This section is in development. Bibliographies are in draft form and some are incomplete.
This section of Locus Online will contain basic bibliographies for several hundred selected writers past and present. These bibliographies are not intended to be exhaustive, but are designed to include the principal titles that any diligent reader -- if not the dedicated scholar -- of each author might encounter. Short fiction and nonfiction articles, unless published in book form, are not (yet) included.
Only publishers of first editions (and in some cases first US editions, indicated "1us") are indicated. Significant revisions are noted, as are reissues under other titles. The listings attempt to include all significant SF/F/H novels, short story collections, anthologies, and genre-related nonfiction books by each author, but only selected omnibuses, non-genre fiction and nonfiction, TV/movie adaptations and tie-ins, limited edition and 'small' books, are included.
Series are indicated, in maroon, by sequence in the left column and by title immediately below the novels listing. The order of the sequence (a, b, c...) indicates the order in which the books should be read, where that is apparent; otherwise only a number is used.
For comprehensive bibliographic listings (at least since 1984), see The Locus Index to Science Fiction, available for free in sections on the web (see or in a combined edition for sale on CD ROM.
These bibliographies are constructed using selected titles from the Locus Index to Science Fiction, various published reference works, and bibliographies at authors' authorized websites where available. Comments and suggestions welcome.
Mark R. Kelly