The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- BRADLEY, MARION (Eleanor) ZIMMER (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Glenraven (with Holly Lisle) (Baen 0-671-87799-2, Sep 97 [Aug 97], $6.99, 394pp, pb, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Glenraven] Reprint (Baen 1996) fantasy novel of two contemporary women who save a magic kingdom.
- * *The Gratitude of Kings (with Elisabeth Waters) (SFBC #18196, Nov 97 [Oct 97], $2.98, 110pp, hc, cover by Pat Morrissey) [Lythande] Fantasy novella featuring the minstrel/magician Lythande. Simultaneous with the Roc gift edition, but packaged differently, in standard-size format, with new cover art and interior illustrations by Keith Minnion. The Roc edition lists Elizabeth Waters as co-holder of the copyright, but she is not listed in this edition. This is supposedly similar to the 1997 Wildside Press limited edition (1-56865-579-7), not seen. The price is a special for book club members, available with any purchase. This edition lacks a price and ISBN, and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *The Gratitude of Kings (with Elisabeth Waters) (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45641-6, Dec 97 [Oct 97], $14.95, 106pp, hc, cover by Neal McPheeters) [Lythande] Fantasy novella/short novel featuring the minstrel/magician Lythande. A gift-book supposedly published simultaneously with a Wildside Press edition (not seen). Waters is mentioned only on the copyright page.
- * *Gravelight (Tor 0-312-86503-1, Sep 97 [Aug 97], $24.95, 350pp, hc, cover by Mark Hess) [Light] Contemporary dark fantasy novel, third in the series after Witchlight.
- * _Gravelight (SFBC #17936, Dec 97 [Nov 97], $12.50, 350pp, hc, cover by Mark Harrison) [Light] Reprint (Tor 1997) contemporary dark fantasy novel, third in the series after Witchlight. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Gravelight (Tor 0-312-86507-4, Sep 98 [Aug 98], $14.95, 350pp, tp, cover by Mark Hess) [Light] Reprint (Tor 1997) contemporary dark fantasy novel, third in the series after Witchlight.
- * _Hawkmistress (DAW 0-88677-239-7, Feb 88 [Jan 88], $3.95, 336pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1982) sf novel in the Darkover series; seventh printing.
- * _Hawkmistress (Severn House 0-7278-1607-1, Jun 88, £10.95, 336pp, hc) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1982) fantasy novel. In the Darkover series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Hawkmistress (Legend 0-09-934990-6, Nov 88, £2.99, 336pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1982) fantasy novel. In the Darkover series.
- * _Hawkmistress! (DAW 0-88677-239-7, Aug 97 [Jul 97], $5.99, 336pp, pb, cover by Hannah M. G. Shapero) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1982) SF novel in the Darkover series. 11th printing.
- * *Heartlight (Tor 0-312-86508-2, Sep 98 [Aug 98], $25.95, 416pp, hc) [Light] Contemporary dark fantasy novel, a prequel to the Light series. Colin MacLaren fights evil in the sixties and seventies.
- * *The Heirs of Hammerfell (DAW 0-88677-395-4, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $18.95, 300pp, hc, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Heirs of Hammerfell (DAW 0-88677-451-9, Sep 90 [Aug 90], $4.95, 300pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1989) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Heirs of Hammerfell (Legend 0-09-982740-9, Jul 91, £3.99, 300pp, pb, cover by Peter Jones) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1989) sf novel about the Darkovan equivalent of the Highland Clearances. In the Darkover series. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Heritage of Hastur (DAW 0-87997-967-4, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $3.50, 381pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1975) Darkover sf novel.
- * _The Heritage of Hastur (DAW 0-88677-079-3, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $3.95, 381pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1975) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Heritage of Hastur (Arrow 0-09-919190-3, Oct 87, £2.95, 428pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1975) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Heritage of Hastur (DAW 0-88677-238-9, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.95, 381pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1975) sf novel in the Darkover series; 13th printing.
- * _The Heritage of Hastur (DAW 0-88677-413-6, Jun 94 [May 94], $4.99, 381pp, pb, cover by George Barr) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1975) SF novel in the Darkover series; 15th printing.
- * _The House Between the Worlds (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31646-0, Jun 84 [May 84], $2.95, 313pp, pb) Reissue (Del Rey 1981) fantasy novel. A revised and expanded version of the 1980 Doubleday edition.
- * _Hunters of the Red Moon (DAW 0-87997-968-2, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $3.95, 221pp, pb) [Hunters of the Red Moon] Reissue (DAW 1973) sf novel.
- * _Hunters of the Red Moon (with Paul Edwin Zimmer) (DAW 0-87997-968-2, May 92 [Apr 92], $3.99, 221pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Hunters of the Red Moon] Reissue (DAW 1973) science fiction novel. In this 13th printing, Marion Zimmer Bradley gives co-authorship credit to her brother Paul Edwin Zimmer, who was previously acknowledged as doing the weapons research and fight scenes.
- * *In the Rift (with Holly Lisle) (Baen 0-671-87870-0, Apr 98 [Mar 98], $22.00, 276pp, hc, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Glenraven] Fantasy novel, sequel to Glenraven. A woman persecuted for paganism in our world becomes Glenravens new hero.
- * *The Inheritor (Tor 0-812-51600-1, May 84 [Apr 84], $3.00, 414pp, pb) [Claire Moffat] Occult fantasy novel.
- * _The Inheritor (Tor 0-812-51600-1, Nov 90 [Oct 90], $3.50, 414pp, pb) [Claire Moffat] Reissue (Tor 1984) psychic thriller set in San Francisco; second printing.
- * _The Inheritor (Severn House 0-7278-4298-6, Mar 92, £14.99, 414pp, hc) [Claire Moffat] Reprint (Tor 1984) occult horror novel. Volume two in the Claire Moffat series. First world hardcover edition. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Inheritor (Tor 0-312-86293-8, Mar 97 [Feb 97], $14.95, 348pp, tp) [Claire Moffat] Reprint (Tor 1984) psychic thriller. A hardcover edition (-85996-1, $25.95) was announced but not seen.
- * _Jamie and Other Stories: The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley (Academy Chicago 0-89733-358-6, Apr 93, $25.00, 393pp, hc, cover by Armen Kojoyian) Reprint (Academy Chicago 1985 as The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley) collection of 17 stories, adding one original 24-page mainstream story, Jamie, plus an introduction, to the 1985 text, which has been shot up from the original paperback size. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. (Contents)
- * _The Keepers Price (with The Friends of Darkover) (DAW 0-87997-931-3, May 84 [Apr 84], $2.50, 207pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1980) anthology of stories from Darkover fanzines.
- * _The Keepers Price (with The Friends of Darkover) (DAW 0-88677-236-2, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $3.95, 206pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1980) original anthology of Darkover stories; 6th printing.
- * *Lady of Avalon (Viking 0-670-85783-1, Jun 97 [May 97], $24.95, 460pp, hc, cover by John Jude Palencar) [Avalon] Arthurian fantasy, a prequel to The Mists of Avalon, sequel to The Forest House.
- * _Lady of Avalon (SFBC #15808, Jul 97 [Jun 97], $11.98, 386pp, hc, cover by John Jude Palencar) [Avalon] Reprint (Viking 1997) Arthurian fantasy, the linking novel between The Forest House and The Mists of Avalon. This is similar to the Viking edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Lady of Avalon (Michael Joseph 0-7181-3855-4, Nov 97, £16.99, 460pp, hc, cover by Bill Gregory) [Avalon] Reprint (Viking 1997) Arthurian fantasy novel, telling of the creation of Avalon, up to the birth of Arthur. A link between The Forest House & The Mists of Avalon. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Lady of Avalon (Penguin UK 0-14-024193-0, May 98, £6.99, 432pp, pb, cover by Philip Argent) [Avalon] Reprint (Viking 1997) Arthurian fantasy, a prequel to The Mists of Avalon, sequel to The Forest House. An open market edition was available in February 1998.
- * _Lady of Avalon (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45652-1, Jun 98 [May 98], $13.95, 460pp, tp, cover by John Jude Palencar) [Avalon] Reprint (Viking 1997) Arthurian fantasy, the linking novel between The Forest House and The Mists of Avalon.
- * *Lady of the Trillium (Bantam Spectra 0-553-09299-5, Apr 95 [Mar 95], $22.95, 291pp, hc, cover by Mark Harrison) [Trillium] Fantasy novel, third sequel to Black Trillium, the collaboration by Andre Norton, Julian May, and Bradley. (The first sequel was by May, the second by Norton.) Copyrighted by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Elisabeth Waters.
- * _Lady of the Trillium (SFBC #07155, Jun 95 [May 95], $7.98, 263pp, hc, cover by Mark Harrison) [Trillium] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1995) fantasy novel. Copyrighted by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Elisabeth Waters. Similar to the Bantam Spectra edition except this lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Lady of the Trillium (HarperCollinsUK 0-00-225329-1, Oct 95, £15.99, 291pp, hc, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Trillium] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1995) fantasy novel. Third sequel to Black Trillium, the collaborative novel by Andre Norton, Julian May, and Bradley. Copyrighted by Bradley and Elisabeth Waters. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Lady of the Trillium (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-649660-1, Mar 96 [Feb 96], £5.99, 315pp, pb, cover by Geoff Taylor) [Trillium] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1995) fantasy novel. Third sequel to Black Trillium, the collaboration between Bradley, May and Norton.
- * _Lady of the Trillium (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57263-6, Jun 96 [May 96], $5.99, 303pp, pb, cover by Mark Harrison) [Trillium] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1995) fantasy novel, third sequel to Black Trillium, the collaboration by Andre Norton, Julian May, and Bradley. Copyrighted by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Elisabeth Waters.
- * *Lythande (DAW 0-88677-154-4, Aug 86 [Jul 86], $3.50, 237pp, pb) [Lythande; *Thieves World] Collection of fantasy stories featuring the Pilgrim Adept Lythande, a Thieves World character. There is also a story by Vonda N. McIntyre, with the same heroine. (Contents)
- * _Lythande (Sphere 0-7221-1956-9, May 88, £2.99, 238pp, pb) [Lythande; *Thieves World] Reprint (DAW 1986) collection of fantasy stories featuring the Pilgrim Adept Lythande, a Thieves World character. There is also a story by Vonda N. McIntyre, with the same heroine. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Lythande (DAW 0-88677-291-5, Aug 88 [Jul 88], $3.95, 238pp, pb) [Lythande; *Thieves World] Reissue (DAW 1986) collection of 6 stories about the wizard Lythande, one of which was written by Vonda McIntyre. fourth printing.
- * _Lythande (Orbit 1-85723-259-3, Sep 94 [Oct 94], £4.99, 238pp, pb, cover by Stephen Bradbury) [Lythande; *Thieves World] Reissue (DAW 1986) collection of six stories about the eponymous heroine, including one by Vonda N. McIntyre.
- * *Marion Zimmer Bradleys Darkover (DAW 0-88677-593-0, Oct 93 [Sep 93], $4.99, 335pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Collection of 14 Darkover stories by Bradley, including two new ones. (Contents)
- * _Marion Zimmer Bradleys Darkover (SFBC #02557, Feb 94, $7.98, 335pp, hc, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1993) collection of 14 Darkover stories by Bradley, including two new ones. First hardcover edition. This lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Mists of Avalon (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-31452-2, May 84 [Apr 84], $8.95, 871pp, tp) [Avalon] Reprint (Knopf 1983) fantasy novel, first trade paperback. Recommended. (FCM)
- * _The Mists of Avalon (Sphere 0-7221-1957-7, Jan 86, £3.95, 1009pp, pb) [Avalon] Reissue (Knopf 1983) Arthurian fantasy novel.
- * _The Mists of Avalon (Penguin 0-14-017719-1, Jan 93 [Dec 92], £5.99, 1009pp, pb, cover by Stephen Bradbury) [Avalon] Reprint (Knopf 1983) Arthurian fantasy novel.
- * _The Mists of Avalon (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-35049-9, Feb 94 [Jan 94], $12.95, 876pp, tp, cover by Braldt Bralds) [Avalon] Reissue (Knopf 1983) Arthurian fantasy novel; 32nd printing. There are now one million copies of the trade paperback in print.
- * _The Mists of Avalon (Penguin UK 0-14-017719-1, May 98, £6.99, 1009pp, pb, cover by Philip Argent) [Avalon] Reissue (Knopf 1983) Arthurian fantasy.
- * *Nights Daughter (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-30920-0, Feb 85 [Jan 85], $2.95, 249pp, pb) Fantasy novel based on Mozarts opera The Magic Flute.
- * _Nights Daughter (Inner Circle 1-85018-038-5, Oct 85, £8.95, 208pp, hc) Reprint (Del Rey 1985) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
- * _Nights Daughter (Sphere 0-7221-1958-5, Oct 85, £2.99, 208pp, pb) Reprint (Del Rey 1985) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition, not seen]
- * _Nights Daughter (Inner Circle, Oct 85 [Jan 86], £8.95, hc) Reprint (Del Rey 1985) fantasy novel.
- * *Oath of the Renunciates (SFBC #3651, Jan 84 [Dec 83], $7.50, 593pp, hc) [Darkover] Omnibus edition of Darkover sf novels The Shattered Chain (DAW 1976) and Thendara House (DAW 1983). (Contents)
- * *The Other Side of the Mirror (with The Friends of Darkover) (DAW 0-88677-185-4, Feb 87 [Jan 87], $3.50, 303pp, pb) [Darkover] Shared-world anthology of Darkover stories. There are 5 stories here. Three of them are by Bradley and apparently appear for the first time. One is a 40,000 word novella. This is the most interesting and best of the Darkover anthologies. (CNB) (Contents)
- * _The Planet Savers & the Sword of Aldones (Ace 0-441-67026-1, Aug 85 [Jul 85], $3.50, 359pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (Ace 1980) omnibus with The Planet Savers (Ace 1962) and The Sword of Aldones (Ace 1962), plus a 1980 Darkover Retrospective by Bradley and a 1976 short story. Sixth Ace printing.
- * _The Planet Savers/The Sword of Aldones (Ace 0-441-67027-X, Mar 88 [Feb 88], $3.95, 359pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (Ace 1980) omnibus with two sf novels in the Darkover series, The Planet Savers (1962) and The Sword of Aldones (1962), plus a short story and an article.
- * *Red Sun of Darkover (with The Friends of Darkover) (DAW 0-88677-230-3, Nov 87 [Oct 87], $3.95, 287pp, pb) [Darkover] Original shared world anthology of Darkover stories including two pieces by Bradley. (Contents)
- * *Rediscovery: A Darkover Novel (with Mercedes R. Lackey) (DAW 0-88677-561-2, Apr 93 [Mar 93], $18.00, 307pp, hc, cover by Romas) [Darkover] Sf novel in the Darkover series, about the rediscovery of the planet Darkover by a ship from Earth.
- * _Rediscovery: A Darkover Novel (with Mercedes R. Lackey) (SFBC #00997, Jul 93 [Jun 93], $8.98, 307pp, hc, cover by Romas) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1993) sf novel in the Darkover series, about the rediscovery of the planet Darkover by a ship from Earth. Similar to the DAW edition except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Rediscovery: A Darkover Novel (with Mercedes R. Lackey) (DAW 0-88677-529-9, Jun 94 [May 94], $4.99, 362pp, pb, cover by Romas) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1993) SF novel in the Darkover series, about the rediscovery of the planet Darkover by a ship from Earth.
- * _The Ruins of Isis (Pocket 0-671-46843-X, Oct 87 [Sep 87], $3.50, 298pp, pb) Reissue (Donning/Starblaze 1978) sf novel of an ancient planet ruled by women; 4th Pocket printing.
- * _The Ruins of Isis (Legend 0-09-923000-3, Mar 88, £2.99, 298pp, pb) Reissue (Donning/Starblaze 1978) fantasy novel.
- * *The Shadow Matrix (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes) (DAW 0-88677-743-7, Aug 97 [Jul 97], $22.95, 512pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Darkover] SF novel in the Darkover series, a direct sequel to Exiles Song. Margaret Alton learns to control her new-found powers, while coping with unwanted political restrictions. Adrienne Martine-Barnes appears only on the copyright page.
- * _The Shadow Matrix (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes) (SFBC #17845, Oct 97 [Sep 97], $10.98, 483pp, hc, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1997) SF novel in the Darkover series, a direct sequel to Exiles Song. Martine-Barness name appears only on the copyright page. This is similar to the DAW edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Shadow Matrix (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes) (DAW 0-88677-812-3, Jan 99 [Dec 98], $6.99, 556pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1997) SF novel in the Darkover series, a direct sequel to Exiles Song. Adrienne Martine-Barnes appears only on the copyright page.
- * _Sharras Exile (DAW 0-87997-988-7, Oct 84 [Sep 84], $3.95, 366pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1981) Darkover sf novel.
- * _Sharras Exile (DAW 0-87997-988-7, Sep 85 [Aug 85], $3.95, 365pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1981) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _Sharras Exile (Legend 0-09-931520-3, Sep 88 [Oct 88], £3.50, 365pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1981) fantasy novel. In the Darkover series.
- * _Sharras Exile (DAW 0-88677-309-1, Nov 88 [Oct 88], $3.95, 365pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1981) sf novel in the Darkover series; ninth printing.
- * _Sharras Exile (DAW 0-88677-309-1, Jan 92, $4.99, 365pp, pb, cover by Hannah M. G. Shapero) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1981) sf novel in the Darkover series; tenth printing.
- * _Sharras Exile (Severn House 0-7278-4799-6, Sep 95, £16.99, 365pp, hc, cover by Ian D. Daniels) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1981) SF novel in the Darkover series. First World Hardcover.
- * _The Shattered Chain (Arrow 0-09-916710-7, Apr 87, £2.50, 272pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1976) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Shattered Chain (DAW 0-88677-308-3, Dec 88 [Nov 88], $3.95, 287pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1976) sf novel in the Darkover series. 13th printing.
- * _The Shattered Chain (DAW 0-88677-308-3, Sep 90 [Aug 90], $3.95, 287pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1976) sf novel in the Darkover series; 11th printing.
- * _The Shattered Chain (DAW 0-88677-308-3, Apr 93 [Mar 93], $4.50, 287pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1976) sf novel in the Darkover series; 15th printing.
- * _The Shattered Chain (DAW 0-88677-308-3, Apr 97 [May 97], $5.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1976) SF novel in the Darkover series. 16th printing.
- * _The Spell Sword (Arrow 0-09-915950-3, Oct 87, £2.50, 171pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1974) sf novel in the Darkover series.
- * _The Spell Sword (DAW 0-88677-237-0, Dec 87 [Nov 87], $3.95, 158pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1974) sf novel in the Darkover series; 11th printing.
- * _The Spell Sword (Severn House 0-7278-4046-0, May 90, £10.95, 171pp, hc, cover by Martin Buchan) [Darkover] Reprint (DAW 1974) sf novel. In the Darkover series. This edition is also available in the US.
- * _The Spell Sword (DAW 0-88677-237-0, Jun 94 [May 94], $3.99, 158pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Darkover] Reissue (DAW 1974) SF novel in the Darkover series; 13th printing.
- * _Star of Danger (Ace 0-441-77956-5, Feb 85 [Jan 85], $2.75, 213pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (Ace 1965) sf novel, part of the Darkover series. 8th printing.
- * _Star of Danger (Ace 0-441-77958-1, May 88 [Apr 88], $2.95, 213pp, pb) [Darkover] Reissue (Ace 1965) sf novel in the Darkover series. 10th Ace printing.
- * _Star of Danger (Ace 0-441-77958-1, Jan 91 [Dec 90], $3.95, 213pp, pb, cover by Kirk Reinert) [Darkover] Reissue (Ace 1965) sf novel in the Darkover series; 11th printing.
- * _Star of Danger (Severn House 0-7278-4513-6, Sep 93, £13.99, 154pp, hc, cover by Ian D. Daniels) [Darkover] Reprint (Ace 1965) sf novel. In the Darkover series.
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