The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001

Contents Lists

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Blood Crazy Simon Clark (Leisure 0-8439-4825-6, Jan 2001, $5.99, 397pp, pb) Horror novel. Adults all over the world start killing children. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 1995).

Darkness Demands Simon Clark (Leisure 0-8439-4898-1, Jul 2001, $5.99, 395pp, pb) Reprint (Cemetery Dance 2000, not seen) horror novel. A neighborhood cemetery is home to an ancient entity.

Childhood’s End Arthur C. Clarke (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44405-1, Jul 2001, $12.95, 240pp, tp) [Impact] Reprint (Ballantine 1953) classic SF novel in the “Impact” series. There is a new introduction by the author.

The City and the Stars and The Sands of Mars Arthur C. Clarke (Warner Aspect 0-446-67796-5, Sep 2001, $14.95, 529pp, tp, cover by Don Dixon) Omnibus of two SF novels: The City and the Stars (1956) and The Sands of Mars (1951). This has a new introduction by Clarke.

The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke (Tor 0-312-87821-4, Feb 2001, $29.95, 966pp, hc) Collection of 104 stories, with a foreword by Clarke. First US edition (Gollancz 1/01).

The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke (SFBC #35027, Feb 2001, $14.98, 966pp, hc) Reprint (Gollancz 2001) collection of 104 stories, with foreword by Clarke. This is similar to the To edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke (Tor/Orb 0-312-87860-5, Jan 2002, $17.95, 966pp, tp) Reprint (Gollancz 2001) collection of 104 stories.

The Fountains of Paradise Arthur C. Clarke (Warner Aspect 0-446-67794-9, Sep 2001, $14.95, 330pp, tp, cover by Don Dixon) Reprint (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1979) Hugo and Nebula Award-winning SF novel.

The Ghost from the Grand Banks and The Deep Range Arthur C. Clarke (Warner Aspect 0-446-67795-7, Sep 2001, $14.95, 488pp, tp, cover by Don Dixon) Omnibus of two SF novels: The Ghost from the Grand Banks (1990) and The Deep Range (1957). This has a new introduction by Clarke.

Tales from Planet Earth Arthur C. Clarke (Pocket/ibooks 0-7434-2379-8, May 2001, $14.00, 307pp, tp, cover by Michael Whelan) Reprint (Legend 1990) SF collection of 14 stories; this follows the Bantam Spectra 1990 edition, with illustrations by Michael Whelan. This is a “2001 Anniversary Edition”. Packaged and copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.

Dark of the Eye Douglas Clegg (Subterranean Press 1-931081-26-3, Aug 2001, $40.00, 369pp, hc) Reprint (Pocket 1994) horror novel. Hope Stewart’s power to heal or destroy makes her a target of deadly forces.

The Infinite Douglas Clegg (Leisure 0-8439-4927-9, Sep 2001, $20.00, 377pp, hc, cover by Franco) Horror novel. A woman who wants to rehabilitate a haunted house calls in a ghost hunter and his group of psychic investigators.

Naomi Douglas Clegg (Leisure 0-8439-4857-4, Apr 2001, $5.99, 344pp, pb) Horror novel of a subterranean world beneath Manhattan. Originally published online as a serial.

Wit’ch Gate James Clemens (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44244-X, Dec 2001, $24.00, 523pp, hc, cover by Jon J. Muth) [Banned and the Banished] Fantasy novel, book four of “The Banned and the Banished”. Clemens is a pen name for Jim Czajkowski, who also writes as James Rollins.

Wit’ch War James Clemens (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41710-0, Aug 2001, $6.99, 542pp, pb, cover by Alan Pollack) [Banned and the Banished] Reprint (Del Rey 2000) fantasy novel, book three of “The Banned and the Banished”.

Fire Bringer David Clement-Davies (SFBC #33763, Dec 2000, $9.98, 498pp, hc, cover by Kenny McKendry) Reprint (Macmillan Children’s Books 1999) young-adult historical fantasy featuring deer in Scotland during Norse invasions. This is similar to the Dutton edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

Fire Bringer David Clement-Davies (Penguin/Firebird 0-14-230060-8, Jan 2002, $6.99, 498pp, pb, cover by Kenny McKendry) Reprint (Macmillan Children’s Books 1999) young-adult historical fantasy featuring deer in Scotland during Norse invasions.

Soul Temple Steven Lee Climer (DarkTales Publications 1-930997-04-3, Jun 2001, $17.99, 182pp, tp) Horror novel. A man tries to banish the demon Thoth that threatens his unborn child. This is an on-demand book, available online at [], or from PO Box 675, Grandview MO 64030; add $4.00 shipping.

The Unspeakable and Others Dan Clore (Wildside Press 1-58715-483-8, Oct 2001, $19.95, 407pp, tp) Collection of 47 weird stories and sketches in Lovecraftian mode, including at least three non-fiction pieces. Introduction by S.T. Joshi. This is a print-on-demand edition, available at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.

The Doors of Death and Life Brenda W. Clough (Tor 0-312-87550-9, Jul 2001, $13.95, 268pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 2000) science fantasy novel.

Appleseed John Clute (Tor 0-765-30378-7, Jan 2002, $25.95, 337pp, hc, cover by Shelley Eshkar) SF novel. A space trader gets involved when a data plague sweeps the galaxy. First US edition (Orbit 4/01).

Next Door to the Sun Stanton A. Coblentz (Wildside Press 1-58715-180-4, Jan 2001, $14.95, 224pp, tp) Reprint (Avalon 1960) SF novel. An on-demand edition available online at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 45, Gillette NJ 07933-0045.

Southern Fried Sci-Fi and Jambalaya Genres ed. Lin Nielsen Cochran & Scott Hancock (Sursum Publishing 0-9675017-2-5, Dec 2001, $5.00, 107pp, tp) Original anthology of 16 stories and four poems by members of Nasfcas, the North Alabama Science Fiction and Cake Appreciation Society writers group. Foreword by Scott Hancock. Available from Sursum Publishing, 9531 Hemlock Drive, Huntsville AL 35803; []; [].

The Horse Catchers: Book Three: The Rain Child Amanda Cockrell (HarperCollins/Avon 0-380-79551-5, Feb 2001, $6.50, 330pp, pb) [Horse Catchers] Prehistoric novel with elements of Native American myth and magical realism, third in a trilogy. Packaged by Book Creations, Inc., which shares the copyright with the author.

Eagle-Sage David B. Coe (Tor 0-812-56686-6, Mar 2001, $7.99, 626pp, pb, cover by Romas Kukalis) [LonTobyn Chronicle] Reprint (Tor 2000) fantasy novel. Third book of “The LonTobyn Chronicle”, winner of the William L. Crawford Award for best first fantasy series.

Oblivion Hand Adrian Cole (Wildside Press 1-58715-466-8, 2001, $15.95, 224pp, tp, cover by Jim Pitts) [Voidal] Collection of eight weird fantasy stories, two original, most revised, of the being called the Voidal. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online from [], or from PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.

Storm Over Atlantis Adrian Cole (Wildside Press/Cosmos Books 1-58715-385-8, 2001, $19.95, 279pp, tp, cover by Jim Pitts) Egyptian historical fantasy/adventure novel. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online from [], or from PO Box 301, Holicong PA 18928.

BattleTech: Flashpoint Loren L. Coleman (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45824-9, Apr 2001, $5.99, 270pp, pb, cover by Ed Cox) [Battletech] Novelization based on the role-playing games, #50 in the series. Copyrighted by FASA.

BattleTech: Patriots and Tyrants Loren L. Coleman (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45845-1, Sep 2001, $5.99, 275pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) [Battletech] Novelization based on the role-playing games. Copyrighted by FASA.

Artemis Fowl Eoin Colfer (Hyperion/Talk Miramax Books 0-7868-0801-2, May 2001, $16.95, 280pp, hc, cover by Tony Fleetwood) [Artemis Fowl] Young-adult fantasy novel. Young genius Artemis Fowl plans to kidnap a leprechaun to restore his family’s fortunes.

Storyteller: The Official Orson Scott Card Bibliography and Guide Michael Collings (Overlook Connection Press 1-892950-26-X, Apr 2001, $59.95, 497pp, hc, cover by Erik Wilson) Non-fiction, reference. A bibliographic guide to Card’s works, fiction and non-fiction, with an essay on fantasy by Card, and a speech by Collings about Card. Includes chronology and indexes. Order from The Overlook Connection Press, PO Box 526, Woodstock GA 30188; credit card orders 770-926-1762; e-mail []; website []. [Orson Scott Card]

Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories ed. Rex Collings (Wordsworth Classics 1-85326-186-6, 1996, $3.95, 289pp, tp, cover by Caspar-David Friedrich) Reprint (Wordsworth Editions 1993) collection of 22 horror stories, plus an appendix of three true ghost stories. Price on sticker; this appears to be a tp instant remainder.

The History of Mystery Max Allan Collins (Collectors Press 1-888054-53-0, Nov 2001, $45.00, 196pp, hc) Associational non-fiction art book, a lavishly illustrated pictorial history of mysteries from pulps to present, with 375 illustrations, mostly covers in full color. There is an index. Order from Collectors Press, PO Box 230986, Portland OR 97281; credit card orders 800-423-1848; [].

The Mummy Returns Max Allan Collins (Berkley Boulevard 0-425-17926-5, Apr 2001, $6.99, 290pp, pb) Movie novelization. Copyrighted by Universal Studios Publishing Rights.

Stalking Midnight Paul Collins (Wildside Press/Cosmos Books 1-58715-333-5, May 2001, $15.99, 156pp, tp) Collection of 17 stories, three original, several written in collaboration with other authors, including two of the original stories, one co-authored by Kennett, another by Keith Taylor. An on-demand edition available online at [] or from Wildside Press, PO Box 45, Gillette NJ 07933-0045.

Dark Hollow John Connolly (Simon & Schuster 0-7432-0332-1, Jul 2001, $25.00, 443pp, hc) [Charlie “Bird” Parker] Mystery/suspense novel with elements of dark fantasy. Former NYC detective Charlie Parker finds murder when he returns home to Maine. First US edition (Hodder & Stoughton 2000).

Calenture Storm Constantine (Stark House Press 0-9667848-1-2, Jul 2001, $17.95, 406pp, tp, cover by Campbell Shepard) [Priest of Hands] Fantasy novel. This has a new introduction by the author. First US edition (Headline 1984). Order from Stark House Press/Griffin Skye Co, 1945 P Street; 707-44-8768; [].

The Crown of Silence Storm Constantine (Tor 0-312-87329-8, Mar 2001, $27.95, 431pp, hc, cover by Doug Beekman) [Magravandias Chronicles] Fantasy novel, second in the “Magravandias Chronicles”. First US edition (Gollancz 2000).

The Crown of Silence Storm Constantine (SFBC #36162, May 2001, $13.98, 431pp, hc, cover by Doug Beekman) [Magravandias Chronicles] Reprint (Gollancz 2000) fantasy novel, second in the “Magravandias Chronicles”. This is similar to the Tor edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

The Crown of Silence Storm Constantine (Tor 0-312-87365-4, Jan 2002, $16.95, 431pp, tp, cover by Doug Beekman) [Magravandias Chronicles] Reprint (Gollancz 2000) fantasy novel, second in the “Magravandias Chronicles”.

Sea Dragon Heir Storm Constantine (Tor 0-312-87366-2, Feb 2001, $14.95, 384pp, tp, cover by Doug Beekman) [Magravandias Chronicles] Reprint Gollancz 1999) fantasy novel, first in the “Magravandias Chronicles”.

Stealing Sacred Fire Storm Constantine (Meisha Merlin 0-9658345-6-5, Jan 2001, $16.00, 408pp, tp, cover by Rick Berry) [Grigori Trilogy] Dark fantasy novel, third in the “Grigori” trilogy. This has a new introduction by Constantine. First US edition (Penguin UK 1998).

The Way of Light Storm Constantine (Tor 0-312-87328-X, Jan 2002, $27.95, 493pp, hc, cover by Doug Beekman) [Magravandias Chronicles] Fantasy novel, third and final in the “Magravandias Chronicles”. First US edition (Gollancz 6/01).

Soldiers Live Glen Cook (Tor 0-812-56655-6, Apr 2001, $6.99, 566pp, pb, cover by Nicholas Jainschigg) [Black Company: Glittering Stone] Reprint (Tor 2000) fantasy novel of the Black Company, final book of “Glittering Stone”.

Dark*Matter: Of Aged Angels Monte Cook (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-1876-4, Jul 2001, $6.99, 278pp, pb, cover by Ashley Wood) [Dark*Matter] Novelization based on the dark SF roleplaying game. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.

The Wiz Biz II: Cursed & Consulted Rick Cook (Baen 0-671-31859-4, Nov 2001, $23.00, 600pp, hc, cover by Clyde Caldwell) [Wiz Zumwalt] Omnibus of the third & fourth humorous fantasy novels in the series featuring programmer/wizard Wiz Zumwalt: The Wizardry Cursed (1991) and The Wizardry Consulted (1995).

For All Time Caroline B. Cooney (Random House/Delacorte 0-385-32773-0, Oct 2001, $12.95, 261pp, hc, cover by Craig White) [Time Travelers] Young-adult time-travel romance, fourth and final in the series beginning with Both Sides of Time. Annie Lockwood tries to travel back in time on purpose, but overshoots her Victorian boyfriend’s time and ends in ancient Egypt.

Combat ed. Stephen Coonts (Tor/Forge 0-312-87190-2, Jan 2001, $27.95, 766pp, hc) Original anthology of ten military technothriller stories speculating on war in the near future, many only borderline SF. Authors include R.J. Pineiro, Dean Ing, and Dale Brown. The introduction by Coonts discusses the blurry line between high tech and SF in technothrillers.

Combat #1 ed. Stephen Coonts (Tor/Forge 0-812-57615-2, Jan 2002, $7.99, 388pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 2001 as part of a single volume) anthology of three military technothriller stories speculating on war in the near future, many only borderline SF, by Larry Bond, Dale Brown, and David Hagberg.

King of Shadows Susan Cooper (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-84445-X, Jun 2001, $4.99, 186pp, tp, cover by Rafal Olbinski) Reprint (S&S/McElderry 1999) young-adult time-travel fantasy novel. A young actor travels back in time to perform with Shakespeare at the Globe theater.

Silver on the Tree Susan Cooper (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-84033-0, Dec 2000, $4.99, 275pp, tp, cover by David Wiesner) [Dark Is Rising] Reprint (Atheneum 1977) young-adult fantasy novel, fifth in the “Dark is Rising” sequence. This is dated 12/00, but not seen until now.

The Magician’s House: The Bridge in the Clouds William Corlett (Pocket Archway 0-7434-1004-1, Nov 2001, $4.99, 342pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) [Magician’s House] Young-adult fantasy novel, fourth in a quartet. First US edition (Bodley Head 1992).

The Magician’s House: The Tunnel Behind the Waterfall William Corlett (Pocket Archway 0-7434-1003-3, Aug 2001, $4.99, 311pp, pb, cover by Lisa Falkenstern) [Magician’s House] Young-adult fantasy novel, third in a quartet. First US edition (Bodley Head 1991).

Stonehenge Bernard Cornwell (HarperTorch 0-06-109194-4, May 2001, $7.99, 482pp, pb) Reprint (HarperCollins 2000 as Stonehenge [2000 B.C.] prehistoric fantasy novel about the building of Stonehenge.

First Contract Greg Costikyan (Tor 0-812-54549-4, Jun 2001, $6.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Shelley Eshkar) Reprint (Tor 2000) SF novel. Alien merchants come to Earth and destroy the economy with their advanced products.

The Monsters of Morley Manor Bruce Coville (Harcourt 0-15-216382-4, Sep 2001, $16.00, 221pp, hc, cover by John Berg) Young-adult horror novel. Revised and expanded from a significantly different version serialized in 1996.

Song of the Wanderer Bruce Coville (Scholastic/Apple 0-590-45954-6, Sep 2001, $4.50, 330pp, tp, cover by Rebecca Guay) [Unicorn Chronicles] Reprint (Scholastic Press 1999) young-adult fantasy novel, book two of “The Unicorn Chronicles”.

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