Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest
Issue 9, Vol. 1 No. 9, 2007, $6.00/C$7.00, 128pp
Quarterly magazine of SF and horror, edited by Jason Sizemore; published since 2005
Website: http://www.apexdigest.com/
This issue of the quarterly "science fiction and horror" magazine has fiction by Kevin J. Anderson, Katherine Sparrow, Lavie Tidhar, Mary Robinette Kowal, Daniel LeMoal, William F. Nolan, Jeremy Adam Smith, Bev Vincent, Rob D. Smith, Geoffrey Girard, Brandy Schwan (a poem), and Paul Abbamondi.
Nonfiction includes interviews with Kevin J. Anderson and with Liz Williams, an essay by Deb Taber about darkness in the visual arts, and an essay by Alethea Kontis, "Kill Me Then".
The magazine's website has the table of contents.
Dreams and Nightmares
Issue 76, January 2007, $5, 20pp, cover art by Chris Friend
Magazine of fantastic poetry, published approximately quarterly since 1986, by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~dragontea/
This issue has poetry by Tom Galusha, Gary Every, Jamie Rosen, Saint James Harris Wood, Hillary Lyon, Duane Ackerson, Cythera, Bruce Boston, Shelley Lesher, Rich Magahiz, and Samantha Henderson.
There's an editorial, "From the Brainstem".
The magazine's new webpage is http://home.comcast.net/~sheilakmerkel/dreamsandnightmares.html.
Issue 209, April 2007, £3.75/$7, 64pp, cover art by Jim Burns
SF magazine, currently bimontly, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
Website: http://www.ttapress.com/IZ.html
This 25th anniversary issue has an interview and story by Hal Duncan, and other stories by Jamie Barras, M. John Harrison, Gwyneth Jones, Alastair Reynolds, and Daniel Kaysen.
Also available from the website is a novella by Edward Morris.
Features include an editorial by Andy Hedgecock, David Langford's "Ansible Link" news column, and tributes to the magazine's 25 years by David Pringle, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Greg Egan, and others. Also, Stephen Volk looks at 25 years of TV, Nick Lowe reviews films including The Fountain, Kim Stanley Robinson is reviewed and interviews, and Sarah Ash reviews manga.
The website's current issue page lists the contents with brief excerpts from the stories.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Vol. 112 No. 6 (whole #662), June 2007, $4.50/C$6.50, 162pp, cover art by Maurizio Manzieri
Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
Website: http://www.fsfmag.com/
Message Board: http://www.nightshadebooks.com/discus/messages/378/378.html?1081904411
Fiction in this issue consists of novelets by Matthew Hughes, Charles Coleman Finlay, Alex Irvine, Sheila Finch, and Marta Randall, plus a short story by Melanie Fazi.
Departments include Charles de Lint's "Books to Look For", covering Peter S. Beagle, Ysabeau S. Wilce, and Elizabeth Crook; a "Books" column by Michelle West, discussing Catherynne M. Valente, Stephen King, and Guy Gavriel Kay; a "Plumage from Pegasus" vignette by Paul Di Filippo, "It's All Goodkind"; a Films column by David J. Skal, about Perfume; and a Curiosities page by Bud Webster concerning a 1956 book by John Mantley.
Vol. 2 No. 2, Winter 2007, $5, 84pp, cover art by Sandro Castelli
Quarterly small-press magazine, debuting 2005, editor-in-chief Beth Wodzinski
Website: http://www.shimmerzine.com/
This issue has fiction by n.a. bourke, Philip J. Lees, Stephen L. Moss, Chrissy Ellsworth, Michael Livingston, Cat Rambo, Mike Driver, Dario Ciriello, and Amal El-Mohtar.
The feature interview is with Cherie Priest. There are also pages about the contributors, artists and illustrators, and staff.
The magazine's site has this page for the issue, with opening lines from the stories and links to page scans for several of them.