Who's won the most awards? Who's been nominated most? Who's leading in the 'Loser's Club', that group of perennial nominees who never take home the trophy? The following tally pages provide those answers overall, as well as more interesting results when the scope of the tally is limited to types of nominees, of works, or of awards.
Like the tallies for individual awards, each tally page here lists descending counts in four groups:
- Wins
- Nominations [including wins]
- Never-Winners: number of nominations by those who've never won
- Losses: number of times nominated but lost
Tallies of nominees for "Major Awards" include only the ten awards listed on the homepage under that heading.
"All Awards" include all awards, prizes, and honors in the Index excluding only the Locus and five other reader polls. Tallies of "All Awards and Polls" include all nominees in the entire Index. The selections of "Nominees by Group" correspond to the Summary Results tables.
On these page both 'wins' and 'nominations' include career prizes , but fiction subtotals do not. 'Nominations' includes poll rankings below first place.
For tallies of nominees for each award, click on the award name from the Homepage, then click on 'Tallies'.