2023 British Book Awards Winners

Locus Magazine, Science Fiction FantasyThe Bookseller announced the winners for the 2023 British Book Awards. Awards recipients of genre interest included Babel by R.F. Kuang (HarperVoyager) in the Fiction category and Tyger by SF Said, illustrated by Dave McKean (David Fickling), in the Children’s Fiction category. As previously announced, the shortlist featured a number of authors and titles of genre interest.

Winners were also announced in the Book Trade Awards, with 17 categories, including publishers, editors, and agents of genre interest.

The British Book Awards, also called the Nibbies, “celebrates the intimate connection between the books, their makers and their audience.” Winners were honored in a ceremony at Grosvenor House in London, which was also livestreamed. For the complete list of awards recipients, see the official website.

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