Allen, Mike, ed. :
Mythic 2
(Mythic Delirium Books 0-8095-5756-8, $10, 137pp, trade paperback, September 2006, cover art Edmund Blair-Leighton, cover design Garry Nurrish)
Anthology of 18 original stories and poems. Authors include Cherie Priest, Catherynne M. Valente, Jo Walton, Richard Parks, Sonya Taaffe, and Lawrence Schimel.
The publisher's website has this page displaying the wrap-around cover, with a complete table of contents, links to excerpts, from most of the works, and photos from a group reading at Readercon with some of the authors.
Available from the website, or Amazon (click on image or title here).
Davis, Jonathan P. :
Life, Inc.
(AuthorHouse 1-4259-3414-5, $10.95, 228pp, trade paperback, July 2006, cover art Todd Faris)
SF novel about an agent of death, the Stabilizer, in a future society that's maintained the balance of life and death for thousands of years.
The publisher's site has this order page with a description and brief excerpt.
Also available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Labonte, Richard, & Lawrence Schimel, eds. :
The Future is Queer
(Arsenal Pulp Press 1-55152-209-8, $17.95, 213pp, trade paperback, November 2006)
Anthology of 7 original stories exploring what the future holds for gays, lesbians, and transgenders.
Authors are L. Timmel Duchamp, Joy Parks, Caro Soles, Candas Jane Dorsey, Diana Churchill, Hiromi Goto, and Rachel Pollack.
There's also a reprinted graphic story, "From Homogenous to Honey", by Neil Gaiman & Bryan Talbot, plus introductions by the editors.
The publisher's site has this description.
Available now from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Nick Gevers reviews the book in the October issue of Locus Magazine, calling Dorsey's story "particularly powerful" and also covering stories by Goto, Duchamp, and Pollack.
Lee, Sharon, & Steve Miller :
Calamity's Child
(SRM, Publisher, Ltd. 0-9776639-1-4, $10, 54pp, chapbook, April 2006)
Chapbook collection of two stories: Liaden universe novlette "Sweet Waters" and fantasy-mystery "A Night at the Opera".
The publisher's' website (scroll down) has a brief description, and links to excerpts.
Also available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Lee, Sharon :
(SRM, Publisher, Ltd. 0-9776639-2-2, $16.95, 203pp, trade paperback, August 2006)
Associational mystery novel, follow-up to Barnburner (2002) about Jen Pierce, who settles into a new position as a journalist in a small town where several murders occur.
The publisher's' website (scroll down) has a brief description and a link to several chapters.
Also available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Lerner, Edward M. :
Creative Destruction
(Wildside Press 0-8095-5747-9, $17.95, 325pp, trade paperback, August 2006)
SF collection of 8 stories. One story, "Catch a Falling Star", is original to this book; the others, reprinted from Analog and Future Washington, include novella "Survival Instinct".
The publisher has this order page; it's also available in hardcover.
The author's site has this description with blurbs from Robert J. Sawyer and Stanley Schmidt.
Also available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Leslie, Mark, ed. :
North of Infinity II
(Mosaic Press 0-88962-864-5, $17, 128pp, trade paperback, September 2006, cover by Samuel Tharmaratnam)
Anthology of 12 original stories by Canadian writers. Authors include Douglas Smith, Andrew Weiner, Nancy Kilpatrick, and Robert J. Sawyer.
The publisher's site has the PDF press release about the book. Editor Mark Leslie has set up this blog about the series, with photos from the current book's launch in June.
Available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Nazarian, Vera :
Mayhem at Grant-Williams High
(Norilana Books 1-84728-797-2, $8.99, 111pp, trade paperback, October 2006)
Young adult humorous thriller about kids who fight monsters at high school. This edition combines previously-published but revised "Hell Week at Grant-Williams High" and "Halloween at Grant-Williams High".
The publisher's site points to this lulu.com order page, where it can be ordered in print or as a download for $1.98.
Available from Amazon; click on title or cover image.
Schoen, Lawrence M. :
(SRM, Publisher, Ltd. 0-9776639-3-0, $10, 52pp, chapbook, August 2006)
Chapbook novella, second in the "Tales of The Amazing Conroy" (after Buffalogic, Inc.), about an interstellar hypnotist who returns to earth with a valuable alien animal that's pregnant.
The publisher's' website (scroll down) has a brief description and a link to a small enticing snippet.
The author's site points to earlier story Buffalo Dogs at Fictionwise; his earlier official site is klingonguy.com.
Not available from Amazon.
Webb, Don :
When They Came
(Temporary Culture 0-9764660-1-5, $22.5, 222pp, trade paperback, October 2006)
Collection of 23 stories, 11 of them original to this book; others are reprinted from Realms of Fantasy, Interzone, Weird Tales, and other publications.
The publisher, Henry Wessells, has this page for the book on the Avram Davidson website, with the complete table of contents, and details about the book's official launch at the World Fantasy Convention in Austin TX.
Not available from Amazon.