The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- * The Bridge on the River Clarinette, (ss)
- * Ask Mr. James, (ss) Vampire Dans Story Emporium #7 1998
- * Better Never, (ss) Vampire Dans Story Emporium #3 1997
- * A Hero, Plain and Simple, (ss) The Leading Edge #31 1995
- * Just Another Doomsday, (ss) Random Realities Fll 1995
- * Keeping the Dream, (ar) Keen Science Fiction! Aug 1996
- * May 16th, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #6 1996
- * Pure Speculation, (cl) Keen Science Fiction! Nov, Dec 1996, Jan, Feb, Mar 1997
- * Pure Speculation...:
___ Greetings from Planet Earth, (hu) Keen Science Fiction! Oct 1996
___ Is There Martian Life on Earth?, (hu) Keen Science Fiction! Sep 1996
- * Some Words with a Television, (ss) Dead of Night Spr 1995
- * The Weather Balloon Phenomenon, (hu) The Leading Edge #36 1998
- GAMMELL, LEON (L.) (1936- ) (books)
- GANLEY, W(illiam) PAUL (1934- ); see pseudonyms A. Arthur Griffin & Walter Quednau (books) (chron.)
- * Death of Horror Poetryor Kill the Peckers (with Michael A. Arnzen, Wayne Edwards, Steve Eng, Joey Froehlich, Lisa Lepovetsky, Margaret Ballif Simon & Ree Young), (pm) Star*Line Sep/Oct 1992
- * Editorial, (ed) Weirdbook #20, #21 1985, #22 1987, #23 1988, #25 1990, #26 1991, #27 1992, #28 1993, #29 1995, #30 1997
- * Essential Saltes, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #8 1992
- * Fantasy Small Press: A Myopic View, (ar) Dementia #1 1986
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Foreword, (fw) Weirdbook #19 1984
- * Good Thoughts, (vi) Moonbroth #10 1973
- * Not All the Hunters of Zortham Return, (ss) The Tome #3 1990
- * A Tale of Two Shipwrecked Aliens from the Fourth Planet of the Star Antares, Who Were Surrounded by Hungry Human Carnivores in the Drought and Famine-Wracked State of Georgia in the Year 2193 A.D., (pm) Alternate Hilarities #4 1993
- * Worms, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #75 1990
- GANNON, K(ate) A.; see pseudonyms Edillson Barsse, Wren Wynn Burke, Chuck Bushnell, Linney Teague McCall & Mario Kesh Navar
- GANSOVSKY, SEVER (Feliksovich) (1918-1990)
- GARBER, ERIC (1954-1995) (books)
- * The Dreams of Fishkind, (ss) New Internationalist Jan 1992
- * After the War, (pm) 1973
- * Betty and the Bull-Roarer, (ss) The Thirteenth Moon Dec 1993
- * The Chronoprobe, (ex) Zero Gravity Freefall Oct 1994, Feb 1995
- * Crystal, (ss) Galaxy Mar/Apr 1995
- * Harry and the Dating Service, (ss) Gaslight Aug 1992
- * The Last Earthman, (vi) Pirate Writings Spr 1995
- * Love Thyself, (ss) Gaslight Aug 1993
- * My Son, the Martian Dictor, (ss) The Thirteenth Moon Aug 1994
- * Pet Store, (ss) Gaslight Dec 1992
- * Pigging Out, (ss) Dead Lines Jan 1995
- * Andre Norton Interview and Bibliography (with Mary Frances Zambreno), (iv) American Fantasy Win 1987
- * Clive Barker Interview (with Robert T. Garcia), (iv) American Fantasy Win 1987
- * Editorial (with Robert T. Garcia), (ed) American Fantasy Fll 1986, Spr, Sum, Win 1987, Win 1988
- * Ramsey Campbell Interview (with Robert T. Garcia), (iv) American Fantasy Win 1987
- * Shared Secrets: Inside the World of Shared Worlds, (ar) American Fantasy Spr 1987
- * Thieves World, (ar) American Fantasy Spr 1987
- _____, reviews:
- GARCIA, ROBERT T(erence) (1958- ) (books)
- * Clive Barker Interview (with Nancy Garcia), (iv) American Fantasy Win 1987
- * Editorial (with Nancy Garcia), (ed) American Fantasy Fll 1986, Spr, Sum, Win 1987, Win 1988
- * Fantasy Authors on Violence: Interviews with Ellen Kushner, Gene Wolfe, Robin Bailey and Jane Yolen, (iv) American Fantasy Fll 1986
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction (with Greg Ketter), (in)
- * Ramsey Campbell Interview (with Nancy Garcia), (iv) American Fantasy Win 1987
- _____, reviews:
- GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL (José) (1928- ) (books)
- * Artificial Roses, (ss)
- * Balthazars Marvelous Afternoon, (ss)
- * Big Mamas Funeral, (ss)
- * Bitterness for Three Sleepwalkers, (ss) Translation
- * Blacamán the Good, Vendor of Miracles, (ss) The Leaf Storm and Other Stories, London: Cape 1971
- * Blacáman the Good, Vendor of Miracles, (ss) Esquire Jan 1972
- * Caribe Mágico, (vi) Conjunctions #27 1996
- * Death Constant Beyond Love, (ss) Atlantic Monthly Jul 1973
- * Dialogue with the Mirror, (ss)
- * Eva Is Inside Her Cat, (ss)
- * Eyes of a Blue Dog, (ss) New Yorker May 8 1978
- * The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World, (ss) Playboy Nov 1971
- * The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother, (na) Esquire Jun 1973
- * The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship, (ss) The Leaf Storm and Other Stories, London: Cape 1972
- * Monologue of Isabel Watching It Rain in Macondo, (ss)
- * Montiels Widow, (ss)
- * Nabo: The Black Man Who Made the Angels Wait, (ss)
- * The Night of the Curlews, (ss) New Yorker Apr 17 1978
- * One Day After Saturday, (nv)
- * One of These Days, (ss)
- * The Other Side of Death, (ss)
- * The Saint [1992], (ss) Strange Pilgrims, Knopf 1993
- * The Sea of Lost Time, (ss) New Yorker Jun 3 1974
- * Someone Has Been Disarranging These Roses, (ss) New Yorker Mar 27 1978
- * There Are No Thieves in This Town, (nv)
- * The Third Resignation, (ss) Bananas #15 1979
- * The Trail of Your Blood on the Snow, (ss) Playboy Jan 1984
- * Tuesday Siesta, (ss)
- * A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, (ss) New American Review
- * The Woman Who Came at Six OClock, (ss) 1978
- GARCÍA y ROBERTSON, R(odrigo) (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Auld Religion [Anne of Northumberland], (nv) F&SF Jan 1990
- * Black Sun and Dark Companion, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v4, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1988
- * Breakfast Cereal Killers, (nv) IASFM Jun 1992
- * By the Time We Got to Gaugamela, (na) IASFM Oct 1991
- * Cast on a Distant Shore, (nv) F&SF Apr 1989
- * Down the River, (na) Asimovs Oct 1993
- * Fair Verona, (nv) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1997
- * The Flying Mountain [Willow Moon], (nv) Amazing May 1987
- * Four Kings and an Ace, (na) F&SF Nov 1990
- * Gone to Glory, (nv) F&SF Jul 1995
- * The Great Fear, (nv) Weird Tales Win 1990
- * Gypsy Trade, (na) Asimovs Nov 1992
- * Happy Hunting Ground, (na) F&SF Dec 1995
- * The Hunting Pack, (ss) Amazing Jul 1989
- * Into a Sunless Sea, (na) Tomorrow Oct 1994
- * The Moon Maid, (nv) F&SF Jul 1996
- * Moon of Popping Trees, (nv) Amazing Sep 1987
- * Not Fade Away, (na) IASFM Sep 1990
- * Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 8, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1990
- * The Other Magpie, (nv) Asimovs Apr 1993
- * Plague Ship, (ss) Amazing Aug 1991
- * Preface, (pr)
- * A Princess of Helium [Llenor], (na) F&SF Sep 1998
- * Seven Wonders [Jake Bento], (na) Asimovs Dec 1995
- * The Siren Shoals, (na) F&SF Aug 1993
- * A Soul at Heavens Gate [Willow Moon], (nv) Amazing Jan 1989
- * The Spiral Dance [Anne of Northumberland], (nv) F&SF May 1990
- * Starfall [Starfall], (nv) Asimovs Jul 1998
- * Three Heads for the High King, (nv) Weird Tales Fll 1989
- * The Virgin and the Dinosaur, (na) IASFM Feb 1992
- * The Wagon Gods Wife, (nv) IASFM Dec 1989
- * Wendy Darling, RFC, (nv) F&SF Apr 1994
- * Werewolves of Luna, (na) Asimovs mid-Dec 1994
- * When the Ship Comes In, (nv) Amazing Nov 1990
- * Write from the Heart, (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume VIII, ed. Algis Budrys & Dave Wolverton, Bridge 1992
- GARDAM, JANE (Mary) (1928- ) (books)
- GARDINER, JUDY (1922- ) (books)
- * The Bad Luck Cat, (ss) Grimalkins Tales, ed. Stella Whitelaw, Judy Gardiner & Mark Ronson 1983
- * Cats Do Make a Home, Dont They?, (ss) Grimalkins Tales, ed. Stella Whitelaw, Judy Gardiner & Mark Ronson 1983
- * Gershwin, (ss) Grimalkins Tales, ed. Stella Whitelaw, Judy Gardiner & Mark Ronson 1983
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