
July-- News Posts

July 2012 Posts:
Tuesday 31 July 2012
Jonathan Carroll's collection The Woman Who Married a Cloud and novels by Aaronovitch, Andrews, Ashby, Barnes & Due, Brandon, Daniells, Gilman, Holzner, Johnson, Koontz, Kratman, Larson, McCarthy, Morgan, Thorpe, Thurman, Turtledove, and Vaughn
Monday 30 July 2012
Orson Scott Card & Aaron Johnston's Earth Unaware debuts; David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas is selling again following release of the movie trailer.
Sunday 29 July 2012
Reviews of stories in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, Tor.com, and in new 'zines James Gunn's Ad Astra and Specutopia
Saturday 28 July 2012
What's in new issues of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Black Static, Interzone, Lightspeed, The New York Review of Science Fiction, SF Site, and Subterranean
Friday 27 July 2012
Special to Locus Online
Aside from their not inconsiderable craftsmanship and entertainment value, these stories prove deeply illuminating about how much SF has and hasn't changed.
Thursday 26 July 2012
M. John Harrison's Empty Space, Adam Roberts' Jack Glass, and titles by Jasper Fforde, Markus Heitz, Mark Charan Newton, and Sarah Silverwood
Wednesday 25 July 2012
From Locus Magazine's July 2012 issue
Joyce really excels in revealing the interpenetration of the realistic and the fantastic: he offers as much attention and insight to the tales of those left behind as to the tale of the fantastical adventure itself, revealing a hidden magic in those mundane lives that, in the end, enables us to care as much about a missing cat as about the wonders of Elfland.
Tuesday 24 July 2012
Charles Yu's Sorry Please Thank You and titles by Kelley Armstrong, Dave Freer, Max Frei, and Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Monday 23 July 2012
Deborah Harkness' Shadow of Night debuts at #1.
Sunday 22 July 2012
Tales from Super-Science Fiction, a time machine novel predating H.G. Wells, new editions of two more Philip K. Dick novels, and titles by Elizabeth Hand and Robert A. Heinlein
Saturday 21 July 2012
It is a magnificent, resonant film that does not deserve to be forever linked to a crazed assassin.
Friday 20 July 2012
From Locus Magazine's July 2012 issue
The book succeeds magnificently at what it sets out to do, conveying a sense of the weird in fiction through such a variety of voices, themes, and approaches that it virtually explodes the definition that it purports to establish through examples.
Thursday 19 July 2012
Charles Stross' Rule 34, Ernest Cline's Ready Player One, the VanderMeers' The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities, Gene Wolfe's An Evil Guest, and titles by Anderson, Gould, Goyer & Cassutt, Kollin & Kollin, Mann, Monette & Bear, Turtledove, Williams, and Williamson
Wednesday 18 July 2012
From Locus Magazine's July 2012 issue
Eowyn Ivey's debut The Snow Child combines a plot inspired by a fairy tale with the format of a novel that's almost mainstream.
Tuesday 17 July 2012
K.J. Parker's Sharps, Beth Bernobich's Queen's Hunt, a critical study of Judith Merril, and titles by Ahlborn, Anderson, Card & Johnston, Golden, Golemon, Jeffers, Lerner, and Tregillis
Monday 16 July 2012
George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons ranks on New York Times' (extended) fiction hardcover list for 52 consecutive weeks. Is this a record?
Sunday 15 July 2012
Reviews of stories in Subterranean and Postscripts 28/29: Exotic Gothic 4
Saturday 14 July 2012
What's in new issues of Andromeda Spaceways, Apex Magazine, Clarkesworld, Dreams and Nightmares, GigaNotoSaurus, Leading Edge, The New York Review of Science Fiction, and Redstone SF
Excerpts from Locus Magazine's July Issue interview.
The separation between the classes is as viable now as it was in the Middle Ages. I think of that time period by the title of the William Manchester book A World Lit Only by Fire, because what was lit was so bright and what was dark was so dark. The contrasts are really useful. This is why I prefer the medieval setting: I use those vivid contrasts to make my points and to get people to think.
Thursday 12 July 2012
Bestsellers from specialty bookstores are led by George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons and A Game of Thrones, Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games, Christopher L. Bennett's Star Trek: DTI: Forgotten History, and Aaron Dembski-Bowden's Warhammer 40,000: Void Stalker
Wednesday 11 July 2012
Special to Locus Online
I deem her debut novel a mildly successful fable rather than a failed SF novel. Ultimately, we should not be misled by any superficial similarities between The Age of Miracles and "real SF." That would result in a total misreading of this well-done book.
Tuesday 10 July 2012
Graham Joyce's Some Kind of Fairy Tale, Stephen L. Carter's The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln, Deborah Harkness' Shadow of Night, and titles by D'Amato, McCaffrey & McCaffrey, Neumeier, Polster, Powell, Reid, Williams, and Winters
Monday 9 July 2012
Karen Thompson Walker's The Age of Miracles, and Anne McCaffrey & Todd McCaffrey's Sky Dragons, debut.
Excerpts from Locus Magazine's July Issue interview.
Another trope I wanted to play with was the Amulet of Power: the One Ring, the Elf Stone, or whatever. I had just gotten my belly button pierced, and I thought, 'You know what would be the worst idea ever? Magic navel bling!'
Saturday 7 July 2012
Reviews of stories in new issues of Clarkesworld, On Spec, Jabberwocky, GigaNotoSaurus, Redstone SF, Apex, Kaleidotrope, and Alt History
Excerpts from Locus Magazine's July Issue interview.
In my mind the worst thing that could ever happen to you is to find out you're the protagonist of a novel. It's the worst news ever. My characters don't want to do anything, they don't want to be in a book really bad things happen to people in books!
Thursday 5 July 2012
July New and Notable books include Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312, David Brin's Existence, David G. Hartwell & Jacob Weisman's The Sword & Sorcery Anthology, China Miéville's Railsea, and others by Bear, Erikson, Esslemont, Grant, Hartwell & Cramer, Kelly & Kessel, Pratt, Scalzi, and Shepard.
From Locus Magazine's July Issue.
Music exists in a sweet spot between commerce and culture, individual and collective effort, identity and industry, and digital and analog it is the perfect art-form to create an infinite Internet controversy.
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Released today: Gardner Dozois' Year's Best SF: 29th Annual Collection, Charles Stross' The Apocalypse Codex, Nina Kiriki Hoffman's collection Permeable Borders, and novels by Acosta, Bledsoe, Bova, Goyer & Cassutt, Jackson, Jacobs, Locke, Monk, Price, Rowland, Scott, Spencer, Weber, and Wells
Monday 2 July 2012
Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter's The Long Earth debuts on four lists.
Sunday 1 July 2012
The July issue focuses on Young Adult fiction, featuring interviews with Holly Black, Tamora Pierce, and Rae Carson, reviews and commentary by Melissa Marr, Gwenda Bond, Sharyn November, and others. Plus, obituary and appreciations of Ray Bradbury, complete results of this year's Locus Poll and Awards, a new column by Cory Doctorow, and reviews of new books by Graham Joyce, K.J. Parker, Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, and many others.
Earlier posts:

Charles N. Brown, 1937-2009

is published in Oakland, CA, by editor-in-chief Liza Groen Trombi and a staff of editors, including Kirsten Gong-Wong, Amelia Beamer, Tim Pratt, and Carolyn Cushman.
is published in Los Angeles, CA, by editor and webmaster Mark R. Kelly, with News posts and Roundtable oversight by the Locus Office staff in Oakland.
compiled by Mark R. Kelly, includes listings, indexes, summaries, and statistics on nearly 100 SF, fantasy, and horror awards from 1949 through 2009
compiled by William Contento, indexes books and magazines seen by Locus Magazine, by title, author, and contents.
Annual updates posted free online.
Combined Index published on CD ROM.
Indexes to Magazines, Crime Fiction, Mystery Fiction, etc., also available.
