The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Issue 176, Vol. 41 No. 3, Winter 2008, $4.95, 40pp, cover art by Christopher Pierson
This issue has feature article "In the Good Old Days: Another Alternate Dialogue" by Bud Webster and Jerry Pournelle.
Regular columns include Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg latest Dialogue, about Kudos; Robert Metzger's "State of the Art" column; Steve Carper's "Writers' Bloc" column, on "The Sad State of Book Reviewing"; Bud Webster's "Anthopology 101" column, this time about Sam Moskowitz; and Cynthia Ward's Market Report
Departments include a President's Message by Michael Capobianco, and editor's message by Mark Kreighbaum, notes about new members, and news bulletins.
The magazine's website is undergoing revision.
Flashing Swords
Summer 2008, 177pp, cover art by Mikos
Quarterly magazine of sword & sorcery fiction and poetry
This special edition issue has fiction and poetry by Jared Evers, Nathan Meyer, Bruce Durham, Mark Stawecki, and others.
Features include interviews with Nathalie Mallet and Charles Gramlich.
The magazine's website links to this order page.
Issue 216, Jun 2008, £3.75, 64pp, cover art by Christopher Nurse
SF magazine, currently bimonthly, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
This special "mundane SF" issue is guest-edited by Geoff Ryman, Julian Todd, and Trent Walters. Fiction is by Lavie Tidhar, Cheslea Quinn Yarbro, Billie Aul, R.R. Angell, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Anil Menon, and Geoff Ryman.
Features and departments include David Langford's "Ansible Link" news and gossip; the results of the magazine's 2007 readers' poll; interviews with Greg Egan and Alastair Reynolds; book reviews by Paul Kincaid, Kevin Stone, Paul Raven, and others; Nick Lowe's "Mutant Popcorn" film reviews; and Tony Lee's DVD reviews.
The publisher's website links to this Guardian blog entry about mundane SF, and this post with the complete table of contents.
Leading Edge
Issue 55, May 2008, $5.95, 118pp, cover art by Michael Madder
Semiannual SF/fantasy magazine published since 1981 by students, faculty, and alumni of Brigham Young University; current editor Christopher Kugler
Fiction in this issue is by Terry Black, Floris M. Kleijne, Joe Gallagher, Audrey Hollis, and Kiersten Brazier. Poetry is by Linda Holmgren, Neil Wilgus, and Daniel C. Smith.
Features include a sketchbook by artist Joshua McGill, an interview with Brandon Sanderson, book reviews by Lindsay Crandall, and editorials with advice to new writers and artists by Celadon James, Audrey Gonzalez, and Brooke Burdge.
The magazine's website,, is still under [re]construction.