The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
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- YOLEN, JANE (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Crows, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Dawn-Strider, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Deirdre, (pm)
- * Dream Weaver, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Elf Kings Daughter, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight, ed. Jame A. Riley, Michael N. Langford & Thomas E. Fuller, Unnameable Press 1995
- * Evian Steel, (nv) Imaginary Lands, ed. Robin McKinley, Ace 1985
- * Except the Queen (with Midori Snyder), (na) The Fair Folk, ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC 2005
- * The Face in the Cloth, (ss) F&SF Feb 1985
- * The Faery Flag, (ss) The Faery Flag, Orchard 1989
- * Fantasy Novels: Truth in Disguise? (The Footnotes), (ar) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale, (pm) Such a Pretty Face, ed. Lee Martindale, Meisha Merlin 2000
- * The Fishermans Wife, (ss) Neptune Rising, Philomel 1982
- * Flight, (ss) Olympus, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Bruce D. Arthurs, DAW 1998
- * The Foxwife, (ss) World Fantasy Convention Program Book, ed. Charles de Lint 1984
- * Frog Prince, (pm) F&SF Oct 1987
- * The Girl Who Cried Flowers, (ss) The Girl Who Cried Flowers and Other Stories, Thomas Y. Crowell 1974
- * The Golden Balls, (ss)
- * The Golden Stair, (pm) The Faery Flag, Orchard 1989
- * Great Selkie, (pm) Orphans of the Night, ed. Josepha Sherman, Walker 1995
- * Green Plague, (ss) Ribbiting Tales, ed. Nancy Springer, Philomel 2000
- * The Gwynhfar, (ss) Tales of Wonder, Schocken 1983
- * Happy Dens; or, A Day in the Old Wolves Home, (ss) Elsewhere v3, ed. Terri Winding & Mark Alan Arnold, Ace 1984
- * The Honey-Stick Boy, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Hundredth Dove, (ss) F&SF Apr 1977
- * Impedimenta, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Inscription, (ss) The Ultimate Witch, ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt, Dell 1993
- * Into the Wood, (pm) IASFM Feb 1985
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Johanna, (ss) Shape Shifters, ed. Jane Yolen, Seabury Press 1978
- * The Kings Dragon, (ss) Spaceships & Spells, ed. Jane Yolen, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row 1987
- * Knives, (pm) Snow White, Blood Red, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, AvoNova 1993
- * A Knot of Toads, (nv) Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction, ed. Neil Williamson & Andrew J. Wilson, Crescent Books 2005
- * The Lad Who Stared Everyone Down, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Lady and the Merman, (vi) F&SF Sep 1976
- * Lies, (pm) Paradox #8 2005
- * The Maiden Made of Fire, (vi) F&SF Jul 1977
- * Märchen, (pm) Merveilles May 1994
- * The Mirror Speaks, (pm) The Armless Maiden, ed. Terri Windling, Tor 1995
- * The Moon Child, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Moon Ribbon, (ss) The Moon Ribbon and Other Tales, Curtis Brown, Ltd. 1976
- * Mother Gooses Maladies, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Musings About Seth, (pm) Mythic Delirium #10 2004
- * My Father Died Seven Times, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Oh, God, Here Come the Elves, (sp)
- * Once Upon a Time, She Said, (pm) National Storyteller Journal Spr 1987
- * Orkney Lament, (pm) Xanadu 2, ed. Jane Yolen, Tor 1994
- * Prince Charming Comes, (pm)
- * The Promise, (ss) The Hundredth Dove, Crowell 1977
- * Remembering Books, (ar) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Ride Me Like a Wave, (ss) Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian, ed. Janis Ian and Mike Resnick, DAW 2003
- * Ridinghood, (pm) Star*Line v27 #5 2004
- * The Ring at Yarrow, (pm) Xanadu, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1993
- * The River Maid, (ss) F&SF Jan 1981
- * Rosechild, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Sans Soleil, (ss) The Moon Ribbon and Other Tales, Curtis Brown, Ltd. 1976
- * The Seventh Mandarin, (ss) 1970
- * Silent Bianca, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Singer of Seeds, (ss) The Faery Flag, Orchard 1989
- * Snow in Summer, (ss) Black Heart, Ivory Bones, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon 2000
- * Somewhen, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Song of the Cailleach Bheur, (pm) The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking 2002
- * The Sow, the Mare, and the Cow, (ss)
- * The Story Between, (ar)
- * The Storyteller, (pm) National Storyteller Journal Win 1984
- * Swan/Princess, (pm) Xanadu 3, ed. Jane Yolen, Tor 1995
- * The Tale of the Seventeenth Eunuch, (ss) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * Ten Things You May Not Know About Me, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The Tower Bird, (vi) Ariel v4 1978
- * War Memorial: Edinburgh, (pm) Paradox #8 2005
- * When Raven Came, (pm) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * The White Seal Maid, (ss) Parabola 1977
- * Will, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spr 1992
- * The Wind Cap, (ss) Once Upon a Time (She Said), NESFA Press 2005
- * Winters King, (ss) After the King, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1992
- * The Wizard of Washington Square, (na)
- * The Woman Who Loved a Bear, (ss) Tales from the Great Turtle, ed. Piers Anthony & Richard Gilliam, Tor 1994
- * Womens Stories, (pm) Sisters in Fantasy, ed. Susan Shwartz & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc 1995
- * Words of Power, (ss) Visions, Delacorte 1987
- YORK, CHRISTINA F. (chron.)
- YORK, REBECCA; pseudonym of Ruth Glick & Eileen Buckholtz (chron.)
- YOUMANS, MARLY (books) (chron.)
- YOUNG, CERI (chron.)
- YOUNG, JIM; [i.e., James Maxwell Young] (1951- ) (chron.)
- YOUNG, ROBERT F(ranklin) (1915-1986) (chron.)
- * The First Mars Mission, (ss) F&SF May 1979
- YOUNG, STUART (chron.) (assoc.)
- YOUNG, XAVIERA (chron.)
- ZAHN, TIMOTHY (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- ZAKOUR, JOHN (books) (chron.)
- ZAMBRENO, MARY FRANCES (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * At Fountain Abbey [Robin Hood], (ss) Sherwood, ed. Jane Yolen, Philomel 2000
- * Aunt Concettas Cat, (ss) Invisible Pleasures, American Fantasy 2005
- * The Bearwalker, (ss) Invisible Pleasures, American Fantasy 2005
- * Bloodstone, (ss) Sword and Sorceress #5, ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW 1988
- * Choices, (ss) Temporary Walls, ed. Greg Ketter & Robert T. Garcia, Dreamhaven/1993 World Fantasy Convention 1993
- * A Craving for Oysters, (ss) Ancient Enchantresses, ed. Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch, Martin H. Greenberg & Richard Gilliam, DAW 1995
- * Fairy Godmothers, (ss) Invisible Pleasures, American Fantasy 2005
- * The Fire Rider, (ss) MZBFM Win 1990
- * Flesh and Blood, (ss) The Dragon Dec 1988
- * The Ghost in the Summer Kitchen, (ss) Bruce Covilles Book of Ghosts, ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple 1994
- * Heavy Breathing, (ss) Chilled To the Bone, ed. Robert T. Garcia, Mayfair Games 1991
- * The Lady of the Mercians, (ss) Warrior Enchantresses, ed. Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1996
- * The Last One Left, (ss) Daughter of Dangerous Dames, ed. Tina L. Jens, Twilight Tales 2000
- * The Little Girl in the Picture, (ss) Invisible Pleasures, American Fantasy 2005
- * Luck of the City, (ss) Adventures of Sword & Sorcery #6 1999
- * Miss Emilys Roses, (ss) Vampires, ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperCollins 1991
- * Watching Goldfish Die, (vi) Pulphouse Jul 27 1991
- * A Way Out, (ss) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v1, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1985
- ZEBROWSKI, GEORGE (Thaddeus) [originally Jerzy Tadeuz Zebrowski] (1945- ) (chron.)
- * Author Emeritus Charles L. Harness: Wielder of Light, (ar)
- * The Fear of the Worlds, (ar) War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives on the H.G. Wells Classic, ed. Glenn Yeffeth, BenBella Books 2005
- * A Piano Full of Dead Spiders, (ss) Amazing Mar 2005
- * The Water Sculptor of Station 233, (ss) Infinity #1, ed. Robert Hoskins, Lancer 1970
- * Yellowhead (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) New Constellations, ed. Disch & Naylor, Harper 1976
- ZELAZNY, ROGER (Joseph Christopher) (1937-1995) (books) (chron.)
- * Mana from Heaven [Mana], (nv) More Magic, ed. Larry Niven, Berkley 1984
- * A Rose for Ecclesiastes, (nv) F&SF Nov 1963
- ZELLER, JILL (chron.)
- ZETA, MARCO (chron.)
- ZIEGLER, JILL (chron.)
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