Baker, Kage :
In the Garden of Iden
(Tor 0-765-31457-6, $14.95, 329pp, trade paperback, January 2006, cover art Paul Youll)
(First edition: UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997)
SF novel, the author's first, and first of her popular time-travel series about 'The Company', the latest volume of which is The Children of the Company.
Amazon's 'search inside' feature includes the cover and excerpts from the original hardcover edition. Amazon also has its review of the original edition by Barrie Trinkle: "Baker surpasses even Connie Willis in humor and precision of period detail in this fresh, ingenious first novel."
Baker's website has this page quoting reviews and discussing influences on the book, plus a complete bibliography.
Clarke, Arthur C. :
Against the Fall of Night
(ibooks 1-59687-122-9, $9.95, 151pp, trade paperback, September 2005)
(First edition: Gnome Press, 1953)
Far-future SF novel about a young man in the isolated, utopian city of Diaspar who rediscovers the outside universe.
The story was first published in 1948 in Startling Stories, then in book form in 1953. Clarke later expanded it into the novel The City and the Stars, published in 1956.
Gregory Benford wrote a 1990 sequel, Beyond the Fall of Night.
Amazon has numerous reader reviews.
de Lint, Charles :
Moonlight and Vines
(Orb 0-765-30917-3, $14.95, 384pp, trade paperback, January 2006, cover art John Jude Palencar)
(First edition: Tor, January 1999)
Collection of 22 urban fantasy stories set in the city of Newford, setting of numerous de Lint stories and novels.
The book won the World Fantasy Award as best collection in 2000.
Amazon has reviews of the original edition, and its 'search inside' feature includes an excerpt.
Ellison, Harlan :
Deathbird Stories
(SFBC 0-7394-6228-8, $10.99, 14+288pp, hardcover, December 2005, jacket art Bruce Jensen)
(First edition: Harper & Row, February 1975)
Collection of 19 stories first published from 1960 through 1974 on the theme of 'new gods' of contemporary life. This is generally regarded as Ellison's single best collection. Stories include Hugo and Nebula nominee "Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes", Nebula nominee "Shattered Like a Glass Goblin", Hugo and Nebula nominee and Locus Award winner "Basilisk", Nebula nominee "On the Downhill Side", Hugo and Locus winner "The Deathbird", and Hugo and Locus winner "Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W".
This book club edition follows the 1984 Bluejay edition, which made numerous corrections and restorations to the original Harper & Row text.
This edition is available exclusively from the Science Fiction Book Club, whose website has this description.
Heinlein, Robert A. :
Space Cadet
(Tor 0-765-31450-9, $23.95, 223pp, hardcover, December 2005, jacket art Vincent di Fate)
(First edition: Scribners, 1948)
Young adult SF novel, the second of Heinlein's popular and fondly remembered 'juveniles' (following Rocketship Galileo the year before). It's about a cadet in an interplanetary peacekeeping force as he and his friends proceed through basic training and their first mission.
Amazon's 'search inside' feature includes an excerpt.
Wikipedia has this detailed summary and publication history.
The Heinlein Society website has this essays on Heinlein and the Tom Corbett Space Cadet Universe, as well as this concordance entry for the book.
SciFiDimensions has this review of the new edition by William Alan Ritch.
Pratchett, Terry :
Johnny and the Dead
(HarperCollins 0-06-054188-1, $5.99, 213pp, hardcover, January 2006)
First US edition (UK: Doubleday UK, April 1996)
Young adult fantasy novel, sequel to Only You Can Save Mankind (reprinted last year by HarperCollins), about a boy who can communicate with dead spirits whose cemetery is threatened by a developer's bulldozers.
Except for a Science Fiction Book Club omnibus in 1998, these HarperCollins editions are apparently the first US editions of these Pratchett YA novels. The third is Johnny and the Bomb, presumably forthcoming.
HarperCollins' website has this excerpt.
The L-Space Web has this page about the book, with links to annotations and quotes.
Silverberg, Robert, ed. :
Far Horizons
(Eos 0-06-081712-7, $14.95, 484pp, trade paperback, December 2006, cover illustration Bob Keck)
(First edition: Avon Eos, May 1999)
SF anthology of original stories set in the worlds of famous series by David Brin, Joe Haldeman, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula K. Le Guin, Orson Scott Card, Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Nancy Kress, Frederik Pohl, Dan Simmons, and Robert Silverberg.
The book won the 2000 Locus Award as best anthology, and Dan Simmons' "Orphans of the Helix", set in the Hyperion universe, won the Locus Award for best novella (with Le Guin's and Bear's stories placing 4th and 5th in that year's poll).
Amazon has reviews of the original edition, including one by Rich Horton.
Silverberg, Robert :
The Gate of Worlds
(ibooks 1-59687-157-1, $11.95, 151pp, trade paperback, December 2005, cover art John Harris)
(First edition: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1967)
Young adult alternate history novel set in a world in which the Black Death killed most of Europe and the reigning powers in the 20th century are the Turks and the Aztecs.
Fan site has this page of summary and bibliographic history.
This edition indicates July 2005 on the copyright page, while Amazon indicates December 2005 publication; seen in January 2006.
Tuttle, Lisa :
The Pillow Friend
(Bantam Spectra 0-553-38334-5, $12, 335pp, trade paperback, January 2006)
(First edition: White Wolf/Borealis, September 1996)
Psychological fantasy novel about a woman whose childhood fantasies, expressed through a 'pillow friend' doll, come true in ways she didn't expect.
Bantam's site has this description and excerpt.
This is apparently the first US paperback edition of the book; it's timed to coincide with the paperback release of Tuttle's 2005 novel The Mysteries.
The book was cited on the 1997 Tiptree Award short list.