Tales of the Unanticipated [#27, Autumn 2006] ed. Eric M. Heideman (Minnesota Science Fiction Society; Minneapolis, MN, $8.50, 116pp+, quarto, cover by Augie Wiedemann) The Antholo-Zine of TOTU Ink Monsters Issue Twentieth Anniversary!
Twisted Tongue [#2, May 2006] ed. Claire Nixon Small press fantasy/horror magazine.
Weird Tales [v61 #2, Whole No. 338, January-February 2006] ed. George H. Scithers & Darrell Schweitzer (DNA Publications; Radford, VA, $5.95, 84pp, quarto, cover by Rowena Morrill)
Weird Tales [v61 #3, Whole No. 339, March-April 2006] ed. George H. Scithers & Darrell Schweitzer (DNA Publications; Radford, VA, $5.95, 100pp, quarto, cover by Rowena Morrill)
Weird Tales [v61 #4, Whole No. 340, May-June 2006] ed. George H. Scithers & Darrell Schweitzer (DNA Publications; Radford, VA, $5.95, 100pp, quarto, cover by Les Edwards) given as v61 #3, Whole No. 339 in ToC.
Weird Tales [v61 #5, Whole No. 341, August-September 2006] ed. George H. Scithers, Darrell Schweitzer & John Gregory Betancourt (DNA Publications; Radford, VA, $5.95, 100pp, quarto, cover by Les Edwards)