The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- CARLOS, JUANITA (chron.)
- CARLSON, J. D. (chron.)
- CARLSON, KECIA D. (chron.)
- CARMEN (chron.)
- CARMODY, ISOBELLE (Jane) (1958- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- CARNEY, LANCE (chron.)
- CARPENTER, LEONARD P(aul) (1948- ) (chron.)
- * The Ebbing, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v1, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1985
- CARR, CALEB (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Killing Time, (na) Time Jun 19 2000
- CARR, CAROL (chron.)
- CARR, JAYGE; pseudonym of Margery Krueger, (1940-2006) (chron.)
- CARR, KEVIN M. (chron.)
- CARR, NICK (chron.)
- CARR, TERRY (Gene) (1937-1987) (chron.)
- * The Dance of the Changer and the Three, (ss) The Farthest Reaches, ed. Joseph Elder, Trident 1968
- CARREIRO, LISA (chron.)
- CARRIER, RHONDA (chron.)
- CARROLL, BART (chron.)
- CARROLL, JONATHAN (Samuel) (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- CARSON, BRENDAN D. (chron.)
- CARSON, RACHEL L. (1907-1964) (chron.)
- CARSON, T. ANDERS (chron.)
- CARTER, ASHLEY J. R. (chron.)
- CARTER, LIN; [i.e., Linwood Vrooman Carter] (1930-1988) (books) (chron.)
- * Black Legion of Callisto [Callisto], (n.) New York: Dell 1972
- * Jandar of Callisto [Callisto], (n.) New York: Dell 1972
- CARTER, MARGARET L(ouise) (1948- ) (chron.)
- CARTER, MIKE (chron.)
- * Ride the Wild Worm, (ss) Nightscapes #12 1999
- CARTER, TONYA R. (chron.)
- * The Exiles (with Paul B. Thompson), (nv) DragonLance Tales v3, Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, TSR 1987
- CARTWRIGHT, R. S. (chron.)
- CARUS, MARIANNE (books) (chron.)
- CASE, (Brian) DAVID (Francis) (1937- ) (chron.)
- CASE, JUSTIN; pseudonym of Hugh B. Cave, (1910-2004) (chron.)
- * Erzulie, (ss) Risque Stories #2 1984; also as “Allie’s Cat”, by Hugh B. Cave.
- CASELMAN, LANCE (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- CASH, DEBRA (chron.)
- CASHMAN, DAN (chron.)
- CASIL, AMY STERLING (books) (chron.)
- * Amy Sterling Casil... Who Dat? Stupid American Girl!, (fw) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * Chromosome Circus [Gyla], (nv) F&SF Jan 2000
- * The Color of Time, (nv) Zoetrope All-Story Apr 1999
- * A Fit Subject for Modern Art, (pm) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * Innocent Blood, (pm) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * Jenny with the Stars in Her Hair, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIV, ed. Dave Wolverton, Bridge 1998
- * Jonny Punkinhead [Gyla], (ss) F&SF Jun 1996
- * Letters from Arles, (ss) Talebones Win 1999
- * Mad for the Mints, (nv) F&SF Jul 2000
- * Motherwife, (ss) Neverworlds Mar 2000
- * My Son, My Self, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XV, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1999
- * An Officer of the Faith, (ss) Talebones Sum 1997
- * The Renascence of Memory, (nv) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * Sic transit gloria mundi, (pm) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * The Siren with the Hungry Lips and Diamond Eyes, (pm) Without Absolution, Wildside Press 2000
- * The Stuff of Legend, (ss) Pulp Eternity Magazine May 1999
- CASPER, SUSAN (1947- ) (chron.)
- * Nine Tenths of the Law, (ss) IASFM Jul 1991
- CASTLE, MORT(on A.) (1946- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Altenmoor, Where the Dogs Dance, (ss) Twilight Zone Dec 1982
- * Big Brother Mulbray and the Little Golden Book, (ss)
- * Bird’s Dead, (ss)
- * Buckeye Jim in Egypt, (nv) The Secret Prophecies of Nostradamus, ed. Cynthia Sternau & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * The Call, (ss) Voices from the Night, ed. John Maclay, Maclay & Associates 1994
- * Dani’s Story, (ss) After Hours Win 1995
- * FDR: A Love Story, (vi)
- * Fear in Children, in general and in Mulbray, in Chenoa, Illinois in Particular, (vi)
- * Hansel, Gretel, the Witch: Notes to the Artist, (ss) Dead of Night Spr/Sum 1993
- * Healer’s Trio, (gp) 2AM Fll 1988
- * Henderson’s Place/The Girl with the Summer Eyes, (ss) Night Terrors #1 1996
- * If You Take My Hand, My Son, (ss) Masques #2, ed. J. N. Williamson 1987
- * Love, Hate, and the Beautiful Junkyard Sea, (ss) Masques #4, ed. J. N. Williamson 1991
- * Moon on the Water, (ss) Twilight Tales Presents Aug 1999
- * Other Advantages, (ss) Cavalier Oct 1974
- * Party Time, (vi) Masques #1, ed. J. N. Williamson 1984
- * Pop Is Real Smart, (vi) Masques #3, ed. J. N. Williamson 1989
- * The Running Horse, the High, White Sound, (ss) Dark Regions #3 1989
- * A Someday Movie, (ss)
- * The W.W. II Pistol, (ss)
- * With Father, At the Zoo, Then Home, (vi)
- CASTNER, DAWN (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- CASTRO, ADAM-TROY (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw)
- * Afterword: A Reader’s Guide for my Mother, (aw) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * Baby Girl Diamond, (nv) Adventures in the Twilight Zone, ed. Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Batman and Robin Murder Mystery—Solved!, (ss) Amazing Heroes Apr 1990; as part of column “Infernal Gall”.
- * Cerile and the Journeyer, (ss) 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble 1995
- * Curse of the Phlegmpire, (vi) Buried Treasures, ed. Jerry Oltion, Eugene Professional Writers Workshops 1996
- * Dead Like Me, (ss) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * Ego to Go, (ss) F&SF Jan 1995
- * Field Trip, (vi) SFSFS Shuttle 1999
- * From Hell It Came, (ss) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * Fuel, (nv) Whitley Strieber’s Aliens, ed. Whitley Strieber, Pocket 1999
- * The Funeral March of the Marionettes [Marionettes], (na) F&SF Jul 1997
- * Guy Who Could Make These, Like, Really Amazing Armpit Noises, and Why He Was Contemplating Hippopotami at the Top of Mount Everest, (ss) An Alien Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * The Juggler, (nv) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * The Last Robot, (ss) Science Fiction Age Nov 1992
- * The Last Straw, (ss) Tampa Tribune-Times Fiction Quarterly Mar 30 1997
- * Locusts, (nv) F&SF Feb 1996
- * The Magic Bullet Theory, (na) Skull Full of Spurs: A Roundup of Weird Westerns, ed. Jason Bovberg & Kirk Whitham, Dark Highway Press 2000
- * Masterpiece, (ss) Buried Treasures, ed. Jerry Oltion, Eugene Professional Writers Workshops 1996
- * Messenger, (nv) Return to the Twilight Zone, ed. Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * Metastasis, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 12, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1993
- * MS. Found Paper-Clipped to a Box of Jujubes, (ss) An Alien Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * Neither Rain Nor Sleet, (ss) F&SF Aug 1996
- * The Pussy Expert, (ss) Lost in Booth Nine, Silver Salamander Press 1993
- * Toy, (vi) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
- * The Trouble with Eyeballs, (vi) An Desperate, Decaying Darkness, Wildside Press 2000
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