Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Vol. 127 No. 11, November 2007, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by Jean-Pierre Normand
Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
Message Board:
This issue has a novella by Barry B. Longyear, novelettes by John G. Hemry and H.G. Stratmann, and short stories by Carl Frederick, Bud Sparhawk, and David Walton. There's also a "Probability Zero" vignette by Ian Randal Strock.
The science article is "The Search for the World's First Equestrians", by Richard A. Lovett.
Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial, about global warming and overpopulation; Jeffery D. Kooistra's Alternate View column, Drilling to the Golden Age; Tom Easton's The Reference Library, reviewing books by Kage Baker, Matthew Jarpe, Allen Steele, and others; Brass Tacks letters; and Upcoming Events compiled by Anthony Lewis.
The website has an excerpt of Barry B. Longyear's story.
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
Issue 31, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2007, A$8.95, 96pp, cover art by Jeff Ward
Bimonthly Australian magazine focusing on humorous and light-hearted SF and fantasy
This issue of the Australian SF and Fantasy magazine, edited by Tehani Wessely, has fiction by Dirk Flinthart, Marie Alafaci, Sonny Whiteclaw, Matthew Chrulew, JJ Irwin, Jim C Hines, Shane Jiraiya Cummings, Suzanne Palmer, Mary OR Paddock, and Susan Abel Sullivan.There's also poetry by Davina Aw.
Special features are interviews with Robin Hobb and Alastair Reynolds.
The magazine's website has the table of contents on its current issue page. You can also order the issue as a PDF file.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Vol. 31 No. 10&11 (whole #381&382), October/November 2007, $5.99/C$7.99, 240pp, cover art by Ron Miller
Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
Message Board:
This double-sized issue has the first installment of a new Allen Steele novel, Galaxy Blues, called "Down and Out on Coyote"; novelettes by Greg Egan, Robert Reed ("Night Calls"), Isaac Asimov -- a reprint of his classic story "Nightfall" -- and Lisa Goldstein; short stories by Carol Emshwiller, Susan Forest, Carl Frederick, Liz Williams, Michael Cassutt, and Chris Butler
There's also poetry by Pat Tompkins, Bruce Boston, G.O. Clark, Michael Meyerhofer, PMF Johnson, Ruth Berman, and Mark Rich.
Departments include Sheila Williams' editorial, Trends; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column Rereading Theodore Sturgeon; James Patrick Kelly's latest "On the Net" column, Pixel-Stained Technopeasants; Norman Spinrad's "On Books" reviews, Buried Treasures, covering Martin Millar, Liz Williams, Charlie Huston, Carol Emshwiller, and Alan Dean Foster; and Erwin S. Strauss' SF Conventional Calendar.
Black Gate
Issue 11, Vol. 2 No. 5, Summer 2007, $9.95/C$12.50, 224pp, cover art by Alessandra Kelley
Quarterly "adventures in fantasy literature"; published since 2001; published and edited by John O'Neill
Fiction in this issue is by Peadar O Guilin, James Enge, Maria V. Snyder, Martha Wells, Iain Rowan, David Evan Harris, Ben Wolcott, William I. Lengeman III, and Mark Sumner.
The feature article by Rich Horton is about "Fictional Losses: Neglected Stories from the SF Magazines". Departments include John O'Neill's editorial, in which he explains what he does for a living; game reviews by Howard Andrew Jones; book reviews; and a comic, "Knights of the Dinner Table", by Jolly Blackburn, Steve Johansson, and John O'Neill.
The magazine's website has the table of contents, with links to excerpts of all the stories and Rich Horton's article.
Leading Edge
Issue 53, April 2007, $5.95, 120pp, cover art by Theresa Mather
Semiannual SF/fantasy magazine published since 1981 by students, faculty, and alumni of Brigham Young University; current editor Christopher Kugler
Fiction in this issue, which has a reworked interior design, is by Emily Chuff, Shana Lear, B.A. Barnett, Allan Izen, John W. Otte, and James R. Porter. There's also poetry by Neal Wilgus, Sankar Roy, and Greg Schwartz.
Departments includes a "Writer Development" section, with advice on heroes by Joshua Leavitt, evil by Chersti Stapley, and conflict by Matt Gibbons; a "Sketchbook" portfolio by Jed Henry; book reviews; and contributor biographies.
The magazine's website,, is under [re]construction.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
Issue 229, Vol. 20 No. 1, September 2007, $4.00, 24pp
Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
This special "Memoir and Autopsy" issue has an essay by Robert Guffey about Don DeLillo's White Noise, and the first installment of Tom Purdom's "When I Was Writing: A Literary Memoir" (available here online, with subsequent installments currently through number nine).
Inside are essays by F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, about collaborating with Avram Davidson; John Fast, on Melville's "The Bell-Tower"; plus Michael Lohr's interview with Zoran Zivkovic.
Reviews are by F. Brett Cox, on Kit Reed, Philip E. Smith on Allen Steele, David Mead on David Weber, Paul Kincaid on John Crowley, Marilyn "Mattie" Brahen on Sharyn November, and Ursula Pflug on Phyllis Gotlieb.
David G. Hartwell editorializes about postal rates.
Issue 7, Spring 2007, $6, 80pp, cover art by Vincent Chong
Quarterly (?) fiction magazine published by Subterranean Press, edited by William Schafer
This issue, guest-edited by Ellen Datlow, has fiction by Lisa Tuttle, Richard Bowes, Jeffrey Ford, Joel Lane & John Pelan, M. Rickert, Anna Tambour, Terry Bisson, and Lucius Shepard (novella "Vacancy")
An editorial by Ellen Datlow describes her involvement with assembling this issue.
The magazine's website has this page with the table of contents.
Issue 35, Summer 2007, $7/C$8.50, 100pp, cover art by Richard Pelegrino
Magazine of SF and dark fantasy, published since 1995; publishers and editors Patrick & Honna Swenson
This issue has original fiction by William F. Nolan, Michael Canfield, Jack Skillingstead, Darrell Schweitzer, James C. Glass, Patricia Russo, Mary Robinette Kowal, Andrew Tisbert, and Hayden Trenholm.
Poetry and verse is by Kendall Evans, Robert Borski, William J. Gagnon, G.O. Clark, and James Taglienti.
Departments include an editorial, letters, and contributor bios.
You can order the issue directly from the website.