The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- CLARKE, ARTHUR C(harles) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *Arthur C. Clarke’s July 20, 2019: A Day in the Life of the 21st Century (Macmillan 0-02-525800-1, Oct ’86, $24.95, 281pp, hc) Illustrated “non-fiction” speculative look at a day in the future.
- * *Project Solar Sail (NAL/Roc 0-451-45002-7, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $4.50, 246pp, pb) Anthology of seven stories, three originals, featuring solar sails plus five essays, four poems, and introductions by Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov. The profits from this anthology are to go to the World Space Foundation to help fund a solar sail project. (Contents)
- CLARKE, BODEN; pseudonym of Michael Burgess, (1948- )
- * *The Work of Jeffrey M. Elliot: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide (Borgo Press 0-89370-481-4, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $9.95, 50pp, pb) Non-fiction, reference book covering the work of sf scholar/interviewer Elliot. Also available in hardcover, $19.95. [Elliot]
- * *The Work of Katherine Kurtz: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide (with Mary A. Burgess) (Borgo Press 0-89370-486-5, Mar ’93, $9.95, 127pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. An annotated bibliography of Kurtz’ work, plus an interview conducted by Jeffrey M. Elliot and Robert Reginald and an introduction by Andrew V. Philips. A hardcover edition (-386-9, $19.95) was announced but not seen. Order from Borgo Press, PO Box 2845, San Bernardino CA 92406. Please add $2.00 for shipping. [Kurtz]
- * *The Work of William F. Nolan: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide (with James Hopkins) (Borgo Press 0-89370-493-8, Oct ’88, 224pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. [Nolan]
- * *The Work of William F. Nolan: An Annotated Bibliography & Literary Guide: Second Edition (with James Hopkins) (Borgo Press 0-8095-1518-0, 1997 [Feb ’98], $25.00, 256pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference. This is an extensively revised, updated second edition of a 1988 edition not previously listed, and includes a new preface by Nolan, and two previously unpublished pieces, a story and an autobiographical essay. Order from Borgo Press, PO Box 2845, San Bernardino CA 92406-2845; add $3.00 shipping. Credit card orders: 909-884-5813, fax 909-888-4942. [Nolan]
- _____, ed.
- * _The Work of George Zebrowski: An Annotated Bibliography & Guide, Second Edition, Revised & Expanded See entry under Jeffrey M. Elliot.
- CLARKE, I(gnatius) F(rederic “Ian”) (1918-2009) (stories)
- * *The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914 (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-469-8, Sep ’95 [Nov ’95], £12.95, 382pp, tp, cover by Michael Mattingly) SF anthology of 16 stories and excerpts about the war-to-come at the end of the 19th century. Includes a long Introduction by Clarke on the plethora of such tales. A hardcover edition (-459-0, £32.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * *Voices Prophesying War (Oxford University Press 0-19-212302-5, Nov ’92 [Jan ’93], $25.00, 268pp, hc, cover by Martin Hargreaves) Non-fiction, reference book, subtitled “Future Wars 1763-3749,” revised second edition (Oxford 1966). Essentially the same as the earlier edition, with one expanded chapter. This seems to be a simultaneous release in Britain and the US.
- * _Voices Prophesying War (Oxford University Press 0-19-212302-5, Nov ’92 [Jan ’93], £19.95, 268pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference book, subtitled “Future Wars 1763-3749,” revised second edition (Oxford 1966). Essentially the same as the earlier edition, with one expanded chapter. This seems to be a simultaneous release in Britain and the US.
- * _Voices Prophesying War: Future Wars 1763-3749 (Oxford University Press 0-19-212302-5, Nov ’92 [Jan ’93], £19.95, 268pp, hc, cover by Martin Hargreaves) Reprint (Oxford University Press 1966 as Voices Prophesying War 1763-1984) critical and bibliographical look at the “future war” genre. This is the second edition and is extensively revised and expanded.
- _____, ed.
- * *The Great War with Germany, 1890-1914: Fictions and Fantasies of the War-to-come (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-642-9, Oct ’97, £14.99, xvi+440pp, tp, cover by Michael Mattingley) Anthology of SF stories and extracts published in Britain and Germany at the turn of the last century, Second in the five-volume series, “Future-War Fiction, 1763-2001” after The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914. (Contents)
- * +The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914 (Syracuse University Press 0-8156-0358-4, 1996 [Apr ’96], $17.98, 382pp, tp, cover by Michael Mattingley) Anthology of 16 SF stories written before WWI, subtitled “Fictions of Future Warfare and of Battles Still-to-Come”. Authors include A.A. Milne, Jack London, and Arthur Conan Doyle. There is a critical introduction by Clarke; bibliographical and biographical notes are included. A hardcover edition (-2672-X, $39.95) was announced but not seen. First US edition (Liverpool 1995). Available from Syracuse University Press, 1600 Jamesville Ave, Syracuse NY 13244-5160; credit card orders 800-365-8929.
- * *The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871-1914: Fiction of Future Warfare and of Battles Still-to-Come (Liverpool University Press 0-85323-459-0, Sep ’95, £32.00, 382pp, hc, cover by Michael Mattingley) SF anthology of 16 stories and excerpts about the war-to-come at the end of the 19th century. Includes a long Introduction by Clarke on the plethora of such tales. (Contents)
- CLARKE, J(ames) BRIAN (1928- ) (stories)
- * *The Expediter (DAW 0-88677-409-8, Mar ’90 [Feb ’90], $3.95, 255pp, pb, cover by Vincent Di Fate) Sf novel of first contact. A first novel.
- CLARKE, JAY; see pseudonym Michael Slade
- CLARKE, JEREMY (1958- )
- * *Necrotrivia vs. Skull (Fourth Estate 0-947795-29-4, Oct ’89 [Mar ’90], £4.95, 184pp, tp, cover by Peter Miles) Literary sf novel.
- CLARKE, KENNETH L. (1946- ); see pseudonym Mark Clark
- * *Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis (Target 0-426-20340-2, Nov ’89 [Oct ’89], £1.99, 138pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Young-adult sf novelization. Volume 143 in the series.
- * _Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis (Target 0-426-20340-2, Sep ’93, £3.50, 138pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Reissue (Target 1989) young-adult sf novelization. Volume 143 in the series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- CLARKE, LEE; see pseudonym Michael Slade
- * *Evil Reincarnate (Tor 0-312-85723-3, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], $22.95, 351pp, hc, cover by Jill Bauman) Horror novel. A prison psychiatrist is stalked by an ageless serial killer.
- CLARKE, (Victor) LINDSAY (1939- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Alice’s Masque (Picador 0-330-32459-4, Jan ’95, £5.99, 246pp, pb, cover by Paul Redgrave) Reprint (Cape 1994) literary novel with strong fantasy elements.
- * +The Chymical Wedding (Random House 0-394-57937-2, Oct ’89 [Dec ’89], $19.95, 536pp, hc) Literary time-travel fantasy. First American edition (Cape 1989).
- * _The Chymical Wedding (Ballantine Ivy 0-8041-0702-5, Apr ’91 [Mar ’91], $5.95, 501pp, pb, cover by Marty Blake) Reprint (Cape 1989) literary time-travel fantasy.
- CLARKE, ROBERT; pseudonym of Charles Platt, (1945- )
- * *Less Than Human (Avon 0-380-89992-2, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], $2.95, 194pp, pb) Sf novel, a “tragi-comic” tale of a robot folk hero. The author hiding behind the pen-name is Charles Platt.
- * *Thirteen O’Clock (Doubleday 0-385-19211-8, Jul ’84 [Jun ’84], $15.95, 277pp, hc) Thriller with elements of a modern “Big Brother” in the making; it also stars Orwell, Ernest Hemmingway, etc.
- * *Spacecamp (Scholastic/Point 0-590-40385-0, May ’86, $2.50, 139pp, pb) Novelization of an sf movie script by Wickett and Mitchell, about five kids who end up in space; there are photos from the film.
- CLAVELL, JAMES (duMaresq) (1925-1994) (stories)
- * *Thrump-o-Moto (Delacorte 0-385-29504-9, Sep ’86, $20.00, 89pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy story, illustrated by George Sharp. A Japanese wizard finds himself in the Australian Outback and sets out on a quest. Issued simultaneous with the British edition.
- * *Thrump-o-Moto (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-38014-4, Sep ’86 [Oct ’86], £9.95, 89pp, hc) Juvenile oriental fantasy illustrated by George Sharp; simultaneous with the U.S. edition.
- CLAYTON, DONALD D(elbert) (1935- )
- * *The Joshua Factor (Texas Monthly 0-87719-046-1, Sep ’86 [Dec ’86], $15.95, 250pp, hc) Near-future sf/thriller novel involving spies and particle physics in a dangerous scientific puzzle. The author is a professor of astrophysics.
- * _The Joshua Factor (Bart 1-55785-014-3, Mar ’88 [Feb ’88], $3.95, 250pp, pb) Reprint (Texas Monthly Press 1986) sf novel of near future disaster.
- CLAYTON, (Patricia) JO (1939-1998) (stories)
- * *A Bait of Dreams (DAW 0-88677-001-7, Feb ’85 [Jan ’85], $3.50, 404pp, pb) [Gleia] Fantasy novel composed of fairly similar short stories, hence rather choppy, but entertaining. (DLN) (Contents)
- * _A Bait of Dreams (DAW 0-88677-276-1, May ’88 [Apr ’88], $3.95, 404pp, pb) [Gleia] Reissue (DAW 1985) fantasy novel; third printing.
- * *Blue Magic (DAW 0-88677-270-2, May ’88 [Apr ’88], $3.95, 333pp, pb) [Drinker of Souls] Fantasy novel, second in the “Drinker of Souls” trilogy — this time, Clayton also brings in strong sf elements. An enjoyable oddity. (FCM)
- * *The Burning Ground (DAW 0-88677-663-5, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $4.99, 293pp, pb, cover by Kevin Murphy) [Diadem: Shadowsong] SF novel, second in the “Shadowsong” trilogy, fourteenth overall in the ’Diadem’ sequence.
- * *Changer’s Moon (DAW 0-88677-065-3, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $3.50, 352pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] Fantasy novel, conclusion of the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy.
- * _Changer’s Moon (DAW 0-88677-065-3, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $3.50, 352pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] Reissue (DAW 1985) fantasy novel, conclusion of the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy. Third printing.
- * *Crystal Heat (DAW 0-88677-674-0, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $5.99, 364pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Diadem: Shadowsong] SF novel, book #3 in the “Shadowsong” trilogy.
- * *Dance Down the Stars (DAW 0-88677-617-1, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $4.99, 368pp, pb, cover by Jim Warren) [Dancer] Fantasy novel, third book of the “Dancer” trilogy, a sequel to the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy.
- * *Dancer’s Rise (DAW 0-88677-567-1, Sep ’93 [Aug ’93], $4.99, 366pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Dancer] Fantasy novel of a sorceress who frees herself after hundreds of years of imprisonment, searching for her place in a strange new world. A sequel to the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy.
- * _Diadem from the Stars (DAW 0-87997-977-1, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.50, 235pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1977) sf novel. First in the series.
- * _Diadem from the Stars (DAW 0-87997-977-1, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $2.50, 272pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1977) sf novel, first in the “Diadem” series. Fourth Printing.
- * *Drinker of Souls (DAW 0-88677-123-4, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], $3.50, 335pp, pb) [Drinker of Souls] A richly textured, if somewhat meandering, fantasy novel, with well-drawn characters. (FCM)
- * _Drinker of Souls (DAW 0-88677-275-3, May ’88 [Apr ’88], $3.95, 335pp, pb) [Drinker of Souls] Reissue (DAW 1986) fantasy novel, first of a trilogy; third printing.
- * _Drinker of Souls (DAW 0-88677-433-0, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $4.50, 335pp, pb, cover by Segrelles) [Drinker of Souls] Reissue (DAW 1986) fantasy novel, first book of the “Drinker of Souls” series; fourth printing.
- * *Drum Calls (Tor 0-312-86119-2, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $23.95, 349pp, hc, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Fantasy novel, second in the “Drums of Chaos” series.
- * _Drum Calls (Tor 0-812-55123-0, Jul ’98 [Jun ’98], $6.99, 341pp, pb, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Reprint (Tor 1997) fantasy novel, second in the “Drums of Chaos” series.
- * *Drum Warning (Tor 0-312-86177-X, Jul ’96 [Jun ’96], $23.95, 382pp, hc, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Fantasy novel. Book one of “The Drums of Chaos”. Wizards and scholars jockey for control when two dimensions are about to merge.
- * _Drum Warning (Tor 0-812-55122-2, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $5.99, 382pp, pb, cover by Greg Call) [Drums of Chaos] Reprint (Tor 1996) fantasy novel.
- * *Fire in the Sky (DAW 0-88677-650-3, May ’95 [Apr ’95], $4.99, 352pp, pb, cover by Dorian Vallejo) [Diadem: Shadowsong] SF novel, first in “The Shadowsong Trilogy”, part of the “Diadem” overall series. Shadith uses her musical and empathic talents to mediate between alien forces determined to exploit an already-inhabited planet.
- * *A Gathering of Stones (DAW 0-88677-346-6, Apr ’89 [Mar ’89], $3.95, 368pp, pb) [Drinker of Souls] Fantasy novel, conclusion of the “Drinker of Souls” trilogy.
- * _Ghosthunt (DAW 0-88677-015-7, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.75, 189pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1983) sf novel. Seventh in the “Diadem” series.
- * _Ghosthunt (DAW 0-88677-220-6, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $2.95, 221pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1983) sf novel, “Diadem” #7. 5th printing.
- * _Irsud (DAW 0-88677-126-9, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], $2.95, 191pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1978) sf novel. third in the “Diadem” series. 6th printing.
- * _Irsud (DAW 0-88677-126-9, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.95, 191pp, pb, cover by Ken Kelly) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1978) sf novel, third book of the “Diadem” series; eighth printing.
- * _Lamarchos (DAW 0-87997-971-2, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.50, 224pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1978) sf novel; second in the “Diadem” series.
- * _Lamarchos (DAW 0-87997-971-2, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $2.50, 224pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1978) sf novel, second in the “Diadem” series. Fifth printing.
- * _Maeve (DAW 0-87997-760-4, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.95, 220pp, pb, cover by Richard Hescox) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1979) sf novel, fourth book of the “Diadem” series; fifth printing.
- * _Moongather (DAW 0-88677-072-6, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $3.50, 240pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] Reissue (DAW 1982) fantasy novel, “Duel of Sorcery” #1. 4th printing.
- * _Moongather (DAW 0-88677-072-6, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $3.50, 240pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] Reissue (DAW 1982) fantasy novel, first in the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy. Fifth printing.
- * _Moonscatter (DAW 0-88677-071-8, Aug ’85 [Jul ’85], $3.50, 304pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] “Duel of Sorcery” #2. 4th printing.
- * _Moonscatter (DAW 0-88677-071-8, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $3.50, 304pp, pb) [Duel of Sorcery] Reissue (DAW 1983) fantasy novel, second in the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy. Fourth printing.
- * _The Nowhere Hunt (DAW 0-87997-874-0, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.95, 208pp, pb, cover by Corey Wolfe) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1981) sf novel, sixth book of the “Diadem” series; fourth printing.
- * *Quester’s Endgame (DAW 0-88677-138-2, Jul ’86 [Jun ’86], $3.50, 372pp, pb) [Diadem] Sf novel, ninth and final book in the “Diadem” series.
- * *Serpent Waltz (DAW 0-88677-597-3, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $4.99, 332pp, pb, cover by David Cherry) [Dancer] Fantasy novel about a sorceress free after centuries of imprisonment, second book of the “Dancer” trilogy, a sequel to the “Duel of Sorcery” trilogy.
- * *Shadow of the Warmaster (DAW 0-88677-298-2, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $3.95, 398pp, pb) Sf novel of a quest to recover the kidnapped daughter of a rich and powerful executive.
- * *Shadowkill (DAW 0-88677-467-5, Apr ’91 [Mar ’91], $4.99, 362pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Diadem] Sf novel, third in the “Shadith’s Quest” series, 12th in the overall “Diadem” series.
- * *Shadowplay (DAW 0-88677-385-7, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $4.50, 396pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Diadem] Sf novel, first of a new “Diadem” series, 10th in the overall series.
- * *Shadowspeer (DAW 0-88677-441-1, Sep ’90 [Aug ’90], $4.50, 342pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Diadem] Sf novel, second in the “Shadith’s Quest” series, 11th in the overall “Diadem” series.
- * *Skeen’s Leap (DAW 0-88677-169-2, Dec ’86 [Nov ’86], $3.50, 319pp, pb) [Skeen] Sf novel, first in a new trilogy. To avoid capture, smuggler/thief Skeen ducks into a dimensional gateway and is trapped in a world of many alien races. Gathering allies and enemies along the way, she seeks out the one dying race that can reopen the gate for her.
- * _Skeen’s Leap (DAW 0-88677-169-2, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $3.50, 320pp, pb) [Skeen] Reissue (DAW 1986) sf novel, first in a trilogy. 3rd printing.
- * *Skeen’s Return (DAW 0-88677-202-8, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $3.50, 320pp, pb) [Skeen] Sf novel, second in the “Skeen” trilogy.
- * *Skeen’s Search (DAW 0-88677-241-9, Dec ’87 [Nov ’87], $3.50, 303pp, pb) [Skeen] Final novel in the “Skeen” trilogy, science fantasy in the Leigh Brackett tradition.
- * *The Snares of Ibex (DAW 0-87997-974-7, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.95, 320pp, pb) [Diadem] Sf novel, a “Diadem” novel; number 8 in the series.
- * _The Snares of Ibex (DAW 0-87997-974-7, Apr ’90 [Mar ’90], $3.95, 320pp, pb, cover by Segrelles) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1984) sf novel, eighth book of the “Diadem” series; fourth printing.
- * *The Soul Drinker (SFBC #15226, Oct ’89 [Sep ’89], $11.98, 889pp, hc) [Drinker of Souls] Omnibus of three fantasy novels, Drinker of Souls (DAW 1986), Blue Magic (DAW 1988), and A Gathering of Stones (DAW 1989). (Contents)
- * _Star Hunters (DAW 0-88677-014-9, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $2.75, 176pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1980) sf novel. Fifth in the “Diadem” series.
- * _Star Hunters (DAW 0-88677-219-2, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $2.95, 207pp, pb) [Diadem] Reissue (DAW 1980) sf novel, “Diadem” #5. 4th printing.
- * *Wild Magic (DAW 0-88677-496-9, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $4.99, 364pp, pb, cover by Jody Lee) [Wild Magic] Fantasy novel, first book of a new series set in the same world as the “Soul Drinker” series.
- * *Wild Magic #2: Wildfire (DAW 0-88677-514-0, Jun ’92 [May ’92], $4.99, 365pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Wild Magic] Fantasy novel, second book of a series set in the same world as the “Soul Drinker” trilogy. A young girl sets out to find her mother, a sorceress who has fallen into an enchanted sleep.
- * *Wild Magic #3: The Magic Wars (DAW 0-88677-547-7, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $4.99, 366pp, pb, cover by Jody A. Lee) [Wild Magic] Fantasy novel, third book of a series set in the same world as the “Soul Drinker” trilogy.
- * *Tin Gods (with Judy Clayton) (Vantage Press 0-533-10247-2, Jan ’93, $16.95, 200pp, hc) Sf thriller set in 21st-century New Mexico. Published by a vanity publisher. Available from Vantage Press, 516 West 34th St., New York NY 10001.
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