Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Vol. 129 No. 4, April 2009, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton
Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
Message Board:
This issue has a novella by Adam-Troy Castro, novelettes by Mary Turzillo and Mark Rich, short stories by Eric James Stone, Jerry Oltion, and H.G. Stratmann, and a "Probability Zero" vignette by David Bartell.
The science fact article, "Ribbonland", is by Kevin Walsh. Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial; a Biolog about Eric James Stone, by Richard A. Lovett; Jeffery D. Kooistra's "The Alternate View" column, about the 20th anniversary of cold fusion; and a Guest Reference Library book review column by Richard Foss, covering titles by Paul Melko, Jeffrey Thomas, David Gunn, and others.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Vol. 33 No. 3 (whole #398), March 2009, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by Donato Giancola
Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
Message Board:
Fiction in this issue consists of Nancy Kress's cover novella, "Act One", novelettes by Holly Phillips and Harry Turtledove, and short stories by R. Neube, Sara Genge, and Banjamin Crowell.
Poetry is by David Lunde, Sandra Lindow, and J.E. Stanley
Departments include a Guest Editorial by managing editor Brian Bieniowski, "You Might Go Home Again"; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, "Doomsday"; James Patrick Kelly's "On the Net" column, this time on "The State of Pod"; and an "On Books" column by Paul Di Filippo.
Black Static
Issue 9, Feb/Mar 2009, £3.95, 64pp
British fantasy and horror magazine, debuting 2007 (formerly The Third Alternative), edited by Andy Cox
This issue has stories by Aliette de Bodard, Tim Lees, Roz Clarke, Daniel Kaysen, Al Robertson, and Stephen Volk.
Columns are by Christopher Fowler, Stephen Volk, Mike O'Driscoll, Peter Tennant (book reviews), and Tony Lee (DVD reviews).
The magazine's website has this post with details about the table of contents.
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Issue 180, Vol. 42 No. 3, December-January 2009, $6.95, 48pp, cover art by Christopher Pierson
Features this issue include Jeffrey A. Carver on giving away Ebooks, and the latest Nebula Recommendations report (as of October '08).
Columns include Cynthia Ward's Market Report, a new "Agent Anonymous" column by "Sue Dee Nym", Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg's latest Dialogue, about "Change", Robert Metzger's "State of the Art" column, "Guilty Pleasures", Steve Carper's "Writers' Bloc" column, Nancy Holder's column about urban fantasy, and a new column by William C. Dietz, "Words for Hire", about game tie-ins.
Issue 53, Winter 2008, 20pp
Semi-annual magazine for writers, produced by the British Science Fiction Association
This issue has an editorial by Martin McGrath about procrastination; articles by Dev Agarwal, Nina Allan, Christopher Priest (on description), Gillian Rooke (on infodumps), and Jetse de Vries (advice to neophytes on attending SF Cons).
There are also six poems by Adrienne J Odasso.
BSFA's website currently lacks any specific page about this magazine.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
Vol. 19 No. 1 (whole #72), 2008, $7.50, 164pp
Quarterly academic journal published by Florida Atlantic University; edited by W.A. Senior
This issue has an introduction by current editor Brian Attebery, plus articles by Fred Porcheddu, Shiloh Carroll (on Sheri S. Tepper), Suparno Banerjee (on 2001), Larrie Dudenhoeffer (on The Texas Chain Saw Massacre), Emily E. Auger (on Tolkien), and Marek Oziewicz (on Robert Holdstock).
Reviews are by Karen Hellekson, Rebecca Janicker, K. A. Laity, Farah Mendlesohn, and others.
This issue has an index to Volume 18.
Note that the journal's website is a couple years out of date.
Leading Edge
Issue 56, December 2008, $5.95, 120pp, cover art by Sandi Johnson
Semiannual SF/fantasy magazine published since 1981 by students, faculty, and alumni of Brigham Young University; current editor Christopher Kugler
Fiction in this issue is by Samuel Tinianow, Bryan Fagan, Kathleen Palm, Jamie Churchman, and J. Timothy Bagwell. Poetry is by Kim L. Neidigh, Michelle Renee Hoppe, and Stephen Ferguson.
Features include a sketchbook by artist Jeff Ward, book reviews, and guidelines for a writing contest.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Vol. 116 No. 4&5 (whole #682), April/May 2009, $6.5, 258pp, cover art by Bryn Barnard
Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
Message Board:
This issue, the first of the magazine's new larger bimonthly issues, has novelets by Sean McMullen, Ellen Kushner, Deborah J. Ross, and John C. Wright; short stories by Jack Skillingstead, S.L. Gilbow, and Henry Garfield; and classic reprints by Thomas M. Disch ("The Brave Little Toaster") and Edward Jesby ("Sea Wrack", introduced by Ted White).
Departments include an editorial by Gordon Van Gelder, book reviews by Charles de Lint and James Sallis, film reviews by Lucius Shepard, a "Plumage from Pegasus" installment by Paul Di Filippo, a science column by Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty, and a curiosities page by Roberto de Sousa Causo.
The Magazine of Speculative Poetry
Vol. 8 No. 4 (whole #32), Spring 2009, $5, 30pp, cover art by Roger Dutcher
Occasional small-press poetry magazine, edited by Roger Dutcher; published since 1985
This issue has poetry by Jennifer Crow (four items), Mark Rich (five), and (one each) irving, Neal Wilgus, John Grey, Jimmy Burns, Mike Allen, Gene Van Troyer, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Alfredo Alamo, G.O. Clark, Serena Fusek, and James Fowler.
There are also "Points of Interest" news items and a list of Publications Received.
Murky Depths
Issue 7, Spring 2009, £6.99, 82pp, cover art by Chris Moore
Quarterly magazine of graphic speculative fiction, edited by Matt Wallace and Gill Ainsworth; debuted 2007
This issue has prose fiction by Jason Palmer, CS MacCath, Bill Ward, Willie Meikle, Ian Rogers, Kevin Brown, Paul Milliken, and Williams Douglas Goodman.
Graphic fiction is by James Johnson (two pieces) and Luke Cooper.
There's also an interview with Chris Moore, and a column by Matt Wallace.
The magazine's website has the complete table of contents.
On Spec
Issue 75, Vol. 20 No. 4, Winter 2008/09, C$6.95, 128pp, cover art by Herman Lau
Fiction in this issue is by Ryan Laliberte, Hannah Strom-Martin, Alexander Curnow, B.C. Holmes, Jon Martin Watts, Suzanne Church, and Jared Young.
Poetry is by Desi Di Nardo, Evan Hazenberg, and Michael Meyerhofer.
Nonfiction includes an editorial by Diane L. Walton, a tribute to Forrest J Ackerman, and interviews with Herman Lau and Jared Young.
Issue 258, Winter 2008, £4.00, 59pp
Bimonthly critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association; edited by Niall Harrison
This issue on the theme of "War in SF" has articles by Stephen Baxter (on Wells' The War of the Worlds), James Holden (on Einstein, Freud, and SF), Martin McGrath ("After Heinlein", on John Scalzi), and Nick Hubble (on Sarah Hall's The Carhullan Army).
The bulk of the issue consists of reviews, of books by Wayne Barlowe, Greg Bear, Alex Bell, Danny Birt, Ben Bova, and many others.
There are also columns by Saxon Bullock (about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles), Andy Sawyer (on Naomi Mitchison), Stephen Baxter (about novels in which Hitler won), and Graham Sleight (remembering Thomas M. Disch).