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Numerous reference volumes, such as Clute and Nicholls' Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, include lists of award winners; those aside, three volumes exist that are specifically devoted to SF/F/H awards.

  • DeVore, Howard. The Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Awards. Chicago, IL: Advent:Publishers, Inc., 1998.
    The book also includes a section on the short-lived International Fantasy Awards, historical essays on the background of each award by DeVore, Donald Franson, and Roger Silverstein, and an index of authors and titles. Earlier editions included complete preliminary Nebula ballots.
  • Guillemette, Aurel. The Best in Science Fiction: Winners and Nominees of the Major Awards in Science Fiction. England: Scolar Press, 1993.
    Lists of winners and nominees of 18 major awards, indexes of authors and titles, lists of award winners by year, and extensive tabulations of titles to identify (in a rather literal-minded way) the "best of the best" novels, short stories, anthologies, etc., overall.
  • Mallett, Daryl F. & Robert Reginald. Reginald's Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded. San Bernardino, CA: The Borgo Press, 1993.
    Lists of winners (but not complete nominees or finalists) of over 200 genre and non-genre awards (including many minor or short-lived), with an index by author.


Most awards compiled in this Index are represented by their own websites; links to these are given from each award's About page, and a collection of them is part of Locus Online's Links Portal. Other websites of interest are:

  • Kube-McDowell, Michael P. The Unofficial SFWA Nebula Awardball Statistical Abstract and Trading Card Album
    Essay giving an irreverent statistical overview of the Nebula Awards, last updated in 1996; some of its lists and tallies have inspired sections of this Index.
  • Mann, Laurie D.T. AwardWeb
    Lists of Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and a few other winners, with complete nominee lists for some of these, and many links to other SF, mystery, and literary awards; no indices.
  • Nowicki, Jack. The Literary Award Database
    Winners of 10 literary, 15 SF, and 4 mystery awards, a few with nominee lists, and index by author.
  • von Ruff, Al; David Grubbs & Paul Cardinal awards editors. Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase, Award Listings
    Listings, including winners and nominees, for 37 SF awards, including a couple not included in this Index. Author names are hyperlinked to (not necessarily complete) bibliographical data, but there are no separate indices to awards data, lists of winners, etc.
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