The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- FREYR, HERO (chron.)
- FRIEDMAN, MICHAEL JAN (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Avenger [Star Trek], (nv) Star Trek: Enterprise Logs, ed. Carol Greenberg, Pocket 2000
- * Benjamin Sisko, (bg)
- * Christopher Pike, (bg)
- * Dujonian’s Hoard [Star Trek, the Next Generation; *Captain’s Table], (n.) New York: Pocket Books Jun 1998
- * James T. Kirk, (bg)
- * Jean-Luc Picard, (bg)
- * Kathryn Janeway, (bg)
- FRIEND, SÉAN R(ussell) (chron.)
- * And She is My Queen, (vi) Black Rose #5 2000
- * Back to the Afterlife, (vi) Dead Things Magazine #3 2000
- * The Dead Laid Bare, (ss) Roadworks #8 2000
- * From the Vault of the Painted Wraith, (vi) Black Rose #5 2000
- * Heaven’s Frozen, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12 2000
- * In Defence of Old Fettesham, (vi) The Dream Zone May 2000
- * Radio-Babe and the Liquidator, (ss) Sci-Fright #6 2000
- * The Shattered Men, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13 2000
- * Spectre of the Whore, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13 2000
- * Suffer the Fruits of Mars, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13 2000
- * Threnody for Eden, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12 2000
- * To the Ice of All Sorrows, (vi) Black Rose #5 2000
- * Vampyres in Fusion, (pm) Sackcloth & Ashes #7 2000
- * Waking, Breaking, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12 2000
- FRIESNER, ESTHER M.; [i.e., Esther Mona Friesner-Stutzman] (1951- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Big Hair, (ss) Black Heart, Ivory Bones, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon 2000
- * Cora, (ss) Graven Images, ed. Nancy Kilpatrick & Thomas S. Roche, Ace 2000
- * The Godsman and the Goblin, (nv) F&SF Dec 2000
- * Hallowmass, (nv) F&SF Jan 2000
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Miranda’s Muse, (nv) Treachery and Treason, ed. Laura Anne Gilman & Jennifer Heddle, Roc 2000
- * The Shunned Trailer, (ss) Asimov’s Feb 2000
- * Troll by Jury, (nv) The Chick Is in the Mail, ed. Esther Friesner, Baen 2000
- FRITZ, SANDRA (chron.)
- FROEHLICH, JOEY (1954- ) (chron.)
- FROHN, JOYCE (chron.)
- FROST, GREGORY (Dee) (1951- ) (chron.)
- FROST, R. J. (chron.)
- FROST, ROBERT (1874-1963) (chron.)
- FRY, SUSAN (chron.)
- FRYER, DONALD S(idney) (1934- ); see pseudonym Donald Sidney-Fryer (chron.)
- FRYER, JASON (chron.)
- FRYER, KIM (chron.)
- FUGUA, C. S. (chron.)
- FULLER, ELIZABETH (1946- ) (chron.)
- FULTZ, JOHN R. (chron.)
- FUNNELL, AUGUSTINE BRUINS (1952- ) (chron.)
- * The Pig Man, (ss) Cemetery Dance Spr 1993
- * Shell, (ss) Cemetery Dance Fll 1992
- FYFE, H(orace) B(owne) (1918-1997) (chron.)
- * Moonwalk, (nv) Space Science Fiction Nov 1952
- G, JON (chron.)
- GABRIEL, SERGIO (chron.)
- GAFFNEY, LARRY (chron.)
- GAIMAN, NEIL (Richard) (1960- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Babycakes, (vi) Taboo #4 1990
- * Bay Wolf [Lawrence Talbot], (pm) Smoke and Mirrors, Avon 1998
- * Boys and Girls Together, (pm) Black Heart, Ivory Bones, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon 2000
- * Changes, (ss) Crossing the Border: Tales of Erotic Ambiguity, ed. Lisa Tuttle, Gollancz 1998
- * Chivalry, (ss) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurences, ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Atlanta, GA: Unnameable Press 1992
- * Cold Colours, (pm) Midnight Graffiti Win 1990
- * Daughter of Owls, (vi) Tales of the Unanticipated #18 1997
- * Desert Wind, (pm) Smoke and Mirrors, Avon 1998
- * Don’t Ask Jack, (vi) Overstreet’s FAN 1995
- * Eaten (Scenes from a Moving Picture), (pm) Off-Limits, ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin’s 1996
- * The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch, (ss) Frank Frazetta Fantasy Illustrated Fll 1998
- * Fifteen Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot, (ss) The Art of Vampire the Masquerade, White Wolf Publishing 1998
- * Foreign Parts, (nv) Words Without Pictures, ed. Steve Niles, Eclipse 1990
- * The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories, (nv) David Copperfield’s Beyond Imagination, ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1996
- * Harlequin Valentine, (ss) World Horror Convention 1999 Program Book 1999
- * How Do You Think It Feels?, (ss) In the Shadow of the Gargoyle, ed. Nancy Kilpatrick & Thomas S. Roche, Ace 1998
- * In the End, (vi) Strange Kaddish: Tales You Won’t Hear from Bubbie, ed. Clifford Lawrence Meth & Ricia Mainhardt, Aardwolf Publishing 1996
- * Instructions, (pm) A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Simon & Schuster 2000
- * An Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction, (is)
- * Keepsakes and Treasures: A Love Story, (ss) 999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense, ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon 1999
- * Looking for the Girl, (ss) Penthouse 1985
- * The Mouse, (ss) Touch Wood, ed. Peter Crowther, Little, Brown UK 1993
- * Murder Mysteries, (nv) Midnight Graffiti, ed. Jessica Horsting & James Van Hise, Warner 1992
- * Nicholas Was..., (vi) Drabble II: Double Century, ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon Publications 1990
- * One Life Furnished with Early Moorcock [Elric], (ss) Elric: Tales of the White Wolf, ed. Edward E. Cramer, White Wolf 1994
- * Only the End of the World Again, (ss) Shadows Over Innsmouth, ed. Stephen Jones, Fedogan & Bremer 1994
- * The Price, (ss) On Cats & Dogs: Two Tales, DreamHaven Books 1997
- * Queen of Knives, (pm) Tombs, Edward E. Kramer & Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1995
- * Reading the Entrails: A Rondel, (pm) The Fortune Teller, ed. Lawrence Schimel & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1997
- * The Sea Change, (pm) Overstreet’s FAN 1995
- * Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy, ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson 1998
- * Snow, Glass, Apples., (ss) DreamHaven Books 1995
- * The Sweeper of Dreams, (pp) Overstreet’s FAN 1996
- * Tastings, (ss) Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, HarperPrism 1998
- * Troll Bridge, (ss) Snow White, Blood Red, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, AvoNova 1993
- * Vampire Sestina, (pm) Fantasy Tales, v.10 #2, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1989
- * Virus, (pm) Digital Dreams, ed. David V. Barrett, NEL 1990
- * We Can Get Them For You Wholesale, (ss) Knave (UK) v16 #7 1989
- * The Wedding Present, (ss) Dark Terrors 4: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, London: Gollancz 1998
- * When We Went to See the End of the World by Dawnie Morningside, age 11¼, (ss) Smoke and Mirrors, Avon 1998
- * The White Road, (pm) Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Morrow AvoNova 1995
- GAK (chron.) (assoc.)
- GALE, MARK (chron.)
- GALLARDO, DIANA (chron.)
- GAMELLI, RALPH (chron.)
- * Aggressive Growth, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #19 2000
- * Ask Mr. Conspiracy, (cl) Delirium #2, #3 2000
- * A Hero, Plain and Simple, (ss) The Leading Edge #31 1995
- * Playing Through, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #19 2000
- * Rest Well, Mr. Pate, (ss) Talebones Win 2000
- * Spencer Morganson Is Falling, (ss) Midnight Carnival #3 2000
- * Yardwork, (ss) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #10 2000
- GANLEY, W(illiam) PAUL (1934- ) (chron.)
- GANNON, K(ate) A.; see pseudonyms Edillson Barsse & Mario Kesh Navar (chron.)
- GANNON, RICHARD D. (chron.)
- GANS, STEVE (chron.)
- * Eat Dirt, (pm) The Kerf 1998
- GARCÍA y ROBERTSON, R(odrigo) (1949- ) (chron.)
- GARDNER, C(arolyn) A. (chron.)
- * Elaine, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Nine, ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions 2000
- * Green, (pm) Talebones Win 2000
- * Roland Unsung, (ss) Midnight Carnival #3 2000
- * Three Queens Weeping, (ss) The Doom of Camelot, ed. James Lowder, Green Knight Publishing 2000
- * View af an Evening Sun, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Nine, ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions 2000
- GARDNER, JAMES ALAN (1955?- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Children of Crèche, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v6, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1990
- * Muffin Explains Teleology to the World at Large, (ss) On Spec Spr 1990
- * Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream, (nv) Asimov’s Feb 1997
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