The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BERMAN, JUDITH (chron.)
- BERMAN, RUTH (Amelia) (1942- ) (chron.)
- BERMAN, STEVE (books) (chron.)
- BERNOBICH, BETH (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- BERREBY, DAVID (chron.)
- * The Punishment Fits the Crime, (vi) Nature Mar 9 2006
- BERRY, JEDEDIAH (chron.)
- BESSON, LUC (books) (chron.)
- * Arthur and the Forbidden City [Arthur], (n.) New York: HarperCollins 2005
- * Arthur and the Minimoys [Arthur], (n.) New York: HarperCollins 2005
- BESTWICK, SIMON (chron.)
- BETANCOURT, JOHN GREGORY (1963- ) (chron.)
- BEVERLEY, JO (1947- ) (chron.)
- BEY, MATTHEW (chron.)
- BEYER, KAT (chron.)
- BEZZINA, DAVID (chron.)
- BIERCE, AMBROSE (Gwinnett) (1842-1914?) (chron.)
- * The Boarded Window, (ss) San Francisco Examiner Jul 14 1889
- * The Death of Halpin Frayser, (ss) The Wave Dec 19 1891
- * A Holy Terror, (ss) The Wasp Dec 23 1882
- * The Man and the Snake, (ss) San Francisco Examiner Jun 29 1890
- BILGREY, MARC (chron.)
- BINGLE, DONALD J. (chron.)
- BIRD, ALLYSON (chron.)
- BIRD, ISOBEL (chron.)
- BISCHOFF, DAVID (Frederick) (1951- ) (chron.)
- BISHOP, DAVID (books) (chron.)
- BISHOP, MICHAEL (Lawson) (1945- ) (chron.)
- * The Angst of God, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 2004; also as The Angst, I Kid You Not, of God.
- * The Angst, I Kid You Not, of God [The Angst of God], (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 2004
- * Dr. Pridas Dream-Plagued Patient, (ss) Aberrant Dreams #7 2006
- * A Spy in the Domain of Arnheim, (nv) Pictures At an Exhibition, ed. Ian Watson, Greystoke Mobray 1981
- BISSON, TERRY (Ballantine) (1942- ) (chron.)
- * Billy and the Wizard, (ss) Wizards, ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Berkley 2007
- * Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?, (ss) Golden Age SF, ed. Eric T. Reynolds, Hadley Rille Books 2006
- * BYOB FAQ, (vi) Nature Oct 11 2007
- * He Loved Lucy, (ss) In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories, Tor 2000
- * Introduction, (in) The Dog Said Bow-Wow, 2007 2007
- * The Old Rugged Cross, (nv) Starlight 3, ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor 2001
- * Pirates of the Somali Coast, (ss) Subterranean #7 2007
- BISWAS, BRIAN (chron.)
- BLACK, CHARLES; pseudonym (books) (chron.)
- BLACK, HOLLY (née Riggenbach) (1971- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Coat of Stars, (ss) So Fey: Queer Fairy Fiction, ed. Steve Berman, Haworth Positronic Press 2007
- * Paper Cuts Scissors, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Oct 2007
- * The Poison Eaters, (nv) The Restless Dead, ed. Deborah Noyes, Candlewick Press 2007
- * A Reversal of Fortune, (ss) Coyote Road, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking 2007
- BLACK, ROSE (chron.)
- BLACK, TERRY (chron.)
- BLACKFORD, JENNY (1957- ) (chron.)
- BLACKMAN, MALORIE (books) (chron.)
- * Authors Note, (aw)
- * Conors Nightmare, (ss)
- * Elenas Nightmare, (ss); Revised from Deeply in Words Last Forever, Mammoth, 1998.
- * Joes Nightmare [Jon for Short], (ss) Incredibly Creepy Stories, ed. Tony Bradman, Doubleday UK 1996
- * Jon for Short, (ss) Incredibly Creepy Stories, ed. Tony Bradman, Doubleday UK 1996; also as Joes Nightmare.
- * Kendras Nightmare, (ss)
- * Lilys Nightmare, (ss)
- * Miss Wellss Nightmare, (ss)
- * Naimas Nightmare [Skin Tones], (ss) 1990; Revised from Skin Tones in Not So Stupid!, Livewire, 1990.
- * Perrys Nightmare, (ss); Revised from Behind the Mask in Words Last Forever, Mammoth, 1998.
- * Robertas Nightmare, (ss); Revised from Such Are the Times in Not So Stupid!, Livewire, 1990.
- * Skin Tones, (ss) 1990; also as Naimas Nightmare.
- * Steves Nightmare, (ss); Revised from Dad, Can I Come Home? in Not So Stupid!, Livewire, 1990.
- * The Strangers Nightmare, (ss)
- * Tonys Nightmare, (ss)
- BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON (Henry) (1869-1951) (books) (chron.)
- * The Education of Uncle Paul [Uncle Paul #1], (n.) Macmillan UK 1909
- * Jimbo, (n.) Macmillan UK 1909
- * Vengeance Is Mine, (nv) The Wolves of God, Cassell 1921
- BLAIR, DAVID (chron.)
- BLALOCK, SUE (chron.)
- BLANCO, MARTIN (chron.)
- BLAYLOCK, JAMES P(aul) (1950- ); see pseudonym William Ashbless (books) (chron.)
- BLAYNEY, MARY (chron.)
- BLEAKEN, SIMON (chron.)
- BLEVINS, BRENTA (chron.)
- BLINCOE, NICHOLAS (1965- ) (chron.)
- BLOCH, ROBERT (Albert) (1917-1994) (chron.)
- BLOCK, LAWRENCE (1938- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- BLOOM, BARD (chron.)
- BLYTHE, ANDREA (chron.)
- BOBET, LEAH (chron.)
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