The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- DANIELS, KEITH ALLEN (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Sodsuckers, (pm)
- * Spam in Space, (pm)
- * Starface [“Futility”], (pm) Weird Sonnets 1981
- * Stargods [“The Demiurge of Day”], (pm) Fungi Fll 1986
- * Still-Life, (pm)
- * Street Scene, (pm)
- * Study in Contrasts, (pm)
- * Supernova, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Suppose, (pm)
- * Tanj, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Telephone Sex, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Television Isn’t Heaven, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Terence McKenna, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * The Biochemistry of Sonnets, (pm)
- * The Ears of Gaia, (pm)
- * The Eidolon, (pm) The Miskatonic 1977
- * The Irony Principle, (pm)
- * The Martian in the Madhouse, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * The Packing of Tufts, (pm) Star*Line v18 #4 1995
- * The Visitor Speaks, (pm)
- * Time and Sand, (pm)
- * Timothy Leary, (pm)
- * Too Late the Oothaca, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #38 1992
- * Treadmill, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Uaxactun, (pm)
- * Ukiah, (pm)
- * Unplugged, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Vacilandor, (pm) Fungi Fll 1986
- * Venusian Rap, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Windrows, (pm)
- * With Sickle Frore, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Worm Regards, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Wormhole, (pm)
- * Xobanhaltun, (pm) Late Knocking v4 #1 1988
- * Yukon Jack, (pm) I Think, Therefore Iamb, Anamnesis Press 1999
- * Zubenelschemali, (pm)
- DANIHY, GEARY (chron.)
- DANKS, DENISE (chron.)
- DANN, JACK (Mayo) (1945- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * An Angry Celebration, (fw) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * The Fire-eater’s Tale (with Janeen Webb), (ss) Strange Attraction, ed. Edward E. Kramer, Bereshith/ShadowLands Press 2000
- * Marilyn, (ss) Eidolon #29/30 2000
- * Preface (with Gardner R. Dozois), (pr)
- * Ships (with Michael Swanwick), (nv) Lethal Kisses, ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium 1996
- * Who’s Who, (pm) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- DANOSKI, JOSEPH V. (chron.)
- DANSKY, RICHARD E. (chron.)
- DARBY, IAIN (chron.)
- DARLINGTON, ANDREW (1947- ) (chron.)
- DARROW, A. M. (chron.)
- DAS, SAROJ KUMAR (chron.)
- DATLOW, ELLEN (Sue) (1949- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction (with Terri Windling), (in)
- * Summation 1999: Horror, (ar)
- DAVEY, IAN (chron.)
- * The Epiphany of Dissolution, (ss) Nightscapes #6 1998
- DAVID, PETER (Allen) (1956- ) (books) (chron.)
- DAVIDSON, AVRAM (James) (1923-1993) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Ascalon Light, (ss) Commentary Jan 1957
- * Bumberboom, (nv) F&SF Dec 1966
- * Caphtor and Other Places, (ss) Commentary Aug 1952
- * The Countenance of the Priest, (ss) Jewish Life Oct 1948
- * The Crown Jewels of Jerusalem, Or, the Tell-Tale Head [Dr. Eszterhazy], (nv) F&SF Aug 1975
- * Dan Cohen, (ss) Jewish Life Oct 1947
- * Dr. Morris Goldpepper Returns [Dr. Morris Goldpepper], (ss) Galaxy Dec 1962
- * Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, (ss) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * The Fisherman... A Tashlich Legend, (ss) Jewish Life Oct 1950
- * From a Letter to the Kleins, (pl) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * The Golem, (ss) F&SF Mar 1955
- * Goslin Day, (ss) Orbit 6, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnam’s 1970
- * The House the Blakeneys Built, (ss) F&SF Jan 1965
- * In Israel’s Green Pastures, (ss) Commentary Jun 1952
- * The Irregular Union of Mendel and Esther Slonim, (ss) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * The Land of Sinim, (ss) Jewish Life Jun 1948
- * The Metaphysical Force, (ss) Century #3 1995
- * Mickelrede (with Michael Swanwick), (ss) Moon Dogs, NESFA Press 2000
- * Nephilim, (pm) Jewish Life Jun 1947
- * Now Let Us Sleep, (ss) Venture Sep 1957
- * Of Making Many Books, (ss) Jewish Life Jun 1954
- * On the Horizon — A Citizen of France, (ss) Commentary Jan 1953
- * On the Right Is Michael, (ss) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * Or All the Seas with Oysters, (ss) Galaxy May 1958
- * Rediscovery, (ss) Jewish Life Sum 1950
- * Shemiras Shabbos, (pm) Jewish Life Feb 1948
- * A Song of Degrees, (ss) Jewish Life Jun 1955
- * Tanta Sora Rifka, (ss) Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven, Devora 2000
- * The Tomb of Jethro, (ss) Commentary Nov 1952
- * The Various Jews of Israel or Six Sketches of Israel, (ss) Commentary Dec 1950
- * Vergil Magus: King Without Country (with Michael Swanwick) [Vergil], (nv) Asimov’s Jul 1998
- * El Vilvoy de las Islas, (nv) IASFM Aug 1988
- * Waters of Eden, (pm) Jewish Life Feb 1949
- * Who Is Ethel Schnurr?, (ss) Jewish Life Jun 1970
- * Who Knoweth Five?, (ss) Jewish Life Oct 1949
- * Yochanan ben Zakkai, (pm) Jewish Life Dec 1947
- DAVIDSON, ETHAN (chron.)
- * The Doorway Between [Warhammer], (nv) Inferno! #12 1999
- DAVIES, BARBARA (chron.)
- DAVIES, JOHN (chron.)
- DAVIS, DIANE M. (chron.)
- DAVIS, GRANIA (Eve) (1943- ) (chron.)
- DAVIS, JOHN L., III (chron.)
- DAVIS, KATHRYN (1946- ) (chron.)
- DAVIS, RAY C. (chron.)
- DAVIS, RUSSELL (1970- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Across Hickman’s Bridge to Home, (ss) Civil War Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2000
- * Fat Tuesday, (ss) Mardi Gras Madness, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Cumberland House 2000
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Scarifices, (pm) New Amazons, ed. Margaret Weis, DAW 2000
- DAVIS, SUSAN (chron.)
- DAVIS, W. R. (chron.)
- * The Room Behind Walls, (ss) Ghost Stories Apr 1930
- DEAL, IAN (chron.)
- DEAN, STEVE (chron.)
- DEANS, KATHRYN (chron.)
- DEASON, LISA (chron.)
- DEATON, HOLLY LISLE; see under Lisle, Holly (books) (chron.)
- DEAVERS, KATHI (chron.)
- de CAMP, L(yon) SPRAGUE (1907-2000) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Gnarly Man, (nv) Unknown Jun 1939
- * Xeroxing the Necronomicon, (pm) Phantoms and Fancies, Mirage Press 1972
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