Magazines Received – May

This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email

Analog Science Fiction and Fact 

  • Trevor Qua­chri, ed.
  • Vol. 93 Nos. 5 & 6, May/June 2023
  • $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Hard SF magazine with fic­tion by Frank Wu & Jay Werkheiser, Christopher L. Bennett, M.L. Clark, Mark W. Tiedemann, and others; non-fiction; poetry; reviews; etc. Cover by Eldar Zakirov.

Asimov’s Science Fiction

  • Sheila Williams, ed.
  • Vol. 47 Nos. 5 & 6, Whole Numbers 568 & 569, May/June 2023
  • $8.99, bi­monthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Specu­lative fiction and fantasy magazine with stories by Allen M. Steele, Andy Dudak, Robert R. Chase, R. Garcia Y Robertson, Tom Purdom, Ursula Whitcher, and others; poetry; col­umns, etc. Cover by 123RF.

Conjuctions 80

  • Bradford Morrow, ed.
  • #80, Spring 2023
  • $20.00, semi-annually, 352pp, 15 x 23 cm.
  • Literary maga­zine produced by Bard College with stories by Joyce Carol Oates, Can Xue (Karen Gernant & Chen Zeping, trans), Frederic Tuten, and others; a play; poetry; etc. Cover by Elliott Green.


  • Jean-Paul L. Garnier, ed.
  • Issue No. 46.2, Spring 2023
  • $5.00 + $2.00 s&h print/$2.50 digital, quar­terly, 44pp, 14 x 21½ cm.
  • Speculative poetry magazine from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Associa­tion with poems by Lauren McBride, Howard V. Hendrix, Christina Sng, and others. Cover by Zara Kand.

Tales from the Magician’s Skull

  • Howard Andrew Jones, ed.
  • Issue No. 9
  • $14.99 print + digital, quar­terly, 80pp, 21½ x 28 cm.
  • Sword-and-sorcery fiction magazine with fiction by James Enge, Tais Teng, David Gullen, and others; and articles. Cover by Sanjulian. Issue #10, this issue includes fiction by C.L. Werner, Cynthia Ward, W.J. Lewis, and oth­ers. Cover by Sanjulian.

Online Magazines

Apex Magazine

  • Jason Sizemore & Lesley Con­ner, eds.
  • Issue #138, May 2023, digital free online or $4.99 per is­sue; bimonthly. SF/fantasy/horror magazine.
  • This issue includes fic­tion by Alex Langer, Chisom Umeh, Mary G. Thompson, Tre Harris Salas, and others; interviews; and articles. Cover by Robson Michel.


  • Michael Pryor, ed.
  • No. 160, May 2023, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December). Australian SF/F magazine.
  • This issue includes fiction from Deborah Shel­don, John Davis, and James Milton; non-fiction; and reviews. Subscrip­tions $19.99/year for ten issues from their website.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #380, April 20, 2023, free online, biweekly. Literary fantasy/adventure magazine with stories by Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko, Oluwatomiwa Ajeigbe, and Leah Ning. Cover by Ed Perryer.
  • Is­sue #381, May 4, 2023 includes sto­ries by Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Scott McNee, and Rajan Khanna. Cover by Ed Perryer.
  • Issue #382, May 18, 2023 has stories by Maria Haskins, M.S. Dean and Josh Roun­tree. Cover by Ed Perryer.


  • Neil Clarke, ed.
  • Issue #200, May 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Naomi Kritzer, Suzanne Palmer, Parker Ragland, An Hao (Andy Dudak, trans.), Harry Turtledove, and oth­ers; articles; and interviews. Cover by Arthur Haas.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores

  • Fran Eisemann, ed.
  • April/May 2023, free online. Genre fiction magazine with stories, podcast and reviews.
  • In April/May the site posted a story by Rustin Lovewell.

The Dark

  • Clara Madrigano & Sean Wal­lace, eds.
  • Issue #96, May 2023, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly.
  • Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes stories by Bibiana Ossai, Ash Cabal­lero, Celia Rostow, and Fernanda Castro. Cover by Bogdan Rezunenko.

The Deadlands

  • E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
  • Issue #24, April 2023, digital/free online, monthly, 35pp. Speculative fiction magazine ‘‘that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve,’’ with fiction by Erin Brown and Katie McIvor; poetry; and non-fiction. Cover by Cynthia Shep­pard.
  • Issue #25, May 2023, 40pp. This issue includes fiction by Gabriel Mara and Steve Rasnic Tem, poetry, and non-fiction articles. Cover by Ludvik Skopalik.

Escape Artists

  • Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Val­erie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF); PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy); PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror); and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA).
  • Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with ac­companying text.

Fantasy Magazine

  • Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
  • Issue #91, May 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Fantasy magazine with stories from Anne E.G. Nydam, Anya Ow, and oth­ers; an interview; author spotlights; and poetry. Cover by Warmtail/Adobe Stock.

Flash Point SF

  • Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
  • May/June 2023, free online, biweekly. Flash fiction SF and fantasy site.
  • In May and June, the site posted short fiction by Bob McHugh and others.

IZ Digital

  • Gareth Jelley, ed.
  • March/April 2023, free online.
  • IZ Digital is the digital ‘‘off­shoot’’ of Interzone with fiction by David Cleden, DJ Cockburn, David Dumouriez, and others; interviews; essays; and reviews. May/June 2023 includes stories by Jennifer Jeanne McArdle and others.

Lightspeed Magazine

  • John Jo­seph Adams, ed.
  • Issue #156, May 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy magazine with fiction by Izzy Wasserstein, Timothy Mudie, Kat Howard, Wole Talabi, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Warmtail / Adobe Stock.


  • B. Morris Allen, ed.
  • June 2023, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly. Online and print speculative fiction magazine.
  • This issue includes original stories by Maggie Slater, Theodore Lowry, and others. Cover by Runway.


  • Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
  • May/June 2023, free online or via Patreon
  • Online magazine presenting stories that engage ‘‘meaningfully with Christi­anity…although not exclusively from a Christian perspective’’ with stories by Karen Eisenbrey and Mob. Cover by David Griffiths.

Nightmare Magazine

  • Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
  • Issue #128, May 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fiction by Keith Rosson, Elena Si­chrovsky, and others; author spot­lights; an interview, an essay, and a media review. Cover by Fran_kie / Adobe Stock.

The Pocket Pixelarium

  • Josh Wilson, ed.
  • Vol. 3, No 1, Winter-Spring 2023
  • Free online or $2.99 ebook, quarterly, 138 pp. Fantasy, science fiction, and magic-realism magazine collecting fiction and other material published in The Fabulist, including fiction by Josh Bell, Ashley Libey, and others; an article, and reviews. Cover by Adam Myers.

Strange Horizons

  • Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
  • April/May 2023, free, weekly.
  • Speculative fiction magazine with fiction by Avra Margariti, B. Pladek, Eugenia Triantafyllou, and others; poetry; articles; columns; and re­views. New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day.

Tangent Online

  • Dave Truesdale, ed.
  • April/May 2023, free online.
  • Short fiction SF and fantasy review magazine in­cluding reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and anthol­ogies; as well as articles and essays.

Tasavvur Nama

  • Kehkashan Khalid, Amal Singh, et al., eds.
  • Spring 2023, free online.
  • Speculative fiction magazine ‘‘publishing budding speculative fic­tion writers from Pakistan, India, Ban­gladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan and Nepal (and more!)’’ This issue includes work by Diana Romany, Swati Singh, P.S. Anali, and Lucy Zhang; plus an essay. Cover by Madiha Khalid.

  • Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
  • April/May 2023, free online.
  • Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles in­cluding short fiction from Yoon Ha Lee, Kemi Ashing-Giwa, and Chi Hui (Judith Huang, trans.); novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.

Uncanny Magazine

  • Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, Chimedum Ohaegbu, and Monte Lin, eds.
  • Issue #52, May/June 2023, $3.99 digital only, bimonthly.
  • Science fiction and fantasy magazine with fiction, non-fiction, interviews, and poetry. This issue includes fiction by Aliette de Bodard, Kylie Lee Baker, Lindsey Godfrey Eccles, Fran Wilde, Ewen Ma, Theodora Ward, K.S. Walker, and Chimedum Ohaegbu. Cover art by Antonio Javier Caparo.

See this listing and more like it in the June 2023 issue of Locus.

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