Banks, L. A. :
The Shadows
(St. Martin's Griffin 978-0-312-36875-3, $14.95, 335pp, trade paperback, July 2008)
Vampire novel, eleventh in the "Vampire Huntress Legend", after The Cursed (and 2007) and The Darkness (2008).
In this book Lucifer and his wife Lilith support the newly born anti-Christ.
The series' website has an excerpt.
The Publishers Weekly review notes that the book "contains many interesting references to esoteric religious mysteries and features titillating S&M sex scenes".
Durst, Sarah Beth :
Out of the Wild
(Razorbill 978-1-59514-159-0, $15.99, 260pp, hardcover, June 2008)
Young adult fantasy novel, sequel to Into the Wild (2007), in which the fairy tale world of the Wild broke loose in a small Massachusetts town. It was a finalist this year for SFWA's Andre Norton Award.
In this book Julie Marchen, whose mother is Rapunzel, meets her father, a 500-year-old prince who's released from the Wild.
The author's website has this page for the book, with blurbs from Holly Black, Charles de Lint, and others, and an excerpt.
Carolyn Cushman reviews the book in the July issue of Locus Magazine: "This sequel lacks some novelty of the first book, with its stunning concept of fairy tales, but manages to expand on the theme while providing plenty of humor and some roller-coaster (or magic carpet) thrills."
Friel, Fran :
Mama's Boy and Other Dark Tales
(Apex Publications 978-0-9816390-8-6, $15.95, 276pp, trade paperback, June 2008, cover art Billy Tackett)
Collection of 14 stories, 8 of which are original to this collection. Reprints include novella "Mama's Boy", a finalist for the 2007 Bram Stoker Awards.
Gary A. Braunbeck provides an introduction.
The publisher's site has this description with the table of contents and blurbs from Michael McBride and Gene O'Neill. There's also a $35 limited edition hardcover available.
Glass, James C. :
The Viper of Portello
(Fairwood 978-0-9789078-7-7, $17.99, 267pp, trade paperback, August 2008, cover illustration Keith Boulger)
Military SF novel about a former soldier and assassin, Eduardo Cabral, torn between the desire for a peaceful artistic life, and the necessity of returning to his home world to save his people from tyrants.
The publisher's site has this description, with a review and cover blurbs from Steve Perry and John Dalmas.
The Publishers Weekly review called it an "excellent novel of intergenerational and interplanetary conflict... Eduardo is a compelling protagonist whose conflicts and determined sense of honor will keep readers engaged in his story from start to finish."
Greenberg, Martin H., & Kerrie Hughes :
The Dimension Next Door
(DAW 978-0-7564-0509-0, $7.99, 291pp, mass market paperback, July 2008)
SF anthology of 13 original stories about other dimensions.
Authors include Anton Strout, Jody Lynn Nye, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Brenda Cooper, and Fiona Patton.
The publisher has this description.
Kelly, James Patrick :
The Wreck of the Godspeed and Other Stories
(Golden Gryphon Press 978-1-930846-51-7, $24.95, 8+358pp, hardcover, August 2008, cover art Bob Eggleton, cover design Lynne Condellone)
Collection of 13 stories first published from 2002 to 2007, including the title story, Hugo nominee "The Best Christmas Ever", Nebula nominee "Men Are Trouble", Hugo and Sturgeon finalist "Bernardo's House", and Hugo nominee and Nebula winner novella "Burn".
Bob Eggleton provides an introduction.
Golden Gryphon's site has this description.
The Publishers Weekly review says the stories "examine the struggle for human survival and identity in strange places. ... Kelly frequently evokes a twisted, nostalgic America, and his characters seem contemporary and casual even in the prehistoric fairy tale 'Luck.' Though this lends his stories a certain sameness, it also gives readers a way to connect with his surreal visions."
Landon, Kristin :
The Cold Minds
(Ace 978-0-441-01609-9, $7.99, 293pp, mass market paperback, July 2008, cover art Craig White)
SF novel, set six centuries after the author's first novel The Hidden Worlds (2007), in which the machine intelligences that destroyed Earth have caught up with survivors on other planets.
The author's site has this description of the book, and a chapter 1 excerpt.
McNamara, Pat, Michal Dutkiewicz & Gary Turner :
The Last Realm: Book One, Dragonscarpe
(Angel Phoenix Publishing 978-982-9109-01-9, $39.95, 276pp, hardcover, March 2008, cover by Michal Dutkiewicz)
Illustrated, coffee-table-book-sized, epic fantasy novel, written by McNamara from a concept by Turner and illustrated throughout by Dutkiewicz.
The story concerns war in the Realms, which has been ravaged by creatures from the Rifts, and a paladin named Zayd Mon Awes given the task of training four Elementalists in order to win the war.
The series website says the series is "inspired by Classic Fantasy titans; 'John Carter Warlord of Mars', 'Pern' and the tales of 'Lost Worlds'. Infused with the darkly twisting contemporary sensibilities of Modern Genre Icons; 'Star Wars', 'Babylon 5', & 'Buffy', this is a 'Lord of the Rings' for the new generation!"
The site has samples of the artwork and several video trailers.
Musk, Justine :
Lord of Bones
(Roc 978-0-451-46220-6, $6.99, 387pp, mass market paperback, July 2008)
Dark fantasy novel, sequel to Blood Angel (2005), about demons invading the Earth and inhabiting human bodies.
The publisher's site has this brief description.
The author's Wikipedia entry notes that her husband Elon Musk is a founder of PayPal and SpaceX; her website has a pop-up blog and a PDF excerpt.
Staub, Wendy Corsi :
Lily Dale: Believing
(Walker 978-0-8027-9656-1, $15.99, 243pp, hardcover, May 2008)
Young adult fantasy novel, sequel to Lily Dale: Awakening (2007), about high school girl Calla living in a town where spiritualists communicate with the dead. In this book Calla receives visions about a serial killer's new victim.
The author's website has this description and an excerpt.
Carolyn Cushman reviews the book in the July issue of Locus Magazine: "All together, it's a fun mix of mundane high-school stuff with the pervasive acceptance of spiritualism -- spirit guides, ghosts, mediums, after-school meditation classes -- while the serial killer story in the background provides a solid supernatural mystery and thrills."
Weber, David :
By Schism Rent Asunder
(Tor 978-0-7653-1501-4, $25.95, 510pp, hardcover, July 2008, jacket art Stephen Youll)
Far future SF novel, sequel to Off Armageddon Reef (2007), set on the planet Safehold, where human survivors of a war with aliens have sacrificed human rights and scientific inquiry in order to survive. In this book religious war looms as the powerful Church of God Awaiting faces attack by the kingdom of Charis.
Tor's website has this description.
Amazon's 'search inside' feature includes an excerpt.
The Publishers Weekly review says "The numerous characters are never reduced to stereotypes, and Weber's portrayal of the social changes brought about by Charis's bootstrap industrial and military revolutions ring true. If not as action oriented as the first volume, the descriptions of the rebirth of knowledge and the human spirit are at least as enthralling."
The novel is also available as a Macmillan audiobook, unabridged on 20 CDs, read by Oliver Wyman, running 25 hours and 30 minutes. The publisher's description has an audio excerpt.