A new Star Wars novel by Karen Traviss, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice (Del Rey), debuts strongly on four of the print lists compiled here, as high as #7 at Publishers Weekly.
A trunk novel by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King), Blaze, appeared in stores today and ranks on two Amazon lists.
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, to be published July 21st, remains #1 on the three Amazon lists this week.
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.17 |
WP 06.10 |
SFC 06.10 |
USAT 06.03 |
PW 06.11 (ch 06.11) |
Amz (06.12) |
UK: Amz UK (06.12) |
Australia: Dymocks (06.05) |
Canada: Amz.ca (06.12) |
Items on list -x- number of lists surveyed | |
30x5 |
10x4 |
30x3 |
150 |
15x5 |
100 |
100 |
10x4 |
100 |
Hardcovers |
Bachman, Blaze |
06.12.07 / 1 |
31 ++ |
38 ++ |
Chabon, The Yiddish Policemen's Union |
05.01.07 / 7 |
10 -3 |
5 -1 |
2 = |
51 -24 |
11 -4 |
25 -4 |
86 ++ |
79 + |
Gingrich/Forstchen, Pearl Harbor: A Novel of December 8th |
05.29.07 / 3 |
19 -6 |
xx |
x |
x |
74 +15 |
Hamilton, The Harlequin |
06.05.07 / 2 |
45 -26 |
56 -42 |
x |
Harris, All Together Dead |
05.01.07 / 7 |
28 -6 |
xx |
xxx |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Hunter, Warriors: Power of Three: The Sight |
05.08.07 / 6 |
5 -2 |
xx |
McCarthy, The Road |
09.26.06 / 28 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
53 -36 |
xxx.. |
x |
Murakami, After Dark |
05.08.07 / 5 |
33 -3 |
6 -2 |
xxx.. |
76 +1 |
x |
Palahniuk, Rant |
05.22.07 / 4 |
13 -4 |
x |
69 -31 |
12 -3 |
xxx |
80 -28 |
Paolini, Eldest |
03.01.05 / 111 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
1 + |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Paolini, Eragon |
09.07.03 / 122 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
2 + |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Patterson, Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports |
05.29.07 / 3 |
4 ++ |
86 -33 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows |
02.06.07 / 19 |
1 = |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (UK) |
12.26.06 / 25 |
1 = |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (CANADA) |
02.06.07 / 19 |
1 = |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince |
12.20.04 / 94 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
6 + |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (CANADA) |
12.20.04 / 76 |
69 + |
Sage, Septimus Heap, Book Three: Physik |
03.27.07 / 6 |
xxx.. |
12 + |
xxx.. |
Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret |
05.08.07 / 6 |
6 -2 |
5 ++ |
xxx |
Tolkien, The Children of Húrin |
03.27.07 / 12 |
7 -1 |
8 = |
10 + |
35 -12 |
8 -2 |
21 +7 |
12 -5 |
Tolkien, The Children of Húrin (UK) |
03.27.07 / 12 |
15 +1 |
Traviss, Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice |
05.29.07 / 2 |
8 ++ |
10 ++ |
29 ++ |
7 ++ |
xx |
Yi Fan, Swordbird |
01.30.07 / 9 |
xxx.. |
14 + |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.17 |
WP 06.10 |
SFC 06.10 |
USAT 06.03 |
PW 06.11 (ch 06.11) |
Amz (06.12) |
UK: Amz UK (06.12) |
Australia: Dymocks (06.05) |
Canada: Amz.ca (06.12) |
Paperbacks [tpb=trade] |
Erikson, The Reaper's Gale (UK) |
04.24.07 / 7 |
xxx |
52 +47 |
Goodkind, Phantom |
06.12.07 / 1 |
18 ++ |
48 ++ |
8 ++ |
King, Everything's Eventual |
01.12.02 / 15 |
xxx.. |
123 -38 |
xxx.. |
L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time |
05.10.04 / 7 |
58 -10 |
xxx.. |
Maguire, Wicked [tpb] |
06.15.03 / 184 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
110 -16 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
McCarthy, The Road [tpb] |
04.10.07 / 10 |
5 = |
4 -1 |
4 = |
30 -12 |
5 = |
8 -5 |
5 -2 |
Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife [tpb] |
05.24.04 / 125 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
91 + |
Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife (UK) [tpb] |
01.04.05 / 116 |
88 -41 |
Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four |
07.20.03 / 67 |
121 + |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Paolini, Eldest [tpb] |
03.27.07 / 12 |
3 -2 |
57 -5 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [tpb] |
07.25.06 / 47 |
xxx.. |
59 -1 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [tpb] |
07.05.04 / 114 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
77 +5 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five |
04.24.07 / 5 |
x |
142 -53 |
xxx.. |
Westerfeld, Uglies [tpb] |
01.09.07 / 13 |
xxx.. |
15 + |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.17 |
WP 06.10 |
SFC 06.10 |
USAT 06.03 |
PW 06.11 (ch 06.11) |
Amz (06.12) |
UK: Amz UK (06.12) |
Australia: Dymocks (06.05) |
Canada: Amz.ca (06.12) |
This cell color indicates rankings on children's bestsellers lists |
This cell color indicates rankings of books based on pre-publication sales |
[Italics and brackets, and/or this cell color, indicate stale data -- rankings from one or more weeks before -- and do not contribute to the cumulative weeks on any list totals] |