The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- LACKEY, MERCEDES (Ritche) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Arrow’s Flight (DAW 0-88677-377-6, Oct ’98, $6.99, 318pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Heralds] Reissue (DAW 1987) fantasy novel, book two of “The Heralds of Valdemar”. 15th printing.
- * *Arrows of the Queen (DAW 0-88677-189-7, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $2.95, 320pp, pb) [Valdemar: Heralds] Fantasy novel — a girl with unusual talents finds a place where she is accepted and trained; a cross between McCaffrey’s “Harper Hall” books and Bradley’s Free Amazons of Darkover. (CFC) A first novel and the first of an announced trilogy.
- * _Arrows of the Queen (Legend 0-09-962540-7, Nov ’88, £2.99, 320pp, pb) [Valdemar: Heralds] Reprint (DAW 1987) enjoyable fantasy novel. Recommended. (PSP) Volume 1 in the “Arrows” trilogy. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Arrows of the Queen (DAW 0-88677-378-4, Oct ’91 [Sep ’91], $4.99, 320pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Heralds] Reissue (DAW 1987) fantasy novel, first book of the “Heralds of Valdemar” series; sixth printing.
- * _Arrows of the Queen (DAW 0-88677-378-4, Oct ’98, $6.99, 320pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Heralds] Reissue (DAW 1987) fantasy novel, book one of “The Heralds of Valdemar”. 14th printing.
- * *Bardic Voices Book I: The Lark & The Wren (Baen 0-671-72099-6, Jan ’92 [Dec ’91], $4.99, 488pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Fantasy novel of a tavern wench’s daughter who strikes a bargain with a fearsome ghost in her quest to become a bard. First book of a new series.
- * _Bardic Voices Book I: The Lark & The Wren (Baen 0-671-72099-6, Nov ’94 [Sep ’94], $5.99, 488pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reissue (Baen 1992) fantasy novel, first book of the “Bardic Voices” series; fourth printing.
- * *The Bard’s Tale: Castle of Deception (with Josepha Sherman) (Baen 0-671-72125-9, Jul ’92 [Jun ’92], $5.99, 266pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [*Bard’s Tale] Fantasy story set in the same universe as the computer adventure “The Bard’s Tale IV”. An apprentice bard gets tangled in intrigue when asked to search for a beautiful girl apparently kidnapped by elves. Unlike most computer scenarios, this is copyrighted by the authors, not the games company.
- * *Bedlam’s Bard (with Ellen Guon) (SFBC #02791, Nov ’92 [Oct ’92], $12.98, 536pp, hc, cover by Barclay Shaw) [*Bedlam’s Bard] Fantasy omnibus of Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (Baen 1991) and Summoned to Tourney (Baen 1992). (Contents)
- * _Bedlam’s Bard (with Ellen Guon) (Baen 0-671-87863-8, Mar ’98 [Feb ’98], $6.99, 617pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [*Bedlam’s Bard] Reprint (SFBC 1992) omnibus of two fantasy novels, Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (1991) and Summoned to Tourney (1992).
- * *The Black Gryphon (with Larry Dixon) (DAW 0-88677-577-9, Jan ’94 [Dec ’93], $22.00, 383pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Valdemar: Mage Wars] Fantasy novel set in Valdemar, taking place a thousand years before the “Heralds of Valdemar” series. With black & white illustrations by Dixon.
- * _The Black Gryphon (with Larry Dixon) (Millennium 1-85798-182-0, Apr ’94, £9.99, 330pp, tp, cover by Mick Posen) [Valdemar: Mage Wars] Reprint (DAW 1994) fantasy novel. A hardcover edition (-181-2, £14.99) was announced but not seen. Volume one in a new “Valdemar” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Black Gryphon (with Larry Dixon) (SFBC #03175, Jun ’94 [May ’94], $7.98, 319pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Valdemar: Mage Wars] Reprint (DAW 1994) fantasy novel set in Valdemar, taking place a thousand years before the “Heralds of Valdemar” series. With black & white illustrations by Dixon. Similar to the DAW edition except this lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Black Gryphon (with Larry Dixon) (DAW 0-88677-643-0, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $5.99, 460pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Mage Wars] Reprint (DAW 1994) fantasy novel, first in “The Mage Wars” series set centuries before the founding of Lackey’s kingdom of Valdemar.
- * _The Black Gryphon (with Larry Dixon) (Millennium 1-85798-237-1, Feb ’95 [Jan ’95], £4.99, 330pp, pb, cover by John Barber) [Valdemar: Mage Wars] Reprint (DAW 1994) fantasy novel. Volume 1 in a new “Valdemar” series.
- * *Born To Run (with Larry Dixon) (Baen 0-671-72110-0, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $4.99, 317pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [Serrated Edge] Fantasy novel, first book of “The Serrated Edge” series. Three runaways are trapped in a conflict between elves who have invaded our world, one group into stock cars, the other into kiddie porn and snuff films.
- * *Burning Water (Tor 0-812-52104-8, Feb ’89 [Jan ’89], $3.95, 314pp, pb) [Diana Tregarde] Occult horror novel. First in a series about a white witch who solves occult crimes.
- * _Burning Water (Tor 0-812-52485-3, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $4.99, 314pp, pb, cover by Maren) [Diana Tregarde] Reissue (Tor 1989) occult thriller, first book of the “Diana Tregarde” series; fourth printing.
- * *By the Sword (DAW 0-88677-463-2, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.95, 492pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar; Vows and Honor] Fantasy novel set in the same world as the “Heralds of Valdemar” and “Vows and Honor” series.
- * _By the Sword (DAW 0-88677-463-2, Oct ’92 [Sep ’92], $5.99, 492pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Valdemar; Vows and Honor] Reissue (DAW 1991) fantasy novel set in the same world as the “Heralds of Valdemar” series; fourth printing.
- * _By the Sword (SFBC #06463, Jan ’95, $10.98, 492pp, hc, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar; Vows and Honor] Reprint (DAW 1991) fantasy novel set in the same world as Lackey’s “Valdemar” series. This has the SFBC number and the ISBN from the DAW paperback (0-88677-463-2) on the back jacket. First hardcover edition.
- * _By the Sword (DAW 0-88677-463-2, Apr ’98, $6.99, 492pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar; Vows and Honor] Reprint (DAW 1991) fantasy novel in the “Valdemar"/"Vows and Honor” world. 12th printing.
- * *A Cast of Corbies (with Josepha Sherman) (Baen 0-671-72207-7, Feb ’94 [Jan ’94], $5.99, 311pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Fantasy novel set in the same world as Lackey’s “Bardic Voices” books. This one has the subtitle “Bardic Choices”.
- * *Children of the Night (Tor 0-812-52112-9, Aug ’90 [Jul ’90], $3.95, 313pp, pb, cover by Daniel R. Horne) [Diana Tregarde] Occult adventure novel, second book of the “Diana Tregarde” series.
- * *Chrome Circle (with Larry Dixon) (Baen 0-671-87615-5, Aug ’94 [Jul ’94], $5.99, 362pp, pb, cover by Barclay Shaw) [Serrated Edge] Urban fantasy novel of elven magic used to help humans, fourth book of the “Serrated Edge” series.
- * *The Eagle and the Nightingales (Baen 0-671-87636-8, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $22.00, 410pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Fantasy novel, third in the “Bardic Voices” series. The gypsy Free Bard Nightingale takes a risky trip to the capital to see why humans and the Church are becoming more hostile to non-humans, gypsies, and Free Bards.
- * _The Eagle and the Nightingales (SFBC #06860, Apr ’95 [Mar ’95], $9.98, 250pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1994) fantasy novel, third in the “Bardic Voices” series. This is similar to the Baen edition except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Eagle and the Nightingales (HarperCollins Voyager 0-00-648036-5, Jan ’96, £4.99, 410pp, pb) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1995) fantasy novel. A human woman falls in love with a semi-human bird-headed male. Third in the ‘Bardic Voices’ series - Books 1 and 2 have never been published in the UK. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Eagle and the Nightingales (Baen 0-671-87706-2, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $5.99, 410pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1995) fantasy novel, book three in the “Bardic Voices” series.
- * _The Elvenbane (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * _Elvenblood (with Andre Norton) See entry under Andre Norton.
- * *Fiddler Fair (Baen 0-671-87866-2, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $5.99, 260pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) Collection of 12 stories, one original, with an introduction by Lackey and Larry Dixon describing their writing process. (Three stories are co-credited with Dixon.) (Contents)
- * *The Fire Rose (Baen 0-671-87687-2, Oct ’95 [Sep ’95], $22.00, 433pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Fantasy novel set in 1905 San Francisco; a mix of gothic romance and “Beauty and the Beast”.
- * _The Fire Rose (Baen 0-671-87750-X, Nov ’96 [Oct ’96], $6.99, 433pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Reprint (Baen 1995) gothic fantasy novel.
- * *Firebird (Tor 0-312-85812-4, Dec ’96 [Nov ’96], $24.95, 352pp, hc, cover by Vladimir Nenov) Fantasy novel based on the Russian fairy tale.
- * _Firebird (SFBC #15117, Mar ’97, $8.98, 352pp, hc, cover by Vladimir Nenov) Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel based on the Russian fairy tale. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Firebird (Tor 0-812-55074-9, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $6.99, 345pp, pb, cover by Vladimir Nenov) Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel based on Russian fairy tale.
- * *Fortress of Frost and Fire (with Ru Emerson) (Baen 0-671-72162-3, Apr ’93 [Mar ’93], $5.99, 297pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [*Bard’s Tale] Fantasy novel, second book of a series set in the same universe as the computer game “The Bard’s Tale”. Copyrighted by the authors with the characters used by permission.
- * *Four & Twenty Blackbirds (Baen 0-671-87853-0, Dec ’97 [Nov ’97], $22.00, 423pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Fantasy novel, fourth in the “Bardic Voices” series. A constable chases a supernatural serial killer targeting female free bards.
- * _Four & Twenty Blackbirds (SFBC #20096, Feb ’98 [Jan ’98], $10.98, 307pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1997) fantasy novel, fourth in the “Bardic Voices” series. This is similar to the Baen edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Four & Twenty Blackbirds (Baen 0-671-57778-6, Dec ’98 [Nov ’98], $6.99, 423pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1997) fantasy novel, fourth in the “Bardic Voices” series.
- * _Four and Twenty Blackbirds (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-648035-7, May ’98, £5.99, 423pp, pb) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1997) fantasy novel, fourth in the “Bardic Voices” series. A constable chases a supernatural serial killer targeting female free bards. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Free Bards (Baen 0-671-87778-X, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $15.00, 712pp, tp, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Omnibus of the “Bardic Voices” trilogy: The Lark & the Wren (1992), The Robin & the Kestrel (1993), and The Eagle & the Nightingales (1995). (Contents)
- * _If I Pay Thee Not in Gold (with Piers Anthony) See entry under Piers Anthony.
- * *Jinx High (Tor 0-812-52114-5, Oct ’91 [Sep ’91], $4.99, 314pp, pb, cover by Gary Smith) [Diana Tregarde] Third occult thriller featuring guardian witch Diana Tregarde, who discovers deadly occult practices at a Tulsa high school.
- * *Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (with Ellen Guon) (Baen 0-671-69885-0, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $3.95, 345pp, pb, cover by Tom Kidd) [*Bedlam’s Bard] Fantasy novel of elven magic in contemporary L.A. Funny and endearing, with clever plotting and moments of real magic. Recommended (SW).
- * _The Lark & the Wren (SFBC #19829, Jul ’92 [Aug ’92], $9.98, 374pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1992) fantasy novel. First book of a new series. This lacks an ISBN and price and the SFBC number is on the back jacket. First hardcover edition.
- * *The Last Herald Mage (SFBC #17756, Dec ’90, $14.98, 900pp, hc, cover by Dawn Wilson) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Fantasy omnibus of Magic’s Pawn (DAW 1989), Magic’s Promise (DAW 1990), and Magic’s Price (DAW 1990). (Contents)
- * *Magic’s Pawn (DAW 0-88677-352-0, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $3.95, 349pp, pb) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Fantasy novel set in the same world as the “Heralds of Valdemar” trilogy, first book in the “Last Herald Mage” trilogy.
- * _Magic’s Pawn (DAW 0-88677-352-0, Jan ’90 [Dec ’89], $3.95, 349pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, first book in the “Last Herald Mage” series; third printing.
- * _Magic’s Pawn (DAW 0-88677-352-0, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $3.95, 349pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, first book of the “Last Herald Mage” series; fourth printing.
- * _Magic’s Pawn (Roc UK 0-14-016751-X, Apr ’92, £4.99, 349pp, pb) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reprint (DAW 1989) fantasy novel. Book one of “The Last Herald-Mage”. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Magic’s Pawn (DAW 0-88677-352-0, Oct ’96 [Dec ’96], $4.99, 349pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, book one of “The Last Herald-Mage”. 11th printing.
- * *Magic’s Price (DAW 0-88677-426-8, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $4.50, 351pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Last Herald Mage” series.
- * _Magic’s Price (Roc UK 0-14-016753-6, Aug ’92, £4.99, 351pp, pb) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reprint (DAW 1990) fantasy novel. Book three of “The Last Herald-Mage” series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Magic’s Price (DAW 0-88677-426-8, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $5.99, 351pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1990) fantasy novel, book three of “The Last Herald-Mage”. Eighth printing.
- * *Magic’s Promise (DAW 0-88677-401-2, Jan ’90 [Dec ’89], $4.50, 320pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Fantasy novel, second book of “The Last Herald Mage” series.
- * _Magic’s Promise (DAW 0-88677-401-2, Jul ’90 [Jun ’90], $4.50, 320pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1990) fantasy novel, second book of the “Last Herald Mage” series; third printing.
- * _Magic’s Promise (Roc UK 0-14-016752-8, Jun ’92, £4.99, 320pp, pb) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reprint (DAW 1990) fantasy novel. Book two of “The Last Herald-Mage”. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Magic’s Promise (DAW 0-88677-401-2, Oct ’96 [Sep ’96], $5.99, 320pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Valdemar: Last Herald Mage] Reissue (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, book 2 of “The Last Herald-Mage”. Ninth printing.
- * *Oathblood (DAW 0-88677-773-9, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $6.99, 394pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Vows and Honor] Collection of 11 fantasy stories, including an original novella, set in the world of “Vows and Honor”. Individual and overall introductions tell how the stories came to be written, and their places in the series. (Contents)
- * _Oathblood (SFBC #02572, May ’98, $8.98, 296pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Vows and Honor] Reprint (DAW 1998) collection of 11 fantasy stories set in the world of “Vows and Honor” (and the “Valdemar” series). This is the first hardcover edition, and has ISBN 1-56865-653-X; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *The Oathbound (DAW 0-88677-285-0, Jul ’88 [Jun ’88], $3.50, 302pp, pb) [Vows and Honor] Fantasy novel, first of a series featuring a sorceress and a swordswoman.
- * _The Oathbound (DAW 0-88677-285-0, Jan ’89 [Dec ’88], $3.50, 302pp, pb) [Vows and Honor] Reissue (DAW 1988) fantasy novel, Book One of the “Vows and Honor” series. Third printing.
- * _The Oathbound (DAW 0-88677-285-0, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.95, 302pp, pb) [Vows and Honor] Reissue (DAW 1988) fantasy novel, first book of the “Vows and Honor” series; fifth printing.
- * _The Oathbound (DAW 0-88677-414-4, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $5.99, 302pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Vows and Honor] Reprint (DAW 1988) fantasy novel, book one in the “Vows and Honor” series. 15th printing.
- * *Oathbreakers (DAW 0-88677-319-9, Jan ’89 [Dec ’88], $3.50, 318pp, pb) [Vows and Honor] Fantasy novel, second in a series about a pair of female mercenaries.
- * _Oathbreakers (DAW 0-88677-319-9, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $4.95, 318pp, pb) [Vows and Honor] Reissue (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, second book of the “Vows and Honor” series; fourth printing.
- * _Oathbreakers (DAW 0-88677-454-3, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $5.99, 318pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Vows and Honor] Reprint (DAW 1989) fantasy novel, book two in the “Vows and Honor” series. 12th printing.
- * *Owlflight (with Larry Dixon) (DAW 0-88677-754-2, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $21.95, 293pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [*Valdemar: Darian’s Tale] Fantasy novel in the “Valdemar” series, set after the “Mage Storms” trilogy. A young man rejects his magical talents until he encounters the Hawkbrothers.
- * _Owlflight (with Larry Dixon) (SFBC #20097, Feb ’98 [Jan ’98], $10.98, 256pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [*Valdemar: Darian’s Tale] Reprint (DAW 1997) fantasy novel in the “Valdemar” series, set after the “Mage Storms” trilogy. This is similar to the DAW edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Owlflight (with Larry Dixon) (Orion 1-85798-543-5, Sep ’98, £9.99, 293pp, tp, cover by John Barber) [*Valdemar: Darian’s Tale] Reprint (DAW 1997) fantasy novel in the “Valdemar” series, set after the “Mage Storms” trilogy. A hardcover edition (-542-7, £16.99) was announced but not seen. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Owlflight (with Larry Dixon) (DAW 0-88677-804-2, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $6.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [*Valdemar: Darian’s Tale] Reprint (DAW 1997) fantasy novel in the “Valdemar” series, set after the “Mage Storms” trilogy.
- * *Owlsight (with Larry Dixon) (DAW 0-88677-802-6, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $24.95, 389pp, hc, cover by Jody A. Lee) [*Valdemar: Darian’s Tale] Fantasy novel in the “Valdemar” series, second in the “Owlflight” series set after the “Mage Storms” trilogy. Darian returns to his village with Hawkbrothers and finds a Healer in desperate need of training.
- * *Prison of Souls (with Mark Shepherd) (Baen 0-671-72193-3, Nov ’93 [Oct ’93], $5.99, 340pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [*Bard’s Tale] Fantasy novel, a follow-up to Castle of Deception set in the same universe as the computer game “The Bard’s Tale”.
- * *Queen’s Own (SFBC #05750, Jan ’93, $14.98, 726pp, hc, cover by Dawn Wilson) [Valdemar: Heralds] Fantasy omnibus of the “Heralds of Valdemar” trilogy, Arrows of the Queen (DAW 1987), Arrow’s Flight (DAW 1987), and Arrow’s Fall (DAW 1988). This edition lacks an ISBN and price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * _Reap the Whirlwind (with C. J. Cherryh) See entry under C. J. Cherryh
- * _Rediscovery: A Darkover Novel (with Marion Zimmer Bradley) See entry under Marion Zimmer Bradley.
- * _The Robin & the Kestrel (Baen 0-671-87628-7, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $5.99, 373pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Reprint (Baen 1993) fantasy novel, second in the “Bardic Voices” series.
- * *The Robin & the Kestrel: Bardic Voices, Book II (Baen 0-671-72183-6, Sep ’93 [Aug ’93], $20.00, 373pp, hc, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Bardic Voices] Fantasy novel of a prince and a gypsy girl trying to foil a plot to drive all music from the land. Second book of a series.
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