Asimov's Science Fiction
• Vol. 30 No. 8 (whole #367), August 2006, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by Gary Overacre
• Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
• Website:
• Message Board:
• Fiction includes a novella, The Plurality of Worlds by Brian Stableford, novelettes by Alexander Jablokov and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and short stories by Ruth Nestvold, Stephen Baxter, and Michael Swanwick (Tin Marsh). Poetry is by Laurel Winter, Kendall Evans & David C. Kopaska-Merkel, and W. Gregory Stewart.
• Departments include Sheila Williams' editorial about The 2006 Dell Magazines Award; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, The Thumb on the Dinosaur's Nose:2; James Patrick Kelly's column On The Net: Son of Movies; a Science Fiction Sukoku by John N. Marx; book reviews by Peter Heck, covering Christopher Priest, Ken MacLeod, Naomi Novik, and others; and Erwin S. Strauss' convention calendar.
• The magazine's website has the table of contents with links to the departments and to excerpts of the Stableford and Swanwick stories.
• Nick Gevers reviews the issue in the July issue of Locus Magazine, recommending the stories by Rusch, Stableford, and Swanwick.
• Vol. 38 No. 3, May/June 2006, $7.99/C$9.99, 80pp
• Approx. bimonthly magazine of SF cinema, marking its 35th anniversary in 2005
• Website:
• While most of the issue focuses on current films and TV shows, including Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and X-Men, the issue's "Print" department has an interview/profile with Peter F. Hamilton, plus reviews by Paula Guran of books by Amanda Hemingway, Bruce Sterling, and Hal Duncan.
• There's also page by Paula Guran previewing genre titles to be published from April through August.
Fantasy Magazine
• Issue 2, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2006, $5.95, 88pp, cover art by Susan McKivergan
• Quarterly magazine of fiction, reviews, and interviews, debuting 2005, edited by Sean Wallace
• Website:
• Second issue of a new quarterly magazine published by Wildside Press and edited by Sean Wallace. See the magazine's website for subscription information.
• Fiction in this issue is by Margaret Ronald, Bruce McAllister, Theodora Goss, Aaron Schutz, Yoon Ha Lee, Lavie Tidhar, Patricia Russo, Karen Anne Mitchell, Stewart O'Nan, Karina Sumner-Smith, Wade Ogletree, Caitlin Kiernan, and Paul Tremblay.
• Departments include an interview with Theodora Goss by Matthew Cheney, and unsigned reviews (edited by Paula Guran) of books by R. Scott Bakker, Jonathan Carroll, Avram Davidson, Charlie Huston, Joe R. Lansdale, Maria V. Snyder, Victoria Strauss, Mary Frances Zambreno, and others.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
• Vol. 111 No. 3 (whole #654), September 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 162pp, cover art by Kent Bash
• Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This issue has a short story/proposition by Harlan Ellison and three stories inspired by it, by Tananarive Due, Michael Kandel, and Michael Libling; plus other stories by John Morressy, Amy Sterling Casil, and Matthew Corradi. There's also a "Plumage from Pegasus" vignette by Paul Di Filippo, called "The Goth Squad".
• Nonfiction consists of a selection of letters between Ursula K. Le Guin and James Tiptree, Jr., edited by Julie Phillips, author of the upcoming biography James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon (St. Martin's, August).
• Departments include Charles de Lint's "Books to Look For", reviewing Liza Conrad, Michael Buckley, and Ellen Schreiber; Michelle West's "Musing on Books", covering Hal Duncan and Naomi Novik; a film review column by Lucius Shepard, covering Russian film Day Watch [posted earlier at]; and a Curiosities page by F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre about a book by "I.S.".
• Nick Gevers reviews the issue in the upcoming August issue of Locus Magazine, recommending the stories by Corradi, Due, and Kandel.
• Issue 9, 2006, C$6.95/$7.95, 80pp, cover art by Karl Johanson
• Quarterly SF magazine published from Vancouver, Canada, debuting 2003; edited by Karl Johanson
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Hayden Trenholm, Carlos Hernandez, Karl El-Koura, Matthew S. Rotundo, and Legion McRae.
• Nonfiction includes an editorial by Karl Johanson, letters, editorial column "A Walk Through the Periodic Chart" this time about Calcium, news of recent awards winners and nominations, books reviews, and cartoons.
• The magazine's website includes subscription info, submission guidelines, and a description of this issue.
Realms of Fantasy
• Vol. 12 No. 6, August 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 90pp, cover art by Charles Keegan
• Bimonthly fantasy magazine, published since 1994; edited by Shawna McCarthy
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Scott William Carter, Ken Scholes, Renee Bennett, Darrell Schweitzer, K.D. Wentworth, and E. Catherine Tobler.
• Departments include Resa Nelson's Movies column, including previews of summer fantasy movies; a Folkroots column by Midori Snyder, about the armless maiden; book reviews by Gahan Wilson and Paul Witcover, covering Clark Ashton Smith, David Keck, and others; a Gallery feature by Karen Haber about artist John Picacio; and games reviews by Eric Baker.
• The magazine's recently enhanced website has this current issue page, with links to substantial excerpts from all the stories and features.
• Rich Horton reviews this issue in the upcoming August issue of Locus Magazine, discussing the story by Ken Scholes.
• Issue 29, 4 2005
• Website:
• Russian magazine, whose actual title is mimicked by the Roman lettering above, received for review, with fiction, reviews, and articles. There's an editorial/introduction in English; otherwise the entire issue is in Russian. From the introduction, fiction includes stories by Yu. Galanina, Zimorodok, A. Kulames, K. Cheshirsky, N. Makeyeva, Ya. Razlivinsky, D. Dzygovbrodsky, N. Boldyreva, S. Strelchenko, V. Sliusarev and R. Godelshin, plus debuts by several others.
• Articles include "When the Orphans Go Marching" by Vladimir Nesterov, an essay on role-players and reconstructors, a review of "Hammer of Witches", and a report on StarCon 2005 in Moscow last summer.
• Critiques are by A. Grant, S. Dish, S. Negrash, G. Smirenskaya, N. Markelova, and O. Kaveyeva.
• See website for further details.