4.50, 515pp, pb) Reprint (Holt 1984) post-holocaust sf novel, with a 1,400,000 first printing.
- * _Warday (with James W. Kunetka) (Warner 0-446-32630-5, Apr 86 [Mar 86], $4.50, 515pp, pb) Reissue (Holt 1984) post-holocaust sf novel.
- * *The Wild (Tor 0-812-51277-4, Mar 91 [Feb 91], $5.95, 378pp, pb, cover by TK) Werewolf novel.
- * _The Wild (Macdonald 0-356-20118-X, Sep 91, £12.95, 315pp, hc) Reprint (Tor 1991) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Wild (Futura Overseas 0-7088-4969-5, 1992 [Apr 92], £3.99, 315pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1991) horror novel. This is an Open Market edition and is available only in non-English-speaking countries.
- * _The Wild (Warner UK 0-7088-4969-5, Aug 92, £4.99, 315pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1991) horror novel.
- * *Wolf of Shadows (Sierra Club/Knopf 0-394-87224-X, Sep 85, $9.95, 105pp, hc) Young-adult sf novella of a wolf pack during a nuclear winter.
- * _Wolf of Shadows (Fawcett/Crest 0-449-21089-8, Sep 86 [Aug 86], $2.50, 100pp, pb) Reprint (Knopf 1985) young-adult short novel set after a nuclear holocaust.
- * _Wolf of Shadows (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-39704-7, Sep 86, £6.95, 126pp, hc) Reprint (Knopf 1985) juvenile post-holocaust novel.
- * _Wolf of Shadows (Lightning 0-340-42611-X, Jun 88, £1.95, 124pp, pb) Reprint (Knopf 1985) young-adult sf novel.
- * _The Wolfen (Avon 0-380-70440-4, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $4.50, 275pp, pb) Reprint (Morrow 1978) horror novel.
- * _The Wolfen (Coronet 0-340-24167-5, Jan 92, £4.99, 275pp, pb, cover by Melvyn Grant) Reissue (Morrow 1978) horror novel.
- STRNAD, JAN S(teven)
- STRUGATSKY, ARKADY (Natanovich) (1925-1991) (stories)
- * *The Time Wanderers (with Boris Strugatsky) (Richardson & Steirman 0-931933-31-5, Mar 87 [Feb 87], $16.95, 213pp, hc) Sf novel, translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis.
- * _The Time Wanderers (with Boris Strugatsky) (St. Martins 0-312-91020-7, May 88 [Apr 88], $2.95, 213pp, pb) Reprint (Richardson Steirman 1986) sf novel, translated from the Russian by Antonina W. Bouis.
- _____, et al
- STRUGATSKY, BORIS (Natanovich) (1933- ) (stories)
- _____, et al
- * *Aliens, Travelers, and Other Strangers (with Arkady Strugatsky) (Macmillan 0-02-615230-4, Nov 84 [Oct 84], $19.95, 220pp, hc) Anthology (the actual editor and translator is Roger DeGaris, but his name does not appear on the book) of 13 stories by Russian sf authors, including Gansovskys outstanding novella Vincent Van Gogh. Recommended. (FCM) (Contents)
- STRUTTON, BILL; [i.e., William Harold Strutton] (1923-2003) (stories)
- * _Doctor Who: The Web Planet (Target 0-426-20356-9, Jan 91, £2.50, 174pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who] Reissue (Muller 1965 as Doctor Who and the Zarbi) young-adult sf novelization. Volume 73 in the series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the U.S. for $4.95.
- STRYKER, DANIEL; pseudonym of Jane Stump & Chris Morris
- * *Cobra (Jove 0-515-10706-9, Nov 91 [Oct 91], $4.50, 281pp, pb) Technothriller with sf elements. A new experimental aerospace plane is the first target of a new international coalition opposing the U.S. and USSR.
- * *Hawkeye (Jove 0-515-10509-0, Feb 91 [Jan 91], $4.50, 311pp, pb) Technothriller with sf elements. High-tech sabotage cripples secret super U.S. weapons systems.
- STRYKER, HAL; pseudonym of George Henry Smith, (1922-1996)
- * *NYPD 2025 (Pinnacle 0-523-42514-7, Jun 85 [May 85], $2.95, 185pp, pb) [NYPD 2025] Sf novel; near-future police adventure, first of a new series.
- STUART, DORIS, ed. (1924- ) (stories)
- * *Creepy Classics II (Lowell House Juvenile 1-56565-716-0, 1997 [Apr 98], $5.95, 120pp, tp, cover by Barbara Kiwak) Young-adult anthology of eight horror stories. Authors include Edgar Allan Poe, E. Nesbit, and Arthur Conan Doyle. Illustrated by Barbara Kiwak. Copyrighted by RGA Publishing Group. This is copyrighted 1997, but not seen until now. Order from Lowell House Juvenile, 2020 Ave of the Stars, Suite 300, Los Angeles CA 90067. (Contents)
- STUART, RICK, et al
- STUART, W. J.; pseudonym of Philip MacDonald, (1900-1980)
- * _Forbidden Planet (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 0-374-42445-4, Nov 90, $3.95, 184pp, tp, cover by Jon Agee) Reprint (Farrar Straus & Cudahy 1956) young-adult novelization of the classic sf film.
- STUBBS, HARRY CLEMENT (1922-2003); see pseudonym Hal Clement (stories) (chron.)
- STUBBS, JEAN (1926- ) (stories)
- * *The Witching Time (Gollancz 0-575-06613-X, Jul 98 [Jun 98], £16.99, 383pp, hc, cover by Edward Miller) Occult novel. A young widow joins a coven of white witches just as it is threatened by deadly black magic.
- * +The Witching Time (St. Martins 0-312-19367-X, Oct 98, $24.95, 383pp, hc) Contemporary novel with fantasy elements. A widow befriended by local witches helps stage a truly magical performance of A Midsummer Nights Dream. First US edition (Gollancz 1998).
- STUDEBAKER, DON(ald Valentine) (1941- ); see pseudonym Jon DeCles (stories)
- STUMP, JANE (Barr) (1936- ); see pseudonym Daniel Stryker
- STURGEON, THEODORE; [born Edward Hamilton Waldo] (1918-1985) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Alien Cargo (Bluejay 0-312-94008-4, Jun 84 [Jul 84], $14.95, 284pp, hc) Collection of 14 early stories culled from other collections (there are no copyright acknowledgements), with a few lines of new introduction to each. (Contents)
- * _Alien Cargo (Bluejay 0-312-94007-6, Jun 86 [May 86], $8.95, 284pp, pb) Reprint (Bluejay 1984) collection; first paperback edition.
- * *Argyll: A Memoir (The Sturgeon Project 0-934558-16-7, Jul 93, $10.00, 79pp, ph) Collection of Sturgeon material, including an autobiographical essay about his relationship with his stepfather, a letter to his mother and stepfather, an introduction by Paul Williams, and an afterword by Samuel R. Delany. All proceeds after cost go toward the projected publication costs for Sturgeons collected stories. Available from Paul Williams, P. O. Box 232517, Encinitas, CA 92023. Please include $2.00 for postage.
- * _The Dreaming Jewels (Bluejay 0-312-94118-8, Apr 85 [Mar 85], $7.95, 186pp, pb) Reprint (Greenberg 1950) sf novel, with new b&w illustrations by Rowena Morrill. Despite the jacket blurb, this book did not win the International Fantasy Award. Its Sturgeons first novel and quite good. (CNB)
- * _The Dreaming Jewels (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-351-2, Jan 88 [Dec 87], $3.95, 180pp, pb) Reprint (Greenberg 1950) sf novel.
- * *The Dreaming Jewels/The Cosmic Rape/Venus Plus X (BOMC #80-2874, Jul 90 [May 90], $15.95, 544pp, hc) Omnibus of three sf novels. (Contents)
- * *The Dreaming Jewels/The Cosmic Rape/Venus Plus X (BOMC/QPBC no ISBN, Jul 90 [Jun 90], $11.95, 544pp, tp, cover by Theo Rudnak) Omnibus of three sf novels, published simultaneously with the BOMC edition listed above. This was done from old plates, so the type size and book design varies widely from novel to novel.
- * _E Pluribus Unicorn (Timescape 0-671-50223-9, Feb 84 [Jan 84], $2.95, 211pp, pb) Reissue (Abelard 1953) collection. Contains some of Sturgeons best work. (CNB)
- * *Godbody (Donald I. Fine 0-917657-79-9, Mar 86, $50.00, boxed & numbered limited edition of 350, 159pp, hc) This special edition is not signed by anyone. It has a better binding, a photo, a limitation page, and no dust jacket.
- * *Godbody (Donald I. Fine 0-917657-61-6, Apr 86 [Mar 86], $14.95, 159pp, hc) Sturgeons last novel, which was written 18 years ago, is a sexual fantasy about the second coming. Its weak as a novel, but has some excellent writing. There is a foreword by Heinlein and an afterword by Donaldson. (CNB)
- * _Godbody (SFBC #05434, Jul 86 [Aug 86], $4.98, 159pp, hc) Reprint (Fine 1986) fantasy novel.
- * _Godbody (NAL/Signet 0-451-14702-2, Feb 87 [Jan 87], $3.50, 205pp, pb) Reprint (Fine 1986) fantasy novel. This was Sturgeons final novel.
- * _Godbody (NAL Signet 0-451-16304-4, Sep 89 [Aug 89], $3.95, 205pp, pb) Reissue (Fine 1986) fantasy novel, with the original introduction by Heinlein and the afterword by Stephen R. Donaldson; third printing.
- * _The Golden Helix (Bluejay 0-312-94186-2, May 85 [Apr 85], $7.95, 335pp, pb) Reprint (SFBC 1979) collection.
- * _The Golden Helix (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-450-0, Jan 89 [Dec 88], $3.95, 335pp, pb) Reprint (SFBC 1979) collection of 10 fantasy stories.
- * *Killdozer!: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 3 (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-227-5, Nov 96 [Oct 96], $25.00, 367pp, hc, cover by Paul Orban) Collection of 15 stories, four previously unpublished, and two not previously collected. This is the third of ten volumes and covers Sturgeons work from 1941 to 1946. Edited and with extensive story notes by Paul Williams. There is a foreword by Robert Silverberg, and an afterword by Robert A. Heinlein (excerpted from the 1985 introduction to Godbody). (Contents)
- * *Microcosmic God: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 2 (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-213-5, Jan 96 [Dec 95], $25.00, 372pp, hc, cover by Jacek Yerka) Collection of 17 stories, two previously unpublished. This is the second of ten volumes and covers Sturgeons work from 1940 to 1943. Edited and with extensive story notes by Paul Williams. There is a foreword by Samuel R. Delany. Order from North Atlantic Books, PO Box 12327, Berkeley CA 94712. (Contents)
- * _Microcosmic God: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 2 (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-301-8, Dec 98 [Nov 98], $18.95, 372pp, tp, cover by Jacek Yerka) Reprint (North Atlantic 1996) collection of 17 stories, the second of ten volumes, with works from 1940 to 1943. This indicates second printing, but the hardcover may have been considered the first.
- * _More Than Human (Gollancz 0-575-03821-7, Mar 86, £2.95, 353pp, pb) Reprint (Farrar, Straus & Young 1953) sf novel, #2 in the new Gollancz Classic SF paperback line.
- * _More Than Human (Easton Press no ISBN, Nov 89, no price, 233pp, hc) Reprint (Ballantine/Farrar, Straus & Young 1953) sf novel, with a new introduction by Michael Bishop and artwork by Jeff Fisher. This special leatherbound gilt-edge edition is part of the Masterpieces of Science Fiction series and is available by subscription only.
- * _More Than Human (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-918-9, Oct 92 [Sep 92], $3.95, 233pp, pb) Reprint (Ballantine/Farrar, Straus & Young 1953) classic sf novel. Winner of the International Fantasy Award. One of the cornerstones of sf. Highly recommended (CNB).
- * _More Than Human (Gollancz/Vista 0-575-60207-4, Jun 97, £5.99, 233pp, pb, cover by Splash) Reprint (Farrar, Straus & Young 1953) classic SF novel.
- * _More Than Human (Random House/Vintage 0-375-70371-3, Jan 99 [Dec 98], $11.00, 186pp, tp, cover by Kevin Irby) Reprint (Ballantine/Farrar, Straus & Young 1953) classic SF novel.
- * *The Perfect Host: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 5 (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-284-4, Nov 98 [Oct 98], $27.50, 386pp, hc, cover by Hal Robins) Collection of 17 stories, two previously unpublished, and seven not previously collected. Foreword by Larry McCaffery. This is the fifth of ten volumes, and covers Sturgeons work from 1947 to 1949. Edited and with extensive story notes by Paul Williams. Order from North Atlantic Books, PO Box 12327, Berkeley CA 94712. (Contents)
- * *Pruzys Pot (Hypatia Press no ISBN, Oct 86 [Jan 87], $17.95, 32pp, hc) Short story by Sturgeon, with an introduction by Spider Robinson and an afterword by Jane Tannehill Sturgeon. There are 333 copies of this regular edition and 133 special leather slipcase with a cassette of Sturgeon reading the story. This came out in late 1986, but we did not see it until now. (Contents)
- * _Some of Your Blood (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0103-X, Jun 94 [May 94], $3.95, 143pp, pb) Reprint (Ballantine 1961) associational non-fantasy novel about vampirism.
- * _Star Trek: The Joy Machine (with James E. Gunn) See entry under James E. Gunn
- * _The Stars Are the Styx (Bluejay 0-312-94419-5, Apr 84 [Mar 84], $6.95, 382pp, tp) Reprint (Dell 1979) collection. First trade paperback edition.
- * *Thunder and Roses: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 4 (North Atlantic Books 1-55643-252-6, Nov 97, $25.00, 380pp, hc) Collection of 15 stories, one previously unpublished, and three not previously collected. This is the fourth of ten volumes and covers Sturgeons work from 1946 to 1947. Edited and with extensive story notes by Paul Williams. The foreword by James Gunn originally appeared in Star Trek: The Joy Machine by Sturgeon & Gunn (1996). Order from North Atlantic Books, PO Box 12327, Berkeley CA 94712. (Contents)
- * *To Marry Medusa (Baen 0-671-65370-9, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $2.95, 251pp, pb) Collection of two stories, To Marry Medusa (1958) and Killdozer (1944). The former is actually a reprint of The Cosmic Rape (Dell 1958) instead of To Marry Medusa (Galaxy 1958). The magazine version was much shorter. (Contents)
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