The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- * An Imaginary Journey to the Moon, (ss) Best SF: 1972, ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Putnam 1972
- * The Immunity Syndrome, (sa) Star Trek #9, Bantam 1973
- SABERHAGEN, FRED(erick Thomas) (1930-2007) (books) (chron.)
- * Adventure of the Metal Murderer [Berserker], (ss) Omni Jan 1980
- * After the Fact [Pilgrim], (n.) New York: Baen 1988
- * The Annihilation of Angkor Apeiron [Berserker], (ss) Galaxy Feb 1975
- * As Duly Authorized, (ss) F&SF Oct 1985
- * The Bad Machines, (nv) The Williamson Effect, ed. Roger Zelazny, Tor 1996
- * Berserker [Berserker], (co) New York: Ballantine 1967
- * Berserker Base, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * Berserker’s Prey [Berserker], (ss) If Jun 1967; also as “Pressure”.
- * Birthdays, (na) Galaxy Mar 1976
- * Blind Man’s Blade, (nv) An Armory of Swords, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1995
- * Brother Berserker [Berserker], (nv) If Nov 1967
- * Crossing the Bar, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * Dangerous Dreams, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * Earthshade [Mana], (nv) The Magic May Return, ed. Larry Niven, Ace 1981
- * The Face of the Deep [Berserker], (ss) If Sep 1966
- * The Fifth Book of Lost Swords: Coinspinner’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1989
- * The First Book of Swords [Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1983
- * Fortress Ship [Berserker], (ss) If Jan 1963; also as “Without a Thought”.
- * The Founts of Sorrow, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * The Fourth Book of Lost Swords: Farslayer’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1989
- * Friends Together, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * From the Tree of Time, (ss) Sorcerer’s Apprentice #14 1982
- * The Game [Berserker], (ss) The Flying Buffalo’s Favorite Magazine May 1977
- * Goodlife [Berserker], (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow Dec 1963
- * The Graphic of Dorian Gray, (nv) New Destinies, Vol. 1, ed. Jim Baen, Baen 1987
- * The Great Secret, (ms) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * In the Temple of Mars [Berserker], (ss) If Apr 1966
- * Inhuman Error [Berserker], (ss) Analog Oct 1974; also as “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO TO PROVE IM HUMAN STOP”.
- * Intermission, (vi) Fifty Extremely SF* Stories, ed. Michael Bastraw, Niekas 1982
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction [from Berserker], (lk) New York: Ballantine 1967
- * The Last Book of Swords: Shieldbreaker’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1994
- * The Life Hater [Berserker], (ss) If Aug 1964; also as “The Peacemaker”.
- * The Long Way Home, (ss) Galaxy Jun 1961
- * The Machinery of Lies [Berserker], (na) Berserker Lies, Tor 1991
- * Martha, (vi) Amazing Dec 1976
- * Masque of the Red Shift [Berserker], (ss) If Nov 1965
- * Memoir, (ms)
- * Mr. Jester [Berserker], (ss) If Jan 1966
- * Patron of the Arts [Berserker], (ss) If Aug 1965
- * The Peacemaker [“The Life Hater”; Berserker], (ss) If Aug 1964
- * Pressure [“Berserker’s Prey”; Berserker], (ss) If Jun 1967
- * Prisoner’s Base, (pr) Berserker Base, ed. Fred Saberhagen, Tor 1985
- * Pyramids [Pilgrim], (n.) New York: Baen 1987
- * Recessional, (ss) Destinies Fll 1980
- * The Second Book of Swords [Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1983
- * The Seventh Book of Lost Swords: Wayfinder’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1992
- * Sightblinder’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1987
- * Sign of the Wolf [Berserker], (ss) If May 1965
- * The Sixth Book of Lost Swords: Mindsword’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1989
- * Smasher [Berserker], (nv) F&SF Aug 1978
- * The Smile [Berserker], (nv) Algol Press Sum 1977
- * Some Events at the Templar Radiant [Berserker], (nv) Destinies Aug 1979
- * Starsong [Berserker], (ss) If Jan 1968
- * Stephen R. Donaldson: An Appreciation, (bg) World Tales, ed. G. Randal Rau, World Fantasy Convention 1985
- * Stone Man [Berserker], (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1967
- * Stone Place [Berserker], (nv) If Mar 1965
- * Stonecutter’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1988
- * The Third Book of Swords [Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1984
- * The Ultimate Enemy [Berserker], (co) New York: Ace 1979
- * Victory, (nv) F&SF Jun 1979
- * WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO TO PROVE IM HUMAN STOP [“Inhuman Error”; Berserker], (ss) Analog Oct 1974
- * What T and I Did [Berserker], (ss) If Apr 1965
- * The White Bull, (nv) Fantastic Nov 1976
- * Wilderness, (ss) Amazing Sep 1976
- * The Winged Helmet [Berserker], (na) If Aug 1967
- * Wings Out of Shadow [Berserker], (nv) Worlds of If Mar/Apr 1974
- * Without a Thought [“Fortress Ship”; Berserker], (ss) If Jan 1963
- * Woundhealer’s Story [Lost Swords], (n.) New York: Tor 1986
- * Young Girl at an Open Half-door, (ss) F&SF Nov 1968
- SABIN, EDWIN L(egrand) (1870-1952)
- * The Devil of the Picuris, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine Nov 1921
- * Imagery in Dreams of Illness, (ar) Quadrant Fll 1981
- SABLE, MARINA LEE (chron.)
- * Hail to the Chief, (na) Future Jun 1954
- SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA; [i.e., Victoria Mary Sackville-West] (1892-1962)
- * An Unborn Visitant, (ss) 1932
- SADE, MARQUIS de (1740-1814) (chron.)
- * Masters of the Game, (ss) Abyss #43 1989
- SAENZ, MICHAEL (books)
- SaFRANKO, MARK (Peter) (1950- )
- SAGAN, CARL (Edward) (1934-1996) (books) (assoc.)
- * Exploring Other Worlds and Protecting This One: The Connection, (ar) 1990
- * from Cosmos, (ex) New York: Random House 1980
- * The Human Family [from Cosmos], (ar) New York: Random House 1980
- * In Memoriam, (bg) Asimov’s Nov 1992
- * Viewpoint:
___ The Nuclear Winter, (ar) 1983
- SAGARA, MICHELLE M. (1963- ); also as Michelle Sagara West (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Birthnight, (ss) Christmas Bestiary, ed. Rosalind M. Greenberg & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * For Love of God, (ss) Alternate Warriors, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1993
- * Four Attempts at a Letter, (ss) By Any Other Fame, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Ghostwood, (nv) Enchanted Forests, ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Gifted, (ss) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * The Hidden Grove, (ss) Witch Fantastic, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Hunger, (ss) Christmas Ghosts, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Shadow of a Change, (ss) Dinosaur Fantastic, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * The Sword in the Stone, (nv) Alternate Tyrants, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1997
- * What She Won’t Remember, (nv) Alternate Outlaws, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1994
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