The Magazine

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McAuley, Paul
- Cowboy Angels (Aug 2007, Nick Gevers)
(Sep 2007, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Evening's Empires (Sep 2013, Russell Letson)
- Gardens of the Sun (Feb 2010, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Feb 2010, Russell Letson)
- In the Mouth of the Whale (Dec 2011, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Into Everywhere (Jul 2016, Russell Letson)
- Mind's Eye (Aug 2005, Nick Gevers)
(Sep 2005, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Quiet War (Oct 2008, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Nov 2008, Paul Witcover)
(Oct 2009, Russell Letson)
- The Secret of Life (Apr 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
(May 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Something Coming Through (Feb 2015, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Mar 2015, Russell Letson)
- A Very British History: The Best of Paul McAuley (Apr 2013, Russell Letson)
(Jun 2013, Gardner Dozois)
- White Devils (Dec 2003, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Whole Wide World (Aug 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
(Oct 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Nov 2001, Nick Gevers)
McAuley, Paul J.
- Ancients of Days (Sep 1998, Russell Letson)
- Child of the River (Dec 1997, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Jun 1998, Russell Letson)
- Eternal Light (Sep 1991, Russell Letson)
- Fairyland (Aug 1995, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Oct 1995, Russell Letson)
(Dec 1996, Shira Daemon)
(Dec 2007, Graham Sleight) [posted 12 Jun 2008]
- The Invisible Country (Dec 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Dec 1998, Russell Letson)
- The King of the Hill (Sep 1991, Russell Letson)
- Making History (Jan 2001, Russell Letson)
(Jan 2001, Mark R. Kelly)
- Of the Fall (Jun 1989, Tom Whitmore)
- Pasquale's Angel (Jul 1994, Russell Letson)
(Jul 1994, Faren Miller)
(Sep 1995, Shira Daemon)
- Red Dust (Jul 1993, Russell Letson)
(Nov 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Secret Harmonies (Sep 1991, Russell Letson)
- Shrine of Stars (Aug 1999, Russell Letson)
- _____, ed.
- In Dreams (PJM & Kim Newman, eds.) (Sep 1992, Faren Miller)
McCaffery, Larry, ed.
- Storming The Reality Studio (Jan 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
McCaffrey, Anne
- Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (by AM & Margaret Ball) (May 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- All the Weyrs of Pern (Nov 1991, Carolyn Cushman)
- Black Horses for the King (Jun 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (Oct 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- The City Who Fought (by AM & S. M. Stirling) (Apr 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- Crisis on Doona (by AM & Jody Lynn Nye) (Feb 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Crystal Line (Sep 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Damia (Apr 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Damia's Children (Feb 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Death of Sleep (by AM & Jody Lynn Nye) (Aug 1990, Scott Winnett)
- The Dolphins of Pern (Sep 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
(Oct 1994, Wendy Bradley)
- Dragonsdawn (Sep 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
- Freedom's Challenge (Apr 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
- Freedom's Choice (Mar 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Freedom's Landing (Apr 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
- Generation Warriors (by AM & Elizabeth Moon) (Apr 1991, Scott Winnett)
- The Girl Who Heard Dragons (May 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- Lyon's Pride (Feb 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Masterharper of Pern (Dec 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Masterharper of Pern (Dec 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Nimisha's Ship (Feb 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- No One Noticed the Cat (Oct 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
(Dec 1996, Edward Bryant)
- PartnerShip (by AM & Margaret Ball) (Feb 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Pegasus in Flight (Nov 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
- Pegasus in Space (Mar 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- Power Lines (by AM & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (Jun 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- Power Play (by AM & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (Aug 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
- Powers That Be (by AM & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough) (May 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- Red Star Rising (AKA Dragonseye) (Dec 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Renegades of Pern (Oct 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Rowan (Aug 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
- Sassinak (by AM & Elizabeth Moon) (Apr 1990, Scott Winnett)
- Serve It Forth: Cooking With Anne McCaffrey (by AM & John Gregory Betancourt) (Dec 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Ship Who Won (by AM & Jody Lynn Nye) (Mar 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Skies of Pern (Feb 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
- Treaty Planet (by AM & Jody Lynn Nye) (Jun 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- _____, ed.
- Space Opera (AM & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, eds.) (Mar 1997, Shira Daemon)
McCammon, Robert
- The Border (Sep 2015, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
- The Five (Oct 2011, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
- The Hunter from the Woods (Feb 2012, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
- I Travel By Night (Jul 2013, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
- Mister Slaughter (Dec 2009, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
McCammon, Robert R.
- Blue World and Other Stories (Jul 1989, Edward Bryant)
- Boy's Life (Oct 1991, Edward Bryant)
- Gone South (Oct 1992, Edward Bryant)
- Mine (Mar 1990, Faren Miller)
(Apr 1990, Edward Bryant)
- Night Visions 8 (Jan 1991, Edward Bryant)
- Speaks the Nightbird (Aug 2002, Bill Sheehan)
- Swan Song (Jul 1987, Faren Miller)
- Under the Fang (Sep 1991, Scott Winnett)
(Oct 1991, Edward Bryant)
- The Wolf's Hour (Mar 1989, Faren Miller)
McCarry, Charles
- Second Sight (Oct 1991, Faren Miller)
McCarthy, Cormac
- The Road (Dec 2006, Gary K. Wolfe)
McCarthy, Tom
McCarthy, Wil
- Aggressor Six (Jul 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Bloom (Aug 1998, Preston Grassmann)
(Oct 1998, Russell Letson)
- The Collapsium (Sep 2000, Russell Letson)
- The Fall of Sirius (Aug 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Lost in Transmission (Aug 2004, Russell Letson)
- Murder in the Solid State (Jun 1996, Monica Simmons)
(Aug 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- To Crush the Moon (Aug 2005, Rich Horton)
(Sep 2005, Russell Letson)
- The Wellstone (Apr 2003, Russell Letson)
- _____, ed.
- Once Upon a Galaxy (WM, Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, eds.) (Dec 2002, Rich Horton)
McCarty, John
- Deadly Resurrection (Apr 1990, Scott Winnett)
- The Fearmakers (Oct 1994, Edward Bryant)
- The Official Splatter Movie Guide (Oct 1989, Edward Bryant)
- The Official Splatter Movie Guide, Vol. 2 (Dec 1991, Edward Bryant)
McCaughrean, Geraldine
- Peter Pan in Scarlet (Jan 2007, Faren Miller)
McClellan, Brian
- Sins of Empire (Jul 2017, Arley Sorg)
- Reinventing Comics (Locus Online 14 Mar 2001, Philip Shropshire)
- Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (Oct 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
McCollum, Michael
- The Clouds of Saturn (Aug 1991, Carolyn Cushman)
McConnell, Ashley
- The Courts of Sorcery (Mar 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Fountains of Mirlacca (Sep 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Itinerant Exorcist (Apr 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Unearthed (May 1991, Edward Bryant)
McCrorie, Edward
- The Aeneid of Virgil (Sep 1991, Dan Chow)
McCrumb, Sharyn
- The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter (Jun 1992, Edward Bryant)
- Zombies of the Gene Pool (Apr 1992, Scott Winnett)
(Jun 1992, Edward Bryant)
McDaniels, Abigail
- The Uprising (May 1994, Scott Winnett)
McDermott, Annella, ed.
- The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy (Margaret Jull Costa & AM, eds.) (Jul 1999, Faren Miller)
McDermott, Joe M.
- The Fortress at the End of Time (Apr 2017, Liz Bourke)
McDevitt, Jack
- Ancient Shores (Jun 1996, Russell Letson)
(Jul 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Cassandra Project (by JM & Mike Resnick) (Dec 2012, Russell Letson) [posted 26 Dec 2012]
- Cauldron (Dec 2007, Russell Letson)
- Chindi (Jun 2002, Bill Sheehan)
- Coming Home (Mar 2015, Russell Letson) [posted 11 Mar 2015]
- Cryptic: The Best Short Fiction of Jack McDevitt (Nov 2008, Russell Letson)
- Deepsix (Mar 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Mar 2001, Russell Letson)
- The Devil's Eye (Nov 2008, Russell Letson)
- Echo (Nov 2010, Russell Letson) [posted 29 Oct 2010]
- The Engines Of God (Dec 1994, Russell Letson)
- Eternity Road (Nov 1997, Russell Letson)
- Firebird (Dec 2011, Russell Letson)
- The Hercules Text (Oct 1986, Dan Chow)
- Infinity Beach (Mar 2000, Russell Letson)
(Mar 2000, Jonathan Strahan)
(Mar 2000, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Moonfall (May 1998, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Odyssey (Dec 2006, Russell Letson)
- Omega (Dec 2003, Russell Letson)
- Polaris (Nov 2004, Russell Letson)
- Seeker (Feb 2006, Russell Letson)
- Standard Candles (Jan 1997, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Starhawk (Jan 2014, Russell Letson)
- A Talent for War (Jan 1989, Dan Chow)
- Thunderbird (Feb 2016, Russell Letson)
- Time Travelers Never Die (Dec 2009, Russell Letson)
- _____, ed.
- Going Interstellar (Les Johnson & JM, eds.) (Oct 2012, Rich Horton)
(Dec 2012, Gardner Dozois)
McDonald, Ed
- Blackwing (Aug 2017, Faren Miller)
McDonald, Ian
- Ares Express (Nov 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
- Be My Enemy (Aug 2012, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Best of Ian McDonald (May 2015, Gardner Dozois)
(Feb 2017, Gardner Dozois)
- Brasyl (Feb 2007, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 21 Feb 2007]
(Apr 2007, Nick Gevers)
- Chaga (Nov 1995, Faren Miller)
(Nov 1995, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Cyberabad Days (Feb 2009, Faren Miller)
(Feb 2009, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Apr 2009, Gardner Dozois)
- The Dervish House (Jul 2010, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Desolation Road (Nov 1987, Faren Miller)
- Empire Dreams (Nov 1987, Faren Miller)
- Empress of the Sun (Jan 2014, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Hearts, Hands And Voices (May 1992, Faren Miller)
(Jul 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
- King of Morning, Queen of Day (Mar 1991, Faren Miller)
(Jun 1991, Carolyn Cushman)
- Kirinya (Jul 1998, Faren Miller)
- Luna: New Moon (Sep 2015, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 12 Sep 2015]
(Oct 2015, Russell Letson)
- Luna: Wolf Moon (Apr 2017, Gary K. Wolfe)
(May 2017, Russell Letson) [posted 28 Jun 2017]
- Necroville (Sep 1994, Faren Miller)
- Out on Blue Six (May 1989, Faren Miller)
- Planesrunner (Nov 2011, Gary K. Wolfe)
- River of Gods (Jul 2004, Faren Miller)
(Jul 2004, Nick Gevers)
- Sacrifice of Fools (Mar 1997, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Mar 1997, Faren Miller)
- Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone (Jan 1994, Faren Miller)
(Jul 1994, Mark R. Kelly)
- Speaking In Tongues (Jul 1992, Faren Miller)
(Oct 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Tendeléo's Story (Feb 2001, Mark R. Kelly)
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