The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- McCAFFERY, LARRY (books) (continued)
- McCAFFERY, LAWRENCE FLORIAN, Jr.; see under McCaffery, Larry (books)
- McCAFFREY, ANNE (Inez) (1926- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Anne McCaffrey: Dragonwriter of Pern (with TLE Staff), (sp) Oct 1984
- * Apple [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (nv) Crime Prevention in the 30th Century, ed. Hans Stefan Santesson, Walker 1969
- * Author’s Foreword, (is)
- * Big Friend of the World—Rudyard, (is) Heads to the Storm, ed. David Drake & Sandra Miesel, Baen 1989
- * Bird in the Hand, (ss) Space Opera, ed. Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, DAW 1996
- * Black Horses for a King, (nv) Camelot, ed. Jane Yolen, Philomel 1995
- * The Bones Do Lie, (ss) The Girl Who Heard Dragons, Anne McCaffrey, Tor 1994
- * Bound by Hoof and Nail (with Georgeanne Kennedy), (nv) Mothers & Daughters, ed. Jill M. Morgan, NAL 1998
- * A Bridle for Pegasus [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (na) Analog Jul 1973
- * Changeling, (ss) Get Off the Unicorn, Ballantine 1977
- * Cinderella Switch, (ss) Stellar #6, ed. Judy-Lynn del Rey, Ballantine 1981
- * The Coelura, (na) Underwood-Miller; Columbia, PA 1983
- * Crystal Line [Killashandra], (n.) New York: Del Rey 1992
- * Crystal Singer [Killashandra], (n.) London: Severn House 1982
- * The Death of Sleep (with Jody Lynn Nye) [Planet Pirates], (n.) New York: Baen 1990
- * Destination Unknown: May the Aura Be with You, (in) Destination Unknown, ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1997
- * Dinosaur Planet [Ireta], (n.) London: Futura 1978
- * Dinosaur Planet Survivors [Ireta], (n.) New York: Ballantine 1984
- * The Dolphin’s Bell [Pern], (na) Newark NJ: The Wildside Press 1993
- * Dragondrums [Pern: Harper Hall], (n.) New York: Atheneum 1979
- * Dragonmasters’ Dialogue, (iv) Science Fiction Age Sep 1993; given as by Anne McCaffery.
- * Dragonrider [Pern], (na) Analog Dec 1967 (+1)
- * Dragonsinger [Pern: Harper Hall], (n.) New York: Atheneum 1977
- * Dragonsong [Pern: Harper Hall], (n.) New York: Atheneum 1976
- * Duty Calls [Fleet], (nv) The Fleet, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1988
- * Euterpe on a Fling, (ss) The Girl Who Heard Dragons, Anne McCaffrey, Tor 1994
- * An Exchange of Gifts, (na) Newark NJ: The Wildside Press 1995
- * Fantasy, (ar)
- * A Flock of Geese, (ss) Moonsinger’s Friends, ed. Susan Shwartz, Bluejay 1985
- * The Ford of Red Hanrahan [Pern], (nv) The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall, Bantam UK 1993
- * Generation Warriors (with Elizabeth N. Moon) [Planet Pirates], (n.) New York: Baen 1991
- * The Girl Who Heard Dragons [Pern], (nv) Cheap Street; New Castle, VA 1986
- * The Golden Years, (ss) Don’t Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear, ed. Jody Lynn Nye, Baen 1996
- * The Greatest Love, (na) Futurelove, ed. Roger Elwood, Bobbs-Merril 1977
- * Habit Is an Old Horse, (ss) Visitors’ Book, ed. Anon., Poolbeg Press 1979
- * If Madam Likes You..., (ss) New Destinies, Vol. VIII, ed. Jim Baen, Baen 1989
- * If Wishes Were Horses, (na) Roc 1998
- * The Impression, (ss) Gateways #13 1989
- * Introduction (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough), (in)
- * Introduction: So You’re Anne McCaffrey, (in) The Girl Who Heard Dragons, Anne McCaffrey, Tor 1994
- * Killashandra [Killashandra], (n.) New York: Del Rey 1985
- * Lady in the Tower, (ss) F&SF Apr 1959
- * Lady in Waiting, (ss) Cassandra Rising, ed. Alice Laurance, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1978
- * Looking Forward:
___ Crisis on Doona, Ace Mar ’92 (with Jody Lynn Nye), (ex) Amazing Feb 1992
___ PartnerShip, Baen Mar ’92 (with Margaret Ball), (ex) Amazing Feb 1992
___ The Rowan, Ace Sep ’91 [Tower and the Hive], (ex) Amazing Aug 1991
- * Mandalay [Fleet], (ss) Total War, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1990; also as “The Mandalay Cure”.
- * The Mandalay Cure [“Mandalay”; Fleet], (ss) Total War, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1990
- * The N Auntie, (ss) David Copperfield’s Beyond Imagination, ed. David Copperfield, Janet Berliner & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1996
- * Nerilka’s Story [Pern], (n.) New York: Bantam 1986
- * No One Noticed the Cat, (na) Newark NJ: The Wildside Press 1996
- * The Orange Cat, (vi) Albedo One #10 1996
- * The P.E.R.N. Survey [Pern], (ss) Amazing Sep 1993
- * Past GoHs Send Birthday Greetings, (ms) Novacon 21 Programme Book, Birmingham Science Fiction Group 1991
- * Pedigreed Stallion, (nv) Time Gate Vol. 2: Dangerous Interfaces, ed. Robert Silverberg, Baen 1990
- * Pegasus in Flight [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (n.) New York: Ballantine 1990
- * A Proper Santa Claus, (ss) Demon Kind, ed. Roger Elwood, Avon 1973
- * A Proper Santa Claus [revised from Demon Kind, ed. Roger Elwood, Avon 1973], (ss) Get Off the Unicorn, Ballantine 1977
- * The Quest of a Sensible Man, (nv) Once Upon a Time, ed. Lester del Rey & Risa Kessler, Legend 1991
- * A Quiet One, (nv) 2041, ed. Jane Yolen, Delacorte 1991
- * Rescue Run, (na) Analog Aug 1991
- * Runner of Pern [Pern], (na) Legends, ed. Robert Silverberg, Tor 1998
- * Sassinak (with Elizabeth N. Moon) [Planet Pirates], (n.) New York: Baen 1990
- * The Second Weyr [Pern], (na) The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall, Bantam UK 1993
- * The Ship Who Disappeared [Helva], (nv) If Mar 1969
- * The Ship Who Sang [Helva], (nv) F&SF Apr 1961
- Top Science Fiction, ed. Josh Pachter, Dent 1984
- Heads to the Storm, ed. David Drake & Sandra Miesel, Baen 1989
- Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories #23 (1961), ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1991
- The SF Collection, ed. Edel Brosnan, Chancellor Press 1994
- Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women, ed. A. Susan Williams & Richard Glyn Jones, Viking UK 1995
- Women of Wonder: The Classic Years, ed. Pamela Sargent, Harcourt Brace 1995
- Visions of Wonder, ed. David G. Hartwell & Milton T. Wolf, Tor 1996
- * The Ship Who Searched (with Mercedes R. Lackey) [*Ship Who Sang], (n.) Amazing Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1992
- * A Sleeping Humpty Dumpty Beauty [Fleet], (ss) The Fleet Book 4: Sworn Allies, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace 1990
- * The Smallest Dragonboy [Pern], (ss) Science Fiction Tales, ed. Roger Elwood, Rand, McNally 1973
- Top Fantasy, ed. Josh Pachter, Dent 1985
- Visions of Fantasy, ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday 1989
- Fantasy Stories, ed. Andrew Goodwyn, Oxford University Press 1991
- The Road to the Stars, ed. Anon., Houghton Mifflin 1993
- Dragons: The Greatest Stories, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books 1997
- * The Smallest Dragonboy [Science Fiction Tales ed. Roger Elwood, Rand McNally 1973; Pern], (gs) The Bank Street Book of Fantasy, ed. Howard Zimmerman, Seymour Reit & Barbara Brenner, Pocket 1989; adapted by Terry Bisson, illustrated by Valerie Jones, Ken Hooper, and Chris Schenck.
- * A Thousand or So Words of Wisdom [?], (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v2, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge 1986
- * To Ride Pegasus [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (co) New York: Ballantine 1973
- * To Ride Pegasus [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (nv) To Ride Pegasus, Ballantine 1973
- * Unto the Third Generation, (bg) Dancing with the Dark, ed. Stephen Jones, Vista 1997
- * Valuable Advice, (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIV, ed. Dave Wolverton, Bridge 1998
- * Velvet Fields, (ss) Worlds of If Nov/Dec 1973
- * Weyr Search [Pern], (na) Analog Oct 1967
- * A Womanly Talent [Daffyd op Owen; Talents], (na) Analog Feb 1969
- * Zenna Henderson - an Appreciation, (in)
- * Zeus: The Howling (with Georgeanne Kennedy), (ss) Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House 1995
- * Zulei, Grace, Nimshi and the Damnyankees, (nv) World Fantasy Convention Program Book 1992
- _____, trans.
- MacCALL, LIBBY; pseudonym of Libby Machol, (1916-1998)
- * Death à la Newburgh, (ss) AHMM Mar 1966
- McCALL, LINNEY TEAGUE; pseudonym of K. A. Gannon
- McCALL, ROBERT T. (books)
- _____, reviews:
- _____, reviews:
- * Persephone Sets the Record Straight, (vi) The Iowa Review v26 #3 1996
- McCAMMON, ROBERT R(ick) (1952- ) (books) (assoc.)
- * Beauty, (ss) The SeaHarp Hotel, ed. Charles L. Grant, Tor 1990
- * Best Friends, (nv) Night Visions 4, ed. Anon., Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1987
- * Black Boots, (ss) Razored Saddles, ed. Joe R. Lansdale & Pat LoBrutto, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1989
- * Blue World, (n.) Blue World and Other Stories, Grafton 1989
- * Boy’s Life, (n.) New York: Pocket Books 1991
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