The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MURPHY, DAVID (books) (chron.) (continued)
- MURPHY, DERRYL (1963- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- MURPHY, JOE (chron.)
- MURPHY, NICOLE R. (chron.)
- MURPHY, PAT(rice Ann) (1955- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Inappropriate Behavior, (ss) Sci Fiction website Feb 11 2004
- * Science: Much Ado About Nothing (with Paul Doherty), (ar) F&SF Mar 2005
- MURRY, KATHLEEN (1888-1923); see pseudonym Katherine Mansfield (chron.)
- * Beautiful Sins, Burning Husks, (pm) Wicked Hollow #9 2005
- * Beyond Ultraviolet, (pm) Jupiter Spr 2005
- * Birth Ritual, (pm) Lullaby Hearse #6 2005
- * D-108, (pm) Jupiter Spr 2005
- * Fester, (pm) Book of Dark Wisdom #7 2005
- * Hunger, (pm) Mythic Delirium #13 2005
- * The Jar, (pm) Star*Line v28 #4 2005
- * Late Bloomer, (pm) Dark Animus #8 2005
- * Mark IV, (pm) Jupiter Aut 2005
- * The New City, (pm) Electric Velocipede Fll 2005
- * Numerical Solution Methods of Finite Space, (pm) Jupiter Spr 2005
- * Silicon Gods, (pm) Jupiter Spr 2005
- * Somewhere, (pm) Black Petals Aut 2005
- * Stalling Wonderland, (pm) Electric Velocipede Fll 2005
- * Summer, (pm) Beyond Centauri Apr 2005
- * Superstition, (pm) Black Petals Aut 2005
- * The Thin Men, (pm) Not One of Us #34 2005
- MYERS, JASON (chron.)
- MYERS, RYAN NEAL (chron.)
- MYERS, TIM(othy L.) (chron.)
- MYK (chron.)
- NAGY, ROBERT (chron.)
- NAHRUNG, JASON (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- NANJO, TAKENORI (chron.)
- NARINE, NATALIE N. (chron.)
- NASSISE, JOSEPH M. (books) (chron.)
- NAVARRO, YVONNE (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Changing the Color of Darkness, (ss) City Slab #6 2005
- * Craving, (ss) Outsiders, ed. Nancy Holder & Nancy Kilpatrick, Roc 2005
- * They Thirst, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books, ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf 2006
- * Times of Atonement, (ss) Taverns of the Dead, ed. Burke, Kealan Patrick, CD Publications 2005
- NAVROTH, JOHN M. (chron.)
- NAVROTH, LINDA (chron.)
- NAYLOR, PHILIP (chron.)
- NAZARIAN, VERA (books) (chron.)
- NAZARRO, JOE (chron.)
- NEEDHAM, C. L. (chron.)
- NEILSON, ROBERT S. (chron.)
- NELDER, GEOFF (chron.)
- NELSON, J. D. (chron.)
- NELSON, LAURA (chron.)
- NELSON, RAY FARADAY; [i.e., Radell Faraday Nelson] (1931- ) (chron.)
- * Eight OClock in the Morning, (ss) F&SF Nov 1963
- NELSON, RESA (1956- ) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- NESBIT, E(dith) (1858-1924) (books) (chron.)
- NESTVOLD, RUTH (chron.)
- * The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Home from the Stars (with Jay Lake), (nv) Sci Fiction website Sep 28 2005
- * A Debt to Collect, (nv) Northwest Passages, ed. Cris DiMarco, Fandom Press 2005
- * Happily Ever Awhile, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Jun 20 2005
- * Rainmakers, (ss) Asimovs Jun 2005
- * Revenge in the Funhouse, (ss) TEL: Stories, ed. Jay Lake, Wheatland Press 2005
- * Scraps of Eutopia, (ss) The Nine Muses, ed. Forrest Aguirre & Deborah Layne, Wheatland Press 2005
- NEUBE, RYCK (1953?- ) (chron.)
- NEUENSCHWANDER, BRYN; see pseudonym Marie Brennan (chron.)
- NEUROACTIVE (chron.)
- NEVILL, ADAM L. G. (chron.)
- NEWMAN, JAMES (books) (chron.)
- NEWMAN, KAREN L. (chron.)
- NEWMAN, KIM (James) (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Amerikanski Dead at the Moscow Morgue, (nv) 999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense, ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon 1999
- * Angel Down, Sussex [Edwin Winthrop; Catriona Kaye; Diogenes Club], (na) Interzone Nov 1999
- * Another Fish Story [Diogenes Club], (nv) Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth, ed. Stephen Jones, Fedogan and Bremer 2005
- * The Big Fish [Diogenes Club], (nv) Interzone Oct 1993
- * Dead Travel Fast [Dracula], (ss) Unforgivable Stories, Pocket UK 2000
- * A Drug on the Market [Jekyll & Hyde], (nv) Dark Terrors 6: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz 2002
- * Famous Monsters, (ss) Interzone #23 1988
- * Going to Series [Derek Leech], (nv) Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz 2000
- * The Gypsies in the Wood [Diogenes Club], (na) The Fair Folk, ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC 2005
- * It Seemed Like a Simple Idea at the Time
(with Stephen Jones), (in) Horror: Another 100 Best Books, ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf 2006
- * Necrology (with Stephen Jones), (ar) (*) 2005
- * Organ Donors, (nv) Darklands 2, ed. Nicholas Royle, Edgerton Press 1992
- * The Original Dr. Shade, (nv) Interzone #36 1990
- * Residuals (with Paul J. McAuley) [*USSA], (nv) Asimovs Jun 1997
- * Richard Riddle, Boy Detective in The Case of the French Spy [Diogenes Club], (nv) Adventure Vol. 1, ed. Chris Roberson, MonkeyBrain Books 2005
- * The Serial Murders [Richard Jeperson], (na) Sci Fiction website Oct 5 2005
- * Soho Golem [Richard Jeperson], (na) Sci Fiction website Oct 13 2004
- * Swellhead [Richard Jeperson; Diogenes Club], (na) Night Visions 11, ed. Bill Sheehan, Subterranean Press 2004
- * Tomorrow Town [Richard Jeperson], (nv) Sci Fiction website Nov 15 2000
- NEWMAN, SHARAN (Elizabeth, née Hill) (1949- ) (chron.)
- NEWTON, KURT (chron.)
- NICHOLAS, MARK (chron.)
- * An Unbiased Observation of Human Interaction [as by Cosmicity], (sg) Listen to the Future, ed. Anon., Different Drum 2004
- NICHOLLS, MARK (chron.)
- NICHOLS, IAN (chron.)
- NICHOLS, JOHN (chron.)
- NICHOLSON, SCOTT (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- NICKELS, TIM(othy Steven) (1960- ) (chron.)
- NIDITCH, B. Z. (chron.)
- NILES, STEVE (books) (chron.)
- NIMMO, JENNY (1942- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- NIVEN, LARRY; [i.e., Laurence van Cott Niven] (1938- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Breeding Maze [Draco Tavern], (ss) Analog Sep 2005
- * The Hunting Park [Man-Kzin Wars], (ss) Man-Kzin Wars XI, ed. Larry Niven, Baen 2005
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Kath and Quicksilver (with Brenda Cooper), (nv) Asimovs Aug 2005
- * The Lion in His Attic [Mana], (ss) F&SF Jul 1982
- * Magic Goes Away [Mana], (n.) New York: Ace 1978
- * Not Long Before the End [Mana], (ss) F&SF Apr 1969
- * Rhinemaidens [Mana], (ss) Asimovs Jan 2005
- * The Slow Ones [Draco Tavern], (ss) Analog Dec 2005
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