SFWA Releases Bud Webster Legacy Kit

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) released the Bud Webster Legacy Kit, a resource list to help writers protect their literary estates.

The Legacy Kit was created in honor of Bud Webster, a driving force behind the SFWA Estates Program. It includes a checklist of important documents, sample book inventories and tables, and a layman’s glossary of important terms in addition to explanatory articles on the relevant topics. With this resource, writers can begin to plan what happens to their literary properties after their deaths. These materials will aid in that process, though they do not constitute or replace advice from a lawyer.

The kit is free for all writers (not just SFWA members) to read, download, and distribute. It was created by members of the SFWA Legacy Committee, which includes Jeanne Adams, Jean Marie Ward, and Erin Wilcox. A PDF of the kit can be found on the SFWA website.

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