The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1999
Index: Publishers , Part 1
- Abacus
- Abrams
- Ace
- Ace/Putnam
- Alexander Publishing/EMR
- Allau Press
- Allen Lane/The Penguin Press
- Alyson
- American Chemical Society
- AMS Press
- Anamnesis Press
- Anchor UK
- Ariel Starr Productions
- Arkham House
- Armitage House
- Armstrong Valley Publishing
- Arrow
- Aschehoug
- Ash-Tree Press
- Avon
- Avon Bard
- Avon Camelot
- Avon Eos
- Avon Tempest
- Avon/Spike
- The Avram Davidson Society
- Babbage Press
- Baen
- Ballantine
- Ballantine Del Rey
- Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks
- Ballantine/Fawcett Columbine
- Ballantine/Fawcett Crest
- Ballantine/Ivy
- Bantam
- Bantam Australia
- Bantam Skylark
- Bantam Spectra
- Bantam UK
- Barnes & Noble
- Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
- BBC Books
- Bereshith/ShadowLands Press
- Berkley
- Berkley Boulevard
- Berkley Prime Crime
- Bethany House
- Birmingham Science Fiction Group
- Black Plankton Press
- Black Swan
- Bloomsbury
- Blue Arrow Books
- Blue Star Productions
- The Bodley Head
- Book-of-the-Month Club
- Books of Wonder
- Boulevard/Putnam
- Bowling Green University Popular Press
- Boxtree
- Bridge
- The British Fantasy Society
- Broadman & Holman
- Buzzcity Press
- Campus Press
- Candlewick Press
- Jonathan Cape
- Jonathan Cape: Feb '99:
- Carroll & Graf
- Cascade Mountain Publishing
- CD Publications
- Century
- Chameleon Publishing
- Chaosium
- Chatto & Windus
- Checkerbee
- Checkmate Publishing
- Chrome Deco Press
- Circlet Press
- Codex
- Collectors Press
- Collins
- Corgi
- Corgi Yearling
- Cornell University Press
- Cornerstone Press Chicago
- Cosmos Books
- Counterpoint
- Creation Books
- Creation Books/Attack
- Creation Press
- Creative Arts Book Company
- Crossroads Press
- Cumberland House
- Dalkey Archive Press
- Dark Horse Comics
- Dark Horse Comics/Berkley Boulevard
- DarkTales Publications
- DC Comics/Vertigo
- December Girl Press
- Dedalus
- Delacorte
- Delirium Books
- Dell
- Dell Laurel-Leaf
- Dell Yearling
- Dell Yearling Newbery
- Dell/DTP
- Delta
- Deseret Book/Shadow Mountain
- Desert Island Books
- DK Ink
- Dolphin
- Doubleday
- Doubleday UK
- Dover
- Dufour/Colin Smythe
- Dufour/Parthian Books
- Dufour/Peter Owen
- Earthlight
- Ebury Press
- ECW Press
- Eidolon
- Element
- Element Childrens Books
- Enigmatic Press
- Erica House
- Faber and Faber
- Faber and Faber/Harbord Publishing
- Fantagraphics
- FantasyCon
- Farrar, Straus and Giroux
- Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Noonday
- Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Noonday: 1998:
- Farrar, Straus and Giroux/North Point Press
- Fedogan & Bremer
- Fedogan & Bremer/F&B Mystery
- Feral House
- Firebrand Books
- Five Star
- Flamingo
- Four Walls Eight Windows
- Galactic Central Publications
- W. Paul Ganley/Owlswick Press
- Gauntlet Press
- Gauntlet Publications
- The Gay Mens Press
- Gibbs Smith
- Golden Gryphon Press
- Golden/Gold Key
- Gollancz
- Gollancz/Vista
- Gothic Press
- Donald M. Grant
- Grant, Donald M./Vienna Books
- Green Knight Publishing
- The Greenwich Workshop
- Greenwood Press
- Groundwood Books
- Grove
- Gryphon Books
- Hadrosaur Productions
- Haffner Press
- G.K. Hall
- Hallmark Entertainment Books
- Hamish Hamilton
- Hampton Roads
- Harcourt
- Harcourt Brace
- Harcourt Brace/Harvest
- Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet
- Harcourt Brace/Odyssey
- Harcourt Brace/Silver Whistle
- Harcourt/Harvest
- Harlequin/Mira
- HarperChoice
- HarperCollins
- HarperCollins UK
- HarperCollins/Basic Books
- HarperCollins/Cotler
- HarperCollins/Flamingo
- HarperCollins/ReganBooks
- HarperCollins/Voyager
- HarperCollins/Zondervan
- HarperEntertainment
- HarperFestival
- HarperFlamingo
- HarperPaperbacks
- HarperPerennial
- HarperPerennial Classics
- HarperPerennial/Regan Books
- HarperPrism
- HarperTrophy
- Haunted Library
- HBJ/Harvest
- Headline
- Heinemann
- Hilltop Press UK
- Hodder & Stoughton
- Hodder Childrens Books
- Hodder Childrens Books Australia
- Hodder Headline
- Hodder Headline Australia
- Hodder Headline/NEL
- Hodder Signature
- Hodder/NEL
- Holt
- Hot Biscuit Productions
- Houghton Mifflin
- Houghton Mifflin/Mariner
- Jock Howson
- Hutchinson
- Hybrid Publishers Australia
- Hyperion
- Ignatius Press
- Indiana University Press
- Jade Creations
- Jewish Lights Publishing
- Jonathan Cape
- Jove
- Juno UK
- Kensington
- Kensington/Hallmark Entertainment
- Kimota Publishing
- Kodansha International
- Könemann
- Krause Publications
- Leisure
- Leisure: Apr '99:
- Libraries Unlimited
- Library Association Career Development Group
- Little, Brown UK
- Little, Brown/Abacus
- Little, Brown/Arcade
- Little, Brown/Orbit
- Little, Brown/Warner UK
- Liverpool University Press
- Llewellyn
- Locus Press
- Lonely Planet Australia
- Lorien House
- Lost Coast Press
- Thomas C. Lothian
- Lowell House/Roxbury Park Books
- John Maclay
- Macmillan Childrens Books
- Macmillan Collier Nucleus
- Macmillan UK
- Macmillan UK/Picador
- Macmillan/Channel 4 Books
- Macmillan/Pan
- Macmillan/Picador
- Mammoth
- Marietta Publishing
- Marwalk Publications
- Masquerade/Rhinoceros
- Maynard Sims Productions
- McFarland
- McGraw-Hill/Primis Custom Publishing
- Dennis McMillan
- Meisha Merlin
- Melbourne University Press
- Mercury House
- Merrimack Books
- Midnight House
- The Millbrook Press
- Millennium
- MirrorDanse Books
- Mojo Press
- Morrow
- Morrow Beech Tree
- Morrow Greenwillow
- Morrow Junior
- Morrow/Books of Wonder
- Mosaic Press
- Moyer Bell
- MP Books
- Mysterious Press
- Mythos Books
- Nashville House
- The National Writers Press
- Necro Publications
- Necronomicon Press/W. Paul Ganley
- Necropolitan Press
- NESFA Press
- Neverworlds
- New Adventures
- New Directions
- New York University Press
- Night Shade Books
- The Nomads of the Time Streams
- North Atlantic Books
- North Atlantic Books/Frog Ltd.
- Northeastern University Press
- Northwestern University
- Northwestern University Press
- Northwestern University Press/Hydra
- Norton
- Obscura Press
- Obsidian Books
- OceanTides Publishing
- Open Hand Publishing/Snow Shadow
- Orbit
- Orchard US
- Oriel
- Orion
- Orion/Dolphin
- Orion/Gollancz
- Orion/Indigo
- Orion/Millennium
- Orion/Millennium: Dec '99:
- Orion/Phoenix
- Orion/Vista
- Otter Creek Press
- Overlook Connection Press
- Overlook Connection Press/Infinity
- Overlook Press
- Peter Owen
- Oxford University Press
- Oxford Worlds Classics
- Pan
- Paper Tiger
- Pavilion
- Penguin
- Penguin Australia
- Penguin Classics
- Penguin Puffin
- Penguin Putnam/Paperstar
- Penguin Putnam/Pyllis Fogelman
- Penguin UK
- Penguin US
- Penguin/Dial
- Penguin/Dutton
- Penguin/Grosset & Dunlap
- Penguin/NAL
- Penguin/Onyx
- Penguin/Paperstar
- Penguin/Philomel
- Penguin/Plume
- Penguin/Puffin
- Penguin/Puffin UK
- Penguin/Putnam
- Penguin/Putnam & Grosset
- Penguin/Roc
- Penguin/Signet
- Penguin/Signet Classic
- Penn State University Press
- Phoenix House
- Piatkus
- Picador USA
- Pinnacle
- Pocket
- Pocket Archway
- Pocket Pulse
- Pocket Star
- Pocket UK
- Pocket/ibooks
- Pocket/Minstrel
- Powerhouse/Juno
- Prometheus Books
- PS Publishing
- Puffin
- Puffin UK
- Pulp Fictions UK
- Pulpless.Com
- Pumpkin Books
- Putnam
- Putnam: Aug '99:
- Quarry Press
- Random House
- Random House UK/Arrow
- Random House Value/Portland House
- Random House/Broadway
- Random House/Crown
- Random House/Knopf
- Random House/Knopf Paperbacks
- Random House/Modern Library
- Random House/Pantheon
- Random House/Villard
- Random House/Vintage
- Random/Arrow Australia
- Random/Crown
- RazorBlade Press
- Red Fox
- Regnery/Gateway Movie Classics
- Robinson
- Roussan Publishers
- Routledge
- Royal Fireworks Press
- Royal Fireworks/Silk Label
- Running Press
- Rutledge Hill Press
- Sardo Press
- Sarob Press
- Scarecrow Press
- Scholastic
- Scholastic Press
- Scholastic Press UK
- Scholastic Signature
- Scholastic UK
- Scholastic/Blue Sky
- Scholastic/Levine
- Scholastic/Point
- Scholastic/Point UK
- Science Fiction Poetry Association
- Scribner
- Scribners UK
- Seal Press
- Seal Press/Djuna Books
- Secker & Warburg
- Serpents Tail
- Seven Stories Press
- Sevenlong X Press
- Severn House
- SFBC: Apr '99:
- SFF Net
- Shambhala Publications
- Silver Salamander Press
- Simetria Portugal
- Simon & Schuster
- Simon & Schuster UK
- Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight
- Simon & Schuster UK/Pocket
- Simon & Schuster/Aladdin
- Simon & Schuster/Aladdin Classics
- Simon & Schuster/Aladdin Newbery
- Simon & Schuster/Atheneum
- Simon & Schuster/Earthlight
- Simon & Schuster/Fireside
- Simon & Schuster/McElderry
- Simon & Schuster/Scribner
- Simon & Schuster/Scribner Classics
- Simon & Schuster/Scribner UK
- Smithsonian Institution Press
- Smoldering Banyan Press
- Soho Press
- Sol Publications
- Souvenir Press
- Speculation Press
- St. Martins
- St. Martins: Nov '99:
- St. Martins Griffin
- St. Martins Minotaur
- Stark House Press
- Steltman
- Sterling House
- SterlingHouse
- Stewart Tabori & Chang
- Story Line Press
- Subterranean Press
- Suddenly Press
- Sun Dog
- Sunken Citadel/Tenoka Press
- Tachyon Publications
- Tartarus Press
- Tesseract
- Thorsons
- Thunders Mouth Press
- Ticonderoga Publications
- Titan
- Tor
- Tor/Forge
- Tor/Orb
- Toxic
- Transworld/Anchor
- Transworld/Bantam
- Transworld/Bantam UK
- Transworld/Corgi
- Transworld/Corgi Yearling
- Transworld/Doubleday
- Transworld/Doubleday UK
- TSR/Wizards of the Coast
- Turtle Point Press & Helen Marx Books
- TV Books
- Underwood Books
- Universal Publishers
- University of Chicago Press
- University of Illinois Press
- University of Nebraska Press
- University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books
- University of Tampa Press
- University of Western Australia Press
- University Press of Kansas
- University Press of New England
- University Press of New England/Dartmouth
- University Press of New England/Wesleyan
- James Van Hise
- Viking
- Viking Ariel
- Viking UK
- Vintage UK
- Virgin
- Virgin Worlds
- Virgin/New Adventures
- Virgin/Sapphire
- Visible Ink
- Voyager
- Walker
- Walker Books
- Wandering Star
- Warner
- Warner Aspect
- Warner UK
- Warner/Mysterious Press
- Watson-Guptill
- Westhampton House
- Westview
- White Wolf
- John Wiley
- Winslow Press
- Wizards of the Coast
- Wizards of the Coast/TSR
- The Womens Press
- Wordcraft of Oregon
- Worldwide Library Gold Eagle
- Write Way
- Yard Dog Press
- Zapizdat Publications