New Science Fiction Exhibition

The Science Museum in South Kensington, London, has announced plans for a new “Science Fiction: Voyage into the Unknown” exhibit in autumn of 2022. The exhibit is planned as an interactive experience that “invites visitors to discover how scientists and science fiction creators have inspired each other to imagine and build new worlds to better understand our own” and explores “connections between significant scientific objects and authentic items from celebrated science fiction works.”

The exhibit will explore works of science fiction such as From the Earth to the MoonDoctor Who, and Star Wars. Glyn Morgan, the lead curator of the exhibition, says:

Science fiction invites us to observe our own planet and consider our impact upon it. Visitors will see bright futures the genre has imagined and be confronted by some of the biggest threats to our existence – climate change, ecological devastation and nuclear war – as we invite them to consider how often-dystopian imaginings could give us the intellectual and emotional tools to imagine and create more utopian futures

The exhibit will come to the Science Museum October 6, 2022, and will remain until May 4, 2023. For more information about the exhibition and a teaser video, see their website.


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