The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- LAND, JON (continued)
- * _The Lucifer Directive (Zebra 0-8217-3354-0, Oct ’90 [Nov ’90], $4.95, 462pp, pb) Reissue (Zebra 1984) technothriller with sf elements; third printing.
- * _The Omega Command (Fawcett Gold Medal 0-449-12955-1, Dec ’89 [Feb ’90], $3.95, 371pp, pb) [Blaine McCracken] Reissue (Fawcett 1986) technothriller with sf elements, second book featuring agent Blaine McCracken. Fourth printing.
- * *The Omicron Legion (Fawcett Gold Medal 0-449-14635-9, Jun ’91 [Jul ’91], $5.95, 339pp, pb) [Blaine McCracken] Technothriller with sf elements featuring secret agent Blaine McCracken. A murderous army of conspirators plans assassination on an epic scale that will allow them to take over the U.S.
- LANDEAU, ANKE (c1957- )
- * *Spiral Terra (Phoenix Publications 0-9518995-0-3, Jul ’93, £12.95, 286pp, hc) Futuristic novel about satanic abuse.
- LANDIS, GEOFFREY A(lan) (1955- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Author’s Choice Monthly Issue 26: Myths, Legends, and True History (Pulphouse no ISBN, Dec ’91, $4.95, 111pp, tp, cover by George Barr) Collection of ten stories with commentary by the author. A signed hardcover edition ($25.00) is also available and a deluxe leatherbound edition ($50.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- LANDIS, MARIE; [i.e., Marie Antoinette Landis Edwards] (1920-1999) (stories)
- LANDON, BROOKS (stories)
- * *Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars (Simon & Schuster/Twayne 0-8057-0962-2, Mar ’97, $24.95, 251pp, hc) Non-fiction study of SF since 1900, with lists of recommended SF and reference works, and an index.
- LANDRY, JUDITH, trans. (stories) (chron.)
- LANE, ANDY; [i.e., Andrew Lane] (1963- ) (stories)
- * *All-Consuming Fire (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20415-8, Jun ’94, £4.99, 305pp, pb, cover by Jeff Cummins) [Doctor Who] Doctor Who novelization. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Doctor Who: Original Sin (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20444-1, Jun ’95, £4.99, 321pp, pb, cover by Tony Masero) [Doctor Who] Novelisation based on the TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Doctor Who: The Empire of Glass (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20457-3, Nov ’95 [Feb ’96], £4.99, 259pp, pb, cover by Paul Campbell) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * _Lucifer Rising (with Jim Mortimore) See entry under Jim Mortimore.
- _____, ed.
- * *Decalog 4: Re-Generations: Ten Stories/A Thousand Years/One Family (with Justin Richards) (Virgin 0-426-20505-7, May ’97 [Apr ’97], £4.99, 297pp, pb, cover by Jon Sullivan) Original SF anthology. The story of the Forrester family—first introduced in the Doctor Who “New Adventures” series—from their humble roots to their galaxy-spanning Earth empire a thousand years from now. (Contents)
- * *Doctor Who: Decalog 3: Consequences (with Justin Richards) (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20478-6, May ’96 [Jul ’96], £4.99, 308pp, pb, cover by Colin Howard) [Doctor Who] Collection of ten original stories based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a worldwide edition and is available in the US for $5.95. (Contents)
- LANE, ANN J(udith) (1931- )
- * *To “Herland” and Beyond: The Life and Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Pantheon 0-394-50559-X, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $29.95, 413pp, hc) Non-fiction; reference. Critical biography of a feminist writer of Victorian horror and Utopian fantasy. [Gilman]
- * _To “Herland” and Beyond: The Life and Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Penguin/Meridian 0-452-01080-2, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $12.95, 413pp, tp) Reprint (Pantheon 1990) non-fiction, a critical biography of the feminist writer of horror and Utopian fantasy. [Gilman]
- * _To “Herland” and Beyond: The Life and Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (University Press of Virginia 0-8139-1742-5, May ’97 [Aug ’98], $17.50, 413pp, tp) Reprint (Pantheon 1990) critical biography. This is dated 1997, but not seen until now. Available from University Press of Virginia, Box 3608 University Station, Charlottesville VA 22903-0608 [Gilman]
- _____, ed.
- * *Eden’s Gate (Zondervan 0-310-41161-0, Sep ’94 [Oct ’94], 383pp, tp, cover by Neal McPheeters) Fantasy novel. Archaeologists make a discovery that may prove the Biblical story of Creation — if political and intellectual forces don’t interfere.
- * *The Sound of Wonder: Interviews from “The Science Fiction Radio Show" (with David Carson & William Vernon) (Oryx Press 0-89774-175-7, Nov ’85, $18.50, 203pp, pb) Non-fiction biographical. Has transcriptions of interviews with 9 authors and artists: Donaldson, Cherryh, Clement, Harness, Sturgeon, Waldrop, Williamson, Rucker, and Whelan.
- * *The Sound of Wonder: Interviews from “The Science Fiction Radio Show,” Vol. 2 (with David Carson & William Vernon) (Oryx Press 0-89774-233-8, Dec ’85 [Nov ’85], $18.50, 201pp, pb) Non-fiction biographical. Has transcripts of interviews with Anthony, Bryant, Farmer, Wollheim, Hogan, Bradley, Ebert, Wolfe, Dickson, and Martin.
- LANE, JEREMY (1893-1963)
- * *Yellow Men Sleep (Donald M. Grant 0-937986-58-5, Feb ’84 [Jan ’84], $15, 243pp, hc) Reprint (Century 1919) Asian fantasy-adventure which first appeared as a pulp magazine serial in 1919, under the title “The Fragrant Web”. Illustrations by Allan McLucky.
- LANG, ANDREW, ed. (1844-1912) (stories)
- LANG, SIMON; pseudonym of Darlene Hartman, (1934- )
- * *Hopeship (Ace 0-441-34306-6, Jan ’94 [Dec ’93], $4.99, 230pp, pb, cover by Michael Herring) [Skipjack] Sf novel of the adventures of an Enterprise-like starship in space and time, fifth book of the “Skipjack” series.
- * *Timeslide (Ace 0-441-80928-6, Apr ’93 [Mar ’93], $4.99, 260pp, pb, cover by Michael Herring) [Skipjack] Sf novel of the adventures of an Enterprise-like starship in space and time, sequel to The Trumpets of Tagan, and the fourth book in the “Skipjack” series. The book is copyrighted by Darlene Hartman.
- * *The Trumpets of Tagan (Ace 0-441-82576-1, Jul ’92 [Jun ’92], $4.99, 258pp, pb, cover by Michael Herring) [Skipjack] Sf novel, first book of a new series, “Voyages of the Skipjack”. The ship gets involved in the kidnapping of an Imperial heir on a conquered world inhabited by catlike aliens. Lang is a pen name for Darlene Hartman.
- LANGE, JOHN FREDERICK, Jr. (1931- ); see pseudonym John Norman
- LANGFORD, DAVID (Rowland) (1953- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Dragonhiker’s Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune’s Edge: Odyssey Two (Drunken Dragon Press 0-947578-01-3, Nov ’88, £9.95, 142pp, hc) Collection of sf and fantasy parodies. Rather over-priced for such a slim volume. Despite the September copyright date, this did not appear until November. Distributed in the U.S. by Dreamhaven Books & Art, 1300 Fourth St. East, Minneapolis MN 55414. (Contents)
- * *The Dragonhiker’s Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune’s Edge: Odyssey Two (Drunken Dragon Press 0-947578-51-X, Nov ’88, £24.95, 142pp, hc) De-luxe, signed, edition of the above, limited to 100 copies.
- * *Earthdoom! (with John Grant) (Grafton 0-586-06739-6, May ’87, £2.95, 303pp, pb) Spoof disaster novel featuring villainous aliens, rabid lemmings and cloned Hitlers, among others.
- * _The Interpreters/A Novacon Garland (with James White) See entry under James White.
- * *Irrational Numbers (Necronomicon Press 0-940884-63-1, Apr ’94 [May ’94], $5.95, 34pp, ph, cover by Jason C. Eckhardt) Collection of three SF/horror stories, two apparently original, with illustrations by Jason C. Eckhardt. Available from Necronomicon Press, PO Box 1304, West Warwick RI 02893. (Contents)
- * _The Leaky Establishment (Sphere 0-7221-5378-3, 1985, £2.25, 197pp, pb) Reprint (Muller 1984) associational novel.
- * _The Leaky Establishment (Sphere 0-7221-5378-3, Nov ’85, £2.25, 197pp, pb) Reprint (Muller 1984) humorous novel; non-sf, associational. Life in a scientific establishment.
- * *The Silence of the Langford (NESFA Press 0-915368-62-5, Sep ’96 [Aug ’96], $15.00, 278pp, tp) Collection of 30 essays, mostly humorous takes on SF or fandom, and two stories. Portions previously appeared in the chapbook Let’s Hear if For the Deaf Man (NESFA 1992). There is an introduction by Teresa Nielsen Hayden, and a bio-bibliography. Order from NESFA Press, PO Box 809, Framingham MA 01701-0203; add $2.00 postage. (Contents)
- * _The Space Eater (Baen 0-671-65619-8, Feb ’87 [Jan ’87], $2.95, 281pp, pb) Reprint (Arrow 1982) sf novel.
- * _The Third Millenium (with Brian M. Stableford) See entry under Brian M. Stableford
- * _The Third Millennium: A History of the World: AD 2000-3000 (with Brian M. Stableford) See entry under Brian M. Stableford
- * *The Unseen University Challenge: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Quizbook (Vista 0-575-60000-4, May ’96, £3.99, 224pp, pb, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Humorous reference work. A quizbook (with answers!) on the detail of the “Discworld” books. Includes an introduction by Pratchett. [Pratchett]
- LANGFORD, MICHAEL N., ed. (stories)
- * *Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Greenwood 0-313-26647-6, May ’90 [Jun ’90], $45.00, 232pp, hc) Anthology of 22 academic essays originally presented at the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in 1987.
- LANGLEY, BOB; [i.e., Robert Langley] (1936- )
- * *Fireball (Severn House 0-7278-5285-X, Nov ’97, £16.99, 314pp, hc) Near-future SF thriller. The wakening of a super-secret satellite 27 years after it was shot down, leads to atomic attack on Earth and satellite war in space.
- * *Precipice (Bantam Falcon 0-553-28934-9, Mar ’91 [Feb ’91], $4.95, 377pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) Technothriller with sf elements about a crashed Soviet weapons satellite that is activated under Antarctic ice.
- LANIER, STERLING E(dmund) (1927-2007) (stories)
- * *The Curious Quests of Brigadier Ffellowes (Donald M. Grant 0-937986-89-5, Nov ’86 [Oct ’86], $30.00, 254pp, hc) [Brigadier Ffellowes] Collection of 6 fantasy stories featuring the Brigadier, including 1 original, plus an introduction. Signed, limited edition of 1200 copies; illustrated by Ned Dameron. (Contents)
- * *Hiero Desteen (SFBC #3292, Mar ’84, $8.98, 532pp, hc) [Hiero Desteen] Omnibus edition of Hiero’s Journey (Chilton 1973) and The Unforsaken Hiero (Del Rey 1983). Sf. (Contents)
- * _Hiero’s Journey (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30841-7, Feb ’95 [Mar ’95], $5.99, 325pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Hiero Desteen] Reissue (Chilton 1973) fantasy novel, first in a trilogy. This says sixth printing, but may be later.
- * _The Unforsaken Hiero (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30228-1, Apr ’84 [Mar ’84], $2.95, 247pp, pb) [Hiero Desteen] Reprint (Del Rey 1983) sf novel, sequel to Hiero’s Journey.
- LANIGAN, CATHERINE (1947- ); see pseudonym Joan Wilder
- LANKFORD, TERRILL (Lee) (1959- )
- * *Angry Moon (Tor/Forge 0-312-85726-8, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $22.95, 317pp, hc, cover by Cliff Nielson) Supernatural thriller. A hit man finds his target — his ex-mentor — strangely unkillable.
- LANNES, ROBERTA (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Mirror of Night (Silver Salamander Press no ISBN, Apr ’97 [May ’97], $12.00, 225pp, tp) Collection of ten stories, mostly horror. The introduction is by Harlan Ellison. Limited (300 copies, $35.00) and deluxe leatherbound (50 copies, $65.00) editions were announced but not seen. Order from Silver Salamander, 4128 Woodland Park Ave N, Seattle WA 98103; e-mail: (Contents)
- LANSDALE, JOE R(ichard Harold) (1951- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Act of Love (Kinnell 1-870532-04-X, May ’89, £10.95, 301pp, hc) Reprint (Zebra 1981) horror novel. First world hardcover edition. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Act of Love (Zebra 0-8217-3080-0, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $3.95, 301pp, pb) Reissue (Zebra 1981) horror thriller; second printing.
- * _Act of Love (CD Publications no ISBN, Feb ’93 [May ’94], $50.00, 319pp, hc, cover by Mark A. Nelson) Reprint (Zebra 1981) associational non-fantasy horror novel, with a new introduction by Andrew Vachss. This is a 750-copy signed slipcased limited edition. First US hardcover edition. This has a 1993 copyright date but was not seen until now.
- * _Act of Love (Carroll & Graf 0-7867-0288-5, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $4.95, 319pp, pb) Reprint (Zebra 1981) associational non-fantasy horror novel. This text is the 1993 (seen 1994) CD Publications limited-edition version with the introduction by Andrew Vachss.
- * *Atomic Chili: The Illustrated Joe R. Lansdale (Mojo Press 1-885418-06-X, Oct ’96 [Dec ’96], $24.95, 303pp, tp, cover by Dave Dorman) Collection of 10 Lansdale stories adapted in graphic format, with various artists. There is an introduction by Timothy Truman. Order from Mojo Press, PO Box 140005, Austin TX 78714; fax 512-858-7282;
- * *Author’s Choice Monthly Issue 18: Stories By Mama Lansdale’s Youngest Boy (Pulphouse no ISBN, Mar ’91 [Apr ’91], $4.95, 130pp, tp, cover by George Barr) Collection of 15 stories with an introduction by the author. A hardcover limited edition ($25.00) and a deluxe leather ($50.00) are also available. (Contents)
- * *Bad Chili (Mojo Press 1-885418-15-9, Jun ’97 [Jul ’97], $47.00, 219pp, hc, cover by John Picacio) [Hap Collins; Leonard Pine] Associational mystery novel. This is a signed, limited edition of 500. Available from Mojo Press, PO Box 140005, Austin TX 78714; add $3.00 postage; e-mail:
- * _Bad Chili (Warner/Mysterious Press 0-89296-619-X, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $22.00, 292pp, hc, cover by Bob Larkin) [Hap Collins; Leonard Pine] Reprint (Mojo 1997) associational mystery novel.
- * _Bad Chili (Gollancz/Indigo 0-575-06534-6, Oct ’97, £9.99, 292pp, tp, cover by Gary Day-Ellison) [Hap Collins; Leonard Pine] Reprint (Mojo Press 1997) associational mystery novel in the Collins & Pine series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Bad Chili (Gollancz 0-575-40134-6, Sep ’98, £5.99, 292pp, pb, cover by Gary Day-Ellison) [Hap Collins; Leonard Pine] Reprint (Mojo Press 1997) associational mystery novel in the “Collins & Pine” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Batman: Captured by the Engines (Warner 0-446-36042-2, Jul ’91 [Jun ’91], $4.99, 241pp, pb, cover by Dave Dorman) [Batman] Horror novelization, the first with actual supernatural content in an otherwise associational series. The caped crusader takes on a killer car and American Indian magic. Recommended (SW).
- * _Batman: Captured by the Engines (Borderlands Press no ISBN, Aug ’92, $50.00, 199pp, hc) [Batman] Reprint (Warner 1991) horror novelization featuring the classic comic book character. The caped crusader takes on a killer car and American Indian magic. This is a signed slipcased 500-copy limited edition. First hardcover edition.
- * *Batman: Terror on the High Skies (Little, Brown 0-316-17765-2, Dec ’92 [Mar ’93], $3.95, 66pp, tp, cover by Janice Walker) [Batman] Young-adult fantasy short story featuring Batman with illustrations by Edward Hannigan and Dick Giordano.
- * *Bestsellers Guaranteed (Ace 0-441-05502-8, May ’93 [Apr ’93], $4.50, 207pp, pb, cover by Mark Ferrari) Collection of 16 stories. This collection adds the novella “The Events Concerning a Nude Fold-Out Found in a Harlequin Romance” to Author’s Choice Monthly Issue 18: Stories by Mama Lansdale’s Youngest Boy (Pulphouse 1991). There is also a revised introduction. More than 25% of the book is new. (Contents)
- * *The Boar (Subterranean Press 1-892284-03-0, Nov ’98, $40.00, 169pp, hc, cover by Mark A. Nelson) Associational YA horror novel about boys in Texas during the Depression, hunting the “devil boar” called Old Satan. This is a signed, limited edition of 776. Order from Subterranean Press, PO Box 190106, Burton MI 48519; $3.00 postage; credit card orders 410-569-5683.
- * *By Bizarre Hands (Mark V. Ziesing 0-929480-12-0, Dec ’89, $25.00, 246pp, hc, cover by J. K. Potter) Collection of 16 stories, with an introduction by Lewis Shiner. This first collection of Lansdale’s work contains his best known stories. Several have been revised, two are original and others have only appeared in small press sources. Also announced in a signed limited slipcased edition (-13-9, $65.00) but not seen. (Contents)
- * _By Bizarre Hands (Avon 0-380-71205-9, Sep ’91 [Aug ’91], $3.99, 242pp, pb, cover by J. K. Potter) Reprint (Ziesing 1989) collection of 16 horror stories with an introduction by Lewis Shiner. Recommended (SW).
- * _By Bizarre Hands (NEL 0-450-55417-1, Feb ’92, £4.99, 242pp, pb) Reprint (Ziesing 1989) horror collection. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Cold in July (Mark V. Ziesing 0-929-480-20-1, Jul ’90, $25.00, 234pp, hc, cover by Terry Lee) Reprint (Bantam 1989) associational crime thriller. First hardcover edition. A limited edition is available in a set with Savage Season (-23-6, $100.00).
- * _Cold in July (Warner/Mysterious Press 0-446-40430-6, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], $5.50, 195pp, pb, cover by Dan Osyczka) Reprint (Bantam 1989) associational thriller.
- * _Cold in July (Indigo 0-575-40059-5, Nov ’96, £5.99, 234pp, tp) Reprint (Bantam 1989) associational thriller. Copyrighted as Ziesing, 1990. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Dead in the West (Space & Time 0-917053-04-4, Jun ’86, $6.95, 119pp, pb) [Rev. Jebidiah Rains] Western/horror novel.
- * _Dead in the West (Kinnell 1-870532-24-4, Oct ’90, £12.95, 199pp, hc, cover by James Stewart) [Rev. Jebidiah Rains] Reprint (Space & Time 1986) western/horror novel. This is the first World hardcover edition.
- * _Dead in the West (Crossroads Press no ISBN, Jan ’95 [Feb ’95], $55.00, 154pp, hc, cover by Dave Dorman) [Rev. Jebidiah Rains] Reprint (Space & Time 1986) western/horror novel. This signed, limited, slipcased edition of 300 is the first American hardcover edition, and adds a new introduction by Lansdale, a foreword by Neal Barrett, Jr., and interior illustrations by Stephen R. Bissette. It also has been somewhat rewritten and corrected, and is now the author’s preferred text. Available from Crossroads Press, PO Box 10433, Holyoke MA 01089-1706. Add $5.00 postage; make checks payable to Thomas Crouss.
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