Aberrant Dreams
Issue 7, Spring 2006, $5.50, 55pp, cover art by Keith Wigdor
Quarterly print and online magazine of speculative fiction, published since 2005; editors Joseph W. Dickerson and J. Lonny Harper
Website: http://www.hd-image.com/aberrant_dreams/
This issue has a featured story, "Dr. Prida's Dream-Plagued Patient", by Michael Bishop, plus other fiction by Michael Shack, Cat Rambo, Tomas L. Martin, Chris Bauer, E.N. Wilson, and Daniel R. Robichaud. There's also poetry by Mikal Trimm, Shelley Lesher, Donna Taylor Burgess, and Bruce Boston.
Departments include an editorial, movie reviews, an interview with Stephen Baxter, and brief book reviews on the inside back cover.
The magazine's archived issues page has has links to the entire contents of the issue.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Vol. 126 No. 11, November 2006, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by Jean Pierre Normand
Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
Website: http://www.analogsf.com/
Message Board: http://www.analogsf.com/discus/
This issue has part 2 (of 4) of Robert J. Sawyer's serial "Rollback", plus a novella by Barry B. Longyear, a novelette by Shane Tourtellotte, and short stories by Mike Resnick & Kevin J. Anderson and Carl Frederick.
The science fact article by Les Johnson & Gregory L. Matloff is about "The Interstellar Conspiracy". Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial, "The Tyranny of Physical Law"; Jeffery D. Kooistra's "The Alternate View" column on "Thanksgiving Musings"; Tom Easton's books reviews, covering Julie Czerneda, Charles Stross, James F. David, and others; "Brass Tacks" letters; and "Upcoming Events" from Anthony Lewis.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Vol. 30 No. 10&11 (whole #369&370), October/November 2006, $5.99/C$7.99, 240pp, cover art by George Gross
Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
Website: http://www.asimovs.com/
Message Board: http://www.asimovs.com/discus/
Fiction in this double-issue includes novellas by Robert Reed and William Barton, novelettes by Michael F. Flynn and Ron Collins, and short stories by Kit Reed, Pamela Sargent, James Van Pelt, Carol Emshwiller, Ian Watson, and Melissa Lee Shaw.
Poetry is by Rebecca Marjesdatter, Sandra J. Lindow, Greg Beatty, David Livingstone Clink, Holly Phillips, Vincent Miskell, and Darrell Schweitzer.
Departments include Sheila Williams' editorial about "The Pulp-Art Time Machine"; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, this time about "Making Backups"; James Patrick Kelly's "On the Net" column, this time about Secrets of the Webmasters, with an e-mail interview with Locus Online editor Mark R. Kelly; a Letters column; a new Science Fiction Sudoku by Rebecca Mayr; Norman Spinrad's "On Books" column, covering John Meaney, Peter F. Hamilton, and Ian McDonald; and Erwin S. Strauss' SF Conventional Calendar.
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Issue 170, Vol. 40 No. 1, Summer 2006, $4.95, 40pp, cover art by L.W. Perkins
Website: http://www.sfwa.org/
Featured in this issue are article by Richard A. Lovett, and magazine contracts, Doranna Durgin, about author web sites, and C.E. Petit, and publishing bankruptcies.
Columns include Mike Resnick & Barry Malzberg latest Dialogue, about promotion; Robert Metzger's "State of the Art" column, about "Blarchard's Syndrome"; Steve Carper's "Writers' Bloc" column, about orphans and trademarks; Bud Webster's "Anthopology 101" column, about Ray Bradbury's Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow; and Cynthia Ward's Market Report.
Departments include a President's Message by Robin Bailey, and editor's message by Mark Kreighbaum, notes about new members, etc.
The Lonely Cry
Issue 21, 2006, 4pp
Newsletter of the British Columbia association of SF/F writers
Website: http://www.lonelycry.ca/
Newsletter of the The Lonely Cry, an informal association of B.C. science fiction and fantasy writers.
This issue has reviews/listings of new books by Dave Duncan and Matthew Hughes, an editorial by Matthew Hughes, news about writers Mary Choo, Dave Duncan, Matthew Hughes, Eileen Kernaghan, Clelie Rich, and Rhea Rose, and a list of recent books by these writers.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
Issue 216, Vol. 18 No. 12, August 2006, $4.00, 24pp
Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
Website: http://www.nyrsf.com/
This special "Travelling Circus" issue features an essay by Bob Eldridge about two books called Trilby, by George du Maurier and Charles Nodier, and an interview with Bruce Holland Rogers by Michael Bishop.
Inside is David G. Hartwell's "Nine Ways of Looking at Space Operas: Part I", drawn from The Space Opera Renaissance; Robert Friedman's "SF's Fabled New Wave Considered as a Barnstorming Basketball Team"; and Alice K. Turner's "Over There in Barrytown They Do Things Very Strange".
Reviews by Philip E. Smith, Michael Levy, Mark Rich, Darrell Schweitzer, and Joan Gordon cover books by Mark Budz, L. Timmel Duchamp, Larissa Lai, Walter Mosley, Tobias Buckell, Clark Ashton Smith (edited by Scott Connors & Ron Hilger), and Justina Robson.
The editorial explains that Kathryn Cramer's success in other ventures means she won't have as much time to devote to NYRSF.
Issue 7, Summer 2006, £6, 144pp, cover art by Radoslaw Walachnia
Quarterly SF magazine, edited and published by Peter Crowther; published since 2004
Website: http://www.pspublishing.co.uk/postscripts.asp
This issue has fiction by Stephen Volk, Jack Dann, Rhys Hughes, Tony Ballantyne, Vaughan Stanger, T.M. Wright, Ian Creasey, Zoran Zivkovic, and Jay Lake.
Nonfiction includes an editorial by Lucius Shepard, and an interview with Howard Waldrop by Darrell Schweitzer.
The magazine's website has this page listing the contents with ordering information. It's also available in a limited hardcover edition.
Issue 4, 2006, $6, 88pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton
Quarterly fiction magazine published by Subterranean Press, edited by William Schafer
Website: http://www.subterraneanpress.com/
This issue, available at Borders Books, is guest-edited by John Scalzi with a focus on science fiction cliches.
Stories and essays are by Rachel Swirsky, Charles Coleman Finlay & James Allison, John Joseph Adams ("It Came from the Slush Pile"), Stuart MacBride, Scott Westerfeld ("Cliché Haiku"), Gillian Polack, Ann Leckie, Jo Walton, Teresa Nielsen Hayden ("Remarks on Some Clichés I have (by Definition) Known Too Well"), Allen M. Steele, Tobias S. Buckell & Ilsa J. Bick, Bruce Arthurs, Dean Cochrane, Ron Hogan, Nick Sagan, Chris Roberson, David Klecha, and Elizabeth Bear.
Dorman T. Shindler provides book reviews.
This issue is also available as a limited edition hardcover; see the website for ordering and subscription information.