The Magazine

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Lubar, David
- Flip (Jun 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
Luceno, James
- A Fearful Symmetry (Feb 1990, Scott Winnett)
- Illegal Alien (May 1990, Scott Winnett)
Luckert, Steven
- The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk (Dec 2002, Karen Haber)
Luckett, Dave
- A Dark Journey (Apr 1999, Jonathan Strahan)
- A Dark Victory (Jul 1999, Jonathan Strahan)
- A Dark Winter (Apr 1999, Jonathan Strahan)
Ludwigsen, Will
- In Search Of and Others (Jul 2013, Faren Miller)
Lukyanenko, Sergei
- The Genome (Jan 2015, Faren Miller)
Lumley, Brian
- The Fly-By-Nights (Apr 2011, Stefan Dziemianowicz)
Lundberg, Jason Erik
- Scattered, Covered, Smothered (Mar 2005, Rich Horton)
Lunde, David
- Nightfishing in Great Sky River (Apr 2000, Gary K. Wolfe)
Lundgren, Eric
Lunn, Janet
- Shadow in Hawthorn Bay (Mar 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
Lupoff, Richard A.
- Before...12:01...After (Aug 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Circumpolar! (May 1984, Faren Miller)
- Claremont Tales (Jun 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
- Claremont Tales II (Locus Online 9 Feb 2002, Nick Gevers)
- The Great American Paperback: An Illustrated Tribute to Legends of the Book (Jan 2002, Karen Haber)
(Locus Online 25 Oct 2001, Claude Lalumière)
- Lovecraft's Book (Jul 1985, Faren Miller)
(Aug 1985, Fritz Leiber)
- Man in a Hurry and Other Fantasy Stories (Jan 2015, Richard A. Lupoff)
- Marblehead: A Novel of H.P. Lovecraft (Apr 2007, Tim Pratt)
- Where Memory Hides: A Writer's Life (Jan 2017, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Writer at Large (Feb 1999, Gary K. Wolfe)
Lurie, Alison
- Don't Tell the Grownups (May 1990, Tom Whitmore)
- _____, ed.
- The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales (Sep 1993, Scott Winnett)
(Jan 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
Lyle, Dixie
- To Die Fur (Nov 2014, Carolyn Cushman)
Lynch, Lee
- Sue Slate: Private Eye (Jan 1990, Scott Winnett)
Lynch, Scott
- The Lies of Locke Lamora (Sep 2006, Nick Gevers)
(Sep 2006, Faren Miller)
- Red Seas Under Red Skies (Jul 2007, Nick Gevers)
(Aug 2007, Faren Miller)
- The Republic of Thieves (Oct 2013, Faren Miller)
(Oct 2013, Adrienne Martini)
Lynn, Elizabeth A.
- Dragon's Treasure (Feb 2004, Carolyn Cushman)
(Jan 2005, Faren Miller)
- Dragon's Winter (Mar 1998, Faren Miller)
(May 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Silver Horse (Sep 1984, Debbie Notkin)
Lynn, Tracy
- Snow (May 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
Lyons, Susan W.
- Time's Oldest Daughter (Feb 2017, Faren Miller)
Lyris, Sonia Orin
- The Seer (Feb 2016, Tom Whitmore)
(Jun 2016, Faren Miller)
Maalouf, Amin
- The First Century After Beatrice (Oct 1995, Gary K. Wolfe)
Maas, Sarah J.
- A Court of Thorns and Roses (Jul 2015, Carolyn Cushman)
(Oct 2015, Carolyn Cushman)
- Crown of Midnight (Sep 2013, Carolyn Cushman)
- Throne of Glass (Jul 2012, Carolyn Cushman)
Maberry, Jonathan
- Mars One (Jul 2017, Colleen Mondor)
Mabry, Samantha
- A Fierce and Subtle Poison (Sep 2016, Colleen Mondor)
MacAlister, Katie
- Playing with Fire (Jun 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- Sex and the Single Vampire (May 2004, Carolyn Cushman)
- Zen and the Art of Vampires (Jan 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
MacAvoy, R. A.
- The Book of Kells (Jun 1985, Faren Miller)
- Damiano's Lute (Mar 1984, Faren Miller)
- Death and Resurrection (Nov 2011, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Grey Horse (Mar 1987, Faren Miller)
- King of the Dead (Oct 1991, Faren Miller)
- Lens Of The World (Feb 1990, Tom Whitmore)
- Raphael (Jul 1984, Faren Miller)
- The Third Eagle (Mar 1989, Faren Miller)
- Twisting the Rope (Aug 1986, Faren Miller)
- Winter of the Wolf (Dec 1993, Faren Miller)
MacCullough, Carolyn
- Once a Witch (Dec 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
MacDonald, Caroline
- The Lake at the End of the World (Sep 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
Macdonald, James D.
- The Apocalypse Door (Jan 2003, Alyx Dellamonica)
- By Honor Betray'd (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Aug 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Gathering Flame (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Aug 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
- Groogleman (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Nov 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Knight's Wyrd (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Sep 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Land of Mist and Snow (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Feb 2007, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Long Hunt (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Oct 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Starpilot's Grave (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (Sep 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Stars Asunder (by Debra Doyle & JDM) (May 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
Mace, David
- Demon-4 (Aug 1984, Faren Miller)
- Frankenstein's Children (Sep 1990, Faren Miller)
MacFarlane, Alex Daily, ed.
- The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women (Mar 2015, Karen Burnham)
MacFarlane, Alex Dally, ed.
MacGregor, Loren J.
- The Net (May 1987, Debbie Notkin)
MacGregor, Susan, ed.
- Tesseracts Fifteen: A Case of Quite Curious Tales (Julie Czerneda & SM, eds.) (Nov 2011, Rich Horton)
MacHale, D. J.
- Pendragon Graphic Novel Book One: The Merchant of Death (by DJM & Carla Speed McNeil) (Sep 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
MacIntyre, F. Gwynplaine
- The Woman Between the Worlds (Apr 1994, Edward Bryant)
Mackay, Scott
- The Meek (Apr 2001, Dawn Castner)
- Orbis (Apr 2002, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Outpost (Mar 1998, Gary K. Wolfe)
Mackel, Kathy
- Alien in a Bottle (May 2004, Carolyn Cushman)
Mackey, Stephen
- The Fairies' Ring (by Jane Yolen, ed, illustrated by SM) (Jun 2000, Karen Haber)
MacLeod, Charlotte
- The Wrong Rite (Feb 1992, Scott Winnett)
MacLeod, Ian R.
- Breathmoss and Other Exhalations (Jun 2004, Nick Gevers)
(Jul 2004, Faren Miller)
- Frost on Glass (Jun 2015, Gardner Dozois) [posted 10 Jul 2015]
(Jun 2015, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Jun 2015, Rich Horton)
- The Great Wheel (Aug 1997, Faren Miller)
- The House of Storms (Feb 2005, Nick Gevers)
(Jun 2005, Damien Broderick)
- Journeys (Nov 2010, Faren Miller)
- The Light Ages (Jun 2003, Faren Miller)
(Jul 2003, Nick Gevers)
- Red Snow (Jun 2017, Paul Kincaid)
- Snodgrass and Other Illusions: The Best Short Stories of Ian R. MacLeod (Jan 2014, Gardner Dozois)
- Song of Time (Aug 2008, Faren Miller)
- The Summer Isles (Aug 2005, Nick Gevers)
- Voyages by Starlight (Sep 1997, Jonathan Strahan)
- Wake Up and Dream (Dec 2011, Russell Letson)
(Dec 2011, Faren Miller)
MacLeod, Ken
- The Cassini Division (Jul 1999, Russell Letson)
- The Corporation Wars: Dissidence (Feb 2017, Russell Letson) [posted 7 Apr 2017]
(Locus Online 14 Dec 2016, Paul Di Filippo)
- The Corporation Wars: Insurgence (Feb 2017, Russell Letson) [posted 7 Apr 2017]
(Locus Online 14 Dec 2016, Paul Di Filippo)
- Cosmonaut Keep (Apr 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
(May 2001, Russell Letson)
(May 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Dark Light (Jan 2002, Jonathan Strahan)
(Jan 2002, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Feb 2002, Russell Letson)
- Engine City (Feb 2003, Russell Letson)
- The Execution Channel (May 2007, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 31 May 2007]
(Jul 2007, Russell Letson)
- The Highwaymen (Mar 2007, Rich Horton)
- The Human Front (Mar 2002, Nick Gevers)
(Jun 2013, Russell Letson)
(Locus Online 19 Feb 2002, Claude Lalumière)
- Learning the World (Nov 2005, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Nov 2005, Damien Broderick)
(Jan 2006, Russell Letson)
- Newton's Wake (Feb 2004, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Aug 2004, Russell Letson)
- The Night Sessions (Dec 2008, Russell Letson)
- The Restoration Game (Jul 2010, Russell Letson)
- The Sky Road (Sep 2000, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Oct 2000, Russell Letson)
- The Star Fraction (Sep 2001, Russell Letson)
- The Stone Canal (Mar 2000, Russell Letson)
MacMillan, Scott
- At Sword's Point (Sep 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- Knights of the Blood (Aug 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
Madden, Mickee
- Dusk Before Dawn (May 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Everlastin' (Apr 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
Madden, Mike
- 99 Ways To Tell A Story: Exercises in Style (Mar 2006, Karen Haber)
Maddox, Tom
- Halo (Oct 1991, Tom Whitmore)
(Nov 1991, Russell Letson)
Madison, Bennett
- September Girls (May 2013, Gwenda Bond)
- Justify My Love (Feb 1991, Edward Bryant)
Magill, Frank N., ed.
- Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, 5 vols. (May 1984, Faren Miller)
Magistrale, Tony
- The Dark Descent: Essays Defining S. (Nov 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Stephen King: The Second Decade, Danse (Nov 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
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